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Unit 1key.docx

1、Unit 1keyUnit 1Section A1. 难产 a difficult delivery 顺产 an easy delivery2. 台风袭击了这座城市,导致该地区成为一片废墟。A typhoon hit the city, leaving the region with ruins. 3. 有了孩子之后,我的生活就围着孩子转了。Since I have got a baby, my life revolves around her. . 4. 她13岁的女儿在维系着这个家的完整。Her 13-year-old daughter is holding the family toge

2、ther.5. 讨回公道/声张正义 administer justice6. 她已经花了好多年时间试图追寻父母的下落。She had spent years trying to track down her parents.7. 女经理多次刁难亚当斯先生。Mr. Adams was repeatedly picked on by the manageress.8. 别担心,我不会告发你。Never mind, I wont tell on you. 我要到妈妈那儿告你一状。Ill tell my mummy on you. 9. 在他精心的伪装下,是一颗脆弱的心。There is a frai

3、l heart, under his careful disguise. 10. 通常,这个地方以风景优美而著称,现在却是一片废墟Usually famous for its scenic beauty, the place now lay in ruins. 11. 茫然的表情a vacant expression 12. 史蒂夫渴望重度昔日的美好时光。Steve longed for the good old days. 我渴望见到她。Im longing to meet her. 13. 达德利先生已承诺将任何所获的损害赔偿额都捐给慈善机构。Mr. Dudley has pledged

4、to give any award to charity.菲利普保证给予支持,并主动提出尽其所能提供帮助。Philip pledges support and offers to help in any way that he can. 我保证来年之前我们将解决这个问题。I pledge that by next year we will have the problem solved 14. 我花了一些时间才弄清此事的起因。It took me some time to work out what was causing this.15. 清算破产公司的资产值其实很困难It is provi

5、ng hard to work out the value of bankrupt firms assets. 16. 打虎一定要打中要害。He who strikes a tiger must be sure to hit/strike home. 从她的表情可以看出,她领会了他的话。It can be seen from her expression that his remarks had hit home.17. 我们考虑合同费用时必须认真考虑所有潜在的困难。We must reckon with all possible difficulties when we are consid

6、ering the cost of the contract.18. 不断有人要求他出面解决冲突。Frequently he was called upon to resolve conflicts. 索菲娅打算去下午拜访我。Sofia was intending to call on Miss Kitts this afternoon. 19. 当你把话题引到这个问题上来时要小心。Be careful when you lead up to this question.圣诞节前的几个星期the weeks leading up to Christmas. 20. 拇指 thumb食指 ind

7、ex finger/ forefinger中指 middle finger无名指 ring finger小指 little/small finger21. 他正在全力以赴备战奥运。He is preparing for the Olympic Games with all the energy left in his soul.22. 如果你不知道自己想要什么,到头来你可能得非所愿。If you dont know what you want, you might end up getting something you dont want. 每次他们去跳舞,都会不欢而散。Every time

8、 they went dancing they ended up in a bad mood. 她本可以成为百万富婆的。She could have ended up a millionairess. 23. 难以想象人们将怎样熬过这个冬天It is hard to see how people will get/sail through the winter.24. 她说服了自己永远不再和他见面。She had reconciled herself to never seeing him again. 谈判人员现在必须想办法调和这些要求和美国人想要参与的要求。Negotiators must

9、 now work out how to reconcile these demands with American demands for access. 25. 饱经风霜的脸 a weather-beaten face26. 衷心的感谢 heartfelt thanks27. 三角恋爱 a love triangle28. 不顾众人的反对,一意孤行 irrespective of others objection29. 我们要广泛动员群众参加到这次拯救地球行动中来。Extensive people should be mobilized to attend the action of sa

10、ving the earth.Section B:1. 雨落在窗户上,发出噼噼啪啪的响声。A rain was falling, making tapping sounds on the windows.2. 立式钢琴 upright piano3. 小口抿着热朱古力 sip hot chocolate4. 撸起衬衫的袖子 push up the sleeves of his shirt5. 他的足球踢得不怎么样 He is not much of a football player6. 无与伦比的礼物 a gift having no rivals7. 敢打赌 hedge to bet别兜圈

11、子,你到底有没有钱?Stop hedging, have you got the money or not?8. 经历了生活的起起伏伏 sail through lifes ups and downs9. 你的经历与我的相似Your experience parallels mine.这条铁路与那条公路平行。The railway line runs parallel to/with the road.10. 操纵舆论 manipulate public opinion11. 汽车在加速The car is speeding up.新政策加速了该地区的发展。The new policy spe

12、eds up the development of the region.12. 不要对未来不抱指望Dont give up on the future.13. 这个家庭最终还是解体了。The family finally fell apart.14. 去年许多小工厂负债累累。Many small factories were saddle with debts last year.15. 他一时冲动买了这辆车。He bought the car on impulse.16. 快的,我们都在等你。Come along! We are all waiting for you.来吧!你能做得更好。

13、Come along! You can do better.17. 他使她误以为他很有钱。He misled her into believing he was rich.18. 你只能随它去了,否则非疯了不可。You have to let go or go mad.19. 松紧带Elastic band20. 那个可怜的男人夹在老婆和妈妈中间,痛苦极了。Being caught between his wife and his mother, the poor man felt miserable.21. 偿还感情的债pay an emotional toll奇摩女孩 http:/bb- LlhCN8hTdq7b

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