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人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1 单元综合技能训练.docx

1、人教版高中英语必修一Unit 1 单元综合技能训练Unit 1 单元综合技能训练时间:120分钟,满分:150分第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。21(2014山东潍坊高一抽测)My teacher asked me_with Mary last night.Awhat is the matter Bwhat was the matterCwhat the matter is Dwhat the matter was答案:BWhats the ma

2、tter with sb.“怎么了?”本身就是陈述语序。主句时态为过去时,故从句中也应用过去时。22Rescuers are_for the safety of two men trapped in the mine.Agrateful BconcernedCextreme Dfrightened答案:B句意:救援者非常担心那两个被困井下的人的安全。grateful“感激的”;concerned“关心的,担心的”;extreme“极端的”;frightened“害怕的”。23(2014山东潍坊高一五县市联考)It was the third time that she_to this moun

3、tain village to see the children.Acomes BcameChas come Dhad come答案:D句意:这是她第三次到这个山村看望孩子们。It was the third time.“这是(某人)第三次”(从句中应用过去完成时)。24Mike_with Janet for over one year before they got married.Ahad fallen in love Bhad been in loveChas fallen in love Dhas been in love答案:B句意:迈克和珍妮特在结婚前已经相爱一年多了。由从句中go

4、t的时态可知主句的时态应用过去完成时。fall in love表瞬间动作;be in love表状态。25She was so_when she heard about your traffic accident in the street yesterday.Ahappy BjoyfulCupset Dgrateful答案:C考查形容词词义辨析。由常识可以推断出“昨天她听说你在街上发生交通事故时”应该是“很不安,很难过”,故选C。A、B都是听到令人开心的事之后的反应;D项意为“感激的,表示谢意的”也不符合语境。26Sam always pronounces my name wrong. Do

5、 you think he does it_?Aon purpose Bat presentCat an end Dright away答案:A句意:萨姆总是把我的名字读错,你认为他是故意的吗?on purpose“故意地”;at present“目前”;at an end“结束”;right away“马上”。27I_have watched that movieitll give me horrible dreams.Ashouldnt BneedntCcouldnt Dmustnt答案:A考查情态动词。句意:我不该看那部电影的,那会让我做噩梦。shouldnt“不应该”;neednt“不

6、必”;couldnt“不可能”;mustnt不与have done连用。28I have some trouble_physics. I would be grateful_you if you could give me some advice on it.Awith; for Bin; toCwith; to Din; with答案:Chave trouble with sth.“在某方面有困难”;be grateful to sb.(for sth.)“因而感激某人”。29Have you finished your experiment report, Jane?Oh, my God.

7、 Ive_forgotten all about that.Astrongly BextremelyCentirely Dfreely答案:C句意:你完成你的实验报告了吗,简?噢,天哪。我完全忘了这事了。strongly“强有力地,强烈地”;extremely“极其,非常”;entirely“完全地”;freely“自由地”。结合题意可知C项正确。30All these gifts must be mailed immediately_in time for Christmas.Ain order to have receivedBin order to receiveCso as to be

8、 receivedDso as to be receiving答案:C考查被动语态以及短语in order to和so as to的用法。句意:所有这些礼物必须马上邮走,以便圣诞节时能及时被收到。主语gifts和动词receive的关系是被动关系,从被动语态的基本用法可以判断,动词不定式的被动语态应为to be done。31You must use_to open the bottle. Or you can borrow a bottle opener from the neighbor.Astrength BforceCpower Denergy答案:B句意:你必须用力打开那个瓶子。或者

9、你可以向邻居借个开瓶器。force指“力量”,尤指人或物撞击或推动物体时所用的力。strength“体力,力量”;power“能力”;energy“精力,活力”。32(2010全国8)My mother opened the drawer to_the knives and spoons.Aput away Bput upCput on Dput together答案:A考查短语辨析。句意:妈妈打开抽屉把刀子和汤匙收起来放好。put away“把收起来放好”;put up“张贴”;put on“穿上”;put together“把放在一起”。33Though he was angry at t

10、he naughty boys rudeness, he_himself and talked to him with patience.Apersuaded BpreparedChid Dcalmed答案:D句意:虽然他对那个淘气的男孩子粗鲁很生气,但他还是使自己平静下来耐心地和他交谈。calm用作动词时,意为“使平静下来”;用作形容词时,意为“平静的,镇静的”。34He must be leaving our village because he is_.Amaking up Bpacking upCsetting up Dgetting up答案:B句意:他一定要离开我们村了,因为他在打

11、包行李。make up“编造,化妆,弥补”;pack up“打包,收拾东西”;set up“建立,成立”;get up“起床”。只有B项符合题意。35. (2014陕西,24)The young couple, who returned my lost wallet, left _ I could ask for their names.Awhile BbeforeCafter Dsince答案:B考查连词。根据句意“在我问他们姓名之前,他们离开了”, 因此答案选择B。before符合句意。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四

12、个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Learn to Meet ChallengesMy classmates called me“the alien”, and they avoided me like the plague(瘟疫). As a young boy, I_36_from a serious skin disease, which filled my arms with scars. The true_37_of my condition, however, was social: I lived a life of loneliness.Doctors predicted(预言)tha

13、t I would never fully recover, but my parents encouraged me to hope for the future, teaching me that my difficulty could be overcome. I therefore took a/an_38_role in fighting against my disease, trying many medications and herbs, and my health_39_greatly before I graduated(毕业). I realized that my p

14、ersonal_40_had led to this improvement. I regained selfconfidence and made many friends at school.Years later,_41_my personal battle against disease, I learned a great deal about_42_by overcoming difficulties.I joined the Culture Club as a Special Event Director. I_43_a group of six students in orga

15、nizing various activities. I was the most advanced ESL student among the group. So I considered myself the most capable. But I quickly learned my_44_. While preparing for our first presentation, I was_45_with my team members and often rejected(拒绝)their_46_. I performed most of their tasks myself, al

16、lowing them to_47_me only with small details. As a result, the presentation was not very successful. The setback_48_me, and I spoke of it to the clubs director. She responded that she_49_my ability to succeed in the future. This comment filled me with_50_, for I realized that I had never trusted my

17、own team members._51_they were weak in English, they had many valuable talents. I immediately_52_my policy, allowing my team members to choose the tasks they desired and to complete them on their own. For our program, we had many meetings, which gave_53_to many good ideas. Most importantly, the atmo

18、sphere among us improved dramatically. We were_54_and eager to devote time to the program, and I learned what true leadership is.My experiences_55_improved my ability to handle challenging situations.文章大意:严重的皮肤病给作者的身心造成了难以形容的伤害。后来,在母亲的鼓励下,作者勇敢地与病魔作斗争,在健康状况好转的同时,也赢得了友情。然而,过度的激情和自负让他自食其果,他最终明白了集体的力量。3

19、6A.judged BsufferedCprevented Dseparated答案:Bsuffer from“(长期地或习惯地)患有(疾病等);因而吃苦头”。作者小时候“患”了一种严重的皮肤病。37A.pain BsignCvalue Dmeaning答案:A作者不但要忍受病痛的折磨,更重要的是饱尝了社交上的“痛苦”,因为没有人愿意和他交往,陪伴他的只有孤独。38A.important BdifferentCleading Dactive答案:D根据句中的therefore可知作者听从了父母的教导,“积极地”与疾病斗争。前三项分别表示“重要的”;“不同的”;“主要的”,不符合所给语境。39A

20、.developed BimprovedCincreased Dremoved答案:B在各种疗法和中草药的帮助下,作者的健康状况在毕业前有了极大的“好转”。下一个空格后面的improvement也是线索提示。 BgoalCwill Dlife答案:C本段前面提到医生预言作者无法完全康复,可作者在父母的鼓励下积极与病魔作斗争,健康状况明显好转,由此可见这是作者的“意志”在发挥作用。41A.over BlikeCfor Din答案:Blike是介词,表示“和一样”,符合语境。42A.ability BqualityCleadership Dfriendship答案:C此处与下一段最后

21、的“.and I learned what true leadership is”相呼应。43A.taught BfoundCmanaged Dfollowed答案:C结合后文的“my team members”和本段最后的“what true leadership is”可知作者“管理”这个小组,并组织各种各样的活动。44A.mistake BmethodCeffort Dright答案:A根据下文提到的作者的做法以及其他队员的反应,尤其是“As a result, the presentation was not very successful.”一句可知作者认识到了自己的“错误”。方法有

22、好坏之分,所以B项不恰当。45A.satisfied BfamiliarCpatient Dstrict答案:D本句后面提到作者经常反对队员们的观点,由此可见作者对队员的要求很“严格”。46A.desires BtalentsCideas Dtasks答案:C根据下一句可知作者经常否定队员的“想法”,一意孤行。A项表示“愿望”,在文章中没有信息支持;作者是认为对方的想法不好,而不是否认他们的才华,因此B项错误。47A.remind BguideCshow Dhelp答案:D作者几乎承担了所有的工作,仅仅让队友们“帮助”处理一些小的细节问题。48A.discouraged BdisturbedC

23、encouraged Deducated答案:A上文提到作者全力以赴地工作,可结果却不尽如人意,由此可推测作者感觉很“沮丧”。B项表示“打扰”;不符合所给语境。49A.adopted BadmiredCtrusted Dtested答案:C作者向俱乐部的经理诉说了自己的苦恼,对方回答说她“相信”作者的能力,相信作者将来一定可以成功,下一句中的“trust”也是暗示。A项表示“采纳”;与上文不符;B项表示“羡慕”;不符合对方的身份;D项表示“检验”;与上文的叙述不符。50A.surprise BdelightCpride Dhope答案:A本句后面提到作者从未相信过自己的队员,可俱乐部的经理却非

24、常相信作者,由此可推测经理的话让作者很“惊奇”。51A.As BIfCBecause DAlthough答案:D“虽然”他们的英语不太好,可他们却有很多宝贵的才华。52A.deleted BchangedCregretted Dconsidered答案:B上文提到作者几乎承揽了活动的所有工作,此处则是允许队员选择他们想做的事情,并让他们单独去做,由此可见作者“改变”了策略。A项表示“删除”,不符合语境;D项不能很好地体现作者前后的变化,因此不恰当。53A.birth BhandCgift Drise答案:A作者召开了多次会议,并“产生”了很多好的想法。give birth to是固定搭配 ,表

25、示“诞生;产生”。54A.crazy BhappyCsuccessful Dindependent答案:B根据本句前面的内容可知他们很“高兴”,并且渴望把时间投入到计划中。A项表示“疯狂的”,意思不恰当。55A.instantly BindirectlyCunusually Dundoubtedly答案:D作者在父母的鼓励下战胜了病魔,赢得了友谊;作者在俱乐部经理的影响下,改变了以往的做法,并取得了意想不到的成功。这些经历“毫无疑问地”提高了他应对挑战性形势的能力。A项表示“立即”,与语境不符;上述的经历应该是“直接”提高了作者的能力,而不是“间接”,所以B项不恰当;C项表示“不同寻常地”,语

26、意不合适。第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AMaking friends is a skill like many other skills. It improves with practice. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to take some actions. You must first go where there are people. You wont make friends staying hom

27、e alone. Join a club or a group. Talking with those who like the same things as you do is much easier. Or join someone in some activities. Many people are nervous when talking to new people. After all meeting strangers means facing the unknown. And its human nature to feel a bit uncomfortable about

28、the unknown. Most of our fears about dealing with new people come from doubts about ourselves. We imagine other people are judging us or finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But dont forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself as you are and try to put th

29、e other person at ease. Youll both feel more comfortable.Try to act selfconfidently even if you dont feel that way. When you enter a room full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look directly at other people and smile.If you see someone youd like to speak to, say somethin

30、g. Dont wait for the other person to start a conversation.Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will make friends with that personfriendship is based on mutual liking and“give and take”. It takes time and effort to develop.56The best title of the text may be_.AFriendship BHow to Make FriendsCMeeting New People DFacing the Unknown答案:B纵观全文,通篇都在讲交友,这是概括文章主旨题。开头讲交友是一种技巧,接着讲交友的注意事项及如何交友。因此B项为最佳答案。57You cant make friends if you_.Atake some actionsBgo to where there are peopleCavoid meeting peopleDwont start a conversati

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