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1、初中英语语法资料精简版虚 拟 语 气1) 概念 表示说话人的某种假设、愿望、怀疑、猜测、建议等。可分为两类,一类为真实条件句,一类为非真实条件句,非真实条件句表示的是假设的或实际可能性不大的情况.通过句子意思,看假设的条件是否能够实现,能够实现是真实条件句,不能使用虚拟语气;假设的条件不能实现则是非真实条件句,要用虚拟语气。2)虚拟语气的使用范围主要用于if条件状语从句。也可用于主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句等。3)法则:“后退一步法”从句:与过去事实相反,在从句中用过去完成时形式表示。与现在事实相反,在从句中用过去一般时形式表示。与将来事实可能相反,在从句中用过去将来时形式表示。 主句:用情态

2、动词would, should, could 等加一个与从句一致的动词形式。例:If I had come her yesterday, I would have seen him.If I were a teacher, I would be strict with my students.If it should snow tomorrow, they couldnt go out.4)If虚拟语气的具体分析:1. 表示与现在事实相反的假设,其if 从句的用动词的过去式(或were),主句用would/ should/ could/ might +动词原形。1) If places _ a

3、 like, there would be little need for geographers(地理学家).(are)2) If I _ the meaning of the word, I wouldnt have to look it up.(know)2. 表示与过去事实相反的假设,if 从句用过去完成时即had过去分词,主句用would / should / could / might + have +过去分词。We didnt know his telephone number, otherwise we _ him,A) would have telephoned B) mus

4、t have telephoned C) would telephone D) had telephoned 3. 表示对将来实现的可能性很小的或不确定的假设。If从句的谓语形式用一般过去式或用动词过去式/were to / should +动词原形,主句用would / should /could/ might +动词原形。Jean doesnt want to work right away because she thinks that if she _ a job she probably wouldnt be able to see her friends very often. (

5、get)4. 省略if 采用倒装语序的条件句if条件句中如有were, should, had,可以省去if,将had , should, were 等词提到主语之前,即用倒装结构。(这种结构在口语中很少使用)。Had he worked harder, he _ the exams. (get through)5)宾语从句中的虚拟语气一、wish 后面宾语从句中的虚拟语气。按“后退一步法”处理从句的谓语动词。二、表示“要求、建议、命令”等动词后面的宾语从句中的虚拟语气从句中用“should + 动词原形”构成三、would rather 从句,在这种结构中,从句的位于动词用过去形式表示虚拟。

6、6)主语从句中的虚拟语气一、It be + 形容词 + that (should)二、It be + 过去分词 + that (should)三、It is time(about time, high time)that (过去式动词形式或should动词原形)7)表语从句、同位语从句中的虚拟语气在suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, advice, decision等表语从句、同位语从句中,要使用虚拟语气。其谓语动词应用:should原形动词。翻译练习1. Why is she looking at me (像是她认识我似的)? I have ne

7、ver seen her before in my life. 2. I avoided mentioning the sensitive subject lest (触犯他)。3.But for his wifes help, he _(是不会成功的)4. _(要不是因为我生病了), I would have lent him a helping hand.5. We are all for your proposal that _(延迟讨论).6. we did not know his phone number, _ (否则我们会给他打电话的).倒 装倒装结构分为全部倒装和部分倒装。所谓

8、全部倒装是指整个谓语部分放在主语前面;而部分倒装是指谓语的一部分(情态动词或助动词)放在主语之前。如:now comes the chance. has he come? 一:表示地点、方向和时间的副词或者介词放在句首时,句子要全部倒装。这些词有:here, there, up, down, out, away, now, then, There was a sudden gust of wind and away went his hat.In each room are ten students. 注意:在以here, there, now, then, in, away, up down

9、等副词开头的句子中,且谓语是come, go, be等动词时,句子一般要全部倒装。如果主语是人称代词,主语和谓语不须倒装。例如:Now, here goes the story.There he comes. Away they hurried. 他们急忙走开了。二:当含有否定意义的词或短语放在句首时,要用部分倒装。这类词包括:not, never, neither, seldom, little, nowhere, hardly, scarcely, rarely, no longer, not until, at no time, by no means, on no account, i

10、n no case, under no circumstances, on no account, not only but also。Nowhere in the world can you find a man who loves you so much.Not until he came back did I leave. (注意:只能是主句的主谓倒装)On no account will the manager tolerate rudeness from his employees.三: as +adj. / adv. 以及“to such a degree, to such an

11、extent, to such a point.”放在句首, 表示程度,句子要倒装。To such an extent did his health deteriorate that he was forced to retire.So diligently does he work that he often forgets to eat and sleep.四:虚拟语气中,省去if 后, 从句需要倒装。五:“only + 状语”放在句首时,句子需要倒装。Only by working hard can you achieve your goal. Only in this way can

12、we solve this problem successfully and effectively.六: 由as 或though 引导的让步状语从句有时也用倒装句,即把表语或部分谓语提前。Patient though / as he was, he was unwilling to wait three hours.Child as / though he was, he had a good command of English.Try as he might, he couldnt the box. 七.: so作“也”讲时,引导的句子用倒装语序,作“确实如此”讲要用正常语序。He we

13、nt to the film last night, so did I. 他昨天晚上去看电影了,我也去了。His mother told him to go to the film, so he did. 他母亲叫他去看电影,他就去了。“he is a tall thin man.” “so he is.” “他又高又瘦。” “确实如此。”翻译练习:1. Only by working at evenings and weekeds_ (他才能完成报告) by the deadline. 2. Not until Alice had a baby of her own (她才了解)how ha

14、rd it was for her mother to have brought up her sister and her on her own.。3. Scarcely _ (她看见报纸上的广告)when she booked a package tour with Bright Travel Service.4. Under no circumstance _ her proposal that they take a vacation to Australia together.5._(吵闹的音乐不仅惹人讨), it could also be the cause of acciden

15、ts.定 语 从 句 1. 定义:定语从句在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词,词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等。关系副词有:when, where, why等。2. 非限制性定语从句和限制性定语从句限制性定语从句是先行词不可缺少的部分,去掉它主句意思往往不明确;非限制性定语从句是先行词的附加说明,去掉了也不会影响主句的意思,它与主句之间通常用逗号分开,关系代词不能用that,先行词指人:用who、whom;物:which This is the house

16、which we bought last month.这是我们上个月买的那幢房子。(限制性) The house, which we bought last month, is very nice.这幢房子很漂亮,是我们上个月买的。(非限制性)非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数,由as, which 引导的非限定性定语从句,as和which可代整个主句,相当于and this或and that。As一般放在句首,which在句中。As we know, smoking is harmful to ones health.He seems

17、 not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me. 3. 介词+关系词1)介词后面的关系词不能省略。2)that前不能有介词。3) 某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的介词+关系词结构可以同关系副词when 和where 互换。 This is the house in which I lived two years ago=This is the house where I lived two years ago. Do you remember the day on which you joined our club?=

18、 Do you remember the day when you joined our club?4. 关系代词that 的用法1)先行词是最高级形容词或者它前面有最高级形容词修饰的时候2)先行词是序数词,或者它前面有一个序数词修饰的时候3)先行词既有人又有物,宜用that4)先行词是all, much, little,few, something, anything, everything, nothing,none, the one等5)先行词被不定代词修饰,如all, any, every, few, little, no, some,no sooner等。例如: 6)先行词前面Onl

19、y, one of,the only, the same, the very,the last 等词修饰的时候。7)主句已有疑问词who或者which的时候8)有两个定语从句,其中一个关系代词已用which, 另外一个宜用that.五:区分定语从句与其相似句型。 在实际运用中,要分清到底是定语从句,还是并列句、状语从句、强调句或其它句型,然后再来确定关联词。 1. Mr Wu has two sons, and both of them are fond of playing golf.(这里and连接的是并列句,不能用whom代替them。如去掉and,就必须用whom代替them构成定语从

20、句。) 2. It was last night that the terrible fire broke out. (这里是It was+被强调部分+that. 构成的强调句型,故连接词不用when。)同 位 语 从 句典型例子:1. John,my old friend, came this morning.2. I have no idea what he is doing now.3. The question who should do the work requires consideration定语从句与同位语从句都可位于名词之后,而且都可用 that, when, where,

21、 why, who等词引导,但它们是两种性质完全不同的从句,不可混淆。区别: 一、 定语从句是形容词从句,其作用相当于一个形容词,是用来修饰前面的名词或代词的;同位语从句是名词从句,其作用相当于一个名词,是对前面的名词作进一步解释的。1 We heard the news that he had told her. 我们听到他对她说的消息。 2 We heard the news that he had won the game. 我们听到消息他赢得了比赛。 二、定语从句的引导词在从句中充当一定的成分,可作主语、宾语、状语等同位语从句中的引导词在从句只起连接作用,不作任何句子成分。 1. A

22、plane is a machine that can fly. 2. The fact that they didnt finish the work has to be faced. 三、引导定语从句的关联词在从句中作宾语或状语时,可以省略或被其他词代替;同位语从句的引导词一般不能省略,更不能被代替。 1. The news (that) she heard is true. 她听到的消息是真的。 2. The news that she will go abroad is true. 她将出国这消息是真的。 3. The reason (why =for which或 that)he w

23、as chosen remains unknown. 他为什么被选上的原因还是不清楚。 4. The idea why he was chosen attracted our attention. 他为什么会被选上,这一想法引起我们的注意。 四、而同位语从句一般都与抽象名词同位,一般没有复数形式,如:news, fact, promise, idea, word(消息), message, hope, truth, answer, proposal, suggestion, order, information,conception,notion,ability, advice, belief

24、, doubt, discovery, , fear, , possibility, problem, question, story, theory, thought。1. The possibilities that she was offered seemed very great.她得到的可能性似乎大些。 2. Her mother was worried about the possibility that her daughter dislike to go to school.五、when, where, why, how, who, whom, which 如果引导定语从句,

25、它们分别指前面先行词所表示的时间、地点、原因、方式、人和物,否则引导的就是同位语从句。 I still remember the day when he was killed. 我还记得他被害的那一天。 I have no idea when he was killed. 我不知道他什么时候被害的。 主 语 从 句 1主语从句主要有三类: (1) 由连词that引导的主语从句。 That she survived the accident is a miracle. 她在事故中幸免于难简直是奇迹。 (2) 用连接代词或连接副词if, whether 引导的主语从句。 When they wil

26、l come hasnt been made pubic. 他们什么时候来还不知道。 Whether she is coming or not doesnt matter too much. 她来不来都无关紧要。 (3) 用关系代词引导的主语从句。 例如:What you need is more practice. 你所需要的是更多的训练。 What I want to know is this. 我想知道的就是这事。 注意:主语从句可以直接放在主语位置上,也可以用it作形式主语, 而将从句放在句末(尤其是当谓语较短时)。 例如:That light travels in straight

27、lines is known to all. 光沿直线传播,这是众所周知的事。 =It is known to all that light travels in straight lines. 众所周知光沿直线传播。 2固定用法和译法 (1) It is +名词+从句 It is a fact that / It is good news that / It is a question that / It is common knowledge that 类似的名词还有:a pity;a wonder;a good thing; no wonder; surprise等。 例如: It is

28、 common knowledge that the whale is not a fish. 鲸鱼不是鱼,这是常识。 (2) It is +形容词+从句 It is necessary that/ It is clear that/ It is likely that / It is important that 类似的形容词还有:strange; natural; obvious; true; good; wonderful; possible; unlikely; quite; unusual; certain; evident; worth-while; surprising; int

29、eresting; astonishing, etc. 例如: It was really astonishing that he refused to talk to you . 他拒绝和你说话真是令人惊讶。 (3) It is +过去分词+从句 It is said that / It is reported that / It has been proved that / It must be proved that 类似的过去分词还有:known; estimated; expected; believed; thought; hoped; noted; discussed; requ

30、ired; decided; suggested; demanded; made clear; found out,etc. 例如:It is thought that he is the best player. 大家都认为他是最好的选手。 (4) It +不及物动词+从句 It seems that 好像是/ It happened that 碰巧/ It follows that 由此可见/ It has turned out that 结果是类似的不及物动词还有:seem, appear, occur, follow, happen, turn out, etc. 例如: It now

31、 appears that they are in urgent need of help. 看起来他们急需帮助。 当“及物动词 + 宾语”较短时,也可用这种结构。 例如:It shocked me that Peter did not tell anybody where he was. 让我吃惊的是彼得没有告诉任何人他在哪里。 It +某些固定结构+ 主语从句。 例如: It does not make any difference whether it rains or not . 下不下雨没什么分别。 It does not make the least difference to me what you do. 对我来说你做什

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