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教案2Module2 整单元 外研版必修3.docx

1、教案2Module2 整单元 外研版必修3Book Module 2Developing and Developed CountriesPeriodMar. Lead in. A big gap remains between the worlds rich and poor countries. The yearly UN Human Development Report in 2004 showed that little improvement had been made in poor countries. b5E2RGbCAPNorway remains on the top of

2、the list, but the United States dropped to number eight. China is at number 94 out of the 177 countries. p1EanqFDPwDeveloping and developed countries still have many differences. One measure of development is the education index (指数. In developing countries this is 0.71 but in developed countries it

3、 is 0.96. The index measures literacy (读写能力and school attendance. The other measures are life expectancy and income. DXDiTa9E3d.Introduction 1. Fill in the box and write as many countries as you know. RTCrpUDGiTContinent Country2. Do Ex. 2 on page 11. 3. In your opinion, which are the biggest proble

4、ms for developing countries ? Why?5PCzVD7HxA. Reading and Vocabulary 1. Answer the questions according to the text. . In what ways does the HDI (Human Development Index measure a countrys achievement?jLBHrnAILgWhat is the example of successful development that the 2003 Human Development Report give?

5、xHAQX74J0XWhat problems does the text mention about developing countries?LDAYtRyKfE We can ask the students to retell the text according to the questions. Zzz6ZB2Ltk2. Answer the following questions. The Index measures a countrys achievement in the following ways EXCEPT.dvzfvkwMI1 A. life expectancy

6、 B. education C. income D. resource rqyn14ZNXIWhich country is at the bottom of the list? A. Sweden. B. Sierra Leone. C. China. D. Norway. EmxvxOtOcoThe country that gives the most money to the developing countries is . SixE2yXPq5 A. Iceland B. Netherlands C. Switzerland D. Indonesia6ewMyirQFLWhy di

7、d the world leaders agree to work together? A. To reduce money by 2018 or earlier. B. To reduce poverty by 2018 or earlier. kavU42VRUs C. To reduce disease by 2018 or earlier. D. To improve life by 2018 or earlier. y6v3ALoS89From the text, we can know China . A. is in the thirteen position of the li

8、st B. increased life expectancy by 13 years in nine yearsM2ub6vSTnP C. is a developed country D. has 115 million children who are not being educated 0YujCfmUCwAccording to the text, which of the following statements is TRUE?eUts8ZQVRd A. One of the most important goals is to make sure all children h

9、ave education. sQsAEJkW5T B. Every day 799 million people in developed countries are hungry. GMsIasNXkA C. Austria is at number four of the list. D. The bottom five countries of the list are all African countries. TIrRGchYzgThe last paragraph mainly tells us . A. China has made enough progress in th

10、e past B. developed countries need to give developing countries more help7EqZcWLZNX C. some examples successful of development D. the countries that give the most money are the poorest countrieslzq7IGf02EWhat does the passage show us? A. The Human Development Index and eight Development Goals. zvpge

11、qJ1hkB. What the developing and developed countries need to do. NrpoJac3v1 C. Some successful development examples. D. All of above. . Finish the exercise 3. 5 on page. 13. The key:II 略III 1略 21-5DBBBB 6-8DBDBook Module 2Developing and Developed CountriesPeriodMar. Check the homework:1、疾病同义词)2、教育v.n

12、.adj.受过教育的3、贫穷n.adj.4、工业n.adj. Language points:1. develop vt./vi. (3(4我养成了定期复习所学知识的习惯。 I what I learned regularly. 你是否把照片冲洗出来了? Have you your photos?扩展: 发达的adj. 发展n. 发展中的adj. 随着的发展2. hunger adj.adv. have a hunger for 挨饿这个男孩有很强的求知欲。 The boy 许多人正在挨饿,成百的学生已死于饥饿。 A great number of people are and hundred

13、s of children have . 1nowfTG4KI3. consumption price index (CPI a subject index to a magazine card indexes in a library 4. measure. v.量,测量 “一定会”Its possible /probable /likely that “很有可能”随堂练习 1、短语: 1)到11岁 2)同意做某事3)采取措施做某事 4)在顶部 5)在底部 6)确保 7)增长到 8)鼓励某人做某事9)脱离贫困 10)取得进步 11)努力做某事 12)减少了2、单词拼写 of this cou

14、ntry. 2MiJTy0dTTin England now. in life is to write a book. of your research?5)They have lived in p all their lives. 6)Mother m me to see what size of shoes I should have.gIiSpiue7Ain spoken English. uEh0U1Yfmhof imagination. IAg9qLsgBX9)U, belts are worn only by a small percentage of drivers and pa

15、ssengers. WwghWvVhPE10)Many European countries are developed inations. asfpsfpi4k 发展 发达(2 开发(3 养成习惯(4冲洗 I developed the habit of reviewing PgdO0sRlMo had; developed 拓展 developed development developing with the development3cdXwckm15 2 hungry hugrily 渴望,欲望 go hungry 。has a hunger for learning ;h8c52WO

16、ngM 。going hungry died of hunger 3消费物价指数 ; 杂志的标题索引; 图书馆的卡片索引4 警察测定了该车行驶的速度。The room measures 12 feet by 13 feet。5 a short while while I was preparing dinner while I understand your viewpointI like classical music,while she likes sports。v4bdyGious6 with tears in her eyes with the window openWith so m

17、any things to deal withJ0bm4qMpJ97The members of the group are mostly young people。 Dezhou is a most beautiful city。I almost fell off the bike。8 make efforts/every/an effort spare no effort with effort without effortXVauA9grYP9 B B随堂练习1 up to the age of 11 agree to do take messures to do at the top

18、of at the bottom ofbR9C6TJscw make sure increase to encourage sb to do move out of poverty make progresspN9LBDdtrd make efforts to do 2 income educated goal developments poverty measured especially poverty DJ8T7nHuGTUnfortunately industrial reducedBook Module 2Developing and Developed CountriesPerio

19、dMar.1. Some experts think that language learning is much for children as their tongues QF81D7bvUA are more flexible. A. easy B. easier C. easily D. more easily2. Is your headache getting ?No, its worse. A. better B. bad C. less D. well 3. Why didnt you buy the camera you had longed for?4B7a9QFw9hI

20、had planned to. But I was 50 . A. fewer B. less C. cheap D. short 4. John is the tallest boy in the class, according to himself. ix6iFA8xoX A. five foot eight as tall as B. as tall as five foot eight wt6qbkCyDE C. as five foot eight tall as D. as tall five foot eight as Kp5zH46zRk5. He speaks Englis

21、h well indeed, but of course not a native speaker. Yl4HdOAA61 A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently than6. I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down. ch4PJx4BlIYou can never be careful in the street. A. much B. very C. so D.

22、too 7. most of the earths surface is covered by water, fresh water is very rare and precious. qd3YfhxCzo A. As B. Once C. If D. Although8. It is known to all that you exercise regularly, you wont keep good health. E836L11DO5 A. unless B. whenever C. although D. if 9. You must keep on working in the

23、evening, you are sure you can finish the task in time. S42ehLvE3M A. as B. if C. when D. unless 10. you call me to say youre not coming, Ill see you at the theatre. 501nNvZFis A. Though B. Whether C. Until D. Unless 11. He was about to tell me the secret someone patted him on the shoulder. jW1viftGw

24、9 A. as B. until C. while D. when 12. Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her?xS0DOYWHLPYes. I gave it to her I saw her. A. while B. the moment C. suddenly D. once 13. The WTO cannot live up to its name it does not include a country that is home to one LOZMkIqI0wfifth of mankind. A. as

25、long as B. while C. if D. even thoughZKZUQsUJed14. They wanted to charge $5000 for the car, we managed to bring the price down. dGY2mcoKtT A. but B. so C. when D. since 15. Somebody wants you on the telephone. no one knows Im here. A. For B. And C. But D. So 16. Follow your doctors advice, your cough will get worse. rCYbSWRLIA A. or B. and C. then D. so 17. Unlike watching TV,

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