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1、八年级英语阅读理解专项练习题八年级英语阅读理解专项练习题 aone day a rich man and a businessman met in a restaurant. for their lunch they both ordered soup. when it was brought, the rich man tasted it, but the soup was so hot that he burned his mouth and tears came into his eyes. the businessman asked him why he was crying. the

2、 rich man didnt want to tell the truth and he told a lie,“sir, i had a brother who was killed last year. i was thinking of his death, and that made me cry.”the businessman believed his story and began to eat his soup. he also burned his mouth so much that he had tears in his eyes. the rich man notic

3、ed it and asked the businessman,“sir, why do you cry?”the businessman, who now saw that the rich man had cheated him, answered,“oh, im crying because you were not killed together with your brother.i)根据短文内容判断正()误()(分)( )76.the rich man didnt tell the truth.( )77.though the rich man burned the mouth,

4、he shouldnt have told the lie.( )78.the rich man had a brother who was burned.( )79.the businessman believed the rich mans story at first.( )80.the businessmans answer showed that he was very happy.ii)根据短文内容将下列句子排序(分)81.they ordered the soup and the soup was so hot that the rich man burned his mouth

5、 first.82.the businessman also burned his mouth and he was not happy.83.a rich man and a businessman had lunch in the same restaurant.84.the rich man told a lie about his brothers death.85.the businessman realized(意识到) that the rich man cheated him at last._ _ _ _ _bschool kids say goodbye to their

6、flying friendsjin jun and his classmates at shanghai nanyang middle school are not very happy to be back from holiday.not because they hate studying, but because some of their best friends on campus(校园)are gone: pigeons.more than 100 pigeons used to(过去常常) fly around campus every day, making students

7、 smile during break time.but now, the birds are gone. where? now theyre all locked up in a bird cage. bird flu(流感) has landed in shanghai, and expert are afraid the pigeons might spread(传播)the disease if they keep flying around.for safety, the school also asks students to stay away from the cage. “i

8、 feel sad for those birds. theyre my best friends,” said jin, a junior 3 student. “last term i would bring corn to feed them, but i cant do that any more. i hope bird flu will end soon so i can play with the pigeons again.”nanyangmiddle schoolis not the only one to take pigeons off campus.students i

9、n beijjng fengtai experimental primary school also gave their pigeons to the local health department(当地卫生部门)on february 3.their pigeons are special birds. in 1999, students found two injured pigeons and gave them a home. to get money for bird food, the kids sold rubbish paper they took good care of

10、the birds, and five years later, those two pigeons had become 265!“the students loved the birds,” said mr chen, the schools headmaster. “but to keep the school safe, they are willing to give them up.”根据短文内容选择正确答案(分)( )86. students in nanyang middle school are not happy to be back from holiday becaus

11、e _.a. they dont like studying b. their best friends are not studying there any morec. their pigeons are all locked up in a big cage away from themd. their pigeons have all been killed( )87. students in beijing fengtai experimental primary school got money for bird food by_.a.selling(卖) rubbish pape

12、r b. selling their booksc. asking their parents for money d. borrowing money from friends( )88. the pigeons have all been locked up so that _.a. they wont fly around all day b. they wont make a lot of noisec. they wont spread bird flu d. they will grow faster( )89. there are about _ more pigeons in

13、fengtai experimental primary school than in nanyang middle school. a. 300 b. 160 c. 200 d. 100( )90. the students in the two schools probably felt _ when the pigeons were taken away from them.a. happy b. excited c. disappointed d. angrycthe mascots(吉祥物) of 2008 olympic gamesbeibei: the fish stands f

14、or(代表) the blue olympic ring. among the five she is known to be gentle and pure, strong in water sports. in china, fish and water mean harvest. so beibei carries the blessing(祝福)of prosperity.(繁荣)jingjing: the little panda stands for the black olympic ring. he is childlike and outgoing. jinging is g

15、ood at weight sports. his headdress means humans get on well with nature.huanhuan: the child of fire stands for the red olympic ring. he is in the center, the big brother of the five . he carries the olympic spirit. he is the most warm-hearted and outgoing of the five. he can do well in all ball gam

16、es.yingying: the antelope(羚羊) stands for the yellow olympic ring. yingying is smart and moves quickly. like all antelopes, he is strong in track and field events(田径项目). the antelope is one of the first animals put under protection in china. choosing the antelope shows that china wants a green olympi

17、cs.nini: nini stands for the green olympic ring. she is as happy and lovely as the swallow(燕子). nini is good at gymnastics. her image comes from kite designs, an old art style in china. ninis golden wings stand for the sky. she brings good luck wherever she flies.从下列体育项目中找到福娃所擅长的,把填入福娃下的横线上(分)9192 _

18、 93_ 94_ 95_ a b c d edin england people dont usually talk too much .you can go on a bus ,or in a train ,and everyone sits looking out of the window .often they read .they read books and papers .but they dont talk much.when you meet english people, they often talk about one thing, the weather. so wh

19、en you meet somebody in english, you can say, “nice weather for the time of year!”“but it was a little cold yesterday, ”somebody may answer .“but it got a bit warmer later!” you can like this ,and the english will think ,how friendly you are !( )1. english people often _on a bus .a. talk mu

20、ch b. talk about c. eat something d. read papers( )2. when you meet english people ,talk like this :_a. how do you do? b. how are you ?c. nice weather! d. nice to meet you( )3.if you talk with the english people about the weather, they will think _a .you are friendly b. you are right c. you are engl

21、ish c. you talk too much. ( )4. english people always hope the weather will get _.a. better b. warmer c. colder d. hotter( )5.which is right?_a. english people like to talk on a bus .b. english people enjoy the best weather.c. english people are the most friendly . d. english people dont talk much .

22、e channel 1(一频道) channel 218:00 around china17:45 computers today18:30 childrens programme(节目)18:10 foreign arts19:00 news18:30 modern english19:30 weather report19:00 animal world19:40 around the world19:25 in asia20:10 tv play :sisters20:20 sports21:00 english for today21:00 sports player: yao min

23、g21:15 pop music21:45 english news21:55 talk show22:05 on tv next week ( )1. if you want to know something about yao ming, the best programme for you is _. a. talk show b. sports c. sports player d. tv play ( )2.youll know something about _ at 19:00 on channel 2. a. animals b. news c. foreign d. asi

24、a ( ) 3. if you want to watch nba, the best programme for you would be _. a. sports b. around the world c. foreign arts d. english news( ) 4. if you like music very much, the best programme is _. a. at 21:45 on channel 2 b. at 21:55 on channel 1 c. at 21:00 on channel 2 d. at 21:15 on channel 1( ) 5

25、. “modern english” is a programme that _. a. teaches you english b. tells you something about english classroom c. let you know english news d. makes foreign friendsfthere is a big tree in front of my house. a black bird lives in the tree. every day i take some food to the tree. the bird sees me and

26、 comes down. the food is in my hand. the bird comes to my hand and eats it. after that it goes back to the tree.i give some food to the bird every day. and so the bird knows me. i like the bird and the bird likes me. we are good friends. 76whats in the tree? a. a big black bird.b. a black bird. c. a

27、n old black bird.d. a big old black bird. 77why does the bird come down? a. because there is some food in my hand. b. because the bird cats some food. c. because the bird likes food. d. because the bird eats good food. 78where dose the bird go back? it goes back to _ .a. his handb. its housec. the t

28、reed. the sky 79. how often does the writer feed the bird? a. once a week. b. twice a week. c. three times a day. d. every day. 80. how does the writer feed the bird? a. every day. b. once a day. c. he throws some food to the bird. d. the bird comes down to eat the food in his hand. gmy name is alan

29、. i live in beijing. now i am sitting at the window. i often sit here. i can look at the street. in beijing the buses are blue. a bus is coming now.there is a bus stop in front of our house. a lot of people are waiting for the bus. look. an old woman is coming. she often misses the bus, because she never runs. today she is lucky. the bus driver is waiting for her. 81i often sit _ . a. at the doorb. behind the window c. at my windowd

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