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1、八下英语Unit4单元测试题带答案Unit 4 单元测试题Written test part (共95分).单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21. We are very busy _ we have no time to take a holiday this year.A. although B. as soon asC. unless D. so that( )22. Jim reached for a cup of coffee but didnt drink. _ he passed it to me.A. Instead

2、 B. Instead ofC. Because D. Because of( )23. He is under a lot of _ these days because he lost his job.A. pressure B. independenceC. experience D. service( )24. Im always saying the wrong words so Im really _ about going to the parties.A. excited B. nervousC. serious D. angry( )25. If you _ his work

3、 with hers, youll find hers is much better.A. fill B. compareC. provide D. mix( )26. I dont understand the meaning of the sentence. Could you please _ it again?A. explain B. decideC. continue D. control( )27. Linda _ with some of the worlds best swimmers at the next game. We are looking forward to i

4、t.A. will compete B. wont competeC. competed D. didnt compete( )28. Mom doesnt allow me _ part-time jobs. She asks me to study hard.A. having B. to haveC. leaving D. to leave( )29. Peter offered _ us to the train station but we would like to walk there.A. to drive B. drivingC. to catch D. catching(

5、)30. Dont your parents mind you _ so late?Of course. I have to go home now.A. stay out B. staying outC. try out D. trying out( )31. The teacher came into the classroom and found all of us _ the notes on the blackboard.A. copying B. to copyC. making D. to make( )32. We each have a different _ on the

6、plan for our trip.A. promise B. opinionC. decision D. discussion( )33. Dont worry. Things will _ quite well.A. work out B. help outC. hang out D. run out( )34. Can you help me _ the article to see if there are any mistakes?A. look after B. look likeC. look through D. look for( )35. Jim, you shouldnt

7、 argue with your friend. You are really best friends._ Thanks for your advice.A. Really? B. Youre right.C. Why? D. Sounds great.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Being teenagers can be hard, for they have to face a lot of difficult problems. A new program called NFusion is

8、 working hard to help teenagers36mental health (精神健康) problems. NFusion gives teenagers classes where they study or discuss their problems.17-year-old Titeana Davis thought the program was very37. The girl, who once had trouble with her attitude (态度) to others, said the program really changed her38.

9、 By joining the NFusion Program, she39a bad attitude was of no use.“It doesnt matter40other people treat (对待) me wrong; I just need to treat41how I want to be treated,”she said.Davis is just one of the teenagers who have gone through the program42and learned a lot from it. Now, thanks to NFusion, Da

10、vis says she is43a bright (光明的) future.“After I finish college, I want to44at a primary school and be a second grade teacher,” said the girl.“Teenagers are still growing and developing, and there are a lot of problems they dont know45to solve. So this is a good program for them to be a part of,” sai

11、d Lakicha Jernigan, who worked for the NFusion Program.( )36. A. in B. forC. with D. about( )37. A. traditional B. difficultC. expensive D. helpful( )38. A. life B. interestC. dream D. mistake( )39. A. wondered B. understoodC. forgot D. wished( )40. A. so B. butC. or D. if( )41. A. them B. youC. him

12、D. her( )42. A. easily B. sadlyC. successfully D. carelessly( )43. A. running out of B. looking forward toC. putting off D. bringing out( )44. A. play B. studyC. act D. work( )45. A. how B. whyC. where D. when.阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)AWhen people have different opinions or needs, conflicts (冲突) may happen.

13、Naomi Drew, the writer ofThe Kids Guide to Working Out Conflicts: How to Keep Cool, Stay Safe, and Get Along, gives kids some useful advice on getting on with friends.Q1: A friend of mine often hangs out with our friends, but he has never invited me. What can I do?A1: If a friend does something you

14、dont like, dont be afraid to talk to him. Dont be angry with him. Try to make him understand your feelings so that you can work through it together.Q2: My friend is rude (无礼的) to other people. She said if I didnt act like her, she would stopbeing my friend.A2: Never “sell out” just to follow one fri

15、end. Do what you believe is right, and you can even find some new friends.Q3: My friend and I argue a lot. Although well be friends again soon, I dont like it. What shouldI do?A3:“Winning an argument”isnt always worth (值得) it. Next time when you argue, let your friend“win”if the thing is not importa

16、nt to you. If you give in (让步) a little, so may your friend. And remember, probably your friend isnt wrong. He or she just sees things differently.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )46. What is Naomi Drew?A. A guide. B. A teacher.C. A writer. D. A reporter.( )47. Whats the advice for Q1?A. Have a talk. B. Find a frien

17、d.C. Hang out often. D. Understand others.( )48. What do the underlined words “sell out” in A2 mean in Chinese?A.大动肝火 B.有始无终C.有求必应 D.背弃原则( )49. Which of the following is Naomi Drews opinion?A. See things differently from others.B. Its impossible to win every argument.C. Winning isnt everything, but

18、it sure is nice.D. Its OK to give in when two argue on something small.( )50. All of the questions are about conflicts between _.A. friends B. neighborsC. children and parentsD. students and teachersBIt was the last day of school and Alonzo was on the bus. He knew his mother would soon ask him if he

19、 wanted to go to summer camp. He started to think about last years summer camp.He remembered how scared he was at first. He did not know anyone, and had never been away from home before. He remembered wondering if anyone else felt the same way. All the other children seemed to know someone.As he mad

20、e his bed, his roommate came in. His name was Jack. Jack put his bag on another bed and then ran out without saying hello to Alonzo.Alonzo remembered how alone he felt. He took out a book and sat on his bed. He began reading, but he couldnt help (忍不住) watching the boys playing outside.Finally Jack c

21、ame back and introduced (介绍) himself. It was his second year at the summer camp.“Hello,” said Alonzo shyly.“Im sorry I didnt say hello earlier,” said Jack. “I saw a friend outside and went to talk to him.”“Thats OK,” said Alonzo, feeling better.“So . did you bring a baseball? I like to play, but for

22、got to bring mine!” said Jack.“I did!” said Alonzo. “I enjoy playing baseball, too.” Then they ran outside to play in the summer sun.根据材料内容完成下列任务。任务一:判断正(T)误(F)。( )51. Alonzo was excited to go to summer camp last year.( )52.Jack went to summer camp for the first time last year.任务二:简要回答下列问题。53. What

23、did Alonzo do after making his bed?_54.Why did Jack run out as soon as he put his bag on the bed?_任务三:选择最佳答案。( )55. What do Alonzo and Jack have in common?A. They live in the same neighborhood.B. They both like playing baseball.C. They both like reading.D. They are the same age.情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容

24、,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。A: Hi, Lily. You look unhappy. (56)_?B: Well, I love music but my mother doesnt allow me to listen to it.A: (57)_?B: Because she thinks listening to music is a waste of time.A: (58)_. I also love music. It makes me relaxed and helps me study better.B: Right. Music brings me muc

25、h, too. But how can I solve my problem? Can you give me some advice?A: Of course. (59)_?B: No, I dont. We often argue.A: I think communicating with each other is a better way. You can have a good talk with your mother.B: (60)_. Thank you very much.词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。guess,

26、 relation, member, push, clear61. Allen _ from the T-shirts that his brothers were at home.62. Kate is quite _ about her reasons for leaving the factory.63. Mr. Green is always _ his son hard to take up science.64. Jane likes sports, and she is one of the _ of the sports club.65. We are trying our b

27、est to improve _ between the two families.B)根据句意及括号内所给单词的提示填空。66. Joes father is strict with him so theres no _(communicate) between them.67. A week later, my brother _(return) the book to the library.68. What are your plans for the _(develop) of your shop?69. She is angry because her pet dog _(cause) a lot of trouble just now.70. I think exam _(skill) are important to students.完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。71.我妹妹害怕在许多人面前说

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