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1、学年第一学期衢州五校联盟期末联考高一英语绝密考试结束前2020学年第一学期衢州五校联盟期末联考高一年级英语学科试题命题:江山中学考生须知,1.本卷共8页,满分150分,考试时间120 分钟:2.答题前,在答题卷指定区域填写班级、姓名、考场号、座位号及准考证号并填涂相应数字;3.所有答案必须写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效;4.考试结束后,只需上交答题纸。选择题部分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束:后,再将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳

2、选项,并 标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有1。秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每 段中话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. 19.15.B.9.15.C.9.18.答案是B1.What will the man do first tomorrow afternoon?C. Help the woman clean up.C. 9:45.C. To Gennany.C. By car.C. Brother and sister.从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选A. Move house. B. Watch a soccer match.2.What

3、 time is it now?A. 9:20. B. 9:30.3.Where has the woman been?A. To Spain. B. To France.4.How will the woman go to the game?A. On foot. B. By bus.5.What is the relationship between Nick and the woman?A. Classmates. B. Father and daughter.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下而5段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的

4、相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟: 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话或独白读两遍.听第6段材料,回答第6、7题,6.What are the speakers talking about?A.The mans working experience.B.The mans new job offer.C.The situation of the job market.7.How did the man get the new job? A. It was offered by his friend.8.It was offered by his co

5、llege.9.It was offered in a newspaper.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题,8.What has the boy begun to learn about in the geography class now?A. The sea. B. Rivers.9.What did the boy do in the geography class?A. He drew a picture. B. He watched a film.10.What does the girl think of the homework of this week?A. It is eas

6、ier. B. It is more interesting.听第g段材料,回答第11至13题。11.When were the wooden houses built?A. In the 13th century. B. In the 10th century.12.Where did the man have lunch?A. On a hill. B. By a river.13.How was the weather during the mans trip?A. Sunny. B. Rainy.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14.What is the topic of the

7、photos of this year?A. Flowers. B. Animals.15.How should the photos be sent?A. By e-mail. B. In person.16.What is the prize?A. A cup. B. Some money.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What is the first job of the day?A. To check the notice. B. To clean the animals places.18.What time does the work finish in the zo

8、o?A. At 6 p.m. B. At 8 p.m.19.How can visitors know about their favorite animals?A.By reading the notice.B.By listening to the talks.C.By asking the workers.20.What can we learn about the zoo?A.There is a restaurant in it.B.Three gift shops in it are open the whole year.C.C. Fish.C. He read the text

9、book.C. It is harder.C. In the 17th century.C. In a garden.C. Windy.C. Food.C. By post.C. A camera.C. To feed the animals.C. At 7 p.m.Drinks and food can be bought in it.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题:每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将 该项涂黑。ADear students and employees(员工)of RWTH,B

10、ased on recent decisions by the state government on Covid-19 lockdown(封 城),the Management Committee of RWTH have decided on the following measures:Studying and teaching:All in-person classroom teaching activities (especially lab courses, written examinations, and exam revision) will be stopped in th

11、e period from December 16, 2020 to January 10. 2021. If possible and reasonable, teachers can offer online teaching during this time instead. We would also advise strongly the exam committee to find ways that help students with their degree programs.All network teaching and exams that have already b

12、een planned will continue during this time.Service operations:In the period from December 16, 2020 to January 10, 202 L all employees who can work from home must do so, even if this causes quality losses.For the period from December 21, 2020 to January 8, 2021, we have made further offers for servic

13、e operations and vacation arrangements.If employees have questions about the organization of working hours and childcare, the human resources departments will be happy to help. The state government has also said it will provide help for this group of employees.The Management Committee of RWTH has ta

14、ken the above measures based on the following rules: All measures are designed to reduce the possibilities of infection(感 染)even more (for example, by reducing the need to take transportation).The Management Committee calls on all students, employees, and managers to fully obey the measures that hav

15、e been made.A.All the teaching activities will be stopped from December 16, 2020 to January 10, 2021 including teaching on the Internet.B.All the measures are taken in order to cut down the number of infection as much as possible.C.Workers must work in the campus if the measures cause quality losses

16、.D.All exams that have been planned before will not be held during the lockdown.Harriet Lane and her friend Miss Brown stood in the doorway of the State Dining Room as the florists (花商)carried their large flower arrangements. sure die prince will be very impressed/ Harriet said. “This is my faonte p

17、art. To be honest, I love all the parts of being Uncles hostess at the White House. I love plannmg die dinners and checking the guest rooms. I love showing visitors the gardens.”Miss Brown smiled. She had taken care of Harriet since she lived with her uncle James. Harriet was only nine when her pare

18、nts died. Uncle James was often away from home. He was not married, so he asked Miss Brown to be his housekeeper caring for Harriet when he was away. As Harriet grew up, she and Miss Brown became friends.When Uncle James became tlie governments representati-e(代 表)in England. Harriet and Miss Brown t

19、raveled there as well. Harriet became a friend of Queen Victoria and her family. Now that Uncle James was president, Harriet and Miss Brown were with him in Washington, D.C. Harriet did many of the jobs tliat a First Lady would do. even though she was the presidents niece. Tliis was to be the most m

20、ortant party she had planned. Queen Victoria s son, the Prince of Wales, was visiting the United States. He was coming to dinner at the White House tonight!While living in Washington, Harriet did more than just plan parties. She worked hard to improve the lives of Native Americans all across the cou

21、ntry. She also believed that there should be a national art museum in Washington.Harriets Uncle James was president from 1857 to 1861. When his term of office was over, they returned to their home in Pennsylvania. After Harriet married Henry, they collected artwork all over the world. Later, she gav

22、e her collection to the National Gallery (展览馆)of Art in Washington. D.C. Harriet also started the first childrens hospital m the United States.Harriet Lane is famous for being the only First Lady who was not married to a president. She did much more for our country than plan parties!24.How did Harri

23、et help her uncle?A. She traveled everywhere with him. B. She acted as his housekeeper.C. She acted as his hostess. D. She helped him collect artwork.25.From the passage we can learn that Harriet was.A. warm-hearted B. brave C. confident D. creative26.Whats the passage mainly about?A. Harriets Uncle

24、 James.8.Harnetts contributions to the United States.C. Harriets love of flowers.D. Harriets evening with the Prince of Wales.CTrust me, you dont want to get caught under a tsunami! Tsunamis are one of the worlds most powerful natural forces. They can cause huge amounts of damage.But do you know exa

25、ctly what a tsunami is? They are huge, powerful waves in the ocean that grow as they reach the shore. Most tsunamis are actually caused by earthquakes. An earthquake happens when a big piece of the Earths crust (十也壳)suddenly moves. When the piece of ocean floor moves, it creates big 而一英语学科试题第4页共8页ho

26、les. The water floods in to fill these holes. When the water moves that quickly, it creates a huge wave. This is how tsunamis are born!Other natural disasters like landslides, volcanic eruptions, and glaciers breaking off can also cause tsunamis. Once the water starts moving because of the force of

27、the disaster, large waves begin to spread. These waves can move very fast. They have been recorded at speeds from 400 up to 500 miles per hour! They can also move across very long distances.At first, the waves of the tsunami may not seem that tall. Thats because when the waves travel through the dee

28、p parts of the ocean, the top of each wave is very short. But as that wave comes near to the coast, it grows in height. Remember, the tsunami travels quickly. If you are sitting on a beach, you may not see the wave coming at first. But when the wave arrives, it will be like a towering wall of water.

29、 Some waves are as tall as 100 feet high. The biggest tsunami ever recorded happened in 1958 in Lituya Bay, Alaska. The wave was over 1,720 feet tall, and it wiped out trees, vegetation, and everything else in its way.As frighteiung as tsunamis can be, you dont need to worry too much about them. The

30、y dont happen that often. Only about two tsunamis happen every year. And it is said that serious, really damaging tsunamis only happen about every fifteen years. So dont worry.27.Based on the information in the article, which natural disaster is not responsible for causing a tsunami?A. tornado B. vo

31、lcanic eniption C. earthquake D. landslides28.If a tsunami forms in the deep ocean, 2,000 miles off the coast of Sri Lanka, how long at least will it take the tsunami to reach the coast of Sri Lanka ?A. 2 hours B. 3 hours C. 4 hours D. 5 hours29.Which of the following about tsunami is tnie?A.The wav

32、es of the tsunami always move slowly over a long distance.B.People on a ship in the deep ocean will notice a tsunami at once as soon as it forms.C.When people on the beach first notice a tsunami, the waves are not tall.D.People will not notice a tsunami until it gets close to the coast.30.Where would this passage most likely to be found?A. in a newspaper B. in a science magazi

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