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1、中考英语语法性完形填空专项训练 2019 年中考英语 【语法性完形填空】专项训练教育引导类C l o z e 1It was the end of the term and time for the final exams. I didnt want to do 1 in English, so I decided to find a way. Finally, I made a small cheat sheet(作弊纸条).The whole week, I studied really hard and I almost thought I didnt need it. But anyw

2、ay, I put it in my pocket.2 the English teacher came, I put the small cheat sheet under my paper. I didnt use 3 at all during the exam. But at the end of the exam, when I 4 it back in my pocket, the supervisor(监考老师) saw me with it. I 5to meet Mrs L i u, my English teacher. I was always a good studen

3、t, and my English teacher always liked me. However, after I 6 the disappointment on her face, I really wanted to cry and tell her I was sorry.She sent me to the head 7 office. When I was sitting there, I felt so sorry and began to cry. 8 a while, the head teacher told me, “Eddie, your English teache

4、r liked you a lot. We decided to give you 9 second chance.”I learned a lesson by the hard way. My English teacher helped me, and so 10 the head teacher. No one had ever done that for me.1. A. bad B. badly C. good D. well2. A. Though B. When C. Because D. If3. A. it B. its C. itself D. its4. A. put B

5、. is putting C. was putting D. will put5. A. sent B. was sent C. will sent D. will be sent6. A. see B. saw C. am seeing D.will see7. A. teacher B. teachers C. teachers D. teachers8. A. Before B. After C. Of D. With9. A. an B. a C. the D. /10. A. does B. do C. did D. doneC l o z e 2An old gentleman w

6、hose eyesight( 视 力 ) was falling came to stay in a hotel room with a bottle of wine in each hand. On the wall there 1 a fly which he took for a nail( 钉 子 ). So as soon as he hung them on, the bottles 2 broken and the wine s p i l t(洒) all over the floor.When a waitress discovered what had happened,

7、she felt really sorry 3 him and wanted to give him a hand.So the next morning when he went out 4 a walk in the garden, 5 put a nail on the wall exactly where the fly had stayed.After walking for some time, the old man entered his room, and at once he 6 of the accident by the smell of the split wine.

8、 7 he looked up at the wall, he found the fly was there again! He walked to it carefully and 8 it with all his strength.On hearing a loud cry, 9 waitress rushed in. To her 10 surprise, the poor old man was there sitting on the floor, his face was pale and a lot of blood was running on his right hand

9、.1. A. is B. was C. are D.were2. A. fall B. fell C. have fallen D. will fall3. A. about B. with C. for D. on4. A. took B. takes C. to take D. taking5. A. she B. her C.hers D. herself6. A. was reminded B. is reminded C. reminds D. reminded7. A. While B. When C. Though D. If8. A. hits B. hit C. will h

10、it D. has hit9. A. a B. an C. the D. /10. A. good B. well C. great D. greatlyC l o z e 3Once a father and son went to the kite flying festival. The young son became very 1 seeing the sky filled with colorful kites. He asked his father to get him a kite and a thread with a roller. So, the father went

11、 to the shop at the park 2 the festival was being held. He bought kites and a roll of thread for his son.His son started to fly a kite. Soon, 3 kite reached high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, “Father, It seems 4 the thread is holding up a kite from flying higher. If we break it, it wil

12、l be free and will go flying even higher. Can we break it?” So, the thread 5 from a roller. The kite 6 to go a little higher. That made the son very happy.But then, 7 , the kite started to come down. The son was surprised to see this. He asked his father, “Father,I thought that after cutting off the

13、 thread, the kite 8 freely fly higher. But why did it fall down?”The father explained, “Son, we often think that some things we are tied with and they are preventing us 9 going further higher. The thread was not holding 10 kite from going higher, but it was helping it stay higher when the wind slowe

14、d down and when the wind picked up, you helped the kite go up higher in a proper direction through the thread. And when we cut the thread, it fell down without the support you were providing to the kite through the thread”.The son realized his mistake.1.A. sadB.sadderC. happyD.happier2. A.whoB. wher

15、eC. whenD.why3. A. hisB.heC.himD.himself4. A.whichB. howC.whenD. that5. A.will cutB.will be cutC.cutD. was cut6. A. startsB. startingD.has started7. A.carefulB.carefullyC.slowD. slowly8. A. canB.needC. mustD.should9. A.withB.forC. fromD.of10. A.aB.anC. theD./C l o z e 4If you had to choo

16、se one word to describe Kevin, it might be “slow”. Kevin didnt learn fast, 1 his bright smile won him plenty of friends.When Kevin knew there was a basketball team in his school, he joined it. And soon the basketball became a center of Kevins life. He 2 hard at practicing it. He threw and threw the

17、ball, and sometimes it did go in!The season began, but Kevins team 3 won a gameexcept for the night it snowed and the other team didnt show up. 4 the end of the season, they played against the first place team. The game went as expected, and near the end of the game, Kevins team was nearly 30 points

18、 behind. Then one boy said to the coach(教练), “This is our last game and Kevins never made a basket. I think we 5 let him make a basket.” The team agreed.Kevin ran on the floor, stood near the free throw line and waited. When the ball 6 to him, he shot and missed. Number 17 from the other team got th

19、e ball and quickly scored two 7 . Later Kevin got the ball, shot and missed again. Number 17 repeated his performance. Kevin shot a third and fourth time with the same result.But then the other team seemed to know something. The next time they got the ball and threw it to Kevin! Kevin shot and misse

20、d. But now every ball came to 8 , and he threw and threw toward the basket.The boys of both teams 9 , “Kevin! Kevin!” Soon everyone there was shouting for Kevin! He shot and shot and 10 one shot went in! Everyone stood and cheered as if the boy had won a world championship(锦赛).That day everybody won

21、. Everybody! Because everybody took part in a simple act of kindness which was so powerful!1. A. but2. A. works3. A. sometimesB. soB. workedB. neverC. or D. andC. will work D. was workingC. always D. hardly4. A. OnB. InC. At D. Of5. A. mayB. mustC. need D. should6. A. passesB. is passedC. passed D.

22、was passed7. A. pointB. pointsC. result D. results8. A. heB. hisC. him D. himself9. A. shoutB. shoutedC. have shouted D. were shouting10. A. finalB. finallyC. first D. firstlyC l o z e 5A young man found a job on a farm. When the farmer asked for his qualification(s 资历), he said, “I can sleep 1the w

23、ind blows.” This interested the farmer. He liked the young man, and gave him 2 job.A few days later, the farmer and his wife were awaken in the night 3 a strong storm. They quickly beganto check things to see if 4 were safe. They found that the windows in the farmhouse had been 5 closed. A good supp

24、ly(储备)of firewood had been set next to the fireplace.The young man slept peacefully.The farmer and his wife then 6 their farm. They found that the farm tools had been put in the tool room, safe from the storm. The tractor had been moved into the garage( 车 库 ). The door 7 safely. Even the animals wer

25、e calm. All was going well. The farmer then understood the meaning of the young 8 words, “I can sleep as the wind blows.”Now we see, the young man 9 sleep in peace when the storm broke out just 10 he got everything ready when it was fine.1. A. unlessB. afterC. whenD. since2. A. theB. aC. anD. /3. A.

26、 inB. atC. forD. by4. A. someB. anyC. allD. none5. A. dangerousB. dangerouslyC. safeD. safely6. A. checked B. checkC. will checkD.were checking7. A. lockB. was lockedC. is lockedD. locked8. A. mansB. m ensC. manD. men9. A. shouldB. mustC. couldD. need10. A. untilB. becauseC. ifD. thoughC l o z e 6I

27、am a karate ( 空 手 道 ) player. I still remember my first karate competition. Like other 1 , I was very excited about my event. I 2 every players techniques ( 技 巧 ) so that I 3 carefully avoid their moves.Somehow I got into the semifinals(半决赛). In the semifinals, I got injured. I still didnt give up a

28、nd got into finals. After all, 4 the gold medal was my dream.In the 5 competition, there were no supporters on my side, as I was a new face. Instead, the crowd was cheering for my opponent(对手). I could hear only my opponents name.I ignored the crowds cheering. I kept one thing 6 mind: focus, wait an

29、d attack. I had confidence in 7 all the time, and I deeply knew that no matter 8 strong my opponent was, I had to do my best and fight well.When the time was up, I was leading with a 3-0 score. One thing I learned from that event is, when facing your opponent in a match, 9 think you are weak or stro

30、ng. Just give your 10 shot, and you will make your way to success.Win or lose, you will learn from every step you take.1. A. playerB. playersC. studentD. students2. A. watchB. watchedC. will watchD. have watched3. A. couldB. canC. mustD. should4. A. gettingB. getC. getsD. got5. A. specialB. speciall

31、yC. finalD. finally6. A. onB. atC. forD. in7. A. IB. myselfC. myD. me8. A. whatB. howC. whichD. why9. A. doB. dontC. didD. didnt10. A. goodB. bestC. badD. worstC l o z e 7Im David. Long ago I came to the city near my hometown to find a job. I 1 all kinds of difficulties and I used up all my money soon.It was dark outside one day. I got 2 a bus quietly. Suddenly, a passenger cried in a loud voice, “ 3 has stolen my money!” I

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