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1、国际学校面试问题教学文案国际学校面试问题All about you: Why do you want to teach at our school? Why should we hire you? What has been your most positive teaching experience? What has been your most negative teaching experience? What would you change? What is your philosophy of education? What have you recently done in e

2、ducation of an interesting or innovative nature? What motivates you? What professional books, blogs, or journals have you read to keep abreast of educational news and best practices? How would your students describe you? What is your greatest strength/weakness as a teacher? What are 3 words that you

3、r students/admin/close friends would use to describe you? Describe a typical lesson in your classroom. (Going through the step by step overview) Describe a successful lesson and how you knew it went well. Why did you want to be a teacher? What is a difficult situation you faced and how did you deal

4、with it? What do you want to teach_(grade level) students? What do you like about them? How do you use technology in your classroom? How do you use assessment in your classroom? Describe how you used the information you gained from an assessment in your instruction. How do you address the needs of E

5、nglish language learners? How do you integrate other subjects into your units? How do you approach classroom discipline? What is your favorite essential question (UBD model)?Parents How do you communicate student progress to parents? How do you normally communicate with parents? How have you involve

6、d parents in the learning process?Students How do you handle the different abilities of students in your class? What techniques have you found useful in individualizing learning in your class?-Describe one or two techniques you use to motivate students. How do you motivate a student to learn a conce

7、pt they do not do well in? Describe a difficult student you had and how you handled it. How do you handle a student who is a consistent behavioral problem in your class? If you met your students 20 years from now, what would you want them to remember about you?School Why do you want to teach at _ (s

8、chool)? How have you contributed to the development of the total school program in your current position? How do you structure your classroom to achieve maximum benefit from teacher/student contact? What kind of extracurricular activities would you be interested in being part of? What are the talent

9、s/expertise you can bring to your team? Why are you leaving your current school? What did you like the most about your current school? What was the most difficult thing about your current school? How would you implement the schools core values into your classroom? What are your thoughts on collabora

10、tion with other staff?Country/City Specific Why do you want to live in _ (country)? Tell me what you already know about the country and culture. What kinds of things do you like to do outside of school? Do you have any concerns about moving to this country?The End of the Interview Is there anything

11、else you feel that you want me to know about you, that we havent had a chance to talk about? Do you have any questions for us?Questions to ask during the interview: What are the nationalities of the student body? What is the percentage of each nationality?How many students are in the school and what

12、 are class sizes?How many current foreign teachers are working for them?Are students admitted with little or no English skills?What percentage of the teachers renews their contract for a third or fourth year?What expectations are there for teacher participation beyond the regular school day?What is

13、the frequency of faculty meetings, committee meetings and other meetings teachers must attend on a weekly basis?How long is the school year? When are holidays/breaks? (you should be able to find this on the school website, but if you cant, then ask).Are teaching materials readily available? Technolo

14、gy? Internet?What are the classrooms like? Desks for every student? Do teachers use chalkboards or a projection system?How involved are parents and the PTO?Do teachers work together?Does the administration side with teachers or parents?Is the curriculum open or closed? Do teachers have freedom in th

15、e classroom when approaching the lessons?How much time do I get with my students?What is the dress code at the school for teachers and students?What support services are provided to students? Is the curriculum aligned with particular standards?Im very interested in building my skills as a teacher. W

16、hat staff development opportunities are offered?How is the reading program organized?What new programs or activities are being considered for the coming year?How would you describe the atmosphere and culture at your school?Why do people like to work at your school?Is there a yearly budget provided f

17、or continuing education/professional development?Person Questions:How safe is the area where you will be living and how safe is the city in general?What will housing be like?What is the level of health care in the country?How long will it take to get to school?What do teachers do weekends and after

18、school?Does the teacher salary cover all living expenses?Are foreign employees welcomed?What is the social life like both at the school and local community?Is the mail system reliable? Can I easily send and receive packages?How easy is it to travel within and out of the country?Be Prepared for Tough

19、 InterviewQuestionsCredentials, enthusiasm and a burning desire to teach overseas describes nearly 100% of recruiting-fair candidates. So, how do you set yourself above the bar with so many high caliber candidates competing for the same positions?A Directors gut feeling about how youll fit into and

20、adapt to their school and geographical location certainly plays a big part in the decision-making process. For some hardship locations, a “good fit” may be more important than actual years of teaching experience and advanced degrees. But when it comes to competing for the most desirable schools, you

21、r answers to some unexpected interview questions can easily make or break the deal:Tell me about yourself. Whats your greatest contribution to your last school? If I walked into your classroom, what would I see? How will your past or current Director describe you when I dial them up? How would your

22、students describe you? Teach me something right now! Whats the last article or book you read on teaching? Which educational journals do you subscribe to? Tell me about a conflict you resolved.Answering tough interview questions is something you definitely dont want to do impromptu. Of course, if you

23、re thrown a curve ball you have to swing at it, but anticipating and honing your answers to possible interview questions is obviously the best way to prepare for a successful interview. You just might be Teacher of the Year material but if you cant convince the interviewer of that, all is for naught

24、.10 things international schools look for when hiring new teachersPublished on 17th November, 2014 by Andrew Wigford. Published inFor Candidates/TIC NewsAre you considering teaching in an international school? Heres our list of the top 10 qualities schools look for in their teachers!There are many i

25、nternational schools considered to be amongst the most progressive and well-respected schools in the world. But dont be daunted by that. They need great teachers, and good schools will support their teachers to become part of their learning-focused ethos. So what do these schools look for when hirin

26、g new teachers? Here are the top 10 qualities that most international schools look for in the teachers they hire:Enthusiastic teachers who love working with young peopleNothing compares with your passion for learning and teaching. So if youre enthusiastic and committed to meeting the learning needs

27、of each and every student, youre half way there.Responsible teachers who do their researchFinding the right school is important, for both you and your employer. Show that you have done your research, that you know the school, its focus, its philosophy. Demonstrate that you have thought seriously abo

28、ut the location, how youll respond to the move, and how youll cope with leaving home. Be prepared to explain why you want to move abroad.Teachers who are internationally mindedYou may be choosing to live and work in a location very different to your home country, and within a culture very different

29、to your home culture. You will be working with students and families from many different countries and backgrounds, and with teachers and school staff who have very different training and experience to what you may be used to. You must be willing to accept and value differences, to respect the count

30、ry you are living and working in and to be truly internationally minded, in and out of work.Flexible teachers who are able to adaptInternational schools vary dramatically in location, size, student intake, staffing, curriculum, philosophy, and more. The best international teachers are willing and ea

31、ger to adapt, and to embrace new circumstances and unexpected challenges.Teachers who have much to offerIf you can teach a range of subjects or age groups, and have specialist skills, youll stand out from the crowd and be a real asset.Teachers who want to be fully involved in the life of the schoolI

32、nternational schools are more than just places of education. Many students and staff are expatriates and turn to the school as their family. It is the social hub and the source for extra-curricular activities; for the students, staff and their families. Schools are looking for teachers who are happy to get fully involved in school life and its community.Teachers who can lea

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