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1、专业四级短语Aabide by 遵守;信守to the best of ones ability 尽力地of(with) no fixed abode 居无定所come about 发生,成为现实turn about 向后转leave about 到处乱放be above one 太高深abundant in/be abundant with 有大量的without accident 平安无事的of ones own accord 自愿的in accordance with 根据on account of 因为get sth. Across 使人理解add up to 合计为admit of

2、容纳得下,有余地to ones advantage 对某人有利be after 追求,追寻one after another 一个接一个now and again 不时的be of age 成年be aged 有岁get ahead of 超越过put on airs 摆架子on the air 广播着on the alert 警惕着in all 总计all but 差一点all for 完全赞成all in all 归根到底all over 遍及all the more 更加go all out 全力以赴make allowance for 考虑到all along 一直local anes

3、thetic 局部麻醉general anesthetic 全身麻醉and so 所以one another 相互,彼此one way or another 以某种方式answer back 顶嘴answer for 对负责in answer to 作为回答in any case 不管怎样be anything but 根本不是like anything 非常;十分迅速地arm in arm 手挽手地receive with open arms 热情而高兴地欢迎be around 来around the clock 昼夜不停地around the corner 不久将来as far 至于as

4、good as 几乎已经;实际已经as far as 据;就ask after 问候ask for 请求assuming that 假定at all cost 不惜一切代价at any rate 不管怎样at ease 稍息at first sight 乍一看at hand 在身边at sea 茫然,不知所措at times 有时at war 处于交战状态at work 干活attend to 专注于;照顾attribute to 把归功于avenge oneself on 对进行报复awaken to 使认识到do away with 消灭,取消get away from 摆脱give so

5、mebody away 背弃pass away 去世right away, straight away 立即,马上Bback and forth 来回的at ones back 支持某人turn ones back on 不理;背弃be bad for 对有害go bad 腐败,变质go from bad to worse 每况愈下under the banner of 以的名义base sth on(upon) 以为基础have a bash at 尝试一下on the basis of 根据full of beans 精力充沛beat about the bush 绕弯于说话beat of

6、f 打退beat time 打拍子beat up sb 痛打某人in bed 在床上make the bed 铺床 bed 安顿睡觉before long 不久,一会以后on behalf of on sbs behalf behind the scenes 在幕后behind the times 过时fall behind 落后stay behind 留下leave behind 落下,忘了拿belong to 属于at (the) best 充其量不过at ones best 全盛时期no better than 与. .一样 不比好be better off 生活良好betw

7、een you and me 咱俩私下说few and far between 稀少talk big 吹牛bit by bit 一点一点地do ones bit 尽一份力every bit 完全(一样)to bits 成碎片bits and pieces 七零八碎的小东西 black and blue 青一块 紫一块black eye 眼圈发黑be to blame 应受责be blessed with 受惠 在方面有福blow hot and cold 变化不定blow off 吹走blow ones trumpet 自吹自擂blow ones nose 擦鼻涕blow out 吹熄blow

8、 up 爆炸at the blow 一举 一下子come to blow (over sth) (为某事)打起来once in a blue 难得一次out of blue 出乎意料地call sbs bluff 接受某人挑战above board 在桌面上,公开的,诚实的on board 在火车上,在船上board of directors 董事会boarding pass 登机牌be in the same boat 命运相同keep body and soul together 维持生命as bold as brass 极其胆大妄为book in/up 订(车票,住处)hit the b

9、ottle 酗酒keep to the bottle 酗酒over a bottle 一边喝酒 一边from the bottom of ones heart 打心底box ones ears 打耳光give sb a box on the ear 打某人一记耳光beat ones brain 绞尽脑汁have sth on the brain 一心想做brain drain 人才流失brainwork 脑力劳动earn ones bread 赚钱养家糊口break away from 与脱离break down 1.坏了 2.(身体)垮了break forth 突然迸发break in 1.

10、非法进入 2.插嘴break off 中断break out 爆发break the ice 打破僵局break through 突破break up 1.打碎,拆散 2.结束,解散above ones breath 高声地below(under) ones breath 低声地catch ones breath 喘气,松一口气hold ones breath 屏住气out of breath 上气不接下气waste ones breath 浪费口舌in brief 简而言之bring about 导致bringaround 使转而同意bring back 1.归还,带回 2.使回想起 3.使

11、恢复bring to 使苏醒 bring to an end 使结束bring to light 发现,让人知道bring to reason 使清醒过来bring up 1.提出 2.抚养on the brink of 濒临,正要之际bear the brunt of sth 首当其冲build up 建立起burn down 烧毁Burn off 烧尽 burn the midnight oil 开夜车Burn out 熄灭 burn up 1。烧掉 2。烧旺Burst into 1。闯入 2。突然开始Burst out 爆发 but for 要不是Go bust 破产 on busine

12、ss 因工作By accident 偶然地 by chance 偶然的By day 在白天 by means of 借助By mistake 出于误会 by night 在晚上By oneself 独白 by turns 轮流One by one 一个接一个By and by 不久 by and large 总的来说 Lay by, put by 储蓄CCall away 叫走 call back 1.回电 2.记起来Call by 顺便来访 call for 1. 接某人 2. 需要 3. 拿起Call off 取消 call in 召来Call on 拜访 call on sb to do

13、 sth 好招呼吁Call to mind 使想起 Call up 1. 给。打电话 2.号召。入伍As . as one can 尽可能Capitalize on 利用 with care 留心Carry away 使激动的失去自制力Carry off 拿走 carry through 进行到底;完整Carry weight 有影响力 Put the cart before the horse 本末倒置In any case 无论如何 in case 万一 In case of 万一。 objective case 宾格Nominative case 主格 cassette tape rec

14、order 盒式记录机It rains cats and dogs 大雨滂沱Be caught in 遇到 catch fire 着火Catch hold of 抓牢 catch on 理解 了解 便流行Catch sight of 一下子看到 for certain 一定 Make certain of 弄明白 take the chair 主持会议By chance 偶然 take a chance 冒险 Take ones chance 听天由命Change into 变为 change sth into 使。变成Change trains 换车 for a change 换工作环境Ch

15、artered fight 包机航班 check in/at 登机Check out 结账 check up on 核对Check over 核对 be with child 怀孕Be childs play 容易之极 chime in with sth 符合某事 In chores 齐声 at church 做礼拜 Under the circumstances 在那种情况下Under no circumstances 无论如何 Do a clean job 干得出色 clean out 打扫干净Clean up 收拾 keep clear of 避开Make clear 表明 a clea

16、rance sale 清仓大甩卖Be clever at 擅长于 be clever with 擅长使用Around the clock 夜以继日的 Put/ turn the clock back 复旧Work against the clock 赶时间Give sb the cold shoulder 冷淡对待某人In cold blood 无情的Pour/ throw cold water on 泼冷水come about 发生;形成come by 得到come down 下降;跌价come off 成功come out 1 出版 2开花;发芽 3 结果come around 1 恢复知

17、觉 2 到来Come up 1 引起注意 2 发生 3 走近come up against 遭到come upon (偶然)遇上come up to 及得上in command (of) 指挥;控制take the command of (开始)指挥in command 共同;共用compare to 把比作compare with 和.比较beyond comparison 无法相比in comparison with 和.相比较as far asbe concerned 关于show concern for 关心on condition (that) 在.条件下in conformity

18、with 遵照for consciences sake 为了问心无愧have a guilty conscience 内疚consult with 和.商议make contact with sb.(sth.) 与某人(事)交谈会晤container ship 集装箱船in control 指挥;支配;管理out of control 失去控制under control 抑制;控制be in a tight corner 陷入困境round the corner 在拐角处;不远at all costs 不惜任何代价at the cost of 以.为代价to ones cost 吃了苦头后才a

19、 couple of 两个;几个in the course of 在.中; 在.过程中crack down 镇压,取缔,扫荡be a credit to 为.增光cross out 划掉cut cross 走捷径cut down 削减,压缩cut in 插嘴cut off 1 删去 2 停止cut up 切碎Dat daggers drawn 剑拔弩张;势不两立out of date 过时up to date 现代化的,最新的a day off 不工作的一天all day 整天,从早到晚call it a day 收工,结束day and night 日日夜夜day by day 一天天day

20、 in, day out 日复一日in all ones born days 一生中of the day 当代的;当时的to this day 迄今dear knows 天晓得as sure as death 千真万确defer to 遵从,听从depart from 背离,违反,离开in depth 深入地,彻底地out of ones depth; beyond ones depth 1 深不着底 2 非.所能理解, 为.力所不能及go into details 1 详细的 2 逐渐的in detail 详说一遍,逐一说明a devil of 非常糟糕的,极麻烦的,异常的go to the

21、 devil 1 完蛋,毁灭 2 灭绝Talk of the devil; Speak of the devil (and he will appeal) 说曹操,曹操就到devote oneself to 献身,致力,沉溺于be dying for/to 渴望,巴不得die away 变弱,渐渐停止die off 1 逐渐消失 2 灭绝never say die 别气馁,别灰心be/go on a diet 节食dig sb. in the ribs 用手肘碰某人一下 (示意其对可笑的事表示欣赏) dig at; make a dig at 挖苦dig in 1 挖壕固守,使(自己)站稳脚跟

22、,巩固(自己的地位) 2 开始大吃 dig out 挖出dig up 挖起,掘起beneath ones dignity 有失身份stand on ones dignity 保持尊严dip ones hand into pocket 花钱cheap as dirt 便宜透顶的treat some like a piece of dirt 视某人如草芥at a disadvantage 处于不利地位to the disadvantage of sb; to sbs disadvantage 对某人不利at a discount 打折at discretion 随意;任意at the discre

23、tion of 任意处置with discretion 慎重地dish out 供给分发;端上(菜)dish up 盛菜at/in sbs disposal 任某人处置at a distance 有相当的距离go the distance (在运动比赛中)坚持到底,成功地完成任务keep ones distance 保持距离keep someone at a distance 冷淡对待,与某人保持距离do away with 废除,杀死do in 杀死,干掉;使筋疲力尽do up 扣上,包扎;修理,修葺, 整新have to do with; be to do with 于有关dos and

24、donts 行为准则do with 需要,想要,对待do without 将就,没有也行dog days 三伏天,酷热期a dogs life 穷困潦倒的生活go to the dogs 潦倒,堕落,毁灭love me , love my dogs 爱屋及乌rain cats and dogs 大雨滂沱put on (the) dog 摆架子,装腔作势make a sleepy dog 惹事生非,惹麻烦work like a dog 拼命工作,苦干in the doldrums 无精打采;不活跃,无进展on the dole 接受事业救济金over and done with 完结,了解,结束

25、behind closed/locked doors 秘密的,背地里的(from door to door)从一处直接到另一处,挨门逐户的by the back door 走后门,秘密地packed to the doors 被挤的水泄不通till doomsday 永远on the dot 准时地at/on the double 迅速,立即地;以跑步方式beyond doubt 无疑地in doubt 不确定的,可怀疑的no doubt 确实地;很可能,公认的go downhill 每况愈下,走下坡路down the drain 被浪费掉,化为乌有beyond sbs wildest dre

26、am 出乎意料低like a dream 轻而易举地,完美的be driving at 意指,示意drop back/behind 落后drop in 顺边或偶然拜访drop out 退学run dry 流干,耗尽fall/become/come due 到期,期满give sb his due 公道地对待,给某人应有的评价(down) in the dumps 沮丧的,抑郁的in duplicate 一式两份地as dry as dust 枯燥无味地dust and ashes 令人失望的事物in the dust 入土的,死去的,受辱的throw dust into sbs eyes 迷惑

27、(蒙蔽)某人beat the Dutch 令人吃惊的off duty 下了班的,不当班的on duty 在上班的dwell on 老想着,详叙,长谈;凝视,持续Ebe eager to do sth 渴望做某事all ears 全神贯注地听up to ones ears in 深陷于,忙于earn ones living 谋生on earth 世界上,在人间;究竟,到底at ease 舒适,自在;稍息ill at ease 不自在,局促不安eat ones words 承认错误at a low ebb 处于低潮(衰退)阶段on the ebb 正在(衰弱)减弱be of no effect 无

28、效carry/bring into effect 实行,突现come/go into effect 开始(实行)生效have an effect on sth 对有影响,有效力in effect 实际上,正在实行on the effect that 大意是;以便make an effort 做出努力spare no effort 不遗余力in ones element 很适应,得其所out of ones element 不适应,不得其所in embryo 肌肉的,未发展的,在谋划中的lay/put/place emphasis on sth 把重点放点At an end 结束,完结Come

29、to an end 告终,结束,完结From end to end 从头到尾In the end 最终结果On end 1.竖着 2.连续的Make ends meet 使收支相抵,量入为出Put an end to 结束,终止End in 以为结果,以而告终End up 结束,告终Be endowed with 天生具有,有天赋Make an enemy 树敌Engage in 从事于Enjoy oneself 尽情玩,过得快活Even if/thought 即使 Evening dress 晚礼服Evening school 夜校At/in all events 无论如何In the ev

30、ent 结果,到头来In the event of 万一,倘若Ever since 从来Ever so 非常Every now and then/again 不时地,间或Every other 每隔Set a good example 树立好榜样To the exclusion of sb(sth) 排除Make an excuse for 为找借口In excuse of 作为的辩解Exert oneself 尽力,努力Come into existence 出现At the expense of 以为代价;由付费Make/carry out an experiment 进行实验Catch ones eye 引人注意Cry ones eyes

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