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本文(高中英语 完形填空精析精练专题九 说明文完形填空解题指导与训练教师版.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

高中英语 完形填空精析精练专题九 说明文完形填空解题指导与训练教师版.docx

1、高中英语 完形填空精析精练专题九 说明文完形填空解题指导与训练教师版高考英语完形填空精析精练说明文完形填空解题指导与训练9【考点定位】 2011考纲解读和近几年考点分布说明文在完形填空中所占的比例不大,但是由于其能很好地考查考生对人、事或物的表达能力,所以在高考完形填空中也常有出现。说明文文体的完形填空难度一般低于阅读理解。在设空方而充分体现了对考生知识运用的要求:以实词为主,对名词、动词、形容词和副词等的考查比例约占90%,绝人多数题目的解答都要从全文的角度进行判断,这一命题思路体现了“语篇意识”。说明文文体的完形填空一般用言简意赅的文字,按照一定的方法介绍事物,解释事理,其最显著的特点是:

2、开头点题,结构条理。考生做题的关键在于理清文章结构,把握全文大意。常见的说明文有自我介绍、人物介绍(传记)、地方介绍、习俗介绍、节日介绍、方法(步骤)介绍,产品说明、实验报告、科普小品、读书报告和新闻报道等。这类文章主要有以下几个特点: 1. 内容的客观性。 说明文客观地说明、介绍、解释或报道客观的人物、事物或发生的现象,使读者获取一定的信息或知识,语言直白,没有主观的评论或情感的抒发。 2. 篇章的条理性。 说明文层次分明,脉落清晰,有条有理。有的按空间顺序进行说明,有的按时间顺序进行说明,有的按因果关系进行说明,有的按先主后次的顺序进行说明,有的先概述后举例,有的先举例后概述,也有的按事情

3、的逻辑关系展开(如:解析为什么,如何做等方面的问题),等等。 3. 语言的朴实性。 说明文的目的是让读者获取信息,明白事理,因此,文章的作者会用朴实、易懂和准确的语言或使用数据进行说明,不浮夸,不加描述和议论。 【考点pk】 名师考点透析解题技巧 要保证答题的速度和效率,可采用下列解题技巧: 1. 根据上下文的词语暗示来选择。 找到上下文的相关信息,特别是有暗示性的词语,就容易找到正确的选项了。 2. 根据上下文的行文逻辑来选择。 短文是由有一定逻辑关系的句子组成的,任何一句话都不是孤立存在的,而是要靠上下文作依托,相互之间存在一定的联系。只要我们把握好了空格上下文的行文逻辑,再活用所学语言知

4、识,就能选出正确答案。 3. 根据文化背景和生活常识来选择。 有时,先前所积累的文化背景知识和生活常识有利于正确解答完形填空题。 4. 紧扣上下文,巧用排除法。 有时,很难从正面确定答案,尤其是答案碰巧是一个你不认识的单词,而其他三个选项你都认识的时候,紧扣上下文,巧用排除法往往会给你惊喜。 当然,有时一个技巧可以解一题,有时解一题需用到多个技巧和多项知识,而有时单凭语感就能找到答案。不管怎样,不断积累语言知识,丰富文化背景知识,提高快速阅读,特别是跳读的能力,借鉴上述解题方法加以多练,并不断进行反思和总结,就一定会享受到解题的成功感。 【精选试题】 精析精练(安徽省合肥市2010年高三第三次

5、教学质量检测)Children and young people tend to have certain role models people they want to be like when they grow 36 . Though 37 children would have wished to copy their mother, father or a (n) 38 relative, gradually these role models are thought of as famous people or popular 39 . People have different

6、opinions about 40 popular stars or other famous people are good role models for children. Charming models, such as Katie Price, are often admired and 41 by young girls. This is the biggest worry of parents and teachers. They wish to 42 the concept that success is achieved through hard work and 43 ra

7、ther than an attractive looking.Most people tend to grow up to be those who are 44 home their parents or family friends. Some decide to be like their favorite teacher. A child who loves to 45 may want to grow to be the next Picasso or Van Gogh; Someone who loves to 46 might imagine themselves as a f

8、amous writer; if a child enjoys dancing, he or she 47 well admire a famous dancer, but this is not the 48 . A lot of dance students wish to be like their 49 teacher.Therefore, the job of a teacher is 50 just providing knowledge of a given subject. They should be able to 51 their students trust and 5

9、2 them well. Helping youngsters to learn from models, to learn how to accept 53 with grace and losing with dignity, is central to any parents or teachers job. Manners are very important and a dance teacher can 54 his or her position and influence to 55 good behaviors to youngsters.36Ayounger Bstrong

10、er Colder Dtaller37Aat first Bat last Cat least Dat most38Agenerous Bfavorite Cordinary Dhumorous39Afans Bstars Csingers Ddancers40Athat Bwhy Cwhether Dif41Alooked down upon Bthought highly of Ccaught up with Dmade fun of42Aencourage Breceive Chold Dignore43Aluck Bimagination Ceffort Dcreativity44As

11、imilar to Bdifferent from Cfar from Dclose to45Aread and write Bsing and dance Clisten and speak Ddraw and paint46Awrite Bread Ctravel Dthink47Ashould Bmay Cmust Dneed48Adeal Btrouble Cmatter Dcase49Adance Bmusic Cart Dpiano50Abetter than Bless than Cmore than Drather than51Areceive Blose Cgain Dacc

12、ept52Acommunicate with Bkeep up with Cnegotiate with Dput up with53Achallenging Bfalling Cfailing Dwinning54Amake use of Blose control of Ctake charge of Dget rid of55Aturn Bpress Cintroduce Dpush【文章大意】大多年轻人都有自己心目中崇拜的偶像,而且随着成长还会变化。文章通过实例说明:教师的工作不仅是传授知识,更是以身作则。36【答案】C【解析】由语境知,当他们长大时成为他们心目中楷模的形象。故C项正确

13、。37【答案】A【解析】similar to相似;different from不同于;far from远离;close to接近。联系下文可知,大多数人长大后趋向于成为与家人接近的人。故D项正确。45【答案】D【解析】由Picasso or Van Gogh可知D项正确。46【答案】A【解析】由“a famous writer知A项正确。47【答案】B【解析】联系语境知,若一个孩子喜欢跳舞,那么他也许很羡慕著名的舞蹈演员。48【答案】D【解析】deal交易,待遇;trouble麻烦;matter事件,原因;case情况,实例。联系语境知,但这并不是实际情况。49【答案】A【解析】由语境知,许多

14、舞蹈学生想成为像他们舞蹈老师那样的人。故A项正确。50【答案】C【解析】联系上文知,一个老师的工作远远超过只是给学生传授知识。故C项正确。51【答案】C【解析】由语境知,老师应该能够赢得学生的信任。gain获得。52【答案】A 【解析】communicate with与交流;keep up、with跟上;negotiate with谈判;put up而th容忍,由语境知,老师能和学生坦诚交流。故A项正确。53【答案】D【解析】联系语境知,帮助年轻人向楷模学习,优雅地接受胜利,有尊严地看待失败:根据并列成分“with grace and losing withdignity知D项正确。54【答案

15、】A【解析】make use of利用;lose control of失控;take charge of负责;get rid of摆脱。此处指舞蹈老师要利用自己的工作和影响,故A项正确。55【答案】C【解析】turn to转向;press to使紧贴,紧抱;introduce to引入;push to推向。由语境知,老师押好的行为方式引导给学生,故C项符合语境。(2010福建省普通高中毕业班质量检查)War, money and power are a few things that countries and people are concerned about. 36 I agree th

16、at those things are important,I believe that everyone should start to 37 more on a growing problem global warming. Global warming will not only 38 our country and our generation, but a1so the entire 39 and future generations. It is 40 because the weather has been a lot warmer over the past few years

17、, which 41 the melting(融化) of the ice in the Antarctic. This will soon cause water levels to 42 and flood parts of the world. Many people ignore this problem because they fee1 43 they cant do anything about it and have more 44 things to worry about. If we al1 45 so,then our ozone layer(臭氧层)will be 4

18、6 and the planet will no longer be able to make life continue to exist. We should do our best to limit the use of our planets 47 resources(资源)and keep our air clean. 48 , future generations will suffer from our 49 . Some might feel that they cant stop global warming from 50 But if every single perso

19、n does his or her part in keeping the air clean. then it will become a 51 effort. Sure, there are some things that cause pollution and that we wont be able lo 52 change. This may include cars burning oil,but we can 53 adjust some of these things. People can start carpooling, taking the bus, riding t

20、heir bikes, or . 54 just walking. If everyone takes 55 now, I believe we can start seeing remarkable results within a few years.36AWhen BAs CHow DThough37Adepend Bfocus Chang Dremark38Aannoy Binterrupt Caffect Dconfuse39Aworld Bcontinent Cindustry Dclimate40Afailing Bcompleting Cchanging Doccurring4

21、1Alies in Bresults in Csuffers from Descapes from42Areduce Brise Cdrop Dmove43Aas if Bin case Ceven though Dif only44Apopular Bsuitable Cimportant Ddifficult45Ado Bkeep Clike Dfind46Aprotected Bstrengthened Cdestroyed Dsurrounded47Aunlimited Bnatural Crecycled Dindustrial48ATherefore BOtherwise CHow

22、ever DInstead49Aillnesses Bfailures Cdecisions Dmistakes50Acontinuing Barriving Cimproving Ddisappearing51Aphysical Bmental Cnational Dworldwide52Aslightly Bfully Chardly Dslowly53Aat least Bat most Cat first Dat last54Ayet Beven Cstill Dthus55Atime Bturns Caction Darms【文章大意】战争、金钱、电力供应等的确是我们当今社会需要关注

23、的、话题,但“我为我们最应该关注的问题是全球变暖问题。我们需要从自己做起,从小事做起,力所能及地做些事情,全球变暖的问题会得到一定程度的控制。36【答案】D【解析】根据后一分句中的more及句意可知此处选D。37【答案】B【解析】所填词与介词on构成搭配,意思是注意力集中在上,选B。38【答案】C【解析】本句意思是:全球变暖不仅影响到我们的国家和我们这一代,还会影响整个世界和下一代。选C。39【答案】A【解析】由修饰词entire可以推断出此处选A。40【答案】D【解析】由句意可以推断出此处动阋的意思是发生,时态用现在进行时,选D。41【答案】B【解析】lie in在于;result in引起

24、,导致;suffer from遭受,患病:escape from逃离。-由句意可知选B。42【答案】B【解析】由water level和flood parts of the world可以推断出此处选B。43【答案】A【解析】所填词引导表语从甸,意思是好像,似乎,选A。本题。,44【答案】C【解析】本句意思是:许多人忽视这个问题是因为他们感觉自己似乎不能起到什么作用,而且自己有更加重要的事情要做。选C。45【答案】A【解析】由上下文可知此处选A。46【答案】C【解析】根据本句后半句的意思可知此处选C。47【答案】B【解析】所填词修饰resources,意思是自然资源,选B。48【答案】B【解析

25、】根据后一分句意思可知所填词表示选择,意思是否则,选B。49【答案】D【解析】句子意思是:我们的下代人会遭受由于我们的错误而带来的惩罚。选D。50【答案】A【解析】本句意思是:一些人呵能认为他们不能阻止全球变暖的继续。选A。51【答案】D。【解析】由句意可知此处选D。52【答案】B【解析】所填词修饰change,意思是完全地,全部地,选B。53【答案】A【解析】所填短语修饰adjust,意思是至少,最少,选A。54【答案】B【解析】本句意思是:人们可以改乘公交车、骑自行车,甚至步行。选B。55【答案】C【解析】所填词与take构成搭配意思是采取行动,选C。 A true apology is

26、more than just acknowledgement of a mistake.Its recognition that something youve said or 36 has damaged a relationshipand that you 37 enough about that relationship to want it38. Its never39 to acknowledge you are in the wrong.Being human,we all need the art of apology.Look back and think how 40 you

27、ve judged roughly,said 41 things,pushed yourself 42 at the expense of a friend.Some deep thought in us know that when 43 a small mistake has been made,your 44 will stay out of balance until the mistake is acknowledged and your regret is 45. I remember a doctor friend, 46 me about a man who came to h

28、im with 47 illnesses:headache,insomnia(失眠),stomachaches and so on.No physical 48 could be found.Finally the doctor said to the man,“49 you tell me whats on your conscience,I cant help you.” After a short silence,the man told the doctor that he 50 all the money that his father gave to his brother,who

29、 was 51.His father had died,so only he himself knew the matter.The old doctor made the man write to his brother making an 52 and enclosing(附寄)a 53.In the post office,the man dropped the letter into the mail box.As the letter disappeared,the man 54 into tears.“Thank you,doctor,” he said,“I think Im a

30、ll right now.” And he 55.36.A.doneB.thoughtC.announcedD.expected37.A.lostB.careC.adviseD.heard38.A.builtB.formedC.repairedD.damaged39.A.difficultB.easyC.foolishD.shy40.A.longB.oftenC.muchD.soon41.A.unusualB.harmfulC.preciousD.unkind42.A.aheadB.awayC.downD.off43.A.stillB.evenC.onlyD.such44.A.senseB.brainC.weightD.feeling45.A.shownB.

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