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1、gre考试真题题库及解析五Contrary to the popular conception that it is powered byconscious objectivity, science often operates througherror, happy accidents, _ and persistence in spiteof mistakes. facts controls hunches deductions calculations答案:(C)contrary to: prep.与.相反happy: a.幸运的hunch: n.基于直觉的想法,预感persistenc

2、e: n.1.坚持不懈,执意 2.持续性,存留(状态)deduction: n.1.减除,扣除 2.演绎,推论 与某种盛的观念-即科学以有意识的客观性为其推动力-相反,科学常常是通过谬误,幸运的巧合,直觉式的预感以及全然不管失误而坚持不懈的努力来操作运行的.The transition from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic era isviewed by most art historians as a _ , because, insteadof an increasingly _ pictorial art, we finddegeneration.

3、milestone. debased consolidation. diverse calamity. aberrant regression. sophisticated continuation. improved答案:(D)transition from. to.: n.由.向.的转折(或转变,过渡)Paleolithic: a.旧时器时代的Neolithic: a.新时器时代的picorial: a.1.绘画的 2.形象生动的degeneration: n.衰退,堕落,蜕化,倒退milestone: n.里程碑,里程碑式的重大事件debase: v.贬低(身份,人格,意义),贬值con

4、solidation: n.1.巩固 2.联合,合并calamity: n.灾祸,巨大的苦难aberrant: a.偏离正路的,反常的,异常的regression: n.倒退,退化,回归sophisticated: a.1.复杂的,精密的,尖端的,高度发展的 2.老于世故的,失去天真的,矫揉造作的 3.老练的,富有经验的,精通的 4.不落浴套的,深奥微妙的,精致的 在绝大多数艺术史家看来,由旧石器时代向新石器时代的转变乃是一种倒退,因为我们发现的并不是某种渐臻精致复杂的绘画艺术,相反却是一种衰落.Salazars presence in the group was so _ the other

5、sthat they lost most of their earlier _; failure, forthem, became all but unthinkable. reassuring to . trepidation unnoticed by. curiosity unusual to. harmony endearing to. confidence unexpected by. exhilaration答案:(A)presence: n.存在all but(后接形容词或副词): adv.几乎(即等于almost)reassuring: a.安慰(性)的,鼓励(性)的,使人放心的

6、,消除疑虑的trepidation: n.惊慌,悸惧endearing: a.引人喜爱的,表达钟爱之情的exhilaration: n.欢欣鼓舞,高兴,振奋 萨拉查在该团体中的存在对其他人是如此莫大的安慰鼓励,以到于他们此前的大部分恐慌心理已荡然无存;失败,对他们来说,已几近无法想象The eradication of pollution is not merely a matter of_, though the majestic beauty of nature is indeed animportant consideration. economics legislation clean

7、liness aesthetics restoration答案:(D)eradication: n.根除,杜绝pollution: n.污染legislation: n.1.立法,法律的制定(或通过) 2.法律,法规aesthetics: n.美学,审美哲学restoration: n.1.恢复 2.复元,整修 3.重新实施 4.归还,返还 根除污染不仅仅是一个美学问题,尽管自然界那壮观的美丽确实是一个重要的考虑.Despite an agreement between labor and management tokeep the print and electronic media _ d

8、evelopments,the details of the negotiations were _ all but afew journalists from the major metropolitan newspapers. abreast of. disclosed to involved in. leaded to apprised of. withheld from speculating about. denied to ignorant of . suppressed by答案:(C)mangement: n.(企业,机关等的)管理人员,管理部门,经理部,资方print:报界e

9、lectronic media: n.电台和电视一类的电子舆论媒体metropolitan: a.大都会的,大城市的all but(后接名词):除.之外的全部人(或事)journalist: n.新闻记者abreast: a.齐头并进的,并肩的,不落后于.的keep abreast of(with): v.使与.齐头并进,使不落后于,使紧跟.的发展disclose: v.1.使显露 2.揭露,泄露,透露leak: v.1.渗漏 2.泄露(走漏)消息apprise: v.(正式)通知,告知withhold: v.1.使停止,阻挡 2.拒给 3.隐瞒speculate: v.1.猜测,推测,推断

10、2.思考,思索,深思默想,玄想ignorant: a.一无所知,不了解的 尽管劳资双方达成共识,要让报界的电子传媒及时了解事态的发展,但是,谈判的具体细节除了向该大都市主要几家报纸为数不多的记者有所透露之外,对其他所有人都一律加以隐瞒.Word order in a sentence was much freer in Old Frenchthan it is in French today, this _disappeared as theFrench language gradually lost its case distinctions. restriction license sim

11、ilarity rigidity imperative答案:(B)case: n.语法格(如主格,宾语,所有格等)distinction: n.1.区分,差异,与众不同 2.殊荣,荣誉,著名licenseL: n.1.(艺术创作的)破格,不拘一格 2.放纵,淫荡rigidity: n.死板,僵化imperative: n.1.紧近的事,必要性 2.命令,规则 句子中的词序在古法语中较之在现代法语中要来得自由得多,但这种破格情形随着法语逐渐失去其格的区分而消失殆尽.Whereas biologists must maintain a _attitude towardthe subjects of

12、 their research, social scientists must,paradoxically, combine personal involvement andscholarly _. scrupulous. sympathy careful. abandon casual. precision passive. passion disinterested. detachment答案:(E)paradoxically: adv.矛盾的scrupulous: a.1.有顾忌的,有道德原则的 2.细致认真的,一丝不苟的.abandon: n.放纵,无拘无束,狂放,无节制passion

13、: n.激情,热情,强烈情感,酷爱disinterested: a.1.公正无私的,无偏的 2.冷漠的,无兴趣的detachment: n.超脱,公正,不偏不倚 尽管生物学家对其研究课题必须持一种客观的态度,但矛盾的是,社会科学家却必须将个人的主观介入与学者应有的超然公正结合起来. FLAG: COUNTRY: dialect: region handshake: greeting trademark: company patent: product souvenir: vacation答案:(C) 国旗(衰退v.):国家 方言:地区 握手:问候 注册商标:公司 专利:产品 纪念品:度假 IR

14、ON: METAL: granite: rock fragment: block mine: one shale: petroleum glacier: mountain答案:(A) 铁:金属 花岗石:岩石 碎片:大块(阻碍) 矿:矿石 页岩:石油 冰川:山 STENCIL: LETTERING: skillet: heating pattern: Sewing plow: farming music: singing hammer: building答案:(B) 印刷模板:以印刷体字母印 煎锅:加热 式样,图案:缝纫 犁:耕作 音乐:歌唱 锤子:建筑物 SWILL: SIP: orate:

15、listen gobble: nibble strut: walk wink: glance say: whisper答案:(B) 痛饮:小口喝 演讲:听 狼吞虎咽:小口咬 昂首阔步地走(支杆):走 眨眼:一瞥 说:耳语 GLADE: FOREST: river: bank summit: valley shore: lake oasis: desert field: furrow答案:(D) 林中空地:森林 河:岸 顶峰(高层会议):峡谷 岸:湖 绿洲:沙漠 田:犁沟(皱纹) EXULT: SATISFACTION: crave: longing banter: conversation e

16、mote: affectation venture: rashness bore: weariness答案:(A) 欢腾:满足 渴望:想望 打趣:对话 表达感情:做作 冒险:鲁莽 令人厌烦(钻孔):厌倦 INDUSTRIOUSNESS: ACTIVITY: kindliness: animosity anxiousness: apathy boldness: strength purposefulness: enthusiasm fastidiousness: selectivity答案:(E) 勤奋:活动 友好:敌意 渴望(焦虑):冷漠 大胆,鲁莽:力量 有目的:热情 挑剔:挑选 TRUCU

17、LENT: GENTLENESS: gullible: belief fervent: zeal forthright: trust gluttonous: appetite unregenerate: remorse答案:(E) STRIDENCY: SOUND: fluidity: liquid graininess texture garishness: appearance variegation: color aroma: odor答案:(C)Aided by the recent ability to analyzesamples of air trapped in glacier

18、s,scientists now have a clearer idea ofthe relationship between atmospheric (5) composition and global temperaturechange over the past 160,000 years. Inparticular, determination of atmosphericcomposition during periods of glacialexpansion and retreat (cooling and(10) warming) is possible using data

19、from the2,000 meter Vostok ice core drilled inAntarctica. The technique involved issimilar to that used in analyzing coresof marine sediments, where the ratio of(15) the two common isotopes of oxygen, 12Oand 16O, accurately reflects pasttemperature changes. Isotopic analysisof oxygen in the Vostok c

20、ore suggestsmean global temperature fluctuations(20) of up to 10 degrees centigrade over thepast 160,000 years.Data from the Vostok core alsoindicate that the amount of carbondioxide has fluctuated with tempera-(25) ture over the same period: the higherthe temperature, the higher theconcentration of

21、 carbon dioxide and thelower the temperature, the lower theconcentration. Although change in carbon(30) dioxide content closely follows changein temperature during periods of deglaciation it apparently lags behindtemperature during periods of cooling.The correlation of carbon dioxide with(35) temper

22、ature, of course, does notestablish whether changes in atmosphericcomposition caused the warming andcooling trends or were caused by their.The correlation between carbon dioxide(40) and temperature throughout the Vostokrecord is consistent and predictable.The absolute temperature changes,however, ar

23、e from 5 to 14 times greaterthan would be expected on the basis of(45) carbon dioxides own ability to absorbinfrared radiation, or radiant heat.This reaction suggests that, quite asidefrom changes in heat-trapping gases,commonly known as greenhouse gases,(50) certain positive feedbacks are alsoampli

24、fying the temperature change. Suchfeedbacks might involve ice on land andsea, clouds, or water vapor, which alsoabsorb radiant heat.(55) Other data from the Vostok core showthat methane gas also correlates closelywith temperature and carbon dioxide.The methane concentration nearlydoubled,for example

25、, between the peak(60) of the penultimate glacial period andthe following interglacial period. Withinthe present interglacial period it hasmore than doubled in just the past 300years and is rising rapidly. Although(65) the concentration of atmospheric methaneis more than two orders of magnitudelower

26、 than that of carbon dioxide, itcannot be ignored: the radiativeproperties of methane make it 20 times(70) more effective, molecule for molecule,than carbon dioxide in absorbing radiantheat. On the basis of a simulation modelthat climatological researchers havedeveloped, methane appears to have(75)

27、been about 25 percent as important ascarbon dioxide in the warming that tookplace during the most recent glacialretreat 8,000 to 10,000 years ago. The primary purpose of the passage isto interpret data explain research methodology evaluate a conclusion suggest a new technique attack a theory答案:(A)最近


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