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精品高三英语第一轮复习 语法专题2学案 外研版必修4.docx

1、精品高三英语第一轮复习 语法专题2学案 外研版必修4语法专项提升 动词和动词短语 动词系动词(1)表示人或事物特征和状态的系动词,如smell,live,look,sound,feel,seem,appear等。The actor looked his part.那个演员看上去就像他演的角色。He appears a normal person.他看来是一个正常人。 (2)表示状态的变化,如go,grow,run,turn,become,wash,get,turn out,come等。 His dream has come true.他的梦想成真了。 The river went dry.河流

2、干涸了。 (3)表示某种状态的持续或延续,如rest,stand,lie,keep,stay,continue,hold等。 He stayed young.他依然年轻。 He told me to keep calm under all circumstances. 他告诉我在任何情况下都要保持镇静。 一些常用行为动词的用法比较 (1)lay和lie原形过去式过去分词现在分词意思用法lielaylainlying躺,位于不及物动词lieliedliedlying说谎不及物动词laylaidlaidlaying放置,产卵及物动词 He lied to me that he had finish

3、ed his work. 他向我撒谎他已完成工作。 She laid her baby on the bed.她把婴儿放置在床上。 (2)arise,rise和raise原形过去式过去分词现在分词意思用法arisearosearisenarising出现,发生,兴起不及物动词riseroserisenrising上升,起身不及物动词raiseraisedraisedraising举起,提高,唤起,饲养及物动词 The sun having set down,a mist arose.太阳落山后起了雾。 The river has risen by several metres.河水上涨了好几米

4、。 Its difficult raising a family on a small income. 依靠微薄的收入是很难养家的。 (3)hang的用法原形过去式过去分词现在分词意思用法hanghunghunghanging吊,挂及物动词/不及物动词hangedhangedhanging绞死及物动词 He hung his clothes on the wall. 他把衣服挂在墙上。 A towel hung from the rail.栏杆上搭着条毛巾。 The murderer was hanged and the dead was avenged. 杀人犯被绞死了,为死者报了仇。 (4

5、)sit,set和seat原形过去式过去分词现在分词意思用法sitsatsatsitting (使)坐不及物动词setsetsetsetting安放,调整,下沉及物/不及物动词seatseatedseatedseating使坐,容纳及物动词 The old man often sat by the fire on winter evenings. 那位老人常在冬天的晚上坐在火炉旁。 The waiter is setting the table.服务员在摆餐具。 The hall can seat 3,000 audiences. 这个大厅可容纳3 000名观众。 注意:seat后面可跟反身代

6、词,也可用于被动语态。 The hostess had the chairs set before asking her guests to be seated.女主人把椅子放好,请客人们坐下。 动 词 短 语 1act act as 充当,担任act for代表,代理 act out表演 (指用行动、动作表达) 2add add in算入,包括 add to增加,加到 add up加起来,总计 add up to总计共达 3agree agree on就达成共识 agree to同意 (建议等) agree with同意;与一致,适合于 4break break away from脱离 br

7、eak down坏掉;出故障;垮掉 break into闯入;破门而入 break up打碎; (物理)分解;分开;结束;制止 break out(战争)爆发 break through逾越,突破;冲破 break in破门而入 break off打断;中断 5bring bring about导致,引起 bring down降低;使倒下 bring back把带回来;使忆起;使恢复 bring forth结果,生产,产生 bring forward提出;提前 bring on引起;使发展;提出 (论点等)供讨论 bring out使显出;使 (意义等)明白表示出来 bring up养育,培养

8、;呕吐;提出 6call call for需要;邀请 call on/at号召;访问 call in召集;召来 call up召唤,召集;打电话 call off取消 7carry carry off获胜;成功做成 (困难之事) carry on继续,坚持 carry out执行 carry through帮助渡过难关;完成,实现 carry back使记起 carry away失去理智 8come come about发生 come out结果是;出来;出版;开花 come across偶遇 come to共计,达到,苏醒 come true变为现实 come up走上前,被提出 come

9、up with提出 come on(表示劝说、激励、不耐烦等)来;快;得了 come along一起来 come into being形成;产生 come into power上台;执政 come to light为人所知 9cut cut down砍倒 cut in插嘴;突然插入 cut up切碎 cut off隔绝;切断;中止 10die die of死于 (疾病,情感,年老等) die from死于 (尤指死于意外事故或疾病、情感以外的原因) die away (风、声音)渐渐消失 die down (风、雨等)逐渐平息 die off相继死去 die out死光,灭绝 11get ge

10、t about四处走动;传开 get across传达 get along(on)with进展;相处 get away逃脱,设法离开 get down下来,记下 get in收割;到达 get off出发;下班 get together聚会 get through接通;通过 get down to开始认真干 get over克服 12give give up放弃 give in屈服 give out用尽;分发 give away泄露;赠送;颁发 give off发出 give back归还;使恢复 13go go against违背;对不利 go ahead开始,进展,进行 go after/

11、for追逐,追求 go without勉强维持;凑合 go in for爱好;参加;从事 go through通过;经历 go over复习;仔细审查 go by过去;经过 14hold hold back隐瞒;控制 (情感) hold out维持;抵抗;硬撑 hold up使耽搁 hold on坚持;别挂 (电话) hold together团结一致 hold on to保留,抓住不放 15keep keep away (from)使远离 keep back扣除;隐瞒不讲 keep off避开;不理睬 keep on继续 keep out挡在外边 keep up保持,不低落;持续;继续 ke

12、ep up with跟上 16look look out当心 look on旁观 look up向上看;查阅;形势好转 look down upon看不起 look forward to盼望 look through浏览;温习 look into调查;向内看 look over检阅;逐一检查 17make make good/full use of.充分利用 make up编造;组成;构成;补齐,凑足 make up for补偿,弥补 make out辨认出 make sense有道理 (意义),讲得通 make fun of取笑 make up ones mind下定决心 18put put

13、 aside把放在一边 put away把收好 put down扑灭,平息 put forward提出 put off延期;推诿 put out扑灭;生产 put up 挂起,张贴;搭起;为某人提供食宿 put up with忍受,容忍 19set set off出发;引爆 引起;激发 set out开始;动身 set up建立 set about doing.着手,开始 set in开始,到来 set aside留出 set down下车;写下;放下 20take take in吸引,欺骗 take for误认为 take up占据,从事,拿起 take off起飞;脱下;休假;走红 tak

14、e after像 take along随身携带 take charge负责,掌管 take on呈现,雇用 take over接管;接任 take.for granted想当然 take pride in 以为豪 take away带走,拿走 take out拿出 21turn turn down拒绝,调低 turn in上交 turn out结果是;证明是 turn over移交,交给 turn up出现;调高 turn off关掉 turn on打开 turn away走开 turn to求助于;翻到 1(2020年天津卷)Dont worry if you dont understand

15、 everything.The teacher will_the main points at the end. Arecover Breview Crequire Dremember 【解析】句意为:如果你不全懂,别担心。老师会在结束前回顾要点的。review回顾,再检查,观察,复习,检阅 (军队),评审 (新书等),写评论,写回忆录,【律】复审;recover:return to a normal state of health,mind or strength恢复(健康,精神,体力),找回,重获 (丢失物);require需要,有赖于,规定,要求;remember记得,想起,回忆。 【答

16、案】B 2(2020年全国卷)Encourage your children to try new things,but try not to_them too hard. Adraw Bstrike Crush Dpush 【解析】句意为:鼓励你的孩子去尝试新的东西,但尽量不要弄得太难。本题考查的是动词词义辨析。push推,挤,逼迫;draw画,拖,取出;strike罢工,袭击,打,折磨,发现,敲响;rush冲,仓促从事,突袭。 【答案】D 3. (2020年福建卷)We are at your service.Dont_to turn to us if you have any furth

17、er problems. Abeg Bhesitate Cdesire Dseek 【解析】句意为:我们愿意为你效劳。如果你还有什么问题尽管找我们。beg祈求;desire:wish for(sth.),want希望得到(某物),想要;seek to do sth.try to do sth.努力做某事。hesitate to do意为:be reluctant to do不情愿做。又如:Dont hesitate to tell us if you have a problem.你有问题就直截了当地告诉我们。 【答案】B 4. (2020年浙江卷)The good thing about c

18、hildren is that they_very easily to new environments. Aadapt Bappeal Cattach Dapply 【解析】句意为:作为孩子的好处是他们很容易适应新环境。adapt to为固定短语,意为“适应”。 【答案】A 5. (2020年浙江卷)Practising Chinese kung fu can not only_ones strength,but also develop ones character. Abring up Btake up Cbuild up Dpull up 【解析】句意为:练中国功夫不仅可以增强体力,而

19、且能够培养一个人的性格。build up ones strength为固定短语,意为“增强某人的力量”。bring up抚养,呕吐;take up从事,占据;pull up阻止,拔起。 【答案】C 6(2020年安徽卷)Just as Professor Scotti often_it,success is ninetynine percent mental attitude. Agets Bmakes Cputs Dmeans 【解析】句意为:正如Scotti教授所说的,成功是百分之九十九的内心的态度。as sb.puts it意为“正如某人所说的”。 【答案】C 7(2020年天津卷)So

20、rry,I have to_now.Its time for class. OK,Ill call back later. Ahang up Bbreak up Cgive up Dhold up 【解析】句意为:对不起,现在我得挂断电话了。该上课了。好吧,等会儿我再打回去。hang up:end a telephone conversation by cutting the connection猛地挂断,中止(与某人的)电话交谈;break up:(of a gathering)disband,end(集会)结束,解散;(of a couple in a relationship)part

21、company(恋爱或婚姻中的男女)分手;start laughing uncontrollably爆发大笑;give up放弃,认输,猜不出,交出,自首,泄露;hold up举起,支持,支撑,拦住,耽搁,抢劫。 【答案】A 8(2020年安徽卷)We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all_. Agiven away Bkept away Ctaken up Dused up 【解析】句意为:我们想找一张七个人坐的桌子,但桌子全都有人了。give away出卖,赠送;keep away远离;take up占据;use up用光。 【

22、答案】C 9. (2020年山东卷)Do you have enough to_all your daily expenses? Oh yes,enough and to spare. Acover Bspend Cfill Doffer 【解析】句意为:你有足够用以支付日常费用的钱吗?是的,足够并且还有节余。cover (指钱)够 (某事物)用。如:10 pounds will cover our petrol for the journey.10英镑就足够支付我们旅行的汽油费。The firm barely covers(its)costs;it hasnt made a profit f

23、or years.该公司几乎入不敷出,已经多年没有盈利了。spend花费;fill填充;offer主动提供。 【答案】A 10(2020年山东卷)Amy joined a painting group but didnt seem to_,so she left. Ashow off Bgo up Cfit in Dcome over 【解析】句意为:艾米参加了绘画小组,但好像不适应,所以离开了。show off炫耀;go up上升,上涨,增长;fit in融入 (群体),相协调;come over过来。 【答案】C 1(2020届南昌二中期中测试)She_her younger sister

24、 in appearance but not in character. Alooks Bcompares Cequals Dresembles 【解析】句意为:她的长相像她的妹妹,但是性格不同。resemble表示“相似,像”。如果选择A项,需要在后面加上like。 【答案】D 2. (2020年济南模拟)Last Sunday a few of us arranged to meet in town,but Jenny didnt_. Aturn up Bgive up Cmake up Dtake up 【解析】考查动词词组辨析。turn up意思是“出现;露面”,符合题意。句意为:上周

25、日我们几个约好了在镇上见面,可是Jenny没有露面。 【答案】A 3(2020届湖北黄石二中月考)The little boy was so careless with his spelling that he often_letters from words. Aleft out Bleft behind Cleft off Dlet alone 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。leave out遗漏;leave behind留下,遗留;leave off停止,中断;let alone更不用说。依据前面提及的careless可知,这里应该是将单词的字母遗漏了。 【答案】A 4(2020届河北辛集中

26、学调研考试)I think Jack will_a good monitor,so Id like to vote for him. Aturn Bchange Cmake Delect 【解析】考查动词辨析。此处make表示“成为”。假如选择A项,应该去掉句中的不定冠词a。 【答案】C 5(2020届河北正定中学月考)All my pockets have been_but I cant find my keys. Agot through Bgiven out Cgone through Dgone down 【解析】考查动词短语辨析。句意为:我找遍了所有的口袋,但是没有发现钥匙。此处的g

27、o through表示“仔细检查;搜查”。get through表示“通过;到达”,give out表示“分发”,go down表示“下降”,都不符合语意。 【答案】C 6(2020届孝感高中期中测试)Teaching pronunciation class to a mixed group of learners can_a teacher with many challenging problems. Aprovide Bproduce Cpresent Doffer 【解析】provide,present,offer都有“提供”的意思。provide意思是“供给(某物)”;present

28、则表示“呈现(某种状况),使经历”;offer构成offer sb.sth.或offer sb.的结构。 【答案】C 7(2020年长春第一次调研)Is your husband good at cleaning up the room? Not very,but when it_cooking,he is much better than I am. Atalks about Brefers to Ccomes to Ddeals with 【解析】考查动词短语。“When it comes to.”是常用句式,意思是“当谈及某事的时候”。 【答案】C 8(2020年福建四地六校第三次联考)Even if the treatment_,theres still no magic pill for patients in the late stage of AIDS. Adoes Buses Cworks Dhelps 【解析】考查动词辨析。work“起作用,生效”,符合语意:尽管治疗起作用了,对于晚期的艾滋病患者来说还是没有什么特效药。 【答案】C 9(2020年潍坊检测)T

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