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1、The用法总结“The”用法总结“The” is the definite article. It is used at the beginning of noun groups. The is usually pronounced / before a consonant and /i /before a vowel, but pronounced /i:/when you are emphasizing it. 1. DETYou use the at the beginning of noun groups to refer to someone or something that yo

2、u have already mentioned or identified. 用于名词词组前,指前面已经提及的人或物例:Six of the 38 people were U.S. citizens.那38人中有6个是美国公民。 2. DETYou use the at the beginning of a noun group when the first noun is followed by an of phrase or a clause which identifies the person or thing. 当名词后接of词组或表明身份的从句时,该名词前用the例:There

3、has been a slight increase in the consumption of meat.肉类消费略微增加。 3. DETYou use the in front of some nouns that refer to something in our general experience of the world. 用于某些表示人们共同经历的名词前例:Its always hard to speculate about the future.推测未来总是很难的。 4. DETYou use the in front of nouns that refer to people

4、, things, services, or institutions that are associated with everyday life. 用于表示与日常生活有关的人、事物、服务或机构的名词前例:The doctors on his way.医生正在路上。 5. DETYou use the instead of a possessive determiner, especially when you are talking about a part of someones body or a member of their family. 用于代替所有格限定词,尤其用于谈论身体部

5、位或家庭成员例:Hows the family?Just fine, thank you.“家里人好吗?”“很好,谢谢。” 6. DETYou use the in front of a singular noun when you want to make a general statement about things or people of that type. 用于单数名词前,指某一类人或事物例:An area in which the computer has made considerable strides in recent years is in playing chess

6、.近年来计算机取得重大进展的一个领域是国际象棋。 7. DETYou use the with the name of a musical instrument when you are talking about someones ability to play the instrument. 用于乐器名称前,谈论某人是否会演奏该乐器例:Did you play the piano as a child?你小时候弹钢琴吗? 8. DETYou use the with nationality adjectives and nouns to talk about the people who

7、live in a country. 与表示国籍的形容词和名词连用,指该国国民例:The Japanese, Americans, and even the French and Germans, judge economic policies by results.日本人、美国人,甚至法国人和德国人,都是根据结果来评判经济政策的好坏。 9. DETYou use the with words such as rich, poor, old, or unemployed to refer to all people of a particular type. 表示一类人例:Conditions

8、 for the poor in Los Angeles have not improved.洛杉矶穷人的生活条件还未改善。 10. DETIf you want to refer to a whole family or to a married couple, you can make their surname into a plural and use the in front of it. 用于姓氏的复数形式前,表示一家人或一对夫妇例:The Taylors decided that they would employ an architect to do the work.泰勒夫妇

9、决定雇个建筑师来做这个工作。 11. DETYou use the in front of an adjective when you are referring to a particular thing that is described by that adjective. 用于形容词前表示该形容词描绘的事物例:He knows hes wishing for the impossible.他知道自己在企盼不可能的事。 12. DETYou use the to indicate whether or not you have enough of the thing mentioned

10、for a particular purpose. 表示所提及的东西是否有足够的量例:She may not have the money to maintain or restore her property.她也许没有足够的钱来保留或维修自己的房产。 13. DETYou use the with some titles, place names, and other names. 和称呼、地名等名称连用例:.the Seattle Times.西雅图时报。例:.the White House.白宫。例:.The Great Gatsby.了不起的盖茨比。 14. DETYou use t

11、he in front of numbers such as first, second, and third. 用于序数词前例:The meeting should take place on the fifth of May.会议应于5月5日举行。 15. DETYou use the in front of numbers when they refer to decades. 用于表示年代的数字前例:Its sometimes hard to imagine how bad things were in the thirties.有的时候很难想像三十年代的情况有多糟。 16. DETY

12、ou use the in front of superlative adjectives and adverbs. 用于形容词或副词最高级前例:Brisk daily walks are still the best exercise for young and old alike.每天快步走对老老少少来说仍然是最好的锻炼方式。 17. DETYou use the in front of each of two comparative adjectives or adverbs when you are describing how one amount or quality change

13、s in relation to another. 用于两个形容词或副词的比较级前,表示其中一个随另一个发生数量或性质的变化例:The longer the therapy goes on, the more successful it will be.治疗的时间越长,疗效就越好。 18. DETWhen you express rates, prices, and measurements, you can use the to say how many units apply to each of the items being measured. (表示速度、价格或计量) 每例

14、s that get more miles to the gallon.每加仑汽油能多行驶几英里的汽车。 19. DETYou use the to indicate that something or someone is the most famous, important, or best thing of its kind. In spoken English, you put more stress on it, and in written English, you often underline it or write it in capitals or italics. 表示某

15、人或某物是最有名的、最重要的或最好的;口语中需要重读,书面语中常加下划线或用大写或斜体例:The circus is the place to be this Saturday or Sunday.马戏团是这周六或周日的最佳去处。21世纪大英汉词典 the 辅音前读作 ; 元音前和j-; hi-; he-; h-前常读作i; 罕强i; ,i; 强i:; 在元音前有时用作弱式; 元音前弱 i; 辅音前弱 ; definite article. 指已提过的人或物: I bought a car yesterday. The car is very expensive.我昨天买了一辆小汽车,这辆车很

16、贵。The book you gave me is now on the bookshelf.你给我的那本书现在在书架上。谈话双方都知道共同所指的事物: I have returned the book.我已将书还了。Shut the door, please.请把门关上。指就近的事,表示“当前的” the Beijing of today今天的北京the best song of the week本周最佳歌曲表示世界上独一无二的东西: The sun is down.太阳落山了。the moon月亮用在表示自然现象的名词前: the night夜晚the day白天表示提到过的人的身体的一部

17、分或衣着: I took her by the hand.我牵住她的手。He was wounded in the leg.他腿部受了伤。口语用于表示全家人中的一些人: the husband丈夫the wife妻子用于姓的复数前,表示一家人: The Browns went to the cinema yesterday.布朗一家人昨天去看电影了。The Yangs were out for a holiday.杨家外出度假了。与可数名词单数连用表示一类人或物: You should learn to use the computer.你应该学会使用电脑。The cow is a domes

18、tic animal.奶牛是家畜。用于形容词前构成名词,表示一类人: the rich and the poor富人与穷人the wounded受伤者用在表示民族、阶级、阶层、集团、党派前,表示一个整体: the Chinese (people)中国人(民)the working class工人阶级用于被后置限制性定语修饰的名词前: the man who answered回答的人the pen you lost你丢的钢笔用于江、河、海洋等的名称前: the Red Sea红海the Pacific太平洋用于海峡、海湾等的名称前: the Persian Gulf波斯湾the English

19、Channel英吉利海峡用于山脉、群岛、半岛、沙漠等的名称前: the Crimea克里米亚半岛the Himalayas喜马拉雅山用于普通名词等构成的国名或复数形式的国家、地区名称前: the Peoples Republic of China中华人民共和国the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国用于普通名词等构成的政党、组织机构等名称前: the United Nations联合国the National Peoples Congress全国人民代表大会用于普通名词等构成的学校、商店、旅馆、剧

20、院等建筑物的名称前: the Capital Theatre首都剧院the Great Hall of the People人民大会堂用于报纸、杂志、会议、条约等名称前: the Peoples Daily 人民日报the Times 泰晤士报用于某些节日名称前: the Spring Festival春节the Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节用于形容词或定语修饰的人名或地名前: The theory was advanced by the great Lenin.这一理论是伟大的列宁提出的。The little Tom is now only 9 months of age.小

21、汤姆现在才9个月大。用于强调特指,或表示最重要、最著名或最流行的事物: Thats the restaurant in town.那是城里最有名的饭店。the skiing center of the U.S.美国滑雪中心用于不定式短语前: the right to strike罢工的权力用于形容词最高级前: Autumn is the best season in Beijing.秋天是北京最好的季节。He is the eldest among the 3 brothers.他是三兄弟中最年长的。用于形容词比较级前,表示两者间“较的一个”: She is the cleverer of t

22、he two.她是两人中较聪明的一个。He is the stronger of the 2 brothers.他是两兄弟中比较强壮的一个。用于可数名词单数前,表示功能、属性等,使具抽象性: The picture is pleasant to the eye.这幅画很悦目。He took to the bottle.他嗜酒如命。用于疾病名称前: the smallpox天花the flu流感用于数量前,表示一个单位,含“每,每一”的意思: sell at five dollars the half ton每半吨售价五美元I pay them by the hour.我按小时付给他们钱。用于表

23、示某一特定时期,尤指十年: the Dark ages黑暗时期the Sixties.60年代 。用于 radio,telephone 或乐器名称前: The old man listens to the radio every morning.老人每天早上听收音机。I talked with her over the telephone.我和她在电话上交谈。用于序数词前:adv.1. 用于形容词、副词比较级前更;到相应程度: I like a man none the worse for being outspoken.我并不因为一个人直言不讳而改变我对他的好感。I like him all the better for his criticism.他提出了批评,我反而更喜欢他了。2. 用于形容词、副词比较级前,the,the越越: The sooner,the better.越快越好。The more the merrier.人越多越热闹。3. 用于副词最高级前,但常可省略: He came (the) earliest of all.他来得最早

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