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1、英语动词练习题及答案英语动词练习题及答案【篇一:小学英语专项练习动词】一、写出以下动词的此刻分词:play_ run_ swim_make_go_ like_ write_ _ski_read_ have_ sing _ dance_put_ see_ buy _ love_live_ take_ come _ get_stop_ sit _ begin_ shop_lie_skip_二、 写出以下动词的第三人称单数drink _ go _ stay _ make _look _ have_ pass_ carry_wash_come_ watch_ plant_ fly _study_ br

2、ush_ do_ teach_三、写出以下动词的过去式isam_ fly_ lie_ are _drink_ play_ go_ make_does_ lose_ win_ask _teach_ eat_ hurt_put _ throw_ catch_ fall_ do_buy_see_shop_beginsit_四、用所给的动词的正确形式填空:(一)此刻进行时1.the boy _ ( draw)a picture now.2.listen .some girls _ ( sing)in the classroom mother _ ( cook )some nice food

3、 now.4.what _ you _ ( do ) now?5.look . they _( have) an english lesson .6.they _(not ,water) the flowers now.7.look! the girls _(dance )in the classroom .18.what is our granddaughter doing? she _ ( listen ) s 5 o clock now. we _ (have) supper now10._helen_ (wash ) clothes?yes , she is

4、.(二)一般此刻时1.he often _ (have) dinner at home.2.daniel and tommy _ (be) in class one.3.we _ (not watch) tv on monday.4.nick _ (not go) to the zoo on sunday.5._ they _ (like) the world cup?6.what _they often _ (do) on saturdays?7._ your parents _ (read) newspapers every day?8.the girl _ (teach) us engl

5、ish on sundays.9.she and i _ (take) a walk together every evening.10.there _ (be) some water in the bottle.11.mike _ (like) cooking.12.they _ (have) the same aunt _ (look) after her baby always _ (do) your homework well.15. i _ (be) ill. i m staying in bed.16.she _ (go)

6、to school from monday to friday.17.liu tao _(do) not like pe.18.the child often _ (watch) tv in the hai and su yang _(have) eight lessons this term.20. what day _(be) it today?it s saturday (三 )综合练习21 my mother(buy) a book for me yesterday.22.i like to (fly a kite).23.don t _ the house

7、. mum _ it yesterday. (clean)24.what _ you _ just now? i _ somehousework. ( do)25.they _ (make) a kite a week ago.26.i want to _ apples. but my dad_all of them last2month.( pick )27._ he _ the flowers this morning? yes, he_. (water)28.she _ (be) a pretty girl. look, she _ (do) chinese dances.29.the

8、students often _ (draw) some pictures in the art room.30.what _ mike do on the farm? he _ cows. (milk)31. it _ (be) ben s birthday lastfriday.32.we all _ (have) a good time last night.33.he _ (jump) high on last sports day.34.helen _ (milk) a cow on friday.35.she likes _newspapers, but she _ a book

9、yesterday. (read)36.he _ football now, but they _ basketball just now. (play)37.jim s mother _ (plant) trees just now.38._ they _ (sweep) the floor on sunday? no, they _ .39.i _ (watch) a cartoon on monday.40.we _ (go) to school on sunday.41.he _ (live) in wuxi two years ago.42.the cat _ (eat) a bir

10、d last night.43.we _ (have) a party last halloween.44.nancy _ (pick) up oranges on the farm last week.45.i _ (make) a model ship with mike yesterday.46.they _ (play) chess in the classroom last pe mother _ (cook) a nice food last spring festival.48.the girls _ (sing) and _ (dance) at th

11、e party _ (be) the 2nd of november white _ (go) to his office by car.50.gao shan _ (put) the book on his head a is a sunny day. we _ (have) a picnic this brother _ (go) to shanghai next week.53.tom often _(go) to school on foot. but today is

12、 rain.he _ (go) to school by bike.54.what do you usually do at weekends? i usually _35【篇二:高中英语动词及动词词组短语练习题】txt1 the news was a terrible blow to her, but she will _the shock soon.a. get outb. get through c. get offd. get over2.the sound of the music _louder and louder as the bandmarched nearer to me.

13、a. grew b. feltc. appeared d. the east, the sky looked pale enough to _ the storm would be passing quickly.a. suggest b. report c. prove d. explain4.have you finished your homework yet?not yet, i _ to do it just a few minutes ago.a. get down b. set out c. set about d. set up5the thing

14、that _ is not whether you fail or not, butwhether you try or not.a. matters b cares c considers d how is your new roommate?she really _. she s always making loud noises at midnight and when i remind her,she always makes rude remarks.a. turns me off b. turns me down c. turns me outd. turns

15、me over7. to be honest, i don t quite _ with you some general views on the weather.a. did b. allowc. botherd. share8. don t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may_ the shocking ending.a. give awayb. give outc. give up d. give off9.the old houses are being pulled down to _ a new office

16、 block.a. supply with b. make use of c. make room for d. take the place ofbut to drive a car is not nearly as difficult as it is imagined on condition that you _ the specialized rules.a. give up b stick to c insist on d connect to11. will you my composition to find out whether i ve made anyspelling

17、mistakes?a. look through b look on c look up d look out is known to us all, failure usually _ _ laziness while diligence can _ success.a. results from, lie in b. results in, result from c. leads to, lie in d. results from, result in a. take b hand c get d go14.his aunt s lettersof those beau

18、tiful days when they used to live together in his hometown.a. call up b call for c call on d call at15. did you reach the top of the mountain?yes. even i myself didn t believe i ouldbc climb c getd make a. work44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.a. build

19、up b make up c take up d send up17.we trust you ; only you can him to give up smoking . a. suggest b attract c advise d persuade18. have a good rest ; you need to your energy for the football match this afternoon .thanks a lot .a. leave b save c hold d that country, guests usually feel that

20、 they are not highly_ if the invitation to a dinner party is given only threeor four days before the party date a. regardedb. thought c. admired d. concerned20.difficulties and hardships have _ the best character of the young geologist.a. brought inb. brought up c. brought out d. brought about21.our

21、 daughter doesn t know what to at the university ; she can t make up her mind about her future .a. take in b take up c take over d take on22.ling feng won the first prize in the national englishcompetition and i m glad that her efforts at last _.a. worked out b got back c paid off d turned out23.the

22、 browns sent lots of invitations for their party. but because of the improper time, fewpeople _ it.a. attended b accepted c received d enjoyed24. i think john will a good m onitor, so i d like to vote for him.a. turn b change c elect d make25.the girl _ to be a good dancer if she is well trained in

23、an art school.a. expects b allows c wishes d promises26.what do you think of andrew ?there are some things that are not easy to , and his coldness is one .a. put aside b put up with c think of d get along with27. does he know how to work out the problem ?yes , he has a good idea to solve it .a. caug

24、ht up with b kept up with c come up with d put up with28. will thursday or friday you ?either will .a. fit , be b fit , ok c suit , all right d suit , do29.eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressure .a. result from b contribute to c attend to d devote suddenly to the

25、 detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.a. happenedb occurred c thought d took place 【答案分析】1. d 此题考察邻近动词短语的词义辨析能力。四个词组只有 get over 有战胜之意。应选 d 。2. a grow 变得,表示一个渐进的过程; feel ,以为,感觉; appear 显得; remain 保存,依旧。题干中的 as 是重点词,表示“跟着乐队向我们走的愈来愈近,音乐的声音也变得愈来愈大 ”。3.a 此题检测近义动词的辨析能力。

26、 suggest 示意,意味着; report 报告; prove 证明; explain 解说。本句句义为 “东方灰蒙蒙的天空示意着狂风雪马上到临。 ”4. b get down to doing sth 开始做某事, set out to do sth某事, set about doing sth 开始做某事, set up 成立。应选着手做 b 。5.a 本句句意为:重要的事情是:不是你失败与否,而是你能否努力了。 matter : be important ,应选 a。6. a turn sb off使某人讨厌或憎恶turn sb down:拒绝,不理睬turn sb out :赶走某

27、人, turn sb over :使某人翻身。本句语言环境为:我的新室友常常在深夜制造噪音,当我提示她时,她却说脏话。她的这些行为自然令我生厌。应选 a。7. a 此题的句式构造变一下,便可看出此题考察的是 share sth with sb. 应选 d 。8.a 本句句意为:不要在故事的开头说起它,不然,那会泄漏事故结尾。 give away : 泄漏。应选 a。9. c 旧房屋被推倒目的是给新办公楼腾出地方。 make room for腾出空间。应选 c 。为 ?10. b give up 保持某事物,:放弃, stick to :not change, keep to sthinsist on : demand 坚持要求, connect to坚持或与?有联系。只需你坚持(恪守)交通规则,开车其实不像想象的那么难,故选 b。11. a 你可否阅读一下我的作文,看一下能否有拼写错误? look through :阅读 .翻阅,应选 a。12.d result from :因 ? 而发生,后接

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