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1、中考英语复习形容词副词的比较等级中考英语复习-形容词、副词的比较等级1.原级:表示A与B在某方面相同。句型:1) A + 谓 + as + 原级 + as + B 2) A + 谓(否定) + as/so + 原级 + as + B A与B在某方面不同注意:not as / so as = less than 不及;不如eg. 1)This girl is as beautiful as that one. 2)You dont eat so much as I 3)This book isnt as interesting as that one = This book is _ _ _ t

2、hat one2.比较级:两者进行比较(常与than连用)1)I am cleverer than you 我比你聪明。2)He runs faster than Jim 他比Jim跑得快。3)I picked more apples than Jim.我比你摘的苹果多。4)Which is more interesting, this one or that one? 哪本书更有趣,这本还是那本?3.最高级:三者(或三者以上)进行比较(常与表范围的in , of短语连用)( 注意:of + 个体名词单数 in + 集合名词 )eg. 1)Shanghai is the biggest cit

3、y in China. 2)He runs fastest in our class. 3)He is the tallest of the three boys. 4)Which is the easiest, Lesson1, Lesson2 or Lesson3 ?4.形、副比较等级的其他用法 1) “比较级and 比较级” 表示 “越来越”eg. lazier and lazier 越来越懒(但注意:如果多音节词用此结构时应为 more and more + 形、副)eg. more and more beautiful 越来越漂亮 2) “the比较级,the比较级” “越,越”eg

4、. the more, the better 多多益善 _ you are, _ you will get. 你越懒,收获越少。 3) “the比较级of +二者” “二者中较的一个”eg. 1) Lucy is the younger of the twins. 2) Of(A) the two books(B) this one(C) is thicker(D). _ 4)表示二者相差多少用 “具体数量 + 比较级”eg. Hes a head taller than me. My brother is two years older than me5)表示“是几倍”时用“twice; t

5、hree times等 + asas”eg. 1)This book costs twice as much as that one. 这本书的价钱是那本书的两倍。 2)He has four times as many books as I have 他拥有的书是我拥有的四倍。6)区别older / elder与farther / further older(年龄较老的) elder(指兄弟姐妹中排行在前的)eg. My _ brother is _ than me. farther (指距离“较远的”) further(指抽象事物的“更进一步的”)eg.1)He went abroad f

6、or _ studies. 2)Fusun is _ from our school than Zhaohua. 形、副比较等级还应注意1.比较级前用a little ; much / a lot ; even / still来加强语气,表示“一点儿;得多 ; 更”eg. 1) a little bigger 大一点儿 2)much more 多得多 3)even heavier更重但注意:不能在比较级前加so; too; very; quite等。2.比较级必须是同类事物相比(即as; than后的词应与主语是同类事物),注意常用漏的代词有:that; those; one; oneseg.

7、 1)The apples (A) in this basket (B) are redder (C) than in that basket(D). _2)This knife (A) isnt (B) so (C) new as that (D). _3)Our classroom (A) is (B) bigger (C) than Lily(D). _3.个体与整体相比,不能包括个体,常用“any other + 单数名词”来进行比较。eg.1)Betty(是个体) is cleverer than any student in her class(是整体). ( )正:Betty i

8、s cleverer than any other student in her class.=Betty is cleverer than anybody else in her class.=Betty is the cleverest in her class.(特别注意以上三种句型的转换) 2)China is bigger than any country in Africa. 中国比非洲的任何一个国家都大。 3) China is bigger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲的任何一个其他国家大。*4.使用最高级时应把主语包括在范围内。e

9、g. Mary is the tallest of all her sisters.( )(all her sisters已排除了Mary)改:Mary is the tallest of all the sisters.5.表示“第二、第三”时,可在最高级前加“second , third, ”(但“第一”不能用first)eg. The Changjiang River is the first longest river in China. 改错:_附:形、副比较级和最高级的变化规则A、规则变化1.“辅 + y”结尾,变y为i加er , est(但“形 + ly ”构成的副词除外)2.双

10、写加er , est3.直接加 er , est / r, st4.在多音词前加more , most (以“形 + ly ”构成的副词也在前加more , most)B、不规则变化原级比较级最高级good/wellbetterbestmany/muchmoremostbad/ill/badlyworseworstlittlelessleastoldolder/elderoldest/eldestfarfartherfurtherfarthestfurthest另外:1) 以-er , -ow , -ble , -ple结尾的双音节词加er, est / r, st.narrow _ _sim

11、ple _ _able _ _2) tired_ _pleased _ _3) often _ _ friendly_ _4)在形容词的最高级前一般加the, 副词的最高级前一般不加the (但当形容词最高级前有物主代词、所有格时则不再加the)。eg. Lily is my the best friend.(改错) _5)形容词作表语、定语,修饰名词(但部分形容词不能作定语,只能表语:ill ; alone ; asleep ; afraid ; interested ; excited ; surprised ).副词作状语,修饰动词。练 习一、写出下列词的比较级和最高级thin _ _

12、easy _ _early _ _ new _ _hot _ _ clever _ _little _ _ late _ _narrow_ _fat _ _many _ _ big _ _dangerous_ _wonderful _ _careful _ _slowly _ _popular _ _二、选择填空( )1.Which language is _ , English, French or Chinese?A. difficult B. the difficultC. more difficult D. the most difficult( )2.Yangpu Bridge is

13、 one of _ in the worldA. bigger bridge B. the biggest bridgeC. the biggest bridges D. bigger bridges( )3.Tom is taller than Mike. But he is not _ Mike.A. strong as B. so strong asC. so strong D. as strong( )4.Most of the people in Guangdong are getting _.A. more and rich B. more rich and more richC.

14、 richer and richer D. rich and rich( )5.This text is _ easier and _ interes- ting than that one.A. more ; much B. much ; moreC. more ; more D. much ; much( )6.Which do you like _, beef, pork or chicken? A. good B. well C. better D. best( )7.Put on more clothes. It is snowing _ outside. A. strongly B

15、. heavy C. heavily( )8.John drives as _ as Tom.A. carefully B. good C. nice D. fine( )9.Is China larger than _ in Africa.A. any country B. any other countryC. any countries D. all countries( )10.My _ brother is _ than I.A. elder, three years older B. older ; olderC. older; three years elder D. elder

16、 ; elder( )11.Li Mei is more beautiful than _ in her class.A. any girl B. any other girlC. all the girls D. any girls( )12.This problem is _ than that one.A. ten times easy B. ten times easierC. ten times more easy D. ten time easier( )13.This film is _ interesting than that one.A. more B. much C. v

17、ery D. the most( )14.There is _ in todays newspaper.A. interesting nothing B. nothing interestingC. interested nothing D. nothing interested( )15.The teacher asked all the students in the class to keep their eyes _.A. close B. to close C. closing D. closed( )16.The fat man always says his meat looks

18、 _ and sells _.A. good ; good B. well ; wellC. good ; well D. well ; good( )17.It seems that men are _ making computers than women.A. better at B. good atC. well in D. weak in( )18.The words population is growing fast every minute, especially in some _ countriesA. west B. more developedC. east D. le

19、ss developed( )19.This bridge is not _ long and wide _ the one in my hometown.A. so ; as B. very ; than C. too; as D. very ; as( )20.I think the song in the film “Titanic” is _ one of all the movie songs.A. the most beautiful B. most beautifulC. much more beautiful D. a beautiful( )21.Lin Tao is as

20、_ as Zhang Hua.A. strong B. stronger C. strongest D. the strongest( )22.Sara is _ tired _ move after the hard work.A. very ; to B. quite ; to C. too ; to D. so ; that( )23. Jack didnt run _ to catch the bus.A. enough fast B. quickly enoughC. enough slow D. slowly enough( )24.The driver is very _. He

21、 often drives his car _.A. careful ; careful B. carefully; carefullyC. carefully ; careful D. careful ; carefully( )25.Look! All the children are working _ on the farm.A. careful B. hard C. busy D. happy( )26.The population of Shanghai is _ than that of Xian.A. smaller B. fewer C. much D. larger附动词的

22、四种形式A、动三单的变法 1) “辅+y”结尾, 变y为i加es 2) “以s; sh; ch; x; o结尾, 加es 3)直接加s但have-hasB、现在分词的变法 1)去e加ing (e不发音) 2)双写加ing (“辅元辅”结尾且重读,y;w列外) 3)直接加ing写出下列动词的现在分词1.see_e _5.listen_6.drop _7.prefer_8.fix_ 9.relax _10.die _11.tie _12.lie _C、动词的过去式和过去分词(一)不规则变化(见课本不规则变化表P255)(二)规则变化 1) “辅+y”结尾,变y为i加e

23、d 2)双写加ed 3)直接加ed写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词1.drop _ _2.stop _ _3.prefer _ _ _5.try _ _6.fix _ _ 7.relax _ _附情态动词(can/ could; may/ might; must; should)+动原1.must(必须)neednt(不必) may(可以)mustnt(不许;不准;不可以)2.注意几个题: 1)May I go with you? No, you _. 2)Must I turn off the light now? Yes, you _/ No, you _附动词不定式与动名

24、词A、动词不定式作宾补 1)tell / ask / want sb to do _否定式:tell/ask/want sb not to do _ _ 2)省to不定式作宾补即:(l, m, n, 3h, 2看, 1f) sb dollet; mmake; nnotice; 3hhear, have, help; 2看see, watch; 1ffeel 但注意:1)help sb (to) do (to可省、可不省) 2)在改作被动语态时省去的to应还原eg. Someone heard him sing in the room. He was heard to sing in the r

25、oom.B、动词不定式与动名词的区别1.(hope; learn; want=would like; decide) to do2.(enjoy; finish; keep; mind; practise) doing 8.介词+doingeg. 1)What/ How about doing 2)be good at doing附宾语从句与状语从句中的时态1.状语从句中的时态:主句时间、条件句1)一般将来时 2)祈使句 3)情态动词原形一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时eg.1)Ill call you as soon as he _ (come) back. 2)He wont go to b

26、ed until he _ (finish) his homework. 3)Ill help you if I _ (be) free tomorrow2.宾语从句中的时态:主句宾语从句一般现在时一切时态一般过去时过去范畴的某一时态(一般过去时;过去进行时;过去完成时;过去将来时)但当宾语从句是指客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象时,则只能用一般现在时。eg.1)He said his father _(come) back in two days. 2)The teacher said light _(travel) faster than sound.附主谓一致1.表“时间、距离、金钱、长度”

27、的名词短语做主语时应看作一个整体,视为三单eg. Two months is quite a long time.2.people; police形单实为复,作主为复eg. The police are looking for the missing boy.3.maths, news, physics形复实为单,作主为单; class看作整体时作主语为单数;看作整体中的各成员时则为复数。eg. 1)My family is a big one. 2)My family are watching TV.5.由with, except, as well as连接的两名词作主语,谓

28、语由前者决定eg. The teacher with his students is going to Beijing tomorrow.6.由neithernor; eitheror; not onlybout also连接的两名词作主语,谓语由后者决定eg. Neither he nor I am a teacher.7.不定代词(something; anything; nothing; someone; anyone; everyone)作主语为三单Nobody knows it except me.8.One of + 复名 作主语为单数eg. One of my friends is a computer engineer.9.“the +姓的复数”作主语为复数eg. The Lius are watching TV now.10.sheep; deer; fish单复同形,注意区别作主语是单还是复eg. 1)The

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