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1、中国银行招聘考试英语部分专项练习完形填空中国银行招聘考试英语部分专项练习完形填空中国银行招聘考试英语部分专项练习-完形填空(基本上银行的招聘考试英语部分都会考完形填空,因此又必要加强这方面的联系)完形填空【押题1】 A few years ago, I had a job that almost destroyed me. My 1 was that I loved my job too much and couldnt get 2 of it. Working for the President was better than any other 3 that Id ever had. In

2、 the morning, I couldnt 4 to get to the office. At night, I left it unwillingly. Part of my mind 5 at work even when I was at 6 with my kids at night. Not 7 , all other parts of my life shriveled (枯萎) into a dried raisin. I lost touch with my 8 , seeing little of my wife or my two sons. I lost conta

3、ct with my old friends. I even 9 to lose contact with myself. Then one evening, I 10 home to tell the boys I wouldnt make it back in time to say good night. Id already missed five 11 this week. Sam, the younger of the two, said that was 12 , but asked me to wake him up 13 I got home. I explained tha

4、t Id be back so late that he would have gone to sleep 14 ; it was probably better if I saw him the next morning. But he 15 . I asked him why. He said he just wanted to know I was there, at home. To this day, I cant 16 exactly what happened to me at that moment. Yet I suddenly knew I had to 17 my job

5、. After I said in public that I had quit my job, I received a number of 18 . Most were sympathetic, but a few of my correspondents were 19 . They wrote to tell me angrily that I shouldnt think myself virtuous (有道德的). 20 work was virtuous; leaving an important job to spend more time with my family wa

6、s not.1. A. happiness B. disease C. problem D. fight2. A. little B. all C. enough D. part3. A. joy B. invitation C. job D. trouble4. A. hope B. help C. stop D. wait 5. A. remained B. held C. blocked D. settled6. A. lunch B. home C. school D. breakfast7. A. really B. likely C. surprisingly D. usually

7、8. A. parents B. teachers C. family D. friends9. A. began B. wanted C. chose D. proved10. A. wrote B. phoned C. ran D. drove11. A. bedtimes B. kisses C. nights D. calls12. A. bad B. OK C. great D. easy13. A. however B. whenever C. whatever D. wherever14. A. as well B. on purpose C. in time D. long b

8、efore15. A. agreed B. insisted C. managed D. refused16. A. find B. feel C. require D. explain17. A. value B. leave C. keep D. take18. A. papers B. notes C. letters D. reports19. A. angry B. sad C. pleased D. excited20. A. Timeless B. Hard C. Valuable D. Important【试题解析】1. C 作者曾经做过的那份工作几乎毁了她,主要问题是她太爱那

9、份工作了。2. C 根据作者太爱这份工作的语境可知她只想永远工作下去,永远也得不到满足。3. C 根据语境可知作者是在把以前的工作与这份工作相比较。4. D 根据语境可知作者每天早上都迫不及待地想去工作。5. A 根据语境可知在家的时候,作者有时候依然想着工作的事情。6. B 根据后文的 with my kids at night 可知是晚上在家和孩子们在一起的时候。7. C 根据语境可知,毫不让人惊讶,作者的生活开始陷入僵局。8. C 根据后文的 seeing little of my wife or my two sons 可知作者与家人开始失去联络。9. A 根据语境可知作者甚至开始把自

10、己都冷淡了。10. B 根据语境可知作者给家里的两个孩子打了个电话。11. A 作者晚上要很晚才能回家,又要错过孩子们的就寝时间了。bedtime在这里指“就寝时间”。12. B 根据语境可知小儿子说没关系。13. B 根据语境可知小儿子说不论作者什么时候回来,都要把她叫醒。14. D 根据语境可知作者担心自己回去的时候,两个孩子已经睡着很久了。15. B 根据语境可知小儿子坚持让爸爸回家后叫醒她。16. D 根据语境可知作者到现在也无法解释当时她的真切感受。17. B 作者虽然不知道当时的真切感受,但她却知道自己必须辞职。18. C 根据作者辞职的语境可知她辞职的消息公开后,她收到了很多的来

11、信。19. A 根据 They wrote to tell me angrily 的语境可知有些人对作者辞职一事非常生气。20. B 根据前文有些人非常生气的语境可知,在她们眼里勤劳的工作才是美德,而多花些时间和家人呆在一起则不是美德。【押题2】 The Cat in the Hat takes place on a cold, wet day with two bored siblings awaiting their mothers 1 . Instead of their mother, 2 enter the house. He begins unsteadily balancing

12、a fish bowl on the tip of his umbrella while 3 himself on a beach ball! The two kids and their pet fish worry and worry. But readers around the world 4 and laughed over the Cat and the Hat and his crazy antics. The Cat makes his own rules and defines his own idea of 5 and I think that 6 kids, says D

13、r. Seuss expert Philip Nel. Its fun to watch the Cat break the rules 7 you dont suffer the 8 .Theodore Seuss Geisel, known to fans 9 Dr. Seuss, wrote The Cat in the Hat. It was first published in 1957. Nel told TFK that Geisel, like the cat, was 10 . Once, at a dinner party, Geisel and a friend hid

14、a fake pearl in an oyster. While others 11 about who should be able to keep the pearlthe host or the guest who found it. Geisel and his friend 12 laughed.Geisel liked to have fun and make people laugh but he had a 13 reason for writing The Cat in the Hat. Geisel wanted to write a book that would tea

15、ch 14 to read. In 1954, a Life magazine article argued that kids couldnt read because the books 15 teach them how to read were 16 . John Hersey, the Pulitzer-prize winning author of the article, 17 Geisel write a story that first graders wouldnt be able to 18 . To write the book, Geisel had to stick

16、 to a beginning readers word list. Geisel says that he came 19 with the title by looking for the first two words on the 20 that rhymed. And so The Cat in the Hat was born! But it wasnt an easy book to write. It took Geisel one-and-half years to complete.1.A. return B. visit C. turn D. reward2.A. a h

17、at B. a dog C. a person D. a cat3.A. jumping B. weighing C. balancing D. putting4.A. laughed B. jumped C. cried D. shouted5.A. amazement B. pleasure C. fun D. joy6.A. intending to B. appealing to C. consisting of D. calling for7.A. though B. so C. because D. but 8.A. consequences B. result C. cause

18、D. reason9.A. like B. as C. for D. to10.A. gentle B. quiet C. lovely D. naughty11.A. consulted B. argued C. agreed D. indicated12.A. secretly B. loudly C. silently D. hardly13.A. selfish B. funny C. serious D. private14.A. kids B. adults C. women D. men15.A. adjusted to B. produced to C. made to D.

19、used to16.A. satisfying B. tiring C. interesting D. boring17.A. ordered B. suggested C. required D. desired18.A. give in B. read about C. put down D. look for19.A. out B. down C. in D. up20.A. book B. newspaper C. list D. magazine【试题解析】1.A 根据后文“Instead of their mother, 2 enters the house.”可知,孩子们是在等妈

20、妈的归来。2.D 根据第一段最后一句“laughed over the Cat and the Hat and his crazy antics.”可知是一只猫进来了。3.C 在球上站立肯定要保持“平衡”。4.A 根据and laughed判断是全世界的读者都在“一直笑”。5.C 暗指那只猫有自己的规则和“娱乐”方式。6.B 正是这种规则和娱乐“吸引”了孩子们。7.C 你看到它破坏规则很愉快是因为你不用承担后果。8. A consequences “后果”。9.B be known as“被认为是”。文中指Theodore Seuss Geisel被爱好者们认为是“苏博士”。10. D 根据下

21、文的Theodore Seuss Geisel藏假珍珠导致主人和客人争执的事件看知当时的她是“淘气的”。11.B12.A secretly “背地里”。13.C serious和have fun相对应。14. A 全文讲的都是以“孩子”为对象。15.D used to在此作定语,意为“被用来做的”16.D 正是因为这些书都是非常“乏味的”,因此苏博士才决定写一本书。17.B John Hersey作为朋友只能是“建议”。18.C put down “放下”19.D come up with “提出,想起”。20.C 根据前文提示“a beginning readers word list”。【

22、押题3】 Stepping out of the hospital, my heart was filled with sadness and regret. My former best friend, Faith, had just 1 .She was only 16. 2 , she was diagnosed with a terrible cancer in her right breast. Before her last breath, we, who were so 3 to her, gathered around her side, 4 to hold back our

23、tears and 5 her. Everyone wanted to give her their last 6 but people were just so choked up.After that moment of deep 7 , I was asked to help go through Faiths things. Arranging her drawers, I suddenly discovered an 8 letter with the title My Last Words.I opened it slowly, checked the date and began

24、 to read the letter. The happy girl we had been with was 9 not as optimistic as we thought. She kept 10 until she couldnt hold it in any more. But she had a beautiful imagination and great ambition.In her 11 letter, she mentioned her dreams, her family and her shock in finding the 12 . From her word

25、s I could see that she had left us with too many words unsaid and too many deeds undone. I am 13 that she would have reached her goals and achieved her dreams 14 only God could have given her some more time.There is a saying that says fate is fair to everybody. But I just cant help rejecting that 15

26、 . Faith, who had been a wonderful person and had great plans, had died before achieving her final dreams. It is time that 16 her from reaching her biggest moment. Why did 17 treat her so unfairly? Life is so short and precious that everyone should 18 it. Fate is not fair, which has become a motivat

27、ion for me. I have become bent on continuing my dreams and am 19 never to give up. I will no longer waste 20 or complain. I am going to get right down to work with all my strength.1. A. run away B. passed away C. gone by D. walked away2. A. Unfortunately B. Unreasonably C. Suddenly D. Truly3. A. tha

28、nkful B. polite C. dear D. thoughtful4. A. failing B. tending C. trying D. deciding5. A. educate B. comfort C. leave D. impress6. A. words B. joys C. instructions D. wishes7. A. silence B. thought C. feeling D. sorrow8. A. unopened B. unfinished C. untouched D. unlocked9. A. obviously B. actually C.

29、 simply D. slightly10. A. still B. modest C. calm D. silent11. A. first B. next C. last D. former12. A. letter B. saying C. disease D. belief13. A. afraid B. eager C. anxious D. sure14. A. because B. when C. though D. if15. A. speech B. topic C. news D. belief16. A. forbade B. protected C. stopped D

30、. held17. A. history B. fate C. fact D. illness18. A. value B. mind C. share D. offer19. A. made B. told C. determined D. taught20. A. resource B. strength C. money D. time【试题解析】1.B passed away“去世”。2.A 对于一个16岁的女孩来说患乳腺癌是一件非常“不幸的”事。3.C 病人临死之前留在其身边的都是和其很亲的人,因此填dear。4.C 5.B 我们守在她床边,尽量忍住眼泪来安慰她。6.D 每个人都想向

31、她表示最后的祝愿。7.D 无可奈何地看着病人离开人世的时刻是非常痛苦的。8.A 由下文“I opened it slowly”能够推出该空表示“没有被打开的”。9.B actually “实际上”。10.D “she couldnt hold it any more”暗示该空表示“保持沉默,不透露病情”,因此silent。11.C 第8空后面的My Last Words暗示该空应填last。12.C 在她的最后一封信中,她提起了自己发现这种疾病(癌症)时的震惊。13.D 14.D 我深信如果上帝多给她一些时间她一定能实现目标,实现梦想。15.D 由文章大意可知“fate is fair to everybody”是一种信念。16.C stop sb. from doing sth.“阻止某人做某事”。17.B 作者不相信“命运”是公平的。18.A 生命短暂宝贵因此我们应该珍惜。19.C 我决定永远不放弃我的梦想。20.D 我不会再浪费时间和怨天尤人。

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