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1、开心版英语四年级上期末复习Unit 11. Do you like math Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 你喜欢数学吗 是的,我喜欢。/不,我不喜欢。2. What subjects do you like I like art and music. 你喜欢什么科目我喜欢美术和音乐。3. Where is my English book Its on the desk.我的英语书在哪里它在桌子上。4. Where are my socks Theyre under the bed.我的袜子在哪里他们在床下。5. What can you do in music class

2、 I can sing.在音乐课上你能做什么 我能唱歌。6. How many subjects do you have I have seven.你有多少个科目 我有七个。7. Writing:Gogo is my good friend. He likes . and art. He likes drawing and he can Gogo 是我的好朋友。他喜欢体育和美术。他喜欢画画,他能画得很draw very well. He doesnt like math. Thats not good.好。 他不喜欢数学。 这不太好。Exercise:1. 你喜欢什么科目我喜欢英语。_ _ d

3、o you _I _ _.2. 你喜欢体育吗不,不喜欢。我喜欢美术。Do you like _ No, _ _. I _ _.3. I can run in _ class. I can draw in _ class.4. 回答下列问题。A. Do you like science _B. What can you do in music class _C. How many subjects do you have _D. Where is your English book _Unit 21. 加-ing的规则(直去双):直:playplaying 去:havehaving ;dance

4、dancing; writewriting; exerciseexercising;双:runrunning; swimswimming; shopshopping; cutcutting;2. What are you doing Im reading English.你在做什么我正在读英语。3. What are they doing Theyre playing.他们在做什么他们正在玩。4. Whats she doing Shes studying.她在做什么她正在学习。5. Whats he doing Hes fishing.他在做什么他正在钓鱼。6. Writing:(看图,写一

5、写他们在做什么,而你又在做什么。提示:可以给图中的人物起名字,如 Ben,Jenny, Tony, Lisa, Gogo等) Jenny is singing. Tony is painting. Lisa is dancing. Gogo and Ben are writing. I am playing. Jenny在唱歌。Tony在画画。Lisa在跳舞。Gogo和Ben在写字。我在玩。 Exercise:1. Whats she _ Shes _. 2. What are _ doing They are _.3. Are they _ Yes, _ are.Unit 31. Monda

6、y Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday2. 乐器加the:play the violin play the piano play the guitar运动不加the: play basketball play ping-pong3. Whats that Its a ping-pong ball.那是什么 它是一个乒乓球。4. What day is it today Its Monday.今天星期几今天星期一。5. What do you do on Sunday I play the violin on Sunday.在星期天

7、你做什么在星期天我拉小提琴。6. Do you play basketball on Tuesday Yes, I do. / No, I dont.你在星期二打篮球吗是的,我是。 / 不,我没有。7. Happy birthday! Thank you.生日快乐!谢谢你。Writing: My WeekThis is my week. I play the violin on Monday. I play ping-pong on Tuesday. 这是我的一周。在星期一我拉小提琴。 在星期二我谈钢琴。I play basketball on Wednesday. I play the pi

8、ano on Thursday. I play baseball on Friday. 在星期三我打篮球。 在星期四我谈钢琴。 在星期五我打棒球。 I swim on Saturday. I play soccer on Sunday.在星期六我游泳。在星期天我踢足球。Exercise:1. Do you play soccer on Sunday No, I d_.2. What d_ is it today Its Thursday.3. What does he do on W_ He plays basketball.4. 回答下列问题。A. What do you do on Mon

9、day _B. What day is it today _C. Is it Friday today _Unit 41. get up 起床 have breakfast 吃早饭 go to school 去上学have lunch 吃午饭 get home/ go home 回家 do homework 做作业have dinner 吃完饭 go to bed/go to sleep 睡觉 wake up 醒来2. at 在几点钟 eg: I have dinner at 5: 00. 我在五点钟吃晚饭。3. What time is it Its 7: 30. 几点了七点半了!4. Wh

10、at time do you go to school I go to school at 7:30.你什么时候去上学我七点半去上学。5. What time does your sister get home She gets home at 6:00.你的妹妹什么时候回家她六点钟回家。6. Its time to 是做什么的时候了。Eg: Its time to go to bed. 是睡觉的时候了。7. 请根据Jim的时间表,请帮他写一段介绍自己生活起居的短文。My Day6:.7:40 .12:.4:50 .6:00 .9:00 .get upgo to schoolhave lunc

11、hget homedo homeworkgo to bedMy Day Hello, Im Jim. This is my day. I get up at 6:30 . I go to school at 7:40 . I have lunch at 12:30 . I get home at 4:50 . I do homework at 6:00 . I go to bed at 9:.Exercise:1. Its time _ (go) to school.2. What time _ (do) he get up He gets up at 6:30.3. I go home _

12、(at, on) 5:00.4. What _ do you watch TV I watch TV at 7:00.5. I do my h_ at 5:00.6. 回答问题。a. What time does your father have dinner _b. Does your mother get up at 6:00 _c. What time is it now _d. What time do you get up on Tuesday _Unit 51. 脚:foot(单数) feet (复数)2. my 我的 your 你的 his 他的 her 她的3. This is

13、 + 单数 这是 eg: This is his body. 这是他的身体。These are +复数 这些是 eg: These are her legs. 这些是她的身体。4. Touch your nose! 摸你的鼻子!5. Open your mouth! 张开你的嘴!6. Close your eyes! 闭上你的眼睛!一、根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. This is my _ (mouth). 2. These are my _ (foot).3. These are his _ (leg). 4. This is his _ (head).5. These are

14、his _ (arm). 6. This is my _ (body).7. These are his _ (ear). 8. This is her _ (nose).9. These are her _ (hand). 10. These are my _ (eye). 二、单项选择。( )1. What are they doing Theyre _.A. dance B. dancing ( )2. _ are my arms.A. These B. this C. these ( )3. _ your nose.A. Touch B. touch C. Open( )4. I ha

15、ve a _, a _ and two _.A. mouth; eye; ears B. mouth; nose; eyes C. ear; nose; eyes三、根据中文写英文。1. 这是他的双眼。_2. 这是我的鼻子。_3. 这是她的嘴巴。_4. 这些是他的手。_5. 这是他的双脚。_Unit 61. Do you want a toy bear Yes, I do. / No, I dont.你想要一个玩具熊吗是的,我想要。/ 不,我不想要。2. Do they want a guitar Yes, they do. / No, they dont.他们想要一个吉他吗是的,他们想要。/

16、 不,他不想要。3. Does he want a toy car Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt.他想要一个玩具车吗是的,他想要。/ 不,他不想要。4. Does she want a doll Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt.她想要一个玩偶吗是的,她想要。/ 不,她不想要。5. What do you want I want a plane.你想要什么我想要一架飞机。6. What do they want They want a drum.他们想要什么他们想要一个鼓。7. What does he want He wants a

17、 puzzle.他想要什么他想要一幅拼图。8. What does she want She wants a doll.她想要什么她想要一个玩偶。Exercise:1. My mother _ (want) a piano.2. -What (do) Gogo and Lucy (want)3. - (do) your father like math No, he (dont).4. -They (want) these books.5. -Ben (dont) like playing computer game. 6. In class, I can (play the guitar).

18、7. _ he want a _ _Yes, _ _.9. Do they want a drum _Unit 71. Are you exercising Yes, I am. 你在锻炼吗是的,我在。2. Are you sleeping No, Im not. Im thinking. 你在睡觉吗不,我没有。我正在思考。3. Are they talking Yes, they are. 他们在谈话吗是的,他们在。4. Are they shouting No, they arent. 他们在喊叫吗不,他们没有。5. Is he coloring Yes, he is. 他在涂颜色吗是的,

19、他在。6. Is he playing soccer No, he isnt. Hes playing basketball.他在踢足球吗不,他没有。他正在打篮球。7. Is she cutting Yes, she is. 她在剪纸吗是的,她在。8. Is she playing computer game No, she isnt. 她在打电子游戏吗不,她没有。Exercise:1. What is she _ She is _ (shout).2. Is he _ (think) Yes, he is.3. Is she writing No, she is _ (cut) the pa

20、per.4. What are they doing They are _ (exercise).5. What do you do on Sunday I _ (play) basketball.6. 回答问题。a. What day is it today _b. Are they dancing _c. Does your mother want a dress _d. What are you doing _e. Is your mother cooking _f. Are you singing _g. Is your dad working now _h. Does your fa

21、ther want a car _Unit 81. sweep the floor 扫地 clean the windows 擦窗户 wash the dishes 洗碗fold the clothes 叠衣服 clean the desk 擦桌子 wash the clothes洗衣服wash the car 洗车 cook breakfast 做早餐2. Is she washing the dishes No, she isnt. Shes washing the clothes.她正在洗碗吗不,她没有。她正在洗衣服。3. Are they cleaning the windows Yes, they are.他们正在擦窗户吗是的,他们在。Exercise:1. What is Tony doing _2. Is Gogo folding the clothes _3. Are Jenny and Lisa talking _4. Is Mom sweeping the floor _5. Who is washing the car _

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