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1、选修六Module4词汇短语语法讲解学案 选修六 Module 4 Music (学案)注:(按照词汇表出现顺序编辑,若词汇表中无,则尽量标出在课文中出现的位置,P .页码. P段落 L 第几排)一:Words(词汇)1 . relativen. 亲戚,亲属adj. 相对的,比较的(和to连用)He is one of my distant relatives.他是我的一位远亲。The teacher asked me some questions relative to my paper. 老师问了我一些和我的论文有关的问题。All details relative to the matte

2、r are under discussion.所有与这件事有关的细节都正在讨论中。联想relatively adv.相对地,比较地relativity n.相对论relation n.联系;关系;亲戚in relation to有关,关于,涉及relate v. 叙述,讲述;联系;涉及related adj.有关的,有关联的be related to 与有关联2. soloist n. 独唱者、独奏者solo n. 独唱(曲),独奏,单人表演3. interpret v. 诠释,解释,翻译 interpretation n. interpreter n. 翻译者,口译员4. poetry n.

3、 诗歌(总称,u)poem n. 诗 c poet n. 诗人 poetic adj. 有诗意的,诗的5 . feature (P43 in the last but two line)(1)n.特点,特色,特性,特征,容貌Wet weather is a feature of life in this area.天气潮湿是这个地区生活中的一个特色。(2) v. 显示特征;使有特色Round-the-clock service features the bar.日夜服务是这家酒吧的特色。6. add 增加,增添;补充说,进而说 (P44.P5,L4)If you add 5 to 3 , yo

4、u get 8. 五加二得八。He added that they were very pleased with the result.他补充说他们对这个结果很满意。联想add to增加/增添(困难等)add up to 总计,加起来等于add up把加起来;说得通;言之有理add. . . to.把 . 加到.上 上7. allow (P47, P2, L4)(1)allow (doing) sth. “允许(做)某事”,有时用于被动语态 The facts allow no other explanation.事实不允许有其他的解释。(2)allow sb. to do sth. “允许某

5、人做某事”,有时用于被 动语态。My parents dont allow me to go out at night.我父母不允许我晚上出去。 (3) allow+从句“接受、承认 ”I allow that things are not easy.我承认事情并不那么容易)allow for “考虑到,把.考虑进来,体谅”We must allow for his youth.我们必须考虑到他的年轻。辨析allow,permit 与 let(1)allow,permit都有“让,允许”的意思,很多情况下可以互换使用。(2)allow侧重于默许,permit侧重于书面允许,语气较allow重,

6、它们也可以用于句型:allow/permit sb. to do sth.中。Permit/Allow me to congratulate you on your success.请允许我祝贺你成功。(3)allow/permit+动名词(不用不定式)。We dont allow/permit smoking in the waiting room. 我们不允许在候车室里抽烟。8. combine (P45,P2,L4) 使结合或混合形成一体,联合(1)combine. . . with.意为“把.与.结合、联合”。He tried to combine theory with practi

7、ce.他尝试着把理论和实践结合起来。(2)combine还可以和against连用。The three countries combined together against their enemy. 这三个国家联合起来对抗他们的敌人。(3)combine后面也可以跟不定式短语。Two of the small groups had combined to form one large group.两个小组合并成一个大组。辨析combine, connect, join 与 unite 此组动词都意为“联合,连接”。(1)combine意为“结合,联合”,指为了某一目的而把两事物结合在一起。H

8、e combines botany with chemistry.他把植物学和化学联系起来了。(2)connect “连接”,指用东西把两事物连接在一起,或两事物直接相连,两者仍保持原状。The two cities are connected by a railway.这两座城市由一条铁路相连。(3)join意为“连接”,指用线、绳、桥等把两物或两地连接在一起,和connect意思相近,也可指两物互相紧密连接。 Where does this stream join the Changjiang River?这条河和长江在哪里汇合?(4) unite意为“联合”,指两种以上的事物结合为一体,

9、有合二为一的意味,强调结合后的统一性。The two companies will unite into one.这两家公司将合并成一家。练习We all know that oil and water dont_.A. connect B. combine C. join D. unite答案:B combine意为“结合,联合”, 指为了某一目的而把两事物结合在一起。9. depress作动词,意为“使沮丧;使愁苦;使忧愁;使贬值;使跌价;使减少;使不活泼;使萧条”。(P45, P3, L4)depressed 形容词,意为“(感到)压抑的;郁闷的(说明人的情绪)”。depressing

10、形容词,意为“(令人)压抑的,沉闷的,阴沉的”The rainy days always depress me.雨天总是使我沮丧。 depression作名词,意为“沮丧;愁苦;抑郁;失望情绪;萧条,不景气;经济萧条时期”。A holiday will help his depression.度假会帮助他改善抑郁心情。In time of depression, there were no enough jobs.萧条时期,没有足够的工作。10. ambition n. 志气,抱负,雄心,野心His ambition was to meet his favorite singer star f

11、ace to face.他一心向往的是要面对面地见见他最喜欢的歌星。In his youth he had the ambition of being a pianist.他在年轻时代曾经有过想当钢琴家的志向。联想ambitious adj.有雄心的,有抱负的,常用于be ambitious for sth.结构中。They were very ambitious for their children.他们望子成龙心切。achieve ones ambition(s) 实现某人的抱负。11. regarding 介词,“关于”,相当于 as regards; with/in regard to

12、; with respect to; concerningWhats your opinion regarding the problem?关于这个问题你有什么想法?With regard to your recent application, Im afraid we are unable to offer you the job.关于你最近的申请,恐怕我们不能给你这个职位)联想regard v. 看待,当作(常与as搭配),尊敬You cant regard him as a friend but a business associate. 你不能把他看作朋友,他只是个生意合伙人。rega

13、rd n.尊敬,致意,问候(regards) I have a very high regard for your abilities.我非常敬佩你的能力。Please give my best regards to your parents.请代我向你的父母问好。练习Well call you as soon as a decision is made_ your application.A. to regard B. regard C. regarding D. regarded 答案:C 根据句意可知,用regarding your application表示 “关于你们的申请”。12.

14、 regulate v. 规定,管理,整顿regulation n. 管理,规则,规章rules and regulations规章制度13. vacant adj.空闲的;精神空虚的;茫然的;无表情的If that room is vacant,we can practice there.如果那个房间空着,我们可以在那儿练习。 a vacant expression on his face 他脸上一副茫然的表情 辨析free,vacant 与 empty(1)free空的,指清除了或缺少了某物,与of或from连用。 She is free of him.她摆脱了 他。She is free

15、 from anxiety.她无忧无虑。(2) vacant空闲的,指地方没有被占用。One day,man can make full use of vacant space.将来,人们会充分利用空闲的地方。(3) empty空的,指里面什么东西都没有。The case is empty. 这个箱子是空的。提示empty,vacant和相同的名词连用时,含义不同。an empty house指房子里既无家具也无人,空荡荡的。而a vacant house指房子没有被人占用,里面可有家具,也可无家具。14. relief n. (痛苦、忧虑等的)解除;减轻;慰藉;救济For night-tim

16、e and early morning relief, take two tablets at bed time.睡前服两片,就会缓解夜间和清早的疼痛。联想much to ones reliefto ones great relief使某人深感欣慰的是relieve vt. 使解除,使免除relieve sb. from anxiety消除某人的忧虑15. collection 收藏,收藏品A collection of .“一套”(a collection of后可加可数名词复数形式或不可数名词,如果作主语,谓语动词用单数)A collection of rare stamps is ver

17、y valuable.一套稀有邮票是很珍贵的。a large/good collection of 一批,大量的He has a large collection of stamps.他有大量的邮票收藏。联想make a collection for 为 募捐collection n.征收;收款;募捐The house-to-house collection raised $ 12 000.上门募捐活动共筹集了 12 000美元。练习Tom owns_larger collection of _ books than any other student in our class.A.the;/

18、 B. a;/ C.a;the D. /;the答案:B 本题考查冠词的用法a + (large) collection of $一 批,大量的”,其后直接跟名词。16. scene 场景,情景 (P53. P2,L7)Our reporter was the first person on the scene.我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的)辨析scene,view,sight,scenery 与 landscape 这些名词均含“景色,风景”之意。(1)scene指具体的、局部的或一时的景色,可以是自然形成 的,也可以是人工造成的。 (2)view普通名词,多指从远处或高处所见的景色 (3

19、)sight侧重指旅游观光的风光,包括城市景色或自然风光 景色;也指人造景物或奇特的景色。(4)scenery指一个国家或某一地区的整体自然风景)(5)landscape多指在内陆的自然风光。练习 The sheep gazing on the hillside made a peaceful _ .A. scenery B. sceneC. landscape D. sight答案:B 句意:羊在山坡上吃草,构成了一片宁静的好景 致。scene是指某一眼看到的某些特别的景象,还包括人和 事物的运动场景;scenery指某一地区的整体自然风景;landscape 指山水及内陆自然风光;sigh

20、t 一般指某地值得游览的风景名胜16. dozen (P53,P1,L1)(1)当它与具体数字连用时,既不加复数词尾-s,也不后接介词of,(2)当它不与具体数字连用,而是表示不确定的数字时,则不仅要加复数词尾-s,而且其后要接介词of,此时可将dozens of(许多,几十)视为习语。Ive been there dozens of times.我去过那儿几十次。(3) 当与a few,several等数目不很具体的词连用,加不加复数词尾-s均可,但需注意:不加复数词尾-s时,其后的介词of可以省略;加词尾-s时,其后介词of不能省略)several dozen (of) pencils=s

21、everal dozens of pencils 几打铅笔注意英语中较少使用many dozen的说法,要表示类似意思可用dozens of。 (4)当它后面的名词受the,these,those等限定词修饰,或其后接的是us,them这样的人称代词时,必须用介词of。如:two dozen of these eggs两打这种鸡蛋 three dozen of them 它们中的二打 提示score,hundred,thousand,million 等也具有以上用法。 练习She went to the bookstore and bought _.A. dozen books B. two

22、dozens booksC. dozens of books D. dozens books答案:C 17. cover 包括,包含 (P55,P3,L2)His report covered all aspects of the problem.他的报告涉及了这个问题的所有层面。cover还有其他的意义:v. 覆盖;占地;行过(一段路);报道, 采访(事件)n.封面,盖子The mother covered her baby with a blanket.妈妈用毛毯盖着她的孩子。He tried to cover his mistakes.他极力隐瞒自己的错误。We aimed to cov

23、er 400 miles before nightfall.天黑前我们打算走完400英里。She is covering the event.她正在采访这个事件。the cover of a magazine 杂志的封面 二:Expressions(短语)1. give concerts 举办音乐会(P44.P1,L6)They gave concerts and donated the proceeds to charity.他们举办了音乐会,把收入捐给了慈善机构。联想give的相关短语:give away赠送,泄漏 give back归还,恢复give in认输,让步,屈服,交上give

24、life to赋予 生命give off发出(光线、气味等)give out分发;发出(气味、热);公布;精疲力竭give up停止,放弃,辞去2. be true of/for 与情况相同=be the same withThe same is true of(P44,P5,L4)Its the same with (P45,P2,L1)(详见德中课堂)3. give life to(P45,P1,L10)赋予生命;增添的生机His coming gave life to our party.他的到来给我们的晚会增添了生机。联想life常用于以下结构:a matter of life and

25、 death生死攸关的问题lay down/give up ones life for ones country 为国捐身区come back to life 苏醒过来lead/live a. . . life 过的生活 lead/live a happy life 过幸福生活4. a little(P45,P3,L3)(课文原句:I feel a little depressed)a little可以修饰形容词原级,也可以修饰形容词比较级;同时a little可充当代词和形容词的功能(修饰不可数名词)。I feel a little hungry.我觉得有点饿。(a little修饰原级)I

26、ts a little colder than yesterday. (修饰比较级)今天比咋天要冷些。He only ate a little yesterday. (作代词)他咋天只吃了一点点。I have a little money.我有一点钱。(作形容词)联想not a little=very much非常(肯定意义) not a bit = not at all根本不,一点也不(否定意义)I was not a little angry.我非常气愤。I was not a bit angry.我一点儿也不气愤。5. make contact with (P45, P4, L5)与接触

27、;与联络I dont know how to make contact with you.=I dont know how to contact you.=I dont know how to get in contact/touch with you.我不知道怎样跟你联系。联想keep in contact/touch with sb.与某人保持联系be in contact with 与某人有联系6. be banned from doing (P47,P2, L4)be banned from doing 是 ban sb. from doing 的被动形式,“(sb.被)禁止做”。He

28、 was banned from (attending) the meeting.不准他出席该会议.ban n.禁令(通常与介词on连用禁止);取缔The government has banned the use of chemical weapons. 政府已经禁止使用化学武器。There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.这家剧院内禁止吸烟。A ban on the importation of drugs had been issued recently. 最近已经发布了禁止进口毒品的法令。7. push ones way through“挤着穿过”

29、(P49,P1,L5)push sth. through “促成,完成”。She pushed her way through the crowd.她挤着穿过了人群。Well have to push the matter through as soon as possible. 我们要尽快完成此事。联想get through通过;完成go through穿过;经历;(仔细)检查,核实He got through the book in one evening.他一个晚上就看完了这本书)The old peasant went through untold hardships before l

30、iberation. 那个老农民解放前受尽苦难。(拓展)makeonesway艰难地走向;向某地走去leadtheway带路;引路loseonesway迷路feelones way摸索着前行fightonesway奋斗前进windonesway蜿蜒前进forceoneswayout/in/through挤出去/强行进入/挤过8. miss the point 不得要领He seemed to have missed the point of the book.他似乎没有抓住这本书的主要观点。联想to the point中肯;扼要off the point离题,不着边际be on the point of doing sth. . . . when .正要做某事这时(另外一件事情发生)There is no point (in) doing sth.做某事没有用,没有意义。 9. cant stand“不能忍受 ”常用于cant stand sth./doing sth. / sb. doing sth.结构中。I cant stand waiting any l

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