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1、英语作文文章类型英语作文文章类型 记叙文 记叙文定义和范围所谓记叙文,是以讲述故事或描述人物为主要内容,以叙述为主要表达方式的文章。叙述就是把与人物或事件有关的东西介绍出来,一般来说,记叙文分为记人和记事两种。记人是以人为主要叙述对象的文章,主要讲述人物的活动、经历、性格等方面。记事是以事件为中心的文章,事件的发生、发展和结果是文章的中心。 记叙文要求语言清晰,叙述准确。为了达到这一目的,写记叙文必须掌握六大要素,即:时间when、地点where、人物who、事情what、原因why、结果how。记叙文须交代清楚这六大要素,为读者提供一定的背景知识,以便让读者在阅读时不会感到迷惑不解。但这并不

2、是说记叙文就是要人或事有关的所有内容都记下来,像记流水帐一样。记叙文的选材一定要具有典型性、代表性,能突出表现人物或事件的某一特征、某一方面。这样,才能使文章有声有色,不至于枯燥无味。 写作技巧和特点记叙文常常采用第一人称或第三人称来叙述。一般来说,第一人称更有生动感,以“我”作为故事里的角色,好像作者本人就在现场,让人有身临其境之感。但第一人称叙述常常局限在“我”所见、所闻、所体验的事情,不能直接描写“我”不闻、不见、没有体验的东西。第三人称则较第一人称客观,但却不能描述出人物内心的真实体验。 上面提到,记叙文所选的素材应有代表性、典型性。还应注意的一点就是,记叙文并不仅仅是简单的记叙一种经

3、历、一件事或某个人,它传达的是作者心灵的一种感受,一种体验,一种人生态度或人生哲理。所以,在写记叙文时,应注意文章中心思想的升华,让平凡的小事传达出深层次的东西。记叙文的记叙方式主要有四种:顺叙:按时间顺序记叙。倒叙:故事结果在开头,然后再按时间顺序记叙。插叙:在事故中间插入与主题相关的故事。夹叙夹议:一边叙述,一边议论,在事情叙述完了以后再对这件事进行议论。记叙文并不单是记叙,也可掺杂描写、议论,这样不仅可以使文章更生动,还深化了文章的主题。 写记叙文还应注意的就是时态一致的问题。记叙文是记述已经发生或正在发生的故事,所以多用一般现在时、一般过去时和现在进行时。记叙文章时应注意全文的时态要保

4、持一致,以免使读者发生混淆。 范例范例一Summer Memories Time certainly does fly! The summer holiday is drawing to an end. I had a wonderful summer.The holiday began after the July 10 exam. The heavy load of intense study was dropped, and I was free. I started to enjoy the holiday. Swimming is my favorite pastime. I oft

5、en went to the beach with my friends to escape the heat, and to soak in the cool, clean seawater. When the sun disappeared beyond the horizon , we would then tramp home reluctantly , but with a happy feeling. On other days, I stayed at home, with the electric fan on, curled up in an armchair, readin

6、g a novel in cool comfort . The teachers at school had given us a reading list of boring titles to read during the holidays . Unfortunately, I had lost it, and read what I wanted. My constant visits to the public library allowed me to have a convenient and pleasant reading place. Besides enriching o

7、urselves with useful knowledge, we also got free air-conditioning.I had also spent quite a bit of time in watching television, yet I did not indulge in it excessively, as it is very tiring to my eyes. Cold drinks, ice cream, watermelons, etc. all these aspects of the holiday faded away as the long h

8、ot summer came to an end, and I turned towards the path that leads to school once more. A new term loomed ahead, heralding another year of hard work. 本文采用倒叙的方式,使用第一人称叙述手法,记叙了作者所度过的一个美好的暑假。一个人在暑假里或许会干许多事情,但却不能将他们都记叙下来,那样就了流水帐。作者选取游泳,读书这两件有代表意义的事情作为记叙的对象,体现了作者的假期的有意义。范例二A Get-together On my way home,

9、on the running train from south to north, I was so excited that I couldnt control my mind. This was my first time away from home so long and so far away , about six months and 3,000 kilometers. And now my hometown was just ahead. I would get together with my family and old friends. Oh, how beautiful

10、 it would be! Houses, trees, streets, and the familiar local dialect had all appeared in my dream many times during the past few months. Now they were in my ears and eyes. Was it a dream? Suddenly, my feet stopped, and tears came into my eyes. Mum,; Dad; these were the most beautiful words in the wo

11、rld. I opened my mouth wide, but I couldnt let out a sound. Yes, Mum and Dad, your daughter was now back. She traveled a long distance with a tired body. Now she is facing you. yes, it is true. My parents stood in the sun, peering at me, smiling. What a nice get-together! This was a beautiful winter

12、 morning. My parents and I got together in a small station. We dearly love each other. Perhaps I will go on with my travel for a long time. During my travels, there will be a lot of small stations. But I will never forget this small station, where we had once such a beautiful get-together. 本文运用顺序和第一

13、人称,记叙了作者第一次离家远行后回家时与父母相聚的场面。开头第一段交代了时间(第一次离家远行回家),地点(列车上),人物(我),事件(回家与父母相聚),从而为下文事情的发展提供了一定的背景知识。中间段落的发展运用描写手法,生动地记叙了当时团聚的场面。第一人称的运用是读者真切地感受到当时“我”与父母相聚的喜悦与感动。结尾则运用议论,升华文章的主题,使主题不再局限在对团聚这一简单的事件上,而是传达出作者内心所体验到的一种哲理:我与父母彼此深深地爱着对方,父母的爱会伴我永远。 描写文 题材范围及文体特点描写文主要是以描写为主要方式,通过生动形象的文字刻画,真实地再现当时的情景,突出被描写对象的特点,

14、使读者获得一种真实的感觉,与读者分享一种情感、一种感受。描写文运用文字描绘出一幅真实动人的画面,所以又被称为文学绘画 (picture in words)。描写文的题材十分广泛,几乎每种写作题材都可涉及到。描写文的运用,可以使文章增光添彩,更加生动。这样就要求作者拥有很深的文学功底。描写文是一种有较高水平要求的写作方式,要求作者对英文的掌握十分熟练,注重修辞和用词。 写作技巧及应注意的问题写描写文时应注意两个方面的问题。 首先,注意使用一定的描写顺序,或由上至下、或由远及近,注意使用一定逻辑顺序,有条理、有层次地展开描写,以便读者理清文章的思路。其次,注意抓住重点,选择一个好的角度,尽量开阔自

15、己的视野,从不同的角度去看问题,使文章的立意明确而新颖。 范例范例一 First Snow The first snow came. I don know when it began. Maybe it started at midnight , maybe from daybreak. Early in the morning when I woke up from my dream, I found that the whole world had become a white one. How beautiful it was! The snow fell so silently on

16、the mountains, on the trees, on the roofs , and on the faces of the children. Only the river is not frozen . It marks its course by a winding black line across the landscape. With the first snow, everywhere seems to be so quiet. No more tramping hoofs, no more rattling wheels! 这是一篇景物描写文,文章以初雪作为被描述的对

17、象,抓住雪的轻盈与洁白这两个主要特点,为我们描绘出了一幅美丽的冬雪图。作者加用词简单,却十分生动、真实。范例二 My Beloved Mother If you ask me whom I love most in the world , I will say without the slightest hesitation: my mother. Like many other Chinese women, my mother is diligent. She works in a junior middle school . She teaches Chinese. In order to

18、 teach well, she prepares her lectures very carefully and often works very late at night. Mother is very kind and sincere. She gets along well with her neighbors and her colleagues. When they are in difficulties, she is always ready to help them. Therefore, she is loved and respected in our neighbor

19、hood. My mother often tells me to be honest and upright. She expects me to be useful to people in the future. Even now, I still remember her saying , Do as much as you can and youll succeed. 这是一篇以人物为描写对象的文章。文章选取了被描述对象“我”的妈妈的三个主要特点:勤劳、善良真诚,诚实正直,进行描写,在我们面前展现出一个可敬可爱,和蔼可亲的母亲形象。作者用词准确,生动,富有表现力。 说明文 文体特点和

20、题材范围 说明文就是用文章的形式介绍清楚某个事物,使读者对其有一个清楚的了解。说明文的目的是把事物的物征、性质、产生、发展、演变、结束及其相互之间的关系表达明白,解说清楚。它的题材涉及十分广泛,可是以某些词的定义、动植物的结构,也柯以是某件工艺的流程,某种活动的重要性等。 说明文重在“说明”,它是为了告诉读者某件事,它忠于客观事实,就事论事,只是对事物进行客观的描述和解释。所以,说明言语的语言应注意明确和平实,不掺杂作者的任何观点,实事求是地说明对象,不夸大其辞和渲染。 写作技巧和应注意的问题说明文的目的是要使读者对某事物有所了解,所以在写说明文的时候,一定要注意安排好段落层次,采用一定的逻辑

21、顺序,使文章清晰、有条理。说明文中常用的写作方法有例证法、类比比较法、因果分析法、过程分析法、定义法等等。在上一章的段落写作技巧中,我们已作过详细的解释和例证,在此就不赘述。 范例范例一 How to Make Friends Everyone needs friends , and if you fail to make friends , it is time to look at yourself and see if something in your personality is to blame. Maybe you have such social faults as snobb

22、ishness and talkativeness, etc. Which drive away new acquaintances . Whatever your social fault may be , look at it honestly , and really try to correct it. To be friendly you must first be cheerful . Cheerfulness is the basis of friendship. A cheerful person always smiles. A smile is a magnet which

23、 draws people . Smile at someone and you are also sure to get a smile in return. A friendly person thinks of others , and does not insist on his own “right”. He does his best to make strangers feel at home wherever he happens to be. Put yourself in the others shoes and make him feel welcome. People

24、who refuse to consider others have few friends.Try to remember names. It makes your new acquaintance feel happy when you call him by his name. It give the feeling that he has made an impression on you, which must mean a lot to him because you remembered him.If we do not agree with people on certain

25、points, we should appear friendly . Do not argue, but discuss. You will always lost friends if you argue too much. Finally, do not make the mistake of treating people according to their social standard. Real friendship respects all people at all times. 文章讲述了怎样交朋友的问题,通过对一些细节的解释,说明要交朋友应该注意的事情。范例二 The

26、Three Stages of the Writing Process The whole writing process can be divided into three stages: prewriting, writing , and rewriting. In the prewriting stage, you try to get clear in your mind what your specific approach to the subject should be organized and presented to the particular reader you ha

27、ve in mind; in short, you plan the organization and the content of your projected paper. In the writing stage, you work out your plan in detail through the first draft. In rewriting, you examine what you have done and consider where and how the first draft can be improved. The three stages are not a

28、lways separated as the previous paragraph may suggest. Sometimes, of course, of course, they are separated. Especially in working on long research papers, you may get extensive notes and prepare and revise several outlines before you begin the first draft, and then, perhaps days later, you may do a

29、thorough revision of the draft . But sometimes, especially in writing short papers, you may plan and revise as you write. And often you will modify your original plan during the writing stage, as the actual writing modifies your ideas. 文章用分类的方式,阐述了写作文的三个步骤。对怎样写好作文作出了详细的说明。 议论文 题材范围及文体特点 议论文是论证某一正确的观

30、点、看法和主张或者批驳某一错误的观点、看法和主张的文章。其目的是为了阐述某一思想,说服读者接受作者的观点和主张,采取某一行动,或改变读者的行为。议论文的目的是为了以理服人,所以它的语言要求必须准确、严密、有说服力,不说无用或无根据的话。 写作技巧及注意的问题 议论文与说明文有着密切的联系,它们二者都含有说明的成分。不同的是,说明文是客观地解释某一事物、方法及观点等,给读者提供某些信息,不期望能改变读者的思想。而议论文则是通过主观说明、严密的论证,使读者认同或放弃已有的观点。这样,逻辑分析在议论文中就显得格外重要。 议论文包括三个主要方面:论点、论据和论证。议论文的论点必须有可争论性,这样才能引起讨论,它是议论文的灵魂;其次,论据要充实、可靠,可以使例子、数据、专家或权威人士的评判等客观的事例来证明和支持论点,它是议论文的躯干;再次,议论文的论证必须严谨,避免各种无根据的假设和错误的三段论,合乎逻

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