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雅思写作TASK ONE.docx

1、雅思写作TASK ONETASK ONE1、 Evaluation Subscales(评分标准):TA: Task Achievement (完成度)CC: Cohorence and Cohesion(承接得当) LR: Lexical Resource(词汇量) *LR&GRA要求词汇和句型的多样及全面。GRA: Grammatical Resource and Accuracy(语法&精准度)2、 Structure(文章形式)1.时态 如无明确具体时间,用一般现在时;如标明了过去的时间或将来的时间,则用相应的过去时和将来时描述。有时可能需要使用多种时态描述,视具体情况而定。2. 客观

2、性 不应该存在任何自己的主观想象成分,即使是结尾段也不应随意写,应该是根据图表的实际内容作出符合逻辑的总结归纳。3. 准确性 图里面出现的数字或任何信息不能抄错,如果看不清楚一个数值是否落在了一个点上,可以适当估算一个值。4. 专注重点 图表题需要对特殊的信息作出分析介绍,例如图表题中的起点、拐点、终点、交点与变化趋势一定需要描述,其余非特征的数据根据时间情况而定。切勿面面俱到,否则时间会超出规定范围。5.审题很重要 在20分钟内完成150字文章不容易,首先需要把题目看清楚。不论哪类图表题,看不清楚某个数值时,允许使用“大约”这类词,如about/around/just over/just u

3、nder/approximately/roughly,etc 6.确定写几段 一般来说可以根据图表的数量确定写几个段落。例如如果给出一个图表,主题段落可以采用一段式,如果这一个图表中有两条线,那可以采用两段主体段写作方式。视具体情况而定。在开始写的时候确认好要写几段,每段分别写什么内容,这样在写的时候不会乱。3、 题型分类:给出图形形式:1 Line Chart(线图)2 Pie Chart(饼图)3 Bar Chart(柱形图)4 Table(表格)5 Map(地图)6 Flow Chart(流程图)图形变化特征:1 Trend(动态)2 Static data(静态)3 Mixture (

4、Trend+Static)(混合)4 Picture(图形)4、 写作结构思路梳理整体思路:明确文章逻辑(先写什么后写什么)+细化内容写出句子+选用恰当逻辑连接词或短语连接1 How to write Introduction?Method : 句子改写(1段)4 factors:Picture(图):diagram,chart,graphWhen(时间):in the year /in the year of /since/by the year of/until/fromto/betweenand/over,during the period fromto Where(地点):in Aus

5、tralia=in the selected/certain countryAustralia.What happened(事件):participation/involvement/taking part in/join inUseful sentence structures: 2 Change the structures of sentences(that从句)It is clear from It can be clear seen that3 +complete sentence(as定从) As the graph shows As is shown by the graph A

6、ccording to the figure+phrases .Give information about. .give a summary of. .provide an overview of.change the words of sentences非谓语结构 1 How to write Body?(23段)线形图: 4factorsWhen(时间)数据变化趋势变化幅度Sentence structure 主体+show+a/an+adj+n+数据+时间Ninas:The number/percentage(of )show an (upward/downward) trend fr

7、om to Eg:Sales of coffee showed a steady increase between 2004 and 2006. 主体+V+adv+数据+时间Ninas:The number/percentage(of)+表示上升或下降的动词或短语+betweenandEg:Sales of coffee increased steadily between 2004 and 2006. There be +a/an+adj+n+数据+时间Ninas:There is a +上升或下降的名词形式+in the number of/over the period ofEg:The

8、re was a steady fall in the number of British households using their own shopping bags when shopping between 1965 and 2005. sth作主语(适应单一趋势变化)Ninas:限定修饰词+上升或下降的名词形式+can be found in the number/percentage offromto时间段+witness/experience/undergo+a/an+adj+n+数据(with)+时间Ninas:The year of 1990 witnesses a+变化趋

9、势名词形式+in the amount of 以“the percentage of international students in a certain university in Sydney”变化趋势为例总结单一趋势图的写法(满足时间数据趋势幅度四要素)1 A&BThe percentage of international students in sydney showed a sharp rise from 10% in 1960 to 25% in 1980. The percentage of international students in sydney went up s

10、lowly by 15%(10% to 25%) from 1960 to 1980. C、D&EThe percentage of international students in sydney showed a moderate increase with some drastic fluctuations from 10% to 25% between 1960 and 1980. There was a moderate increase with some slight fluctuations from 10% to 25% during 20 years from 1960 t

11、o 1980. There was a moderate decrease with a fluctuation from 25% to 10% during the past 20 years(1960 to 1980).F>he percentage of international students in sydney stayed at 15% with some fluctuations from 1960 to 1980. The percentage of international students in sydney kept sdeadily at 20% brtwee

12、n 1960 and 1980.5 H&I句型:level off atThe percentage of international students in sydney went up sharply from 10% during the early few years between 1960 and 1970 and it leveled off at 25% until 1980句型:bottom out atThe percentage of international students in sydney fell sharply from 25% during the ear

13、ly few years between 1960 and 1970 and it bottomed out at 10% until 1980JKL句型:reach a bottom(valley floor) of/atThe percentage of international students in sydney fell a little from 25% between 1960 and 1980 and it reached a bottom at 10% in 1970句型:reach a peak(summit/clim) of/atThe percentage of in

14、ternational students in sydney went up a little from 10% during 20 years(1960 to 1980) and reached a peak at 25% in 1970.句型:reach a plateau(highland/tableland)of/atThe percentage of international students in sydney reached a plateau at 25% from 1960 to 1980.headout writing1 write the missing adjecti

15、ve andadverbs 引人注目dramatically(adv)-dramatic(adj) 急剧steepy(adv)-steep(adj) 稳定steady(adj)-steadily(adv)给人印象深刻impressively(adv)-impressive(adj) 少量marginal(adj)-marginally(adv) 激增猛涨-boom轻微slight(adj)-slightly(adv) 急剧sharp(adj)-sharply(adv) 激烈猛烈drastically(adv)-drasic(adj) 缓慢slow(adj)-slowly(adv) 缓和适度mo

16、derate(adj)-moderate(adv) 柔和gentle(adj)-gently(adv)write the missing nouns or verbs(past tense)增长grow(v)-growth(n)-grew(ved) 波动fluctuate(v)-fluctuation(n)-fluctuated(ved)下降fall(n)-fall(n)-fell(ved) 上升ascend(v)-ascent(n)-ascended(ve) 下降一点dip(v)-dip(n)-dipped(ved)上升go up-going up-went up 下降衰落decline(v

17、)-declination(n)-declined(ved)下降drop(v)-drop(n)-dropped(ved) 上升rise(v)-rise(n)-rise(ved) 以图为例运用句型A: Sale of coffee showed a steady increase between 2004 and 2006.B:Sale of coffee increased steadily between 2004 and 2006.A:The world population grew steeply between 1900 and 2000B:The world population

18、experienced a steep growth between 1900 and 2000A:The domestic car market showed an steep growth of 50% for three consecutive years from 2001 to 2003.B:The domestic car market grew steeply by 50% for three consecutive years from 2001 to 2003.A:The number of british households using their own shoppin

19、g fell steadily between 1965 and 2005.B:There was a steady fall in the number of British households using their own shopping bags when shopping between 1965 and 2005.A:House prices climbed sharply during the first half of the year before falling drastically in August.B:There was a sharp climb in hou

20、se prices during the first half of the year before drastic fall in August.线形图的思路总结:因为趋势是线形图的精髓,因此第一步是描述趋势先单独观察选定首先讨论的线的特征,然后分阶段讨论这一条线由于出线图时很少出现单一一条线,然而之所以出多条线是有“对比”的暗示,因此第三步是对比饼图: 4 factors:主要特征(如:占据最大)第二主要特征(如:占据最小)次要特征(如:较平均占据)特殊项独立成段(总体数据、另外数据)Sentence structure 主体+占据(v)+%+be+占据(ved)+by+主体%+goes

21、to +某个方面%+of sb+v+sth表占据:occupy,comprise,constitute,account for,make up,take up表最大:biggest,hugest,largest,leading表最大句型:ranks the first place which occupies%表最小句型:ranks the last/final place which occupies%Ninas handouts1、“比较”的方法:“超过”:surpass,outnumber,exceed;“紧跟”:follow;“排列”:rank(the first)Eg:The amo

22、unt of runners in US showed a dramatic growth during these 30 years,outnumbering that of China2、A take the largest amount,followed by B and CA occupied the largest amount with B and C,ranking the second and the third respectively柱图 有时间因素:数据随时间变化:写法约等于线形图(+同横坐标内数据的比较)时间参与数据比较:如剑6小图2,可以选择大小量对比或者趋势对比,但

23、后者更优无时间因素:对比即可,注意导入数据Ninas handouts导入数据的方法:1、 介词:with、at、()、to、by、fromto2、 非谓语:,falling/increasing from to、,making up、,accounting for 20%、,amounting to3、 定语从句:which falls、which is、which constitutes up、which account forLinking methodsf表示相似的词:Similarly,/likewise,/the pattern is similar for/follow/tell

24、 the same pattern表示比较的词However,/in contrast,/in comparison,/on the contrary/while(连词)/by contrast,/compared with/On the other hand提示性的词:For/to/as for/as to/turning to/referring to/in terms of,/in regard to/when it comes tonumber的同义词:data(资料、材料),figure(数字、计算、算数),statistics(统计学、统计数据),amount(数量、总计),qua

25、ntity(量、数量),digit(数字)percentage的同义词:percent,proportion,radio,share表达“比例”关系的句型:The radio of A to B is X to Y Eg:The radio of puils to teacher is 30:1. stay的同义词:stable at,remain,stabilized at表示将来的句型:will do/be likely to/tend to(有某种倾向某种趋势)/be predicted(预言的) to do/be estimated(估计的) to do/be forecasted(预

26、报预测) to do/be supported to do/be thought to do表示总分结构连接:to be more exact/specitic/precise=more exactly/specifically如何简化:用括号:the ramain part is cut into A(%) and B(%)非谓语:the rest is cut into two items namely A comprising % and B constituting%介词:the rest is divided into A with % and B with%NOTES分段标准:有时

27、间变化先按时间分段再主次数据模糊化:about、around、nearly、almost、roughly、approximately、a bit over数据准确化:precisely、exactly多于:above、over、slightly more than少于:below、under、slightly less than介词使用的例子:from 1960 at 数据 to 1980 at 数据from 数据 in 1960 to 数据 in 1980表示时间先后(用于在不同时间段内有不同变化趋势的图)Before、after、A followed by B.(A先发生)表示倍数:1、A

28、+谓语部分+倍数+形容词/副词比较级+than+B2、A+谓语部分+倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as+B3、times+more+名词(可数或不可数)+than+被比对象4、times+over+被比对象5、times+compared with+被比对象表格题Ninas handouts表格题的特点是数据庞大,并由此决定了解决表格题的关键是:简化和分类表格内数据分类方法:数据项目的近似性和相反性(如:非常满意、比较满意和不满意可分为“满意”与“不满意”两类)变化的趋势特征(如:都增长或者都有波动)对比项目的关联(如:男人女人在不同项目上意见肯能统一或者不统一)流程图Ninas handou

29、ts关于流程图步骤的衔接短语:首先:In the first stage/step、To begain/start with、First of all接着:In the following stage、Afterward、From then on、after that同时:At the same time、meanwhile、simultaneous最后:In the final stage/At last/Finally/Eventually解决流程图的关键:辨明方向分解步骤抓住步骤间的联系句子的多样化:定语从句,非谓语,被动语态5 分题型应用(body部分)The graph shows

30、the increase in the ageing population in Japan, Sweden and the USA. It indicates that the percentage of elderly people in all threecountries is expected to increase to almost 25% of the respective polulationsby the year 2040.In 1940 the population of people aged 65 or more stood at only 5% inJapan,7% in Sweden and 9% in the US. However, while the figures forthe Western countries grew to about 15% in around 1990, the figures forJapan dipped to only 2.5% for much of this period, before rising to almost 5%again at the present time.In spite of some fluctuation in the expected percentages, t

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