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1、一般现在时被动语态练习题及答案doc一般现在时被动语态练习题及答案一、将下列句子改为被动结构:1. My cousin bought a color TVset . 2. My brother mended his watch last night .3. Mother made a big cake for usyesterday .4.They painted the table green lastweek .5. They found some money lying on thefloor .6. She showed me her new skirt .7.His mother m

2、ade him do his homeworkcarefully . 8.My uncle used up all of his money.9.He told me to wait for him at the schoolgate. 10.John didn t answer all the phones.11.He didn t see me in the street yesterday.12.Did Mike break the glass?二、用正确的时态和语态填空1.It is a fine day. The sun brightly.2.The students often t

3、o takecare of their desks and chairs.3.Mr Brown in Beijing since he came to China.4.The Smiths TV at this timelast night.5.The teacher said that the moon round the earth.6.Apples in this farm.7.Russian as the second languageby some students in China.8.The Young Pioneers will go to the zoo if it this

4、 Sunday.9.Listen! They about the newfilm.10.My mobile phone on a bus lastweek.11.The Greens TV now.12.He said that he me upwhen he got there.13.We English for about threeyears.14.The red skirt the girl fortyyuan.15.You the early bus if you get up early.16.I 11 go home as soon as I myhomework.17.The

5、cinema in 1985.18.Most science books are inEnglish.三、按要求改写下列句子1.Is tea grown in South China?people tea in South China2.I am given a present by my parents every year.A present by my parents every year 练习.3.People use metal for making machines.Metal makingmachines.4.He asked me do that for him.I thatf

6、or him.5.Did they construct reconnect here a year ago?a reconnect here by them a year ago?6.We call the game “Lianliankan.The gameLianliankan by us.一般现在时被动语态专练结构式:a.肯定句:主语+ am / is / are +动词的 过去分词 + 其他 eg . English is studied every day.b.否定句:主语+ am / is / are + not +动词的 过去分词 + 其他 eg. English is not

7、studied every day.c.疑问句:Is English not studied every day. ?d.特殊疑问句:What/Where/When+ am / is / are + 主语+动词的过去分词+其他?一.把主动语态变成被动语态。1.He cleans the room every Sunday.2.Farmers grow rice in the south .3.People in England speak English4.We play football on the playground every afternoon.5.Do you often wat

8、ch TV at home in the evening ?6.She doesn t finish her homework7.They don t read that book.8.Where do they watch basketball match every week?9.What does Tom study?10.When do you listen to music?二.把被动语态变成主动语态。1.keys are used for locking .2.Football is played .3.Desks are made of wood .4.Chinese isn t

9、 had in the classroom.5.Is this book read every day?6.Where are bikes made ?7.What is done ?8.Are the pens made in the factory?9.English isn t spoken by people in China.10.We are given some money .一般过去时被动语态专练结构式:a.肯定句:主语+ was /were+动词的过去分词+其 他eg . English was studied every day.b.否定句:主语+ was /were+ n

10、ot +动词的过去分 词 + 其他 eg. English was not studied every day.c.疑问句: Was English not studied every day. ?d.特殊疑问句:What/Where/When+was /were + 主语+ 动词的过去分词+其他?把主动语态变成被动语态1.We built this library last year.2.I watched TV yesterday evning.3.He passed me a book .4.She heard me sing in the next room .5.They didn

11、t finish his homework yesterday6.Did you play football on the playground yesterday?7.Where did you fly a kite ?8.When did they read this book?9.What did you use it for ?10.He asked me not to go there.二.被动语态变成主动语态。1.The baby was looked after by his mother .2.Was he given any bananas?3.Where were thes

12、e bikes made by workers ?4.Basketball wasn t played on the playground .5.Iwas heard to sing in the next room .6.That tall building was built three years ago.7.Were your homework finished yesterday ?8.Planes weren t made in the factory.9.When were those machines produced?10.The teachers weren t liste

13、ned to by the students .一般将来时被动语态专练结构式:a.肯定句:主语+ will/ shall+ be+动词的过去 分词 + 其他 eg . English will be studied next year.b.否定句:主语+ will/ shall+ not+be +动词的过 去分词 +其他 eg. English will not be studied next year.c.疑问句: Will English be studied next year. ?d.特殊疑问句:What/Where/When+will/ shall +主 语be +动词的过去分词+其

14、它。a.肯定句:主语+is /are / am going to + be+动词的过去分词+其他 eg . English is going to be studied next year.b.否定句:主语+is / am / are going to+ not +be + 动词过去分词 +其他 eg. English is not going to be studied next year.c.疑问句:Is English going to be studied next year. ?d.特殊句 What/Where/When+i s/are/am+ 主语 + be+%1.把主动语态变成被

15、动语态:1.He will draw a picture tomorrow.2.We are going to clean the classroom .3.She won t watch TV this evening.4.Are you going to cleaned the classroom this afternoon?5.Where are you going to play football?6.We shan t borrow that radio.7.I am not going to see the film.%1.被动语态变成主动语态。1.That school won

16、 t built next year.2.He will be given some apples .3.Will the bike be mended by the worker .4.Where will the factory be built?5.The book will be written by her.6.IS he going to be passed pen by me .7.Chineses isn t going to be studied by Tom.8.Iwill be asked to see the film by teacher.现在完成时被动语态专练构式:

17、a.肯定句:主语+结have / has+ been +动词的过去分词 + 其他 eg . English has been studied for three years.b.否定句:主语+ have /has + not +been+动词的 过去分词 + 其他 eg. English hasn, t been studied for three years.c.疑问句:Has English been studied for three years.?d.特殊疑问句:What/Where/When+ hav /has + 主语+ 动词的过去分词+其他?%1.把主动语态变成被动语态:1.He

18、 has already read this book.2.I haven t seen this film.3.They have finished their homework.4.How long has she watched TV?5.Where have you seen my history book?6.She has never played basketball.7.He has taught English since 1990.8.Has she washed her clothes?9.We have learnt about five hundred new wor

19、ds.%1.被动语态变成主动语态。1.This book has already been written by luXuen .2.Her homework never been finished .3.How long has this film been seen?4.Our classroom has been cleaned by the students.5.Where has the sports meeting been held?6.The baby hasn t looked after by his mother.7.Have your bike found by you

20、r?8.He has played this games since he was a child.9.How many rulers has he had ?现在进行时被动语态专练结构式:a.肯定句: 主语+ is /am /are + being + 动词的 过去分词 + 其他 eg . English is being studied nowb.否定句: 主语+ is/ am /are + being + not + 动 词的过去分词 + 其他 eg. English is being not studied nowc.疑问句:Is English being studied now?2

21、.Most of the farm work is done by machine in the USA.一般现在时被动语态练习、用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。3.The jacket is made of cotton.1.Usually computers to getinformation on the Internet.2.I to clean my bedroom everyday by my mother.4.French and English are spoken in Canada.。3.Trees in spring. in Canada?4. How clean and

22、 tidy your bedroom is!5.Tom gives me a book. Thank you. It every day.A book to me by Tom.5.The brown desk of wood.I a book by Tom.6.As China grows stronger and stronger , Chinese in more and6.I make him dress himself every morning.more schools out of our country.7.A book to me by my motheron my birt

23、hday.7.He takes good care of his child.8.He s seen into thebuilding every day.9.Nobody likes to at, soyou d better be kind to others.8.I see him playing football when I go home.10.It that SlumdogMillionaire贫民窟的百万富翁is aHe playing football by me when Igo home.good film.I.将下列句子改为被动语态.二、句式转换People speak

24、 English in many countries.1. I wash dishes every day.。 by me every day.People plant a lot of trees every year.Do you often clean your room?They make this type ofradios in shanghai.Does Mary do a lot ofreading every day ?The teacher gives us muchhomework every day.He usually sees hisgrandfather on S

25、undays. Workers build many tall buildings in Beijing.The Whites eat bread in the morning. Mr Black sends me interesting story books.Do you often tell them adventures ?Tom often makes his parentslaugh.Teachers let us study hard.s birthday? Do they buy presents for Bettythe street. He usually mends bi

26、kes near He draws pictures very positions. The twins writes good II.改为主动语态.Is the noise made by Jim? He is given many presents by his uncle sometimes.Flowers are watered by Mike every day. They are often heard to sing songs by Tom next room. Students are taught grammar by teachers. A beautiful sweat

27、er is chosen by Ling ling. III.单项填空.1.The young trees every three days. A. arewateredB.were wateredC.are wateringA.spentB. cost C. paidD. had7. It the Chinese people eight years to buildthe Three Gorges Dam.A.spends B. costs C. paidD. took, Look. What a nice garden!Yes. It every day.A.has been clean

28、edB. is cleanedC. is being cleaned D. was cleaned. Children to keep away fromthe medicine for their safety.A. are told B. tellC. are telling D. was told10. My sister doesn t like the dress. She thinks it makes her big.A. look B. looksC. to lookD. lookedD.have watered 11. Im going to practice _ footb

29、all once a week.A. playB. to play C. playing D. play withD. to play2.Do you enjoy football? I hear there will be a football match tomorrow. A. playingB.playC.played3.Did she any pictures of her trip? A. buyB.takeC.makeD.use4.He was so that he couldn t sit still.A. excite B. excited C. exciting D. excites. I hope to visit the USA in the future. A. sometimesB.some timesC.sometimeD.some time6. His parents were worried that he too much time chatting online.

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