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1、六年级英语上下册总复习六年级上册重点短语复习Unit1. Its time to play the eye exercises 2.go out to play 3.Its time to do sth. 4.have a rest 5.after that 6. play the violin 7.right now 8.of course half past six TV 11.brush ones teeth that time 13.take a walk good for 15.have no time 16

2、.have dinner 17.half past two两点半Unit2. Im healthy.1.How often 2.a lot of 3.drink milk 4.healthy food 5.twice a week 6.once a month well in sports the day tennis 11.three times a week good for对有好处 after追赶 night在晚上Unit3. Care for the for the eart

3、h 2.have to 3.Why not?为什么不?后加动词原形 ,同义句为Why dont you 4. World Car Free Day bad things to对做坏事/损害6.should/shouldnt+动词原形 7.plant trees 8.go to work 9.too much+不可数名词/too many+可数名词的复数11.on the earth在地球上 12. care for关心,爱护 13.Unit4. Lets go on a picnic.1. go on a picnic 2. Whats up? the foot of mo

4、untains e back回来5.would like to do sth(同义句)want to do sth想要做某事 , Would you like some chicken?否定回答是No,thanks. Unit5. It was here just now.1.just now front of 3.thirty years old 4.six hundred 5.two thousand that time 7.I m afraid it was lost. 8.under the bed在床底下9.behind the door在们后面 10.thirt

5、y years ago 11.Were you?其肯定回答为Yes,I was.否定回答为No,I wast.Unit61.ill in bed 2.clean the window 3.herself 4.Im sorry to hear that. 5.What happened to her/him她/他怎么了?6.didnt+动词原形Unit7. I had a good time.1.take photos 2.on the first day 3.have a good time 4.make a cake 5.stay at home呆在家里 6.learn to do sth学

6、着做某事Unit8. New years party.1.short play the beginning 首先,起初 3.finally 4.What do you usually do at a birthday party?at the party在聚会上5.thinkof认为 games玩游戏 7.make sb+形容词,使某人,如make me happy使我快乐 about+动词ing形式9.colorful lights彩灯六年级下册重点短语复习Unit 1. May I speak to Kitty?1.与.交谈 speak to. 2.捎个

7、口信 take a message 3.考虑 think about 4.在电话上 on the phone 5.照相 take photos / take a picture 6.去购物 go shopping 7.go on a picnic: 去野餐 1.ask sb. to do sth. 让某人干某事 2.will/wont + 动原: 一般将来时3.use sth. to do sth.:使用某物干某事 4.hope to do sth.:希望干某事5.too much+不可数名词 / too many+可数名词的复数 .6.One.,the other.一个,另一个 7.Woul

8、d you like to do sth.?你愿意干某事吗?8.have to do sth.:不得不干某事Unit 2. What would you like? 1.稍等 wait a minute 2.一碗西红柿面 a bowl of tomato noodles 3.什么种类 what kind of 4.打电话订餐 call for food 5.三块鸡肉three pieces of chicken 6.一双筷子 a pair of chopsticks 7.两盘饺子 two plates of dumplings 8.三杯水 three glasses of water 9.四片

9、面包 four pieces of bread10.其它的什么吗? anything else 11.顺便问一下 by the way 12.两个汉堡 two hamburgers 13.Something to drink 一些和的东西 14.感觉饿的 feel hungry 15:拿起 take up 16:一些蔬菜 some vegetable to do sth./ like doing sth.:喜欢干某事 2.for+三餐3.Its time to do sth.= Tts time for sth.:该到干某事的时候了4.How much:多少钱(对钱提问) 5.H

10、ow many + 名词的复数:多少(对数量提问)Unit 3 Whos that man?1.在.岁时 at the age of. 2.一所希望学校 a hope school 3.一位伟大的科学家 a great scientist 4.建立 set up 5.一个著名的歌手 a famous singer 6.在过去 in the past 7.学习游泳 learn to swim 8.在草原上工作 work on the grassland 1.who:谁(对人提问) helpful to sb:对某人是有帮助的3.What does he/she do?= What is

11、 he/she?:他、她是干什么的(对职业提问)4.with:戴(指戴眼镜或帽子) / in+颜色/衣服:穿.衣服5.want to be+职业:想要成为. bad for:对.有坏处 7.start to do sth:开始干某事 8.should/shouldnt +动原8.make sb. Sth./+形容词:让某人干某事/使某人.样的 sb. do sth.= help sb. with sth.:帮助某人干某事Unit 4 At the sports meeting1.参加 take part in 2.举办一场运动会have a sports meeting

12、3.期初 at first 4.在某方面做得好 do well in 5.最好的祝福 best wishes 6.在运动会上 at he sports meeting7.在男子100米赛跑中 in the boys 100-meter-race good at doing sth.:擅长干某事 2.How often:对频度副词提问(once/twice /three times a year) 3.had better do sth.:最好干某事/had better not do sth.:最好不要干某事月:在月Unit 5 What is he like?1.有点严肃

13、 a little serious 2.一个外向的 an outgoing girl 3.对和蔼 be kind to 4.容易理解 easy to understand 5认为 think of 6.长头发 long hair 7.What +(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语/ How +形容词/副词+主语+谓语!:感叹句Unit 6 A school sale1.两瓶胶水 two bottles of glues 2.等等 and so on 3.两把剪刀 two pairs of scissors 4.弹吉它 play the guitar 5.在校园义卖会上 at the sch

14、ool sale 6.一部新电影 a new film 7.帮助穷孩子 help the poor children 8.坐火车 by train/ take the train 9.在儿童节 on the Childrens Day 10.许多种类的 many kinds of 11.在义卖前/后 before /after the sale 12.谈论 talk about 13.第一/二/三次 the first/ second/ third time 14.在我们学校 in our school 1.There will be +名词:将会有 2.give sb. sth.= give

15、 sth. to sb.:把某物给某人3.There is+(a/an)+名词的单数+地点 /There are +名词的复数+地点:在某处有某物 sb. do sth.= help sb. with sth.:帮助某人干事Unit 7 Shanghai is in the south of China.1.西湖 the West Lake 2.开会 have a meeting 3.过来 come on 4.第一天 the first day 5.一条繁忙的街道 a busy street 6.步行到 walk to 7.一个著名的水镇 a famous water town 8

16、.名胜古迹 place of interest 9.许多的名胜古迹 many places of interest10.沿途 along the way 11.在中国的南部 in the south of China Unit 8 Whats your dream?1.想要成为 want to be 2.从现在开始 from now on 3.努力学习 work hard 4.一个篮球运动员 a basketball player 5.环游世界 travel around of the world 6.实现 come true 7.在班会上 at the class meeting 8.像鸟一

17、样飞 fly like a bird 1.want to do sth.= would like to do sth.:想要干某事2.Whose:谁的(对形容词性的物主代词或名词所有格提问)词型转换1.we(宾格) 2.teach(名词) 3.feel(过去式) 4.think(过去式)过去式) 6.south(对应词) 7.hard(同义词) 8.give(过去式) 9.we(形代) 10.swim(现分词) 11.swim(过去式)形容词) 13.friend(形容词) 14.tomato(复数) 15.lose(过去式) 15.send(过去式) 16.t

18、each(单三) 17.sing(名词) 18.brought(原形) 19.hard-working(反义词)加-ing)复数) 23.happy(副词) 24.try(单三) 25.Will(否定式)过去式)过去式) 28.act(名词) 29.shy(反义词) 30.message(复数) 31.has(原形) 32.quick(副词) 33.Ill(完全形式) 34.Id(完全形式) 35.go(过去式) 36.wont(完全形式) 37.Lets(完全形式) 38.shouldt(完全形式)复数

19、) e(单三) 41.want(过去式) 42.have(过去式)序数词) 4.two(序数词) 45.three(序数词) 46.nine(序数词) 47.eight(序数词) 49.five(序数词) 50.should(否定式) 51.get(过去式) 52.kind(反义词) 53.see(过去式)过去式) 54.lazy(反义词) 55. poor(反义词) 56.color(形容词) 57.sell(反义词) 58.our(主格) 59.bring(反义词) 60.child(复数) 61.good(副词) 62.go(过去式)复

20、数) 64.visit(过去式)过去式) 66.interest(形容词) 67.take(过去式) 68.walk(过去式) 69.who(形代)名词) 71.tooth(复数) e(现在分词) 73.hour(同音词) 74.nine(序数词) 75.两次(汉译英) 76.ask(反义词) 77.good(比较级) 78.are(过去式)过去式) 80.I(反身代词) 81.sing(过去式) 82.candy(复数) 83.tell(过去式) 84.after(反义词) 85.make(过去式)反义词) 改错题1.I wa

21、nt to be a science. A B C ( )改为 2.My sister is a policeman. A B C ( )改为 3.She likes sing and dancing. A B C ( )改为 4.What will you sale? A B C ( )改为 5.There are no answer.A B C ( )改为 6.Can I taking a message?A B C ( )改为 7.They have a sports meeting yesterday. A B C ( )改为 8.Amy lose the high jump yest

22、erday. A B C ( )改为 9.Are you good at play basketball? A B C ( )改为 10.Kitty win the girls throwing. A B C ( )改为 11.He look a little serious. A B C ( )改为 12.What do you think about her?A B C ( )改为 13.Its in the west on China. A B C ( )改为 14.I see it under the bed just now. A B C ( )改为 15.I always eat

23、health food. A B C ( )改为 16.My father drinks many tea every day. A B C ( )改为 17. Not waste so much water. A B C ( )改为 18.What are you go to do this weekend. A B C ( )改为 19.Was he helpful? Yes, he is.A B C ( )改为 20.You have walk to school today. A B C ( )改为 21.What do you do at the party,then? A B C

24、( )改为 句型转换专项练习1. The girl is singing in the classroom.(改为否定句和一般疑问句) 2. They are lookingfor bag.(对画线部分提问)3.I ammending my bikenow. 4. There aretwelvestudents in our class.(同上) 5. I can speak English.(改为一般疑问句和否定句) 6. I have a desk and a chair.(用now改写句子) 7. I amill.(对画线部分提问) 8. Does she like growing fl

25、owers?(否定回答) 9. Itsten oclock.(对画线部分提问) 10. She is an English girl. (变为复数) 11. He has a brother(一般疑问句和否定句) 12. I like autumn best. (一般疑问句和否定句) 13. Please turn off the light.(改为否定句) 14. It is a fine day today.(改为感叹句) 15. Id like to eat some apples.(改为一般疑问句) 16. He often cleans his bedroom.(改为一般疑问句和否定句) 17. He did his homework in the classroom.(一般疑问句和否定句) 18. Helen is good at singing.(同义句) 19. He does well in Math. (改为一般疑问句和否定句) 20.I like autumn best.( 同义句) 21.TheygotoBeijing byplane.(对划线部分提

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