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Unit 1 How do you study for a test北京四中.docx

1、Unit 1 How do you study for a test北京四中知识讲解Unit 1 How do you study for a test?编 稿:赵吉存 审 稿:杭海 责 编:夏芳莲目标认知重点词汇:1. aloud 高声地、大声地 2. pronunciation发音、发音法3. differently 不同地、有区别地 4. pronounce发音5. quickly 快地、快速地 6. slowly 慢地、缓慢地7. realize 认识到、意识到 8. matter 重要、要紧、有关系9. mistake 错误、过失 10. afraid怕的、害怕的11. secret

2、 秘密、诀窍 12. trouble 困难、苦恼、忧虑13. fast 快地、迅速地 14. deal处理15. unless 如果不、除非 16. regard看作、视为17. easily 容易地、简单地 18. influence 影响19. friendship 友谊、友情、友爱 20. frustrating 令人沮丧的、令人失望的21. complete 完整的、完全的 22. duty 责任、义务23. lose 失去、丧失 24. development 发育、成长、发展、进展重点词组及句型:1. not at all 根本不、全然不 2. end up结束、告终3. make

3、 mistakes犯错误、出错误 4. first of all开始、起初5. later on 以后、随后 6. be afraid to do 害怕做某事7. laugh at 嘲笑、取笑 8. take notes做笔记9. make up构成、组成 10. look up(在词典、参考书等中)查阅、查找11. deal with 处理、处置 12. go by (时间)的过去、消失13. break off 终止、打断 14. try ones best to do 尽力做某事1.How do you study for a test? 你如何为考试而学习? I study by li

4、stening to tapes. 我是通过听磁带来学习。2. Its too hard to understand. 太难了,听不懂。3. Some students had more specific suggestions. 一些学生有更独特的见解。4. Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines. 例如,李莉莲说学习英语新单词的最好的方法是阅读英语杂志。5. She said that memorizing the words of pop

5、songs also helped a little. 她说记忆流行歌词也可以有一点帮助。6. Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly. 然而, 有时候他发现看电影令人沮丧,因为那些人说得太快。7. First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked. 首先,对我来说,很难明白老师所讲的知识。8. To begin with, she spoke

6、too quickly, and I couldnt understand every word. 起初,她说得太快,我不是每个单词都能听懂。9. He also thinks that watching English movies isnt a bad way because he can watch the actors say the words. 他认为看英语电影是一种不错的方法,因为他能看到演员说英语。10. I dont have a partner to practice English with. 我没有一个可以一起练习英语的同伴。11. If you dont know h

7、ow to spell new words, look them up in the dictionary.如果你不知道如何拼写新单词,就查字典。12. When we are angry, however, we are usually the ones affected.然而,当我们生气的时候,通常我们自己就是受影响的人。13. How do we deal with our problems? 我们如何处理我们的问题?14. As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our

8、education with the help of our teachers. 作为青年人,在老师的帮助下尽我们最大努力应对教育上的每一个挑战是我们的义务。日常用语:1.How do you study for a test? 你如何为考试而学习? I study by listening to tapes. 我是通过听磁带来学习。2. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?通过朗读来练习发音怎么样?3. You can always write the new words in your notebook and study

9、them at home. 你可以总是把新单词写在你的笔记本上并在家里学习它们。4. You should find a pen pal. 你应该找一个笔友。5. Why dont you join an English language club to practice speaking English? 为什么不加入英语语言俱乐部来练习说英语?精讲巧练1. How do you study for a test? 你如何为考试而学习? I study by listening to tapes. 我是通过听磁带来学习。(1)介词by的意思是“由、靠、用、通过”,by后面用名词、代词或者动名

10、词形式作宾语,此处表示 手段。 例如:We study English by speaking with teachers. 我们通过与老师会话来学习英语。(2)by后面用名词的时候不用冠词,表示乘坐某种交通工具的意思。如:by car 乘小汽车, by air 乘飞机,by sea 乘(海)船,by plane 乘飞机等。注意: 一个例外 on foot 步行。 例如:They go to work by bus. 他们乘坐公共汽车上班。随时练【考例】I usually go to school _ bus, but today I go there _ my fathers car.A.

11、by; by B. by; onC. on; by D. by; in【答案与解析】答案是D。介词by和表示交通工具的名词连用中间不用冠词,如果名词前面用冠词或者物主代词的时候,用介词on ones bike,in ones car。2 Its too hard to understand. 太难了,听不懂。句型 too形容词/副词to do something的意思是“太.而不能.”,这个句型可以和not形容词/副词enough to do或 so形容词/副词that从句相互转换。例如:You are too young to go to school. 你太小了,还不能上学。也可以写成:Y

12、ou are not old enough to go to school.You are so young that you cant go to school.随时练【考例】Your room is too dirty _.A. living B. to living C. to live D. to live in【答案与解析】答案是D。本句子是考查 do something的用法。后面用动词不定式,因为live是不及物动词,必须加in,your room才能作不定式的宾语,即live in the room,所以不能丢掉介词in。3. Some students had m

13、ore specific suggestions. 一些学生有更独特的见解。(1)specific是形容词,意思是“特别的、独特的、特有的,明确的 具体的” 。 例如:Our English teacher has a specific teaching style. 我们的英语老师有独特的教学风格。(2)suggestion是可数名词,它的意思是“建议、意见”,它的同义词advice是不可数名词, 一条建议是a piece of advice。 例如:Can you give us some suggestions of learning English? 你能给我们一些学习英语的建议吗?随

14、时练【考例】Mr. Wang often gives us some _ on our English study.A. advices B. suggestion C. advice D. way【答案与解析】答案是C。在some的后面可以用可数名词的复数形式,也可以用不可数名词,这里的advice是不可数名词,如果用suggestion/way应该是复数形式。4. Lillian Li, for example, said the best way to learn new words was by reading English magazines.例如:李莉莲说学习英语新单词的最好的方

15、法是阅读英语杂志。(1)短语for example的意思是“例如”,同义短语是for instance。for example,作插入语,可以 放在句子的开头、中间或者句子末尾,一般用逗号隔开。 例如:For example, playing football in the street is very dangerous. 例如,在街道上踢足球是非常危险的。(2)the best way to do something的意思是“做某事的最好方法、最佳方式”,动词不定式作定语 修饰名词way。动词不定式作定语时多有将来的意味。 例如:Can you tell us the best way t

16、o learn English? 你能告诉我们学习英语的最佳方式吗? Do you have anything to say? 你有什么要说的吗? I have a lot of homework to do every day. 每天我有许多家庭作业要做。随时练【考例】They said the best way _ there is by ship.A. going B. go C. to go D. went【答案与解析】答案是C。本句子是考查动词不定式作定语修饰名词的用法,短语the best way to do something是固定搭配。5. She said that memo

17、rizing the words of pop songs also helped a little. 她说记忆流行歌词也可以有一点帮助。(1)said的后面是that引导的宾语从句,主句是一般过去时,从句就要用过去的某种时态。that可以 省略。例如: My father said that he would go to Beijing next week. 我爸爸说下星期他将去北京。(2)“memorizing the words of pop songs”是动名词短语,在此处作宾语从句的主语,注意动名词短语作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数,如果是一般现在时,谓语用第三人称单数形式。 例如:W

18、atching TV too much is bad for your eyes. 看电视太多对你的眼睛有害。随时练【考例】He said he _ TV at that time.A. watched B. is watching C. was watching D. would watch【答案与解析】答案是C。本句子的主句是一般过去时,宾语从句用过去某种时态,从时间状语at that time可以判断是用过去进行时。6. Sometimes, however, he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak to

19、o quickly. 然而, 有时候他发现看电影令人沮丧,因为那些人说得太快。(1)however是副词,它的意思是“然而”,可以放在句子开头、中间或者结尾,用逗号隔开。和 but是同义词,但是but是并列连词。 例如:Your brother is young, but he knows a lot about the language. 你弟弟很年轻,但他对语言知识了解很多。(but在此句中连接了并列句的两个分句。) He hasnt arrived. He may, however, come later. 他还未到,不过,他可能过一会儿来。(however不连接其他,只起转折作用。)

20、注意but前面的逗号。(2)frustrating是形容词,它的意思是“令人沮丧的”,表示事物性质;注意另一个形容词 frustrated,它的意思是 “让人感到沮丧的”,用于描述人的感觉。类似的形容词:interesting 有趣的/interested 感兴趣的,exciting 令人兴奋的/excited 感到兴奋的 例如:It is frustrating to stay at home in such a beautiful day. 这样的好天气呆在家里真让人沮丧。 Everybody was frustrated at the news. 听到这个消息,每个人都很沮丧。 The

21、boys were excited when they heard the exciting news. 听到这个令人激动的消息,男孩们都很激动。(3)finds watching movies frustrating 此处watching movies是动名词短语作宾语,而 frustrating是宾语补足语。动词find, feel, think等都可以接宾语补足语,而能作宾语补足语 的可以是形容词、名词、现在分词、过去分词等。 例如:I find telling him necessary. 我认为告诉他很有必要。随时练【考例】I found it _ that I cant under

22、stand them.A. frustrate B. frustrating C. frustrated D. to frustrate【答案与解析】答案是B。本句子是用形容词作宾语补足语。形容词frustrating是表示“(某事)是令人沮丧的”的意思。it是形式宾语,代替后面的that从句。7. First of all, it wasnt easy for me to understand the teacher when she talked. 首先,对我来说,很难明白老师所讲的知识。(1)first of all的意思是“首先、第一”,经常用在句子的开头,用逗号隔开。 例如:Firs

23、t of all, we must go there by plane. 首先,我们得乘飞机去那里。(2)句型It is/was +形容词for somebodyto do something的意思是“对某人来说做某事是怎么 样的”。it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式,for引出不定式的逻辑主语。 例如:Its good for you to eat more vegetables. 对你来说多吃蔬菜是有好处的。 注意:for 还是 of 此句型中可以引出不定式的逻辑主语的介词还有of。当形容词(如:easy, important, possible 等)表示客观情况,描述不定式的特

24、征、性质时常用for;而当形容词(如:kind, nice,rude, clever等)表示主观感情或态度,描述的是主语的性质、特征时,常用of。 例如:It wont be easy for you to find a good job. 你找到一个好工作不容易。 It was kind of you to help me. 你帮助我们太好心了。随时练【考例】Its not polite of you _ loudly to the old men.A. speak B. to shout C. talk D. talked【答案与解析】答案是B。本句子的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动

25、词不定式,所以用动词不定式。8. To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt understand every word. 起初,她说得太快,我不是每个单词都能听懂。(1)to begin with的意思是“开始、起初”,这是一个习惯用语,经常放在句子开头。例如:To begin with, we havent got enough money. 起初,我们的钱不够用。动词短语begin with的意思是“以.开始”,和start with是同义词短语,它的反义词短语是end up(以.结束)。例如:This class begins

26、 with an English song. 这节课以一首英语歌曲开始。(2)fast ,quickly和soon的区别: 这三个单词的汉语都有“快”的含义。fast可以是形容词,也可以是副词,侧重于运动的动作速度之快;quickly是副词,可以表示动作的速度快,但通常多表示动作反映敏捷、或完成得快,具有即刻行动,毫不耽搁之意义;soon指(时间上)不久的将来将发生某个动作或某种情况。例如:He ran fast.他跑得很快。He is a fast runner. 他是跑得很快的运动员。 He quickly got up and went on running.他迅速爬起来,继续跑。 Th

27、e show began soon after the dinner.表演在晚餐后很快就开始了。随时练【考例】The meeting begins _ laughing and ends up _.A. to;cry B. with; crying C. of; to cry D. to; crying【答案与解析】答案是B。动词短语begin和with搭配,end和up搭配,后面接动词ing形式。所以选择B。9. He also thinks that watching English movies isnt a bad way because he can watch the actors

28、 say the words. 他认为看英语电影是一种不错的方法,因为他能看到演员说英语。(1)动词短语watch somebody do something的意思是“看到某人做某事”,用省略to的动词不定式在 句子中作宾语补足语。类似的动词短语还有:see/hear/notice somebody do something。(2)这些动词的后面还可以用动词ing形式作宾语补足语,表示看/听到某人正在做某事的意思。即: watch/see/hear/notice somebody doing something 例如:We hear your sister singing in the room. 我们听到你妹妹在房间在唱歌。 对比:We often hear your sister sing that song. 我们经常听到你妹妹唱那首歌。随时练【考例】We watched your mother _ your room just now.A. to enter B. to go C. enter D. go【答案与解析】答案是C。本句子是在动词watch的后面用省略to

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