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1、大学英语阅读教案大学英语阅读电子教案(第一级)Unit 2 Starting collegeI. Lesson objectivesIn this unit, the students are expected to Revise words and ideas treated in Comprehensive EnglishPractice faster reading skillsRead extracts from a book about life and schooling in the USLearn more about how to learn effectively -gra

2、de9-12-are more popularly called “high school”.2) Roman Catholic A Roman Catholic is a person who is a member of the Roman Catholic Church, which is the part of the Christian religion ruled by the Pope in Rome.3) As American as apple pie Apple pie is a typical American food. “ as American as apple p

3、ie” means typically American.4) He now earns almost $ 40,000 a year -enough to afford a comfortable home, but barely enough to keep a daughter in College, too: The money he earns is enough to cover the daily expenditure of the family, but not enough to pay for the daughters college expense. barely:

4、by the smallest amout, almost not, hardly5) Cindy has a brother, Jimmy, who is sixteen. Jimmy 是 brother 的同位语;who is sixteen 是修饰brother 的非限定性定语从句。6) He now earn almost $ 40,000 a year-enough to afford a comfortable home, but barely enough to keep a daughter in college, too. 由破折号引出对前部分内容的进一步解释。 此处破折号的

5、作用相当于which is.Part 2 Cindy: the all-American girl (2)I. Notes and sentence structures.1) yellow school bus American school buses are usually painted yellow.2) She graduated in the second 20% (second quintile) os her class. 百分之二十是五分之一。此处是把班里同学按成绩优劣分为五档。Cindy 属于第五档, 虽不是最好,但也不错,相当于我们所说的 “中上等” 。因此,文中提到

6、She was a fairly good students.3) get drivers education at school Courses in American high schools are divided into required core courses and elective courses. Students are guided by school counselor in choosing elective subjects, bearing in mind the relevant credit requirement.4) Music accompanies

7、her social event, and often is the event. 动词“accompany” 和 “is” 同为主语 “music” 的谓语,后半部分相当于 “music often is the event”. 朗读时应重读 “is”.5) American teachers can evaluate students work with a letter grade, a percentage , or a point value ranging from zero to four. The following shows the various measurements

8、 correspond: LETTER/ % / POINT EVALUATION A / 91-100 / 4 Excellent B / 81-90 / 3 Good C / 71-80 / 2 Average D / 61-70 / 1 Poor F / 0-60 / 0 FailingIII. Key to exercises in Students Book Faster reading: Quick comprehension check 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. T 9. F 10. T Multiple choice quest

9、ions 1. B 2. C 3. C 4. D 5. A Discussion 1. What in Cindys opinion are the most important problems facing America today? Cindy feels that inflation is the greatest domestic problem. Pollution, overuse of nonrenewable resources such as oil, and the courts, leniency towards criminals are also serious

10、problems 2. In what was is Cindy similar to a young woman starting College in China, and in ways is she different? Similarities - goes to college directly out of high school - shows concern about politics -loves watching TV Differences: -Cindy can get a federal Guaranteed Loan to help pay her univer

11、sity expense. But in Chinas, universities largely rely on government funding. For the part of that students should pay, the burden is usually on parents shoulders. Recently some forms of bank loans are being introduced and will come into wider use in the near future. But there is no government guara

12、ntee with the loans. Borrowers should be able to meet the guarantee requirements themselves. - Chinese university girls will not watch TV several hours everyday as many of them dont have a TV in the dorm and they usually too busy to do that. -Few Chinese University girls are religious. - Mathematics

13、 is a compulsory core subject in Chinese high school; no student can drop it. Part 2 Cindy: the all American girl (2) Faster reading: Quick comprehension questions 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. F 8. T 9. T 10. F Short answer questions 1. Why did Cindy go to so many school? Because her parents wer

14、e mobile and moved around from job to job. 2. What sometimes happened after she turned seventeen? Her parents sometimes allowed her to drive to school. 3. When she graduated, was she average, above average or below average? She was above average because she was in the second 20% of her class with a

15、solid B average. 4. What are Cindys three main interests in life? Driving, music and social life 5. What did Cindy and her parents “fight” about? They fight about the volume of music. They would like her to turn th stereo down as they always found it too loud. 6. What sort of music is her favorite?

16、Rock and roll 7. What is one advantage she now has in college? She can play her music as loud as she likes in the dorm. Discussion In group, discuss the following questions: 1. Do you think that young people in the U.s. seem to be allowed too much freedom? Positive answer: Yes. Young people in the U

17、.S. seem to be allowed too much freedom because: - many American parents believe that schools tolerate too much rudeness and incivility, such as the amount of swearing and other “uncivil” behaviors; appropriate standards of behavior are neither modeled nor monitored; - a certain number of young peop

18、le have a wak sense of law, causing social disorder with drug-taking, gun-keeping and an increasing number of campus violence. Negative answer: -No. young people in the U.S. are only enjoying a kind of relative freedom. Compared with the Chinese young people, they are allowed much more freedom, but

19、we cant say it is “too much” freedom: -Their educational system allows them the freedom to think for themselves and make their own decisions. -They are encouraged to use their initiative to lrearn to study and work independently, and to develop imagination to be creative. -They are taught to argue a

20、nd challenge. -But everybody has to behave within the limits. There are limits for smoking, drinking and car driving. And there are all kinds of riles and laws. -Their school disciplines are not as strict as ours and the study load of the students is not as heavy. -Campus violence is quite shocking,

21、 but does not happen very often. 2. Many people think that there are too many cars on the roads, causing pollution, and not enough public transport, like buses. What do you think? Positive answer: Yes. I agree with the view because: -Tail gas is an important contributor to air pollution. The increas

22、ing number of cars in cities is making urban air pollution more and more serious. -the lack of a convenient public transport system is one of the reason for people to buy cars. -Public transport, like buses or underground railway, has a large capacity in carrying more people. -With a large populatio

23、n, especially in urban areas, the development of public transport system will naturally slow down the increasing rate of car ownership negatives answer: No. I dont agree with the view because: -It is not fair to blame cars so much for urban pollution. The development of cars is a natural step in the

24、 development of economy and our car industry is of vital important to our national economic reform. -Cars are fast, convenient and comfortable whereas buses are slow, crowded, dirty and nowadays not very safe. Many people go to work in their own cars not because there is not enough public ttransport

25、 but because they are either too busy or too trich to take buses. -As far as pollution is concerned, more and more new ways of solving the problem of pollution should be worked out instead of reducing the number of cars. 3. What is your favorite kind of music? Classic, or pop, rock and roll, jazz, f

26、olk, opera.Unit 3 Language and culture Lesson objectives Revise words and ideas treated in Comprehensive English Practice faster reading skills Read article about words, and food in the US Learn about “throw-away words”, and practice word inference skills practice scanning for informationII. Notes a

27、nd sentence structures Sinbad (辛巴德also Sinbad the Sailor) The rich merchant of Bag bad in ancient Arabian folk tale collection the Arabian nights, who, according to the tales, made 7 naval expeditions. In fact, this character was based on the story of Ma Samba, who was renamed Cheng Ho.2) Situation

28、Comedy (情景喜剧) A comedy drama, esp. a television series involving discreet episodes about the same group of people, family members, ect.3) A company that recruited you for a new job last year may, this, year, “decruit” you-no prizes for guessing what that means! recruit: (美国英语)“淘汰,调整雇员” 的意思。这是近年来产生的词

29、, 由前缀de+cruit 构成, “de” 是一个表示否定的前缀。 破折号后插入语的意思是: 即使你猜出这个词的意思也是白搭, 也就是说, 不会因为你知道这个词的意思而不解聘你.4) user-friendly: (计算机用语)方便用户的(也指电脑程序容易使用的),使用方便的,简易的。5) It might be a change in technology It might be a change in the job-market 这里, might 表示可能性, 语气比may 委婉一些。6) More difficult to understand is the American ca

30、r factory tried to “sell” the idea of 5000 workers being laid off work by using the expression “ Career Alternative Enhancement Program”. to be laid off work 是“下岗” 的意思。但是,这个美国汽车工厂为了辩护自己的形象,把解雇职员称为“拓宽择业渠道计划” ,这是使用委婉语的一个例子。7) Future historians will try to stay on-message as they read about home shoppi

31、ng, and lonely-hearts ans., yuppies and yummiest. lonely-hearts=lonely hearts, 指那些通过找介绍人,参加特建的俱乐部或在报刊上刊登征友启事等办法寻找异性朋友的人.Part 2 Food Whatever language we speak, we are constantly developing new words to express new aspects of our developing culture. whatever 由 what + ever 构成, ever起加强语气的作用。 Whatever “

32、无论什么” 引出让步从句, 相当于“no matter what”. “疑问词+ever” 构成的词还有whoever, whenever, whichever, wherever, etc. 例:whatever I do, I do it for you. whenever it is possible, he tries to help.2) In English, most people think that Sinbad is the name of a sailor who had lots of adventures, the hero of many Arabian folk tale. 句中的the hero of many Arabian folk

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