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1、财政学Chapter 1 Introduction(1) Indicate whether each of the following statement is consistent with an organic view or mechanistic view of government:答A与政府有机论一致,社会凌驾于个人之上。b. 与政府机械论一致个人主义高于一切。(2)Explain how you would expect a libertarian, a social democrat, and someone with an organic conception of the

2、state to react to the following laws :a. A law prohibiting gambling b. A law mandating seat belt use 请你假设并解释一下自由主义者、社会民主主义者和持有国家有机观的人对下列法律会做出的反应a禁止赌博b强制使用安全带答;.a. 自由主义者反对禁赌法律,社会民主主义者赞成,持国家有机观的人在这个问题上首先会考虑赌博是否会有助于实现社会目标,如果赌博抑制人们的积极性,持有机论的人将赞成禁赌法,但是如果赌博被看做是一种为社会带来更多收益的方式,那么他们就会反对禁毒法。b自由主义者反对强制使用安全带法律,

3、社会民主主义者认为安全带能够保护生命,并且最终对个人有益。持国家有机观的人将会赞成,因为它能降低由更少的交通事故而产生的医疗成本,从而有益于社会。Chapter 2 Tools of Positive Analysis(3) In 2006,president George proposed a cut in marginal income tax why it is difficult to predict the impact of such a tax cut upon labor supply on the basia of theory there were no political

4、 or legal impediments to doing so,how could you design an experimental study to estimate the impact of lower marginal tax rates on labor supply 2006年,乔治W布什总统提议降低边际所得税率。请解释:仅基于理论为何难以预测改减税对劳动力供给的影响。如果这样做没有政治上或法律上的障碍,你会如何设计一个实验研究来估计降低边际税率对劳动力供给影响答;边际税率的变动改变了个人净工资,仅基于理论收入效应和替代效应是相反的,所以难以预测该减税对劳动力供给的影响。如

5、果没有限制,一个人除受税率改变的因素外,不受其他任何因素的影响,从而来研究降低边际税率对劳动力供给的影响。(4)A researcher conducts a cross-sectional analysis of workers and finds a positive correlation between time spent on a computer at work and researcher concludes that computer use increases wages and advocates a policy of computer training for all

6、 is a possible probiem with this analysis 一位研究者对工人进行一项横截面分析,发现用电脑的时间与工资正相关。于是,该研究着得到结论,使用电脑会增加工资,并提出对所有儿童进行电脑培训的政策建议。这样分析会有什么问题答;在电脑上花费更多时间的工人,可能是有技术和能力获得更高的工资,因此训练小孩用电脑不是造成他们工资上涨的潜在因素,这个研究能够表现出去判断与相关关系的困难,这个数据不能表示用电脑与高工资是因果关系,也没有其他原因导致用电脑引起工资提高。Chapter 3 Tools of Normative Analysis(5)In which of th

7、e following markets do you expect efficient outcomeswhy你认为下列哪个市场会产生效率结果为什么a海滨住房的防潮险b医疗答;a. 海滨住房保险被认为是一个无效率的市场,由于信息的不对称引起的道德风险。B 医疗市场是个无效率市场,因为两个市场的信息不对称(6) Consider an economy with two people , Henry and Catherine ,who consume two commodities ,bread and water .suppose that ,due to a drought ,the aut

8、horities decide to allocate exactly half the available water to each person. In order to prevent one person from ”exploiting” the other ,neither person may trade away any wather to the other in exchange for more bread .set up an edgeworth box to depict this situation and explain why it is unlikely t

9、o be pareto efficient. 考察这样一个经济,在该经济中,有两个人,亨利和凯瑟琳,消费两种商品,面包和水。假定由于长期干旱,当局决定只分配给每个人需要水量的一半。为了防止一人“剥削”另一个人,谁都不许用水交换更多的面包。用埃奇沃思框图描述这种情况,并解释为什么它不可能是帕累托效率的原因答;帕累托最大特点是:在没有使任何人境况变坏的前提下,使得至少一个人变得更好,从a点到b点,凯瑟琳的效用显著增加,但是亨利的效用并没有改变。 (7).(this problem is for readers who know some calculus)suppose that there ar

10、e only two people in society, mark and judy,who must split a fixed amount of income of $s utility function is Um=100I12m and Uj=200*I1/2jlet the social welfare function be W=Um+Uj what distribution of the total income between mark and judy maximizes social welfare假定社会中只有两个人马克和朱迪,瓜分固定的300美元收入。马克的效用函数

11、是Um他的收入是Im,朱迪的效用函数是Uj她的收入是Ij假定Um=100I12m and Uj=200*I1/2j令社会福利函数是W=Um+Uj总收入在马克和朱迪之间如何分配能使社会福利最大化答;MU1=50/L1/2MU2=100/L1/2MU1=MU2 L1=4L2U1+U2=300L1=240L2=60(8)The aircraft company Airbus receives much of its funding from European governments. Airbus recently decided to build a new 550-seat mega-jetli

12、ner, with duty-free shopping courts and restaurants on board. The project has experienced production delays as well as cost overruns, and it now appears that there will be very few buyers. An industry expert says the idea from the start was “nonsense”Aboulafia, 2006. Is public sector production of a

13、ircraft ever justified Explain why it could lead to the apparently ill-advised decision to build the mega-jetliner.空客航空公司的大部分资金来自欧洲国家的政府。空壳公司最近决定建造一种550座位的新型超大型喷气式飞机,机上配有免税商店和快餐店。该计划已经出现生产延期、成本超支现象,而且现在看来买主很少。行业专家一开始就说这种想法是“胡闹”(Aboulafia,2006)。公共部门生产飞机究竟又没有道理请解释他为什么可能导致建造超大型本期是飞机这种显然不明智的决定答;飞机是竞争性和排

14、他性的商品,所以不支持公共部门生产飞机。如果飞机的制造者认为超大型飞机的需求是公共需求,在寻找效率水平是就会按照公共产品的需求纵向相加,决定它的需求量,则它的作用被显著提高了,而且会花费很高的成本。(9).It has been estimated that private prisons are about 10 percent cheaper, on a per prisoner basis, than public prisons Hart, Shleifer, and Vishny,1997. On this basis, would you recommend that prison

15、s be privatized If not, what other information would you require据统计,私立监狱比公立监狱每一犯人平均减少费用10%(Hart,Shleifer and Vishny,1997)。这样的话,你会主张监狱要私有化吗如果不是,你还需要其他信息吗答;这次辩论是类似的辩论关于私人与公众教育。经常与公共部门的生产成本较高(学校和监狱),但可能还有其他的原因,社会,宁愿到私人提供公共。这些原因通常涉及到公平的考虑。为学校,主要论点是,以确保每个人的孩子有一个良好的教育机会。监狱,有可能是一个根本的利害冲突之间的公平和人道的囚犯和饲养成本低的治

16、疗。例如,可能需要股权囚犯被送入营养餐,但每一餐的面包和水给他们可能会更便宜。这个问题问学生提供有关监狱私有化个人意见,所以没有单一的“正确答案”(10)In India,a drug used to treat sick cows is leading to the death of many vultures that feed off of dead cattle. Before the decrease in the number of vultures,they sometimes used to smash into the engines of jets taking off f

17、rom New Delhis airport,posing a serious threat to air travelers. However,the decline of the vulture population has led to a sharp increase in the populations of rats and feral dogs,which are now the main scavengers of rotting meatGentleman,2006,. There have been calls for a ban on the drug used to t

18、reat the cows. Identify the externalities that are present in this situation. Comment on the efficiency of banning the drug. How would you design an incentive-based regulation to attain an efficient outcome在印度,治疗病牛的用药导致大量食死牛的秃鹫死亡。秃鹫数量减少之前,他们有时迎面撞进从新德里机场起飞的喷气式飞机的发动机里,严重威胁到飞机乘客的安全。可是,秃鹫种群的数量减少导致老鼠和野狗的

19、数量急剧增加,他们现在成了主要的食腐动(Gentleman,2006,)。要求颁布关于治疗病牛的用药禁令。识别这种情况存在的外部性。谈谈禁止这种药物的效率。你将如何设计一种激励性管制达到效率结果答;使用的药物来治疗患病奶牛,导致了正外部性及负外部性。禁止的药物可能会提高或降低效率,这取决于正外部性和负外部性的大小,有许多方法来设计基于激励的规定。决策者能够确定药物的使用效率水平,然后分配或出售使用权的患病奶牛的药物。 (11)The private marginal benefit for commodity X is given by 10-X,where X is the number o

20、f units consumed. The private marginal cost of producing X is constant at $5. For each unit of X produced, an external cost of $2 is imposed on members of society. In the absence of any government intervention, how much X is produced What is the gain to society involved in moving from the inefficien

21、t to the efficient level of production Suggest a Pigouvian tax that would lead to the efficient level. How much revenue would the tax raise成本保持在5美元。每生产1单位X,给社会成员带来的外部成本是2美元。在没有任何政府干预的情况下,会有多少X被生产出来X生产的效率水平是多少产量从无效率水平变为效率水平的社会收益是多少提出一个能使产量达到效率水平的庇谷税。这种税能筹措到多少收入答;在没有政府干预的情况下,PMB=PMC 10-X=5 X=5PMC=SMC=

22、2+5 10-X=2+5 X=3(5-3)(7-5)(1/2)=2 2$*3units=6$(12).According to one account of the congressional debate on a tax bill in 2004,“the over all tax bill has provisions sought by so many different lawmakers that it has almost assured of final passage”Andrews,2004.Which of our models of political decis io

23、n-making best explains this scenario有关2004年税收法案的国会辩论的一项报道说,“整个税收法案包含了众多不同立法者所寻求的条款”(Andrews,2004)在我们的政治决策模型中,哪一个模型最能解释这种情形答互投赞成票模型(13)In the aftermath of September 11 there were fears that terrorists would attempt to sabotage the countrys food supply. Food safety is under the jurisdiction of the Foo

24、d and Drug administration(FDA).Use the Niskanen model of bureaucracy to predict how new concerns over food safety would affect the optimal number of FDA employees and the actual number of employees.在“911”之后,人们担心恐怖分子蓄意破坏美国的食品供应。食品安全由食品与药品管理局(Food and Drug Administration, FDA)统辖,利用尼斯卡宁的官僚模型,预测食品安全这项新事

25、务对食品与药品管理局的雇员最优数量和现实数量会产生怎样的影响。答;。the optimal number of FDA employees and the actual number of employees are likely to rise (将会上升)(14)Suppose that the government is debating whether to spend $100 billion today to address climate change. It is estimated that $700 billion of damage will be averted, bu

26、t these benefits will accrue 100 years from now. A critic of the proposal says that it would be far better to invest the $100 billion, earning an average real return of 5 percent per year, and then use the proceeds in 100 years to repair the damage from climate change. Is this critic correct假定政府正在讨论

27、现今是否要花1000亿美元解决气候变化问题。据估计,这笔开支可避免价值达7000亿美元的损害,但这些收益是在今后100年内陆续出现的。这项议案的批评意见认为,把这1000亿美元进行投资可能更好,每年赚取平均实际收益率5%,然后在这100年中用这些收益补救气候变化的损害。这种批评意见正确吗答;$ 100亿,100年在每年5的投资将超过13万亿美元,超过两倍,由气候变化造成的损失在700亿美元多一点。有可能是评估这项建议时提供的其他因素,但评论家从金融角度看是正确的。期中考试之后的内容Chapter 9(15)in her novel sense and sensibility, Jane Aus

28、ten wrote ,”if you observe, people always live forever when there is any annuity to be paid them,” Relate this quotation to the issue of adverse selection in annuity markets.简*奥斯汀在她的小说理智和情感中写道:“你是否看到,人们只要得到年金就总是长生不老,”请把这句引语与年金市场的逆向选择问题联系在一起。答:奥斯汀的引语似乎能与逆向选择相联系,但也许更可能是道德风险。“你是否看到,人们只要得到年金就总是长生不老”,这句引

29、语从某种意义上听起来像是他们的年金被支付时的行为又有所不同(如良好的饮食,更多的运动等),这是道德风险的观点。相反,逆向选择表明寿命长的人是购买年金的人。Finkelstein和Poterba在最近的研究发现“死亡模型与信息不对称模型是一致的”,并且年金保险市场的特点是逆向选择。Chapter 10 Social Insurance II: Health Care(16)consider carefully the following quotation:”E conomists seem always to talk about the cost of medical care, as if

30、 that kind of spending were a bad thing .After all, where does the money go To doctors , nurses and the makers of medical supplies. Dont they buy diapers and pasta and cars Would the nation be better off with more boom boxes and less penicillin, more nail polish and less antibacterial ointment What

31、difference does it make how money is spent, as long as it changes hands and results in employment ”A Do economists view spending on health care as a“bad thing”B The last sentence in the quotation suggests a criterion for evaluating spending on health care. What criterion would an economist use 仔细阅读下

32、列这段引文:“经济学家似乎总要谈论医疗保健的成本,好像这种开支是件坏事似的,这些钱都到哪里去了给了医生、护士和医疗用品的生产者,他们难道不买尿布、通心粉和汽车拥有较多的轻便型收录机和较少的抗生素,该国的情况就会更好吗只要钱能转手并生产就业,还管钱时怎么花出去的吗”A 经济学家把保健支出看做是一件“坏事”吗B 引文的最后一句暗示出评价保健支出的一种标准,经济学家会用什么标准 答;首先,对医疗保健成本的关注并不意味着卫生保健是一个“坏事”。经济学家不关心保健本身的成本。相反,问题在于市场是否存在扭曲,这种扭曲导致的更多有效数量的消费。其次,关于医疗保健支出有很多种。一种就是通过雇佣员工来创造就业,并让他们就业,但是在商品和服务上并没有用。因此,在医疗保健行业的就业本身并不理想。在某种程度上,他与医疗保健服务的有效数量的产生有联系。Chapter 13(17)Suppose there are only two people ,Simon and Charity, who must split a fixed income of $100. For Simon, the marginal utility of income is MUs=400-2Is,While for Charity, marginal

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