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1、人教版八年级英语一对一辅导教案Word propertyHow many properties do you know about English wordsExercise.1. Miss Miao is very_(friend) to us.2. Leo thinks its_(interest) to see animals in the zoo.3. There are some _(beauty) flowers in the garden.4. Lets_(is) quiet.5. Thank you for _(give) me so much help.6. Swimming

2、 in cold water sounds_(terribly).Grammar Sixteen years ago a boy _(give) me an inportant gift. It was a smile. It was the early autumn of my first year at a middle school, and my old school was far away. As a result, no one knew_ i was. I was very lonely, and afraid _(speak) to anyone. Every time i

3、heard the other students talking and laughing, i felt my heart break. I couldnt talk with anyone about my problems. Then one day, when my classmates were talking_(happy) with their friends, i _(sit) at my desk unhappily as usual. At that moment, a boy entered the classroom. I didnt know who he was.

4、He passed by me and then turned back. He looked at me, with a smile. Suddenly, i felt th etouch of something bright and friendly. It made me feel happy and warm. That smile changed my life. I started to talk with other students and made friends. Day by day, i became_(close) to everyone in my class.

5、The boy _the lucky smile has become my best friend now. One day i asked him_he had smiled, but he couldnt remember doing so! It doesnt matter because all the dark days have gone. I believe that the world is what you think it is. If you think_ is lonely, you might always be alone. _smile at the world

6、 and it will smile back.Grammar review代词(Pronouns)分为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、相互代词、疑问代词、不定代词和关系代词。1. 人称代词人称代词的形式(用来指人的代词)人称代词有主格和宾格,有单复数形式 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格第一人称 I me we us第二人称 you you you You第三人称 hesheit himherit t hey them人称代词主格的用法作主语 . Im a student. You are a teacher. We all work very hard.作表语,用在“It who

7、(that)”结构中 . Its she who has been wrong.人称代词宾格的用法作及物动词的宾语 . Tell himher to call back a little later.作介词宾语 . This pen is bad. I cant write with it.作表语 人称代词作表语时,通常要用宾格 . Who is knocking at the door Its me.使用人称代词需注意的几个问题主语是并列的几个人称时,应将you放在最前,I放在最后. You, she and I are all interested in the story.she通常可以

8、用来代替国家、船只、大地、月亮等it有时也可指人(尤其是婴儿) . Look at the poor little child. It has just fallen down.2物主代词(表示所有关系的代词)31)物主代词的形式4单数 复数5 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称6形容词性7物主代词 my your hisherits our your their8名词性9物主代词 mine Yours hisherits ours yours theirs2形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法3形容词性物主代词只能做定语,修饰名词 . his hobby our p

9、lan4名词性物主代词可作主语、表语和宾语5A.作主语 . That isnt my car. Mine is being repaired.6B.作表语 . Is this your book or mine?7C.作宾语 . You may use my umbrella. Ill use hers.8D.“of+名词性物主代词”可以做定语,相当于名词的双重所有格 . Is he a neighbor of yours3. 反身代词(用来表示“我自己”、“你自己”、“他自己”等意义的代词)4. 1)反身代词的形式5. 单数 复数6. 第一人称 myself ourselves7. 第二人称

10、 yourself yourselves8. 第三人称 himselfherselfitself themselves反身代词的作用作宾语(及物动词或介词的宾语)表示动作承受者是动作执行者自己. Let me introduce myself.作表语 . Im not quite myself these days.作主语或宾语的同位语,起加强语气的作用,表示“亲自本人”. The boy himself made the model plane.9. 指示代词(用来指示或标示人或物的一类代词)this that these those it such same so等10. this, th

11、at, these, those的用法11. 作主语 . This is a good idea.12. 作宾语 . I shall take those.13. 作定语 . I like those flowers.14. 作表语 . What I want to say is this.such(如此的,这样的)和same(同样的,一样的)作指示代词的用法such可以作主语、表语、宾语和定语。Such作定语时,它所修饰的名词之前如有不定冠词,这个不定冠词应放在such之后。A.作定语 . The foreign visitors said they had never seen such

12、a beautiful scenery before.B.作主语 . Such is our plan for the coming holiday.C.作宾语 . Last before Christmas they wanted help with trees and such.D.作表语 . The waves were such as I had never seen before. same可作定语主语表语和宾语.在same前必须加定冠词the作定语 . My friend came by the same train as you.作主语 . The same can be see

13、n if you do the experiment once again.作宾语 . We must all say the same.作表语 . Its all the same to me.so作宾语和表语的用法作宾语 . I will write today. Do so.作表语 . Be it so.这样就行。注:so常可用在省略句中 . I dont like him. Why so = Why is that so?so常置于句首 . oh!Ive finished. So have I.it作指示代词的用法翻译的时候,不必翻出来 . Oh, its you, Lao Li. 噢

14、,是你啊,老李。15. 相互代词(表示相互关系的代词,有each other和one another两个)16. 1)相互代词的形式17. 主格和宾格 所有格18. each other(一般指两个人或物) each others 彼此的19. one another(一般指两个以上的人或物) one anothers 彼此的相互代词的用法 作宾语 . Weve know each other for many years. You should listen to one another a bit more.相互代词的所有格形式只能作定语 . We are interested in on

15、e anothers work. The students corrected each others mistakes in their homework.20. 疑问代词(用来构成特殊疑问句的代词)21. 常见的有who作主语和表语, whom作宾语, whose, what, which可作主语、表语、宾语和定语。疑问代词有格的变化,有指人指物的区别22. 疑问代词的形式23. 主格 宾格 所有格24. 指人 Who Whom Whose25. 指物 What Whose26. 指人或指物 Which Whose疑问代词在句中的作用作主语 . Whos in dining-room 作表

16、语 . Who is she?作宾语 . Whom are you writing to 作定语 . Whose book is this27. 不定代词(来替代任何不定数量或范围的人和事物,有名词和形容词的作用,可作主、宾、表、定)28. 1)one的用法29. 指不定人称时,表示“人”译为:一个人、人人 其反身代词为oneself,物主代词为ones30. . One has to do ones best.人人都要尽力而为。31. 代替前面出现过的可数名词,以免出现重复,复数形式ones,可与冠词连用,可以有自己的定语 . Please pass me the book, the one

17、 on the top shelf.2)some,any的用法3) some和any都可在句中做主语、宾语和定语。Some常用在肯定句中,any常用在疑问句和否定句中 . My son needs some color paper. Have you got any?4)any用于肯定句,表示强调,意为“任何” . Any students can ask me any questions at any time.5)Some也可用于疑问句中,表示请求、建议或表示说话人希望得到肯定的回答6). Would you like some coffee?7)some,any与-thing,-body

18、,-one构成的合成词的用法与some,any一样8). I have something important to tell you.9)many,much,(a) few,(a) little的用法10)含义 用法 与可数名词连用 与不可数名词连用11)许多 many much12)一些 a few a little13)几乎没有 few littleanother, other, others, the other, the others的用法another(=an other)表示“别的”,“另一个”,泛指众多中的一个,一般后面接单数名词,前面不加定冠词 . This book is

19、too difficult for me. Will you please give me another one?the other表示两个中的一个,常与one连用,onethe other. I have two pencils. One is red, the other is blue.other+名词=others(别的) . Some are listening to the radio. Others are watching TV.the other+名词=the others(其余的,相当于the rest). Some of the students are from th

20、e north. The others(=the other students) are from the south.5)every和each的用法 都是“每一个”的意思 形式上都是单数,区别如下:6)every只能作定语,而each兼有形容词和名词的作用,可作主、定、宾和同位语7)从数量上看,each用来指两个或两个以上的人或物中的一个,而every则指两个以上的人或物中的一个8)both,all,neither,none,either的用法9)neither指两者中的“任何中的一个都不”,是单数;none指三者以上中的“任何一个都不”,可以单数也可复数;either指“两个中的任何一个”

21、,有肯定意义。4. 关系代词(用来引导定语从句的代词,有who,whom,whose,which)5. who,whom指人,在定语从句中分别作主语和宾语6. that指物,在定于从句中作主语或宾语7. which指物,在定于从句中作主语或宾语8. whose可以指人也可以指物,在定于从句中作主语用所给词的适当形式填空1. What are these in English _ (their) are bananas.2. _ (Her ) is _( I) friend.3. Are those _(they ) rulers4. _ (His) is _ (I) English teach

22、er.5. Is _(you) friend a boy a girl6. _ are _ Chinese books. ( they)7. _name is Polly. (it ) 8. _ names are Kate and Jim. (they)9. There is a photo of _ in the purse. (my)10. Excuse _ ( I ). Where are my books11. Are the shoes _ - Yes, they are yours. ( I )12. Are those shirts _ (you) No, theyre _ (

23、they). 13. _ is my friend. _ name is Tom. (he) is _ ( I ) friend. _(us) are in the same school.15. Please give the book to _. (she)16. Whats wrong with _ (they)17. Please help _to some vegetables,Lucy. (you)18. My parents sometimes help _ with_English. ( I )19. Mr Smith teaches _ English. (our )20.

24、_ is a boy . ( his)单选 are apples. A. these B. those C. This D. They2. Are _ English books No, _arent . A. those , those B. these , they C. they, these D. they, it 3. Please give _ some oranges. A. his B. she C. them D. our this _kite No, its _. A. her, his B. him, hers C. mine, his D. your, my5. Whi

25、ch knife is _ A. your B. mine C. her D. Me 6. _ have a clock on the wall of _ classroom. A. They, them , theirs C. They, their D. Their, theirs7. Its _ pen. Give it to _. A. my, me B. her, hers C. his, he D. mine, me8. These are _new clothes. _ must look after _ A. your, You, them B. you , You, your

26、s C. your, Yours, them D. your, You, they9. Look after _. A. he and his brother B. his brother and he C. him and him brother D. his brother and him10. They are _ coats. Can you look after _A. their, they B. their, they C. theirs, them D. their, themFilling the blanks.Many people go to school for an

27、education. 1 learn languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry and maths. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can 2 a living. School 3 is very important and useful. Yet no one can learn everything from school. A teacher, no matter how much he 4 , can not teach his students everyt

28、hing they 5 to know. The teachers job is to show his students how to read and how to 6 . So much more is to be learned 7 school by the students themselves. It is always more important to know how to study by 8 than to memorize(熟 记)some facts or formula(公式). It is 9 quite easy to learn a 10 fact in h

29、istory or a formula in mathematics. But it is very difficult to use a formula in 11 out a maths problem. Great scientists, such as Einstein, Newton and Galileo, didnt learn many things from school. But they were all so 12 that they invented so many things for mankind. The 13 for their success is tha

30、t they knew how to study. They read books that were not 14 at school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a single moment. They would ask many questions as they read and they did thousands of 15 . ( )1. A. Students B. They C. We D. People ( )2. A. make B. do C. have D. get ( )3. A. education B. degree C. lesson D. task ( )4. A. teache

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