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1、广西省南宁市高中毕业班第一次适应性测试英语2010年南宁市高中毕业班第一次适应性测试英语试卷本/卷分第1卷(选择體)和帑n卷(非选择題)两部分満分150分考试时间120分钟注恋事项:1. 生辰答题卡上务益林自己的址名、班JPL今号填宵清紅.2毎小题逸岀各聚J&用2B46笔七#题卡上才应题目的#赛林号涂*。知需改动用鼻皮捧 干冷直再迪诛X他冬案标号屈试&卷上作算尢败。第I卷(选择題满分115分)-分:听力(共灣节満分30分)鶴一节(共5小题;毎小H1.S分満分75分)听下囱5段对话。每段对话麻旳一个小!L从題中所恰的A.B.C三个逵琐中选出Jft佳选项. 并标在试卷的相应位ZL听完每段对话后你都

2、有10秒钟的时间来冏答有关小题和倒渎卜一小 氐毎段对话仅渎一邁。M:How much is the shirt?A 19. 1$ B. 9. 15. C. 9. 18.I. Whai do the man wwnl Io buy?A. A house.B. A book.c.A garden.2.W hal color in tbr car of theM-tMuan * s lister?A. Yellow.B. Red.C.Blue.3How old m Sam now?A29R. 27.C.224.C She doom*I undertland the manC. She hm Irmd

3、y bought a nrw onr.Why can* t tlu* wnnwin help ihr man?A Sh. b busy B She donm11 know the way.5.*hai did iho woman say hImmiI hrr diclKNiar)?A.She icevt the old one. B. She pvr the old ooe Io othere.第二节(共15小题;毎小矗15分爲分225分)听下圖5段对话或独白。毎段对话rtttClCW几个小越从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选 岀最佳选顶并标庄试栓的相应位旌。听每段对话成越白前你将灯时间何读务

4、个小题每小题5秒仲;听完后备小也将给出5秒忡的作答时阿,毎段对话或妆白读朗遍。英语试卷第I页(XI 2页)C. At thr Bmwnsf.C Bt-fuiitM* il * k rr dorwi * t like thr Btowtw 听第7段材料同答第8至10題。8.Hou match did Groqt rnd on lle Id krU?A. 50 B. 100 C. 200 9 Whi*i Betty attitude tawurd、(ho nun if?A!(S boring B. She doenl think it*a worth the lime C ShrS hokinp

5、fnrwnnl io wnl!hir il. 10 When will they meet tomorrow?A. Al 8 :00 pm B At 9 :00 pm C. At I0:00 pm昕第R段材料冋答那11至I3ttoII. Why the woman t*alinp al a McDonahl*s resUurant?A id cheap. B Bccausr il. jcpccial.I2 WKal does the man ihink of McDonald * ?A The foml al McDonald food.B Thr food at McDonald * n i

6、n good.C He knouH nothing alxml il13.Hom* many buipr have McDonald*a rvulauranl Mld?A More than 100 billion. B. Ovrr 100 million.听第9段材料回答發14至门世,14.UTwt d Betty probleni?A.She down91 4wrr the points of view with her parent%B.Shr(uin* I decide wliat kind of college Io choow?C She canvt drri* wIih Ii l

7、iuspiul Io chocM.15.What kind of rnllrgr dntf Mr. Black fURgeM BrUjr 辭 WA A buaiimb college B An artw cnllej.I6 Win does Betty think lhe rt* roller wunck intereMing?A Becauw rtucirntM dnn I have to pay.B sUmienb 7udy all the subjcch.C MudmU arr free In rhewwe ji rnii) Io an art* collr|r靳第10段材料回答第18至

8、20的18.tlou many people in the hu were injured?A. Four. B. Five. C. More than thirty.19.What wpried?A. Sleeping B Pnrparing for a ronccrt C Enjoying muNc20.What can we rcwMducir fnm llie he %?A. *ne chonl had In Fw clo-ird nn Friday.B Some of the injured rr mill undrr lrrn!mrnl.C Fir accMlrnt wan cau

9、Mtl by carrier driving.第二部分:英诱知识运用(共两节潰分4$分)第一节 单琐填空(共15小題;毎小UI分満分15分)从A 个jg坝中选岀可以填入空门处的用佳选顼并在的題卡上将谏项涂黑u21 Plraw Irll Brucr hr han wan tlw firsl prixe in the imdhw cmikM Hr never did m well bHorr.A. O)nmatuhtionM! B. Goodluck!C.Hurts ighl D Wlwt a fxxl sutprisej22 In I he Beijing Olympk. Plidp* fmm

10、ihr US in _ pmwn erf wonder. proon whovum into thr Olympic hizoryA. thr; lheB. thr; aC. a: thrD.a: a23.I did very badlyin thr rtam thi% tirwt xn I* m ver) up%rlCheer up J 1 didthan vou.but 1 remain happvA m betlerB bellrrC no woewDIM ywakr mIii- found that lirwan Iviikg onnrrmnl to be a pimreA. that

11、B. whichC. whatD.it25.Bv no nwn. 1 wa*wumrd. Inihr iNe(ucrd Io Mnrnnr r)5r.扎 1B. 1 w*C. could 1D1 could26I radh cm*I inuttne irtich a bcauliful firl hr w rndcA. needB inavC. 4idlD.should27.It wm vrr)- wimminR.A. allhougliB. MC hut0.hmm英语试卷第3页(共1 2页28. 1 dont think wr have met before.32 Wiutl Irnribl

12、e wrallier! !l ht*a%ily for as hmg w righl hour*,A. Ml”为 B MMmrd C. i Muming 1). Iuk been Mumin*33.Snnw mtiirinr. wbn wfvwigly _ _ . rn kill n permn.A take B. taking C Ukrn D. Io lake34.h it thr yraiM yi worked in the fKtory _ have a prmt effect m youi lilrrary uojk?A lliat; where B when: llutl C ll

13、uit; lhal F). tiliirh; lliat35.I ranl believr you; I know lliat you arr a tUnq ugain.A. making up B making miI C giving nul 1). turning ou!氛二节 完老填空(共20小题;每小fil. 5分满分30分)阅读下面瓯文从短文所給各色的四个选攻(A.B.C和D)屮.11出可以垃入空白处的赧仆泌When I w twdvr yrr old. my fadirr look me to tw Zip Ziglrr Mllirig hi lltnl dark liall l

14、iMnini; b Mr. Zipler 6 pveryurir *、up In llir railing; I left ihrrr frrling like I cmild do anylhinf;. W hen pol to lhe car. I 37_ my falbrr and said。*hwl. I want io 料 pmplr feel like lhi. My father Zed me uhal I mrant. I 心rl Io him. *1 wnt to be a 39 speaker juM like Mr. Zigier t * 1 replied 40 . A

15、 drram ua* bom.Recently t I begin necking my 41 of ino life He asked *11 a god would _50 vmi ihrrr uhal wouhl lliry he?* After twin* 51 a mfMnrnt Io*ril3oun the three 52 . hr liini gkrd g. “Why du you nrrd a gnd? I would never forget the53 I frit at iImI nwMnrnl. I rralizrci llml ever)lhing I hml 54

16、 in thr paM had prrparrd me for thi$ nMiiiMnil. I 55_ and dnln * I nrn(| a gnd、liclp to lirronw mor4ikrr w Inihi.36.A.CtM-H. ihniuC putD.raine37.A.llimril tnIl tcrxlrfl ioC. turned ckmnD.ghirrd al38.A.科R wentC nuikcIXrhfrr39.A.excitingB. modmionaC.D.Mirpriwing40.A.MddlvrB angrilyG: diMippmnlrdlyDpro

17、udly41.A.dreamIL n|rakr!rC. ideaD*uggrslion42.A.AfterB. Brfim*C BrrtujirDFar43.A.eiulingR mmpklingC. brRrmingDrcganltni;44.A.B. leftC. carted1).conlimifl45.A.liMppoinlcdR uorrir|CDdrlighled46,A.ifB. howC. why1).lhal47.A.|4ainB. pniraiM(:.lirriMionDmind48.A.allMlingB. joiningC enteringD.holding49.A.n

18、rs|Mi|w*rH映C. reportDRprrch50.A.deliverB. offerC MippbDprov ide51.A.themB youC utiI).him52.A.drraniHB wishesC. mt-SKsiigr*DnotesS3.A.enrrpIL fnrrrC powerDwrihl54.A.nean*lnlB. sbhedC. rxpcclcdDMxompliwhn! ghdDbusy第三部分:阅读理解(共20小通;毎小越2分用分40分)倒读卜列加文从毎逸所冷的四竹1项(AbC和D)中选出廉住选项并在答題R将滚頊涂加。AThr fin

19、M liiwr I him Carim I hoiiI inn-rr luivr hdirved he wha going io changr my life. I had my um卜 full ack to sec if Reed liarTiiigtiMi uw hughing with tlie reM. Piai would br the I“ Mraw. But Reed was studying chemkHnr and did iwi cem to be aware M anythinghr. I didn * t know why I comidcrtd Reed my fr

20、iend. Mayhr juM becauM* be sg 4 giMNi two inches taller than l An)nay. rvrnr time 1 bk out my birthday candles and made u wish it was for a date with K*cd Harringkm.Tike Out “Al. Mr Mc2aithy told the cocky rwuconicr Carioi. fiointing to the only empty one. in ibe lick of ibr room.Cafi* grinned. But

21、I nerd a couple of clictionaiiKH * Apin ihr rUw laughedv but now they wrrr laughing with Carlos, not at him. He IumJ Kerr only 10 minutes and already he had them on hisIIthe w hool eir*hl 加16怦 irn-urlf. - How come thin Crimp who* s onJy been in town for a little over a month get* to Im- m fiopuhir?S

22、o llul rmmingt I l|pn Qiriw and Mid* - Il don,l 乂Io txMhrr you bring shortKr looked up al mr. Of mum-1 mind firing short. Bui there tjn*l anything I can do about it. When I mb ized I wa gutng to have tu npentl my life in ihin umlrndzrd *kin, I juM decided to make the brM of it and Ewnlra忖 on I*呻 niy

23、wlf. “ Ym nrrrn to grt olong grrol/ I admitted. Bui what aliaui me? Nobody w.niH to r mnrr thun pertly ” I lelt my*rlf luming rrd56.Thr muIImm* an|7)a hrraur _ .A ihrI网 nwdr fun of her B. Cados wan tm rude to herC *hr bad to mnry many boo“ I). Kred Harrington didrTl (hie het57.Which of ihr following

24、 about Carlos 4 NOT TRUE?A He wa popular- B. Hr was new in the 乂h(xJ.C He uu5 sJMJrtrr lhan llie author D Hr wan dxen ptridrnl in the school clcdiotu58.We can infirr (rticn (be |tua(;r dial .A.Carkw and the author hve Iwvnmr good frimdwH. lh- mithnr will hr morr ronfidrntC. Car Im mcou raged thr authorI), the autheir toll59 What * b thr bet title of the passage?A. How to be popular B. A Uli giH C Be)ourself D SomHhin* jiInmiI Carle*英语试卷第6页(典1 2页)THE Ijttir Mermaid. a fain* tak by Danish author Hni (IhriMuin Aridrrsen i* well known Il trlk of a young mrnnjiMl h

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