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1、英语辩论赛用语汇总英语辩论赛用语汇总英语辩论赛用语汇总0213英语辩论赛用语汇总1. how to agree strongly with an opinion 完全同意i couldn;t agree more! i;m of the same opinion.i don;t think anyone would disagree.i can;t argue with that. i;m sure you are right.i take your point. i;d go along with you there.i share your view on that. i quite ag

2、ree with you.i;m with you on that. i;m with you there.that;s just what i was thinking. that;s absolutely true!that;s a good point. that;s just how i see it.that;s exactly my opinion. absolutely!you got it! that is true.2. how to half agree with an opinion 部分同意yes, perhaps. well, yes. yes, in a way.

3、possibly.yes, i agree up to a point. well, you;ve got a point there.there;s something in that, i suppose.i guess you could be right.yes, i suppose so. that;s worth thinking about.3. how to disagree politely with an opinion 有礼貌的否决i am not sure really. i can;t possibly agree with you really thi

4、nk so? well, it depends.i;m not so certain. well, i;m not so sure about, i don;t think so really.i;m afraid i disagree. i;m afraid i have a different opinion.i;m afraid i don;t share your opinion.i see your point, but i can;t really agree with you.i don;t think so. that;s not (entirely) true

5、.i find that hard to swallow. 对这一点我难以相信。all right, but don;t you think;?i don;t think you;ve got your facts straight.that was not the case. that;s not how i see it.don;t be too sure. don;t speak too soon. 话不要说得太早。i;ll believe it when i see it. you know it isn;t true.4. how to disagree strongly with

6、an opinion 坚决的否认i disagree. i disagree with you entirely.i;m afraid i don;t agree. i;m afraid you are wrong can;t be serious. 你不会当真的。you;re really stretching the truth.i wouldn;t accept that for one minute.what are you talking about? you must be can;t really mean that. you;ve go

7、t it all, i won;t agree! don;t waste your can;t be serious. you must be don;t have a leg to stand on. 你的观点不值一驳。you don;t know up from down. 你黑白不分。5.征求他人观点或意见的用语i would be glad to hear your opinion of ;well;what do you think(about;)? how do you see it?do(don;t) you agre

8、e? what;s your view on the matter?are you of the same opinion as i? let;s have your opinion.i was wondering where you stood on the question of ; 我想知道你对;问题怎么看。do you think that;?6.引入自己的新观点或看法的用语another point is that ; 另一点是;another way of looking at it is ;这个问题的另一个看法是;i forgot to say / tell you that;

9、我忘记要讲;.in my opinion; $ * c! / wpeonally i think;i believe that; a, w! i think that; x; d# x8 j+ z& 6my (the) point is that;if you ask me.i;d like to say this;如果你问我.我会这样说;5i;d like to point out that 我想指出的是;speaking for myself 站在自己的立场上说; g/ i/ o6 f# as far as i;m concerned, ; 就我而言,;in my experience;

10、根据我的经验;7.就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语what i said was; 我刚才说的是;what i mean to say was; 我的意思是说;let me repeat what i said. 让我重复我刚才所说的。let me rephrase what i said. 让我重申刚才所说的。that;s all i want to say. 我想说的就这些了。do you agree? i;m sure you agree. 我相信你是赞同的。8.就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语as you said; 像你所说的那样;but didn;t you say that;?

11、但是,难道你没说过;吗?if i undetood you correctly, you said that; 要是我理解正确的话,你说过;.9. challenging an opinion 质疑某种观点that can;t be true 那不可能是真的。$ m0 a9 p$ 9 i/ l9 b5 bbut what about;? 但关于;方面呢?: e; p; _/ x常用句型1; can you believe ;?2.if i want you to choose from ; and ; , which will you join in?3.if you ;, can you;?

12、 i don;t think dear friend give me a clear awear please now.亲爱的朋友,请现在就给我一个清楚的解释.6.i guess what you said just now is too far from our topic to catch it ,we have no interest in it.我想你刚才所说的离我们的话题太远了,我们对那不感兴趣.8.if you keep on such stupid type like this,nobody will believe the simple lies that yo

13、u fed.如果你仍然坚持如此愚蠢的观点,没有人会相信你所说的谎言.9.your word made me think of such a thing:though the sta shinning in the sky,tell me why do you know how they can fall above,tell me why.你的话让我想起了这样一件事:天上的星星在闪烁,告诉我你怎么会知道它能掉下里来呢,告诉我为什么!everything has two sides 每件事情都有两面benefits are more than disadvantage. 利大于弊positive

14、/negative more than impact/reports积极/消极作用/报道decide(强调)existence mea truth.存在即是真理importupport our viewpoint包含/支持着我方的观点today, we are going to debate on./today, we have the motion that./today;s motion is that.under the current situation, there are some problems in/controvey over.the issue behind the mo

15、tion is, in this round, we are going to talk about how to solve the problem. however, this motion has some vague points(words)/is not clear. therefore, i would like to define the motion. in this round, we will define the word a as b/limit x to y/focus on the case in . therefore, our proposal

16、 is that i will explain the mechanism of our proposal.英语辩论赛用语汇总 相关内容:小学生上网利弊辩论赛主持稿小学生上网利弊辩论赛主持稿尊敬的老师,各位同学:大家好,很荣幸今天来主持这场辩论赛,在正式比赛之前呢,我首先想和大家探讨一个最近热门的字,什么?钱?no,no,no。钱一直是个热门的字,不过那是爸妈的事。通用版高中辩论赛最新主持词尊敬的各位领导、老师,大家好!这里是我们娄庄中学高一(4)班举行的一次的辩论赛。为使我们的辩论赛办得成功,办得精彩,这次比赛特邀请了我们的班主任共同策划、举办,希望通过这次辩论赛,能带给大家更多的启迪与收获

17、,并能增进同学之间.99国际大专辩论会A组的决赛 路一鸣的总结陈词好一场唇枪舌剑的自由之辩,不过我们仔细分析在对方的口若悬河之下,对方非但不能自圆其美,而且还有几点非常明显的美中不足。第一,对方的立论基础无非是说美可以脱离人的主观意识而存在,所以对方自由才告诉我们这本唐诗拿到国外就算这.辩论赛开篇立论下面的开篇立论是结合我参加了多次辩论赛以及观看多次辩论赛和别人的总结中得出来的经验,我我个人感觉很受益,便拿来和大家分享一下,希望对大家有用。辩论赛精彩辩词人性本善辩论赛精彩辩词人性本善主席:观众朋友,欢迎光临1993年国际大专辩论会大决赛。这个国际大专辩论会是由新加坡广播电视局和中国中央电视台联

18、合举办的。如何准备辩论赛(一)认识准备所谓认识准备,是指参赛队员在赛前对论辩赛的性质和特点要有所认识。我们知道属于口头论辩的大致有三类:一类是专门场合下进行的有特定议题的论辩,如谈判论辩、法庭论辩;一类是由日常生活中、工作中的矛盾引起的人与人之间的.中学生辩论赛流程一、 活动背景:激情飞扬,辩出自我二、 活动目的:1、为中专生能充分张扬个性,展示个人才能提供一个平台;2、通过本次活动 提高广大中专生的口才表达能力和交际水平;三、 赛制:六队六公开赛四、 规则及程序:1、开场,介绍对垒队伍、.搞笑辩论赛辩题搞笑辩论赛辩题(1)一只蚂蚁一天到底能搬运几粒沙子出蚂蚁窝(条件:假定这只蚂蚁途中并未因交通事故而丧生)。正方:78粒反方:79粒(2)鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡。查看更多 辩论赛

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