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人教版选修八unit 2 cloning grammar课时作业 9精编版.docx

1、人教版选修八unit 2 cloning grammar课时作业 9精编版unit 2 cloning grammar课时作业第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。1.Usually the Player of the Year title is given to a big name from the best team.But this time there is a(n) .A.break B.improvementC.exception D.tradition2.It took me eight ye

2、ars to build up my business,and it almost killed me.Well,you know what they say. .A.There is no smoke without fireB.No pain,no gainC.All roads lead to RomeD.Practice makes perfect3.What surprised us most is that he doesnt know the differences between the two books lie.A.that B.whatC.which D.where4.Y

3、oud better make the plants shorter, they will interrupt the views from the house.A.but D.or5.What you said doesnt what the police have told us,so we have to find more evidence.A.agree with B.make upC.contribute to off6.There are still many problems to be solved we are ready for a lo

4、ng stay on the Moon.A.before B.onceC.after D.until7.I didnt apologize to him for being unable to inform him of the change in the plan.But you ought do be8.During its course of development,the theoretical base of TCM covered more ground and its remedies for various diseases e

5、xpanded, unique display B.displayingC.having displayed D.displayed9.Never in all my life that one day I would leave my place of birth and travel around the I think B.I thinkC.did I think D.I thought10.Inner sunshine warms the heart of not only the owner,but all come i

6、n contact with it.A.that B.which C.what D.whom11.Hes not very .You cant always depend on him to do what he promises to.A.dependent B.independentC.reliable D.flexible12.Her own story and this book is expected to come out next week.A.had been written B.has been writtenC.had written D.has written13.It

7、was in New Zealand Elizabeth first met Mr Smith.A.that C.which D.when14.There will be a new film tonight.Yes.But for tomorrows test,I to see it with you.A.will go B.will have goneC.would go D.would have gone15.Please call me at 6 oclock tomorrow morning.Im kind of forgetful.Dont worry about th

8、at.Youll be surely .A.informed B.toldC.reminded D.warned第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Walt Disney created a special word for persistence and determination.He referred to it as “sticktoitivity”.The majority of people are so 16 of failure.They dont know the Japanese

9、have a wonderful way of looking at 17 .Their saying “Fall seven times;stand up eight” is a(n) 18 explanation to sticktoitivity!A good friend of mine has a business that he has 19 on for over five years.He knows that his 20 has the potential that can increase sales ten times. 21 ,to do so,he has to p

10、robably break the rules that make him 22 where he is today.He 23 gives up his dream,and he is an example of sticktoitivity!Basketball star Michael Jordan 24 sticktoitivity in one of his shoe advertisements:“Ive missed more than nine thousand shots in my whole 25 .Ive lost almost three hundred games.

11、Twentysix times Ive been trusted to take the game winning shot but 26 .Ive failed over and over and over again in my life,and that is why I 27 .”We know some other examples of 28 people about “sticktoitivity”.For example,Steven Spielberg 29 high school in the first year.He was persuaded to come back

12、 and 30 in a learning disabled class.He lasted a month and gave up his school 31 because everyone thought he wasnt able to learn.Who could tell that he would become a most famous director in the US at that time?Have you ever defined “success” or “failure” on your own terms?I 32 recommend doing so.It

13、 certainly helps create a sense of understanding in your life.Sometimes success is learning how to fail.Sometimes success is overcoming the obstacles that 33 failure.Remember,the only failure is not learning 34 from the failure.So its 35 for you to stand up for the eighth time!16.A.fond

14、reful D.sick17.A.strength B.misfortuneC.determination D.failure18.A.valuable B.perfectC.ambiguous D.absolute19.A.depended B.studiedC.worked D.focused20.A.regulation B.businessC.ability D.effort21.A.Though B.HoweverC.So D.Otherwise22.A.reach B.leaveC.stay D.like23.A.never B.seldom C.only D.finally24.

15、A.declared B.mentionedC.appointed D.team26.A.missed B.quitC.refused D.fell27.A.succeeded B.regrettedC.failed D.retired28.A.common B.luckyC.clumsy D.famous29.A.missed out B.left outC.dropped out of D.kept away from30.A.stressed B.placedC.brought D.moved31.A.forever

16、 B.onceC.suddenly D.accidentally32.A.originally B.partlyC.highly for B.lead with D.move along34.A.experience B.imaginationC.assistance D.information35.A.encouraging B.hardC.amazing D.important第三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ASUMMER SCH

17、OOL PROGRAMSREADING/LANGUAGE ARTS AND MATH PROGRAMSHyde Park Day School Summer Program offers an intensive multisensory(多感官) reading and math program to students with learning disabilities,in 2nd through 8th grade.Students can enroll in either or both programs.The Program aims to:improve understandi

18、ng of sound/letter relationships and phonemic rules;improve reading and listening comprehension;review and strengthen gradeappropriate math concepts,operations,and word problems.MathJune 20July 29,20178:15 AM9:20 AMCost:1,300(no class July 4th)Reading/Language ArtsJune 20July 29,20179:20 AM12:30 PMC

19、ost:2,800(no class July 4th)PARENTS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO APPLY BY MARCH 28TH.Students participating in the Northfield Campus Summer Math Program may join Tick Tock Child Care,a licensed facility for children through aged 12 with flexible hours for afternoon activities.Transportation from HPDS

20、to the facility can be privately arranged through Tick Tock Child Care.Students must register separately for this program.Students participating in the Chicago Campus Summer Reading/Language Arts Program may be interested in enrolling in afternoon activities at the Laboratory Schools Summer Lab 2017

21、.Summer Lab will provide shuttle service from HPDS to Lab at the conclusion of morning classes at Hyde Park Day School.Students may bring their lunch or purchase it at the Lab cafeteria.Students must register separately for the Laboratory Schools camp or courses.36.According to the above information

22、,we know .A.summer school programs are intended for the disabled student can participate in two summer school programsC.students can improve written language skills through programsD.students have classes each day from June 20 to July 2937.What is TRUE of the two afternoon activities?A

23、.Both of them are free of charge.B.They are held in the same area.C.Students are asked to register by themselves.D.Transportation service is arranged for the students.BWikipedia is a freeaccess,free content Internet encyclopedia(百科全书),supported and hosted by the nonprofit Wikipedia Foundation.Wikipe

24、dia is ranked among the ten most popular websites and is considered the Internets largest and most popular general reference book.Now,Wikipedia is becoming Wookieepedia as scientists hope the informative website will help us reach out to intelligent life forms.So aliens can learn about the human rac

25、e.Astronomers would like to beam(播送) the entire contents of Wikipedia into space in the hope of contacting aliens.They want to send messages to hundreds of star systems and planets 20 light years away using radio telescopes.The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute,in California,wants t

26、o use powerful radio telescopes to try to reach Chewbacca and his mates in a galaxy(银河系) far away.The plans will be discussed by astronomers at the weekend as some scientists fear the reply from ET might not turn out to be friendly.Institute scientist David Black said,“One question is if there are d

27、angerous creatures we might be drawing their attention to ourselves.Another is if we go ahead,what message should be sent?There could be many civilizations out there,but if they are all listening and no one is broadcasting or responding,then nothing will happen.”Professor Stephen Hawking,who has war

28、ned that intelligent aliens probably exist and we should keep a safe distance from them,is among those.“If aliens visit us,the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America which didnt turn out well for the Native Americans,” he said.Signals from Earths radio and TV broadcasts have been h

29、eading out in space for some 60 years reaching around 5,000 stars.38.What does the underlined word “those” in the fourth paragraph refer to?A.aliens from spaceB.astronomers sending signalsC.scientists for the plansD.scientists against the plans39.What has Prof.Stephen Hawking warned?A.Intelligent al

30、iens would probably land in America.B.The plans will be in vain and nothing will happen.C.None of the civilizations would reply.D.Aliens would bring disasters to the human race.40.Which can be the best title?A.Wikipedia,the Most Popular WebsiteB.Wikipedia to Be Beamed into SpaceC.Wikipedia,Aliens Be

31、st FriendD.Wikipedia to Result in a Disaster答案精析1.C句意为:通常情况下,“年度最佳球员”这一头衔会给最好球队中的大牌运动员,但是这一次却是个例外。由Usually及But可知选C。exception一般情况以外的人(或事物),例外。2.B句意为:我花了八年的时间才建立了我的公司,它几乎要了我的命了。哦,老话怎么说来着。不劳则无获。No pain,no gain不劳则无获,符合句意。There is no smoke without fire无火不生烟,无风不起浪;All roads lead to Rome条条大路通罗马,殊途同归;Practice makes perfect熟能生巧。3.D句意为:最让我们吃惊的是,他不知道这两本书的区别在哪里。宾语从句中缺地点状语,故选where。4.D句意为:你最好把植物修剪得矮一些,否则,它们将遮挡房内的视线。由语境可知,此处表示“否则”,故选D。5.A句意为:你所说的与警方告诉我们的不一致,所以我们必须找到更多的证据。agree with

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