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1、广东高考英语作文难词带翻译(1)第卷 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节基础写作(共1小题;满分15分) 假如你是某班班长,最近你和班委们要组织一次郊游,有关本次活动的信息如下:游览地点 白云山郊游原因 高三学生忙于准备高考,学习压力大,应劳逸结合。郊游目的 1亲近大自然,呼吸新鲜空气,享受阳光;2欣赏美景之余放松自己,释放压力,提高学习效率。出发时间 本周日上午8:00集中地点 学校门口参考词汇:高考College Entrance Examination【写作内容】 请你根据上面表格提供的信息,向同学们介绍组织这次郊游的原因和目的等情况,动员全班同学参加这次活动。【写作要求】 1只能使用5个

2、句子表达全部内容。 2文章的开头和结尾已经为你写好(所给句子不计入5个句子之中)。【评分标准】 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。 We have decided to go for an outing to Baiyun Mountain thisweekendI hope all the students can take part in the activity.One possible version :We have decided to go for an outing to Baiyun Mountain this weekend.As we all know, we s

3、enior 3 students are so busy preparing for the coming College Entrance Examination that we are faced with great pressure and have little time to do something else. In order to keep a balance between work and leisure, we think its a good idea for us to get close to nature on the weekend to breathe th

4、e fresh air and enjoy the sunshine. By doing that, not only can we enjoy the beautiful scenery but we can also relax ourselves. Meanwhile, we can ease our pressure and make our study more efficient. Those who want to take part in the outing are expected to meet at the school gate at 8 :00 this Sunda

5、y morning. I hope all the students can take part in the activity.activity活动pressure压力balance平衡leisure休闲breathe呼吸sunshine阳光scenery风景Meanwhile同时ease安逸efficient有效率的expected预期的Entrance Examination入学考试第二节读写任务(共l小题:满分25分) 阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150字左右的英语短文。 Some years ago, leaving the farm to work in the city, th

6、reebrothers were employed by the same company and on the same pay.But three years later, they received different wages. So their fatherwas confused and decided to pay a visit to the boss, who told himthat he would let his sons explain for themselves. The three brothers were asked by the supervisor t

7、o go to theairport to get a cargo inventory at different times. Jim, who received500 dollars a month, got the information on the phone instead ofgoing to the airport himself. Frank, the l, 000 dollars a monthbrother with a list of more cargoes. George, the l, 500 dollars amonth brother came back wit

8、h detailed information and also didsomething extra without being told.cargoes货物received被一般承认的wages薪水themselves他们自己supervisor管理者cargo货物inventory详细目录information数据detailed详细的extra额外之物being told.被告诉。employed雇用(写作内容】 1概括该故事的内容要点,大约30个词左右。 2就“态度决定一切”这个主题发表你的看法,至少包含以下内容要点,大约120个词左右。 (1)你认为是什么导致三兄弟的薪酬差异; (2

9、)你从这个故事得到什么启示; (3)你对“态度决定一切”如何理解? : (4)举一对比事例说明不同的学习态度产生不同的结果。【写作要求】 你可以使用实例或使用其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得抄袭阅读材料中的句子。【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。One possible version : Three brothers, who worked for the same company, received different wages筹 due to their different attitudes towards their work, whi

10、ch shows right attitude is of great help to ones life. From the story I can conclude that those who take positive attiude towards work will be rewarded. Different attitudes lead to different results. Take Xiao Hua and Xia Li as an example. They are both my classmates. Not only does Xiao Hua put his

11、heart into study, but he is also helpful both to teachers and students. So he has become a top student in our class, even in the grade. With his diligence and concentration, he is bound to succeed in entering his ideal university. However, Xiao Li never cares about his study because he is addicted t

12、o playing games. He turns a deaf ear to the teachers advice. As a result, he falls far behind others in his study.In my opinion, attitude is everything. No matter what you do, you must do it well even if you may fail many times. Sooner or later you will be rewarded for your postive attiude towards y

13、our work or life.attitudes态度right权利conclude总结Positive积极put his heart into把他的心放入helpful有帮助的diligence勤奋concentration集中bound to约束的到addicted上瘾的deaf ear聋的耳朵rewarded(2)第卷 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节基础写作(共1小题;满分15分)【写作内容】 1假设美国某中学的学生明天来你校访问交流,主题是高中生对文、理科的选择。请你用英语写一篇120个词左右的发言稿,向他们介绍你所做的选择,并说明选择的理由。 2开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数

14、;参考词汇:文科arts;理科:science【写作要求】 1只能用5个句子表达全部内容。 2短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息。【评分标准】 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。Good afternoon , everyone. Welcome to our school !One possible version : Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome to our school! High school students are faced with a choice between arts and science. and it. was not

15、an easy choice for me to make. After careful consideration, I decided on science as my main subject of study. Science graduates are in greater demand than arts ones in China and the science major can help meachieve my childhood dream of becoming a scientist. Meanwhile my parents wish me to study sci

16、ence at college because they believe I will have a brighter future as a science student. Morever, my physics teacher is my role model, whose influenceon me had a lot to do with my decision. Thanks !faced with面对与consideration考考虑demand要求major主修科目childhood孩童时期decision决定brighter future比较光明的未来role model偶

17、像influence影响力Meanwhile同时第二节读写任务(共1小题;满分25分) 阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Good morning, ladies and gentleman. Welcome to my lectureabout the influence of work on our health. According to scientists,they find that hard-working people live longer than average men andwomen. Career women are healthier tha

18、n housewives. Evidenceshows that the jobless are in poorer health than the job-holders. Astudy shows that whenever the employment rate increases by l% ,the death rate decreases correspondingly by 2%. All this comesdown to one point: work is helpful to health. Why is work good for health? It is becau

19、se work keeps peoplebusy and away from loneliness. Researches show that people feelunhappy , worried and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead ,the happiest are those who are busy. Work serves as a bridgebetween man and reality. By work, people come into contact w-itheach other. By collective

20、 activities , they find friendship and warmth.This is helpful to health. The loss of work means the loss ofeverything. It affects man spiritually and makes him likely todisease. On the other hand, work gives one a sense of fulfillment and asense of achievement. Work makes one feel his value and stat

21、us insociety. When a writer finishes his writing or a teacher sees hisstudents grow, they are happy beyond words.lecture演讲influence影响力scientists科学家average平均Career事业employment rate就业率loneliness寂寞Researches研究society社会warmth温暖spiritually精神上地fulfillment实现collective activities集体的活动写作内容】 1以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

22、 2以约120个词就“The harder you work,the happier youwill be”的主题发表看法,并包括如下要点: (1)你对这一观点的看法; (2)假如你在学习或工作中遇到了困难,你打算怎么做; (3)如何才能更好地做到努力学习并快乐生活。【写作要求】 1作文中可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子甚至抄袭阅读材料中的句子。 2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,语篇连贯。 Study hard and enjoy yourselves The author highlights the effect of wo

23、rk on peoples health, because it can rid one of loneliness. and make one feel fruitful and proud of himself, which always contributes to a good body. In common with the author . I agree that the harder you work , the happier you will be, as hard work can keep a person busy, and give one a sense of a

24、chievement, hence(因此) he will be self-confident and feel happy. Around me, some of classmates work very hard , hoping to fulfill their dream. They dont seem unhappy. Oppositely , they try to find fun even under the pressure of the NMET. For example, they may share the joy with others when working ou

25、t a problem .Sometimes they may play a trick on his partner using the newly-learned idioms, thus refresh themselves quickly. As for me , I think only when we truly experience what fun it is , can we spare no effort to study hard and meanwhile enjoy ourselves.author作家highlights加亮区rid免除loneliness寂寞fru

26、itful成功的proud of骄傲的contributes有助于common通常的sense感觉achievement成就self-confident有自信的fulfill实现experience经验working out想出trick把戏诡计newly-learned崭新获悉的Idioms习惯thus如此refresh使恢复truly真正pressure压力(3)第卷 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节基础写作(共1小题;满分15分) 你是英语校报的一名小记者,最近进行了一次采访,以下是这次采访的情况:【写作内容】时 间上周末对 象心理学教授Kelly Lam主 题中国学生关于分享感受的看法

27、基本信息(1)无论是快乐或者忧愁,超过30%的学生都不愿意和其他人分享;(2)我们的教育没有让孩子知道分享的重要性。专家观点(1)我们所生活的这个时代,学会分享感受是非常必要的;(2)应该学会如何分享感受,它对未来的成长十分有利。【写作要求】 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。【评分标准】 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。参考词汇:心理学psychology - One possible version : Last weekend, I am very lucky to interview Kelly Lam, a professor of psychology, talking ab

28、out the Chinese students opinions on sharing feelings. In China, more than 30% of the students are unwilling to share their feelings no matter when they are delighted or worried. Whats worse, our education doesnt let children know the importance of sharing. Professor Lam believes that we live in a t

29、ime in which sharing feelings is so necessary. Therefore, students should learn how to share their feelings, which is beneficial to their growth in the future.future.未来。psychology心理学opinions意见sharing分享delighted高兴的worried焦虑的worse更坏的事education教育necessary必需beneficial有益的growth 生长professor教授第二节读写任务(共1小题;

30、满分25分) 阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 In recent years educators and parents have become concernedabout the poor performance of boys in school. The so-called boycrisis (危机 ) in education refers to both their academicperformance and their behavior. In both areas boys results are muchworse than girls. .

31、 USA data shows that boys rank behind girls in almost all areasof schooling. They earn lower grades overall in primary school andhigh school. They are behind girls in reading and writing, and 30percent of them are in the bottom quarter of standardized tests,compared with 19 percent of girls. Boys ar

32、e also more likely to havebehavioral problems, to repeat a grade and to drop out of schoolaltogether. Studies in China have found similar trends. Although the causes of the boy crisis are not fullyunderstood, some experts believe that same-sex( boys-only and girls-only) classrooms and schools may help solve the proble

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