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1、中考英语复习专题练习完形填空含答案2019-2020年中考英语复习专题练习完形填空含答案 Today,the Internet is used in nearly every field of lifeDoes the Internet play an important part in education? Let us take a look at it in detail School Projects The Internet can be most 1 for completing projects in schoolsAs the Internet is an ocean of i

2、nformation, covering 2 all subjects known to manGoing through the information on the Internet is much 3 than reading a book on the subjectHomework is also made easier with the help of the Internet, 4 is also one of the important uses of computers in education News All the latest news is often update

3、d on the Internet on news sitesStudents learning politics,can learn the news 5 the Internet at school,at home,or at any other places Online Learning With the Internet,you can 6 short-term courses online,learn,and give examsPeople from any part of the world can gain (获取) 7 on different subjects No Ag

4、e Bracket (范围) for Education Online courses can make people of all age groups take up education of their 8 ,according to their liking and wishYou are,now,never too old 9 too busy to learn something new With these points,we find that the Internet is so important in educationHowever,it is only 10 for

5、parents to make students understand what is good and what is not for them,or keep a watch on their surfing1Acommon Bdangerous Cuseful Dtraditional2Anearly Bhardly Calready Dsimply3Aharder Bworse Cfaster Dslower4Awho Bwhat Cwhose Dwhich5Aacross Bthrough Cwithout Dbeside6Atake up Bpick up Cget up Dput

6、 up7Aexperience Bpleasure Cmoney Dknowledge8Aages Bsafety Cchoice Dhabits9Aand Bor Cbut Dso10Asilly Bbusy Cwise D sure (2) When the girl was very little,her father would pick her up,sing a song and dance with her,and he would told her,“I 1 you,little girl” When the little girl was 2 ,the great man w

7、ould hug (拥抱) her and tell her,“I love you,little girl”The little girl would say,“Im not a little girl anymore”Then the man would laugh and say,“But to me,youll always be my little 3 ” Later the girl left her home and went into the worldAs she learned more about 4 ,she learned more about the manShe

8、thought her father was really 5 because he could express his love to his familyWherever she wasthe man would 6 her and say,“I love you,little girl” The day came when the great man 7 a stroke (中风)He couldnt talk anymoreHe could no longer smilelaugh,walk,hug,dance 8 tell the little girl that he loved

9、her The girl went to her fathers sideHe 9 her and tried to speak,but he could notTears ran from 10 of their eyes and she drew her arms around the shoulders of her fatherAnd to her surprisehis fathers heart beat out the words that his mouth could no longer say:I love you,little girl!1Aknow B1ove Chat

10、e Dsee2Acoming up Bgoing out Cgrowing up Dgetting up3Aboy Bson Cfriend Dgirl4Aherself Bher Cshe Dhers5Agreat Bbusy Cfree Dstrict6Aask Btell Ccall Dorder7Atook Bwas Ckept Dhad8Aand Bor Cthen Dso9A1ooked at B1ooked for Cfound Dfound out10Aall Bboth Ceither Dneither(3) When I was 7,my family made me an

11、 ant farmFirst,we put clean sand in a thin glass boxThen we waited for the ants to 1 After the ants were dropped into the glass farm,they got down to making tunnels (隧道)I was amazed that each one knew exactly 2 to doEach had 3 own job One day some 4 things happened to the ant farmI had put my face s

12、o close to the glass farm that I tipped it over (弄翻它)All the tunnels 5 Although the ants survived (幸存) their earthquake,one by one they began to dieI was scared as I watched them give up 6 their tunnels to carry the bodies to a corner of the farmMy mother said that the ants were dying of 7 They simp

13、ly could not stand that their tunnels were gone 8 much time has passed,I still think of that ant farmOver the years,I came to realize the importance of teamworkWorking together,the ants were able to make an amazing world for themselvesI also learned that they should be admired for their 9 But there

14、was an even larger lesson that I did not realize until recently:Bad situations are a natural part of life,and must be acceptedWe have to realize that if a tunnel is gone,we just have to build 10 I will remember this forever.1Aget Barrive Creach Dgo2Awhy Bhow Cwhat Dwhen3Aits Bhis Cher Dtheir4Asurpri

15、sing Bgood Camazing Dbad5Aflew away Bfell down Cstood up Dbroke away6Abuilding Bsearching C1eaving Ddecorating7Aloneliness Bhurt Csadness Dtiredness8AIf BAlthough CWhen DEven9Acourage Bconfidence Cworry Deffort10Aother Bthe other Canother Dothers(4) A rich man asked a wise old man how to make his so

16、n give up his bad habitsThe old man took the boy 1 a walk through a gardenHe stopped suddenlyand 2 the boy to pull up a small plant growing thereThe boy pulled it up 3 The old man then asked him to pull up a little bigger plantThe boy pulled hard,and the plant 4 “Now pull up that one,”said the old m

17、an, 5 a bushThe boy did his best,and pulled it up 6 “Now take this one out,”said the old man,pointing to a big treeThe boy put his 7 around the tree and tried to pull it upBut he 8 He couldnt pull it this time “Its impossible”said the boyHe was tired “Its 9 as your bad habits,”said the old man“When

18、theyre young,its easy to pull them up, 10 when they grow up you cant uproot (根除) them so easily These words changed the boys life1Awith Bfor Cin Dat2Akept B1et Cmade Dasked3Ahard Bhappily Ceasily Dsadly4Awork out Bput out Cturn out Dcame out5Apointing to B1ooking at Ccomparing with Dfinding out6Area

19、lly Bfirstly Cfinally Dhardly7Afeet Barms Chands D1egs8Asucceeded Bfailed Ccomplained Dfell9Athe same Bdifferent Cunusual Dinteresting10Aand Bor Cbut D so(5)Whenever the sun rose and the blue sky came up,my father and I used to climb the mountain near my houseWalking together,my father and I used to

20、 have a 1ot of conversations through which I 1earned 1 from his experiencesHe always told me,“You 2 have goals like climbing the mountain”Without the mountain-climbing that we both 3 ,we couldnt have enough time to spend together,because my father was very 4 I really got a lot from the mountain-clim

21、bingIt gave me time to 5 with my father and to be in deep thought 6 develop my patience Once we climbed a very high mountainIt was so challenging for me 7 I was only ten years oldDuring the first few hours of climbing,I enjoyed the flowers and trees,and the birds singingBut as time passed,I got pain

22、s in both of my legsI wanted to 8 climbingBut my father said to me,“You can always see a beautiful sky at the top of the mountain,but you cant see it 9 reaching the topOnly there can you see all of the nice things,which is just like your life” At that time,I was too young to understand his 10 But la

23、ter after that,I got to know the meaning of hope in lifeI found myself standing at the top of the mountain,and the sky was as clear as crystal (水晶)1Aclasses Btests C1essons Dnews2Acan Bmay Cwould Dshould3Aspent Benjoyed Choped Dkept4Abusy B1azy Cweak Dfree5Aplay Bwork Ctalk Dstudy6Aas much as Bas so

24、on as Cas long as Das well as7Athough Bbecause Cand Dbut8Aput up Btake up Cget up Dgive up9Aafter Bwhen Cbefore Dsince10Astories Bwords Cpictures D1essons(6) Today we buried our 20-year-old sonHe was 1 in an accident on Friday nightHow I wish I had told him:“Jim,I love you,and Im so proud of you”I w

25、ould have taken time to appreciate (欣赏) his beautiful smile,the 2 of his laughter and his true love of people When you 3 his good points,you forget about the radio that was always too loudthe haircut that wasnt to our liking,the 4 socks under the bedIt really doesnt matter much now I wont get anothe

26、r chance to 5 my son all I would have wanted him to hear,but you have a (n) 6 Tell your family and friends what you would want them to hear if you knew it would be your last talkThe 7 time I talked to Jim was the day he diedHe called me to say:“Hi,Morn! I just called 8 say I love youGot to go to wor

27、kBye”He gave me something to treasure (珍视) forever If there is any positive effect of Jims 9 ,maybe it is to make others appreciate more of life and to make people,especially families, 10 the time to let each other know just how much they care You may never have another chanceDo it today!1Asaved Bin

28、jured Ckilled Dhurt2A1ook Bsound Cvoice Dnoise3Amake of Bthink of Ctell of Dhear of4Aclean Bthick Clong Ddirty5Atalk Btell Cspeak Dsay6A1uck Badvice Coffer Dchance7A1ast Bfirst Csecond Dusual8Afor Bin Cto Dof9Adiary Bsmile Cdeath D1aughterl 0Atake Bpay Cspend Dcost(7)Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you

29、very much for coming to this concertI hope you have enjoyed the music The purpose of this concert is to 1 money for children in AfricaEvery day 2 children in Africa dieThat is 3 they have diseases or dont have enough to 4 There are two main reasons for thisFirst,there are no jobs for the childrens p

30、arents,so they have no money to buy food or 5 Second,the governments in 6 African countries do not have the money to take care of poor people Most African countries are poorThe 1and is not good for growing plants and the 7 is also bad for farmingThe organization we are trying to help,the Feed Africa

31、 Fund,spends a lot of money every year on food for people in Africa . The money comes from people 8 youkind and generous (慷慨,大方) people who do not want to see children die from hungerJust one dollar can buy enough rice or coin to 9 a family of four for three days How much do you spend on food every day? Ten dollars ? Twen

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