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1、4B每单元练习朗读纸4B M1U1 材料1 姓名: 1 watermelongrapeplumcherrystrawberrycrunchy西瓜葡萄李子樱桃草莓脆的2 vineoftenenjoyinside guess葡萄藤经常享受的乐趣(在)里面猜3 carparkblueschoolyardnever小轿车公园蓝色学校院子从不4 whenthinkfruit在时候想水果5 a glass ofwatermelon juicecherry juice一杯西瓜汁樱桃汁6 grape juiceat Alices homesit around葡萄汁在爱丽丝的家围坐7 notat all一点也不

2、8What can you smell and taste? 你能闻到和尝到什么?9. I have a glass of watermelon juice, a glass of cherry juice and a glass of grape juice. 我有一杯西瓜汁, 一杯樱桃汁 和 一杯葡萄汁。10Is it a peach or an apple? Its an apple, I think.它是一个桃子还是一个苹果? 我想它是一个苹果。11 Taste it. What is it? 尝尝它。它是什么? 12 How does it taste? 它尝起来怎么样?13 Do

3、you like red ones or green ones? 你喜欢红色的哪些还是绿色的哪些?(前句出现的名词,如果是单数,就用one)14 How about the green one? 绿色的那个怎么样。15 Its nice too, and its very crunchy. 它也很好,而且它非常脆。16 They are purple and round. 他们又紫又圆。 17 What nice grapes!=How nice the grapes are! 多好的葡萄呀!18 They are not sweet at all. 它们一点也不甜。19 I dont lik

4、e the horse at all. 我一点也不喜欢这匹马。20 In summer we often sit around and enjoy a fruit. 在夏天我们经常围坐一圈并吃水果。21 Its red and sweet inside. 它的里面又红又甜。22 He often rides it in his yard with his sister Sue. 他经常在他的后院和他的姐姐一起骑它。23 He also rides it around the park on sunny afternoons. 他也在阳光灿烂的下午在公园里附近骑它。24 But Mark nev

5、er rides his car when he goes to school. 但是马克从来不在上学的时候骑他的小车。M1U1一 词汇西瓜_ 葡萄_ 李子_ 樱桃_ 草莓_ 脆的_ 高高的藤条_ _ 一点也不_享受一种水果_围坐_公园_ 学校_ 小院子_ 二 填空1.I have _ ( 一杯) watermelon juice.2.Is it _(樱桃汁)or watermelon juice? Its watermelon juice . I think.3.These _(fox) said:The grapes are _(在高高的藤条上),I cant _(eat)_(they).

6、4.Those grapes _(酸).They are _(一点也不甜).5_(怎么样,如何)the green one? Its nice and _(脆).6.How _(do) the red apple _? Its sweet.三 句子部分1. 它是一块饼干(biscuit)还是一颗糖果呢?它是一颗糖果。2.I like apples.(对划线部分提问)3.I like red apples (对划线部分提问)4.I have a sweet.(对划线部分提问)My favourite fruitThere are so many kinds of fruit.My favouri

7、te fruit are bananas and pears.They taste very nice.When I eat them.I feel so happy and cool.I always invite my friends and my parents to enjoy them with me.They make me happy. So I love bananas and pears best材料2 M1U21 hardsoftroughsmoothsharpblunt硬的软的粗糙的光滑的尖的钝的2 thickthinknife (knives)pencil casesa

8、ndkey厚的,粗的薄的,细的小刀,刀铅笔盒沙子钥匙3 parentallanotherbeachfindfloor父(母)亲所有,全部的另一个沙滩找到地板4 blindaskanswerlastskirtpurse瞎的,盲的问回答最后的短裙(女式)钱包5 slimman(men)roundsomethingthingwhose苗条的男人圆的某物东西,物品谁的6 know ( 同音词no ) 知道take off (put on) 脱下(穿上)over there在那里7 lost-property officeone of the take toon the beach失物招领处中的一个把拿

9、到在沙滩上8 Whose knife is this? 这是谁的小刀? Its Dannys.它是丹尼的。9 Whose books are those? 哪些是谁的书?They are so thick. 他们是如此厚。10 They are Miss Fangs. 它们是方老师的。She has many books.她有很多书。11 Peter, put your toy bear in the bag. 皮特,把你的玩具熊放进包里。12 Touch one thing. 摸一个东西。 How does it feel? 它的感觉是什么?13 Yes, you are right. 是的

10、,你是对的。 Can I take off my shoes? 我能脱下我的鞋吗?14 Yes, of course you can. 是的,你当然可以。15 Whats the matter? 发生什么事了?Theres something in the sand.沙子里有一些东西。16 Lets ask the man over there.让我们问那边的一个男子。17 Lets take it to the lost-property office. 让我们把它拿到失物招领处。18 Under the tree, there are four brothers. 在树下有四个兄弟。19

11、Here comes a man on an elephant. 来了一个坐在大象上的男子。20Whats that? asks one of the brothers. “那是什么?”兄弟中的一个问道。21No! says the last brother,The elephant is long and thin. “不!”最后的兄弟说,“这个大象是又长又瘦的。”22 I like eating and drinking, and playing in the school yard. 我喜欢吃和喝,并且喜欢在学校后院玩。23 She wants to buy a new red skir

12、t. 她想要买一件新的红色的裙子。24 The old one is too small. 旧的那件太小了。But she cannot find her purse.但是她找不到她的钱包。25Its over there,says her mum,Just behind the door! “它在那儿,”她的妈妈说,“就在门后面。”M1U2一. 词汇坚硬_柔软_粗糙_钝的_尖锐_平滑_ 细,瘦,薄的_触摸_ 厚的_发生什么事_脱下_在那边_认领所_ 钱包_女裙_ 地板_ 瞎的_ 二填空1._(who)knife is this?-Its Dannys.2.Can I take off _(我

13、的鞋子)?3.There _(be)something _the sand?Its hard.4._(在树下),there _(be) four brothers .They are all blind.5.I can _(see) a elephant.6.The shoes_(be) too big. But that pair of shoes _(be) small.7.Jim_(be) my friend ._(He)eyes are small.8._(who) the girl _(穿prep)the red T-shirt.9.We _(be) late _(prep) the

14、 party.10.Look ,that is _(a clock, oclock).Its four_( a clock, oclock)now.三.句子部分1.That student is her friend .(改为一般疑问句,否定回答)_2. These dolls are Kittys.(对划线部分提问)_3. theres something in the sand.(改为一般疑问句)_4. 这是你的钥匙吗?-不,不是的。(翻译)_My favourite toyMy favourite toy is computer.Its small and thin.Its colour

15、 is blue.I play it everyday!I think its a good toy ,because its very interesting and relaxing !I love it very much! 材料3 M1U3 姓名: 1 hilllawnpathbenchrise(go down)shadow小山草坪小路长椅升起,上升影子2 growagaintorchalsosometimesnoon变得又,再手电筒也有时中午3 bitefollowbeeteadeer(deer)tear咬跟着蜜蜂茶鹿眼泪4 suddenlycryfearbeersound突然地哭害

16、怕啤酒声音5 in the morningin the afternoonin the evening在早上在中午在晚上6 at noongrow short/longgo down go up在中午变短/变长落下去 升起7 at seven oclockgo with sb.walk down the road在七点钟和某人一起走沿着马路走8 look back回头看be afraid of害怕play with sb. 和某人一起玩9 run after = chasego offin front of (behind)追赶熄灭在前面(在后面)10 In the morning, it r

17、ises behind the hill.早晨,它从小山后面升起。11 The sun goes down in the evening. 晚上太阳落下了。12 The trees shadow grows long again.太阳的影子又变成长的。13 Cut them out. Stick a pencil.把他们剪下来。 粘一支铅笔。14 Shine the torch and make a shadow. 照手电筒制造出影子。15 My shadow often goes with me. 我的影子经常和我一起走。16 Sometimes my shadow stays behind

18、 me. 有时候我的影子待在我的后面。17 Sometimes my shadow walks in front of me. 有时候我的影子走在我的前面。18 Sometimes my shadow grows big and strong.有时候我的影子变的又打又强壮。19 He looks back and sees a black shape behind him. 它回头看,看到他后面有一个黑色的形状。20 Henry runs away, but the black shape follows him.亨利逃跑,但这黑色的形状跟着它。21 Lets play together. 让

19、我们一起玩。22 When the light goes off, you wont see it any more. 当灯关上,你将看不到任何东西。23 Mr Bee is having tea with his friend Miss Deer. 蜜蜂先生和鹿女士正在喝茶。24 Suddenly he falls into the tea, and Miss Deer cries in fear. 突然他掉进茶里,鹿女士害怕地哭了。25 You scared me! 你吓坏我了。M1U3一.词汇影子_ 小山_ 草坪_ 小道_ 长椅_ 起来_ 降落_ 在后面_ 变成_在上面_ 在前面_强壮_

20、 沿着走_ 声音_害怕_ 逃跑_ 跟随_push(第三人称单数形式)_pass(第三人称单数形式)_watch(第三人称单数形式)_wash(第三人称单数形式)_play(第三人称单数形式)_stay(第三人称单数形式)_study(第三人称单数形式)_carry(第三人称单数形式)_go(第三人称单数形式)_do(第三人称单数形式)_be(第三人称单数形式)_have(第三人称单数形式)_ 二填空(主要是第三人称的动词的变化规则) 1. He _(like watch) TV. 2. She_(have) lunch at twelve.3. It _(look) like a cat.(l

21、ook like 的意思是看起来像)4. Han Mei _ like her mother.5. Beijing_(be) in China.6. A horse _(be)a useful animal.7. That car_(be)red.8. The cat _(be) Lucys.9. Everyone _(be) here.三句子1.Henry hears a sound.(对划线部分提问)_2.The black shape follows henry.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)_3.I like my shadow.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_材料4 M2U11

22、play football踢足球play table tennis打乒乓球play volleyball打排球2 play badminton打羽毛球play basketball打篮球poster海报3 clubsportjoinnevernoticeswimsuit俱乐部体育运动加入,参加从不通知,布告泳衣4 rememberbeforeafterhealthyhobby (hobbies)记得在之前在之后健康的业余爱好5 funlineminesmilefivepie有趣的事排成一行我的微笑五派6 badminton clubfavourite sportjoin the club羽毛球

23、俱乐部最喜欢的体育运动参加俱乐部7 talk with sb.swimming class noticeswimming cap和某人说话游泳课通知游泳帽8 a pair of swimming gogglesdo warm-up exercisesswimming pool一副游泳眼镜做热身运动游泳池9 French friesenjoy yourselfspare time薯条(祝你)玩得开心业余时间10 Do you like playing badminton?你喜欢打羽毛球吗? Yes, I do.是的,我喜欢。11 No, I dont. 不,我不喜欢12 Its my favou

24、rite sport. 它是我最喜欢的运动。13 Lets join the club together, then. 那么,让我们一起参加这俱乐部。14 Who else would like to join? =Would you like to come with us? 还有其他人想要加入吗?15 Does Kitty like playing volleyball? 凯蒂喜欢打排球吗?16 Yes, she does.是的,她喜欢。 No, she doesnt. 不,她不喜欢。17 Lets go and ask her. 让我们去问她。18 Peter and Danny are talking with Alice in the classroom. 皮特和丹尼在教室里正在和爱丽丝交谈。19 She never plays badminton. 她从来不打羽毛球。20 The swimsuit cannot be too big or too small. 游泳衣不能太大或者太小。21 So the water does not get in your eyes.所以水不会进入你的眼睛。22

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