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1、精选总结范文英文的工作总结英文的工作总结关注双方的情绪经历,通过发展一些关键的心理技能来提高年终总结的回报率。以下是XX收集的英文的工作总结,仅供大家阅读参考!英文的工作总结Year-end is a good time to review your programs to get them ready for the next year. Typically, this time of year things slow down due to the holidays you might have some time to focus on the recommendations below

2、.It is critical that you develop a year-end recap and send it out to as many people as possible.This will let then know your successes as well as challenges in the past year. You can use this to brag about the successes, which can lead to more support as well as budget.In addition, by outlining the

3、challenges you may be able to motivate others to help and or make appropriate changes within their teams that will help you prevent these problems.Reviewing your inbound traffic and conversions across the year to look for trends or new phrases is a great opportunity to identify new markets, keywords

4、 or countries that may have been overlooked in the monthly reviews.When you look at the trends over an entire year you can often find months that are higher or lower than normal and can adjust your annual or quarterly plans to maximize these spikes.Often overlooked are companys localization glossari

5、es. These are master lists of word pairs that are used in machine translation and translation management tools. Throughout the year,you may have done a lot ofkeyword research and modeling that may need to be added to the glossary as well as words replaced with those which have more demand or better

6、match searchers intent.If any new products were added this year, they should be added to the glossary as well to make sure that the most relevant versions are integrated.Due the holidays at the end of the year, your workload may decrease giving time to review and clean up many of the common errors t

7、hat accumulate in Google and Bing Webmaster tools.Schedule a variety of lunch and learns with your various teams to them on any new techniques and updates like avoiding Panda penalties. It is often good to any new employees that were added in the past few moths on the best practices they may not be

8、aware of.Especially if you managing search for a large company you should meet with the product teams to identify products that are no longer sold. It is common in larger companies and especially in consumer electronics that as product reach their “end of life” for marketing they are removed from th

9、e site.While they are no longer sold, they are still being used by consumers that will need replacement parts, services and hopefully upgrades. You can create a hybrid page that represents these options for consumers and replace the previous product page to allow you to continue to capture those sti

10、ll interested in your products.Any of these can help find nuggets of opportunities that will help you look good in the first quarter. It will also help you to make budget justifications and support additional headcount or agency budgets for specific roles.Most importantly, you should have a good ide

11、a of the overall progress and what opportunities you have for improvement in the new year.英文的工作总结Up and down the chain of command, year-end performance reviews fill people with dread or with resentment, and very rarely with joy. Both the givers and the receivers spend a lot of time on the reviews, y

12、et they generally see them as an empty exercise. After all the procedural Ts are crossed and the Is dotted, it takes people skills to get a real return on investment from this important, labor-intensive process. Leaders need to set an example by turning a ritual into a productive effort.每至年末,领导布置下属完

13、成的年终工作表现总结好像带来的都是恐惧和怨恨情绪,很少人有会很开心做年终总结。虽然领导和下属都会在年终总结上花费很多的时间,但他们大多认为这样的工作其实是徒劳无功。在经过了很多这样事无巨细一丝不苟的程序化工作后,人们在这个重要而又是劳动密集的过程中的工作投入需要得到真正的回报,而这也需要技巧。领导们需要树立榜样,将这种例行公事有效的利用起来。This column addresses giving a review. In a subsequent article Ill tackle how to get the most out of receiving a review. Both ar

14、ticles aim to challenge you to shift your focus to the emotional experience on both sides of the table, and to increase the payback from year-end reviews by developing some key psychological skills.这篇专栏文章讨论的就是如何做年终总结。我还有另外一篇文章是讨论如何从收到的总结中获取最多的信息。这两篇文章目的都是为了尝试转移你的关注重心:关注双方的情绪经历,通过发展一些关键的心理技能来提高年终总结的回

15、报率。The organizational barriers to having productive year-end reviews can be formidable. The tight link between reviews and compensation discourages openness and honesty. Managers at all levels may think as much about their organizations needs as about individual performance when they do the reviews.

16、 For example, interdepartmental rivalries can force a kind of uniformity on your reviews as you try to do the best you can for your people in terms of compensation. If your organizations culture discourages open and honest feedback (we dont do warm and fuzzy), you may feel constrained to just focus

17、on the numbers. Anything else might make you feel like an outlier and make your direct report feel singled out and anxious.那些妨碍我们做出有效的年终总结的组织绊脚石,很难对付。总结和薪酬之间的紧密联系,使得我们无法敞开心扉坦诚相对。各级管理人员在评估年终总结时,除了会考虑个人的工作表现,还会关注他们对整个团队的贡献。比如说,考虑到薪酬奖金,部门间的竞争可能会使得同部门人员的总结尽可能的保持一致。如果你的团队文化不鼓励开诚布公的意见反馈的话,你会感到束缚压抑,可能只会关注数

18、据,而别的内容会让你觉得自己是个局外人,会让你的直接汇报显得特立独行,让你焦虑担忧。But even in an unfavorable organizational environment there are things you can control to get more from the process. By better understanding the experience on a gut emotional level and working on some key psychological skills, you can create a more useful ex

19、perience and become a better leader in the process. 不过就算是在这样一个不利的组织环境中,还是有些事在你的掌控中,而在总结的过程中你也能获得更多。从深层情绪角度出发会让你对总结有好的理解,注意培养一些主要的心理能力,你就能创造一个更有效的总结经历,成为总结过程中更好的领导者。Ideally, the year-end review is all about the employees development. As a leader committed to optimal performance, you understand the im

20、portance of the fit between an employees skills, talents, and career goals and his or her organizational role. When you know how best to connect the arc of individual development with the direction of your organization, you form a partnership for growth with the employee. This partnership depends on

21、 candid feedback on the individuals performance, your identification of personal and organizational barriers to better performance and your ongoing availability to help remove those barriers.理想的年终总结应该全都是关于该员工的个人发展。作为一个强调最佳表现的领导,你应该明白员工能力天赋与职业目标及组织角色间匹配度的重要性。当你懂得如何将个人发展与团队方向最佳的结合在一起时,你就与员工的成长形成了一种伙伴关

22、系。这种伙伴关系依赖于对个人工作表现的坦诚反馈,你对阻碍个人和组织更好表现的绊脚石的认知,以及你持续不断移开绊脚石的行动力。Managers commonly get derailed from the ideal developmental focus in year-end reviews by their own personal psychological challenges. It happens in these ways:年终总结,管理人员通常会因为个人的心理挑战而绕过理想的个人发展重心。表现在下面几个方面:-Conflict avoidance: A fear of conf

23、lict can lead you to avoid difficult-and also meaningful-performance discussions with your subordinates. That fear of conflict can arise from deep-seated personal issues, a lack of skills for managing conflict or both.冲突避让:担心冲突,会使得你想要避免与下属进行个人工作表现的讨论,这比较难以启齿但却很有意义。这种冲突忧虑情绪源自根深蒂固的个人问题,或是缺乏管理冲突的能力,或是两

24、者兼有之。-Need for approval: A strong need for approval often goes hand in hand with conflict avoidance. Managers approach their roles as a vehicle for acceptance and admiration more often than is commonly acknowledged. If you seek affirmation from your employees, even unconsciously, you may be sacrific

25、ing longer-term development and performance in favor of short-term comfort and acceptance. At the same time, your inability to put your own needs aside makes it difficult to earn subordinates trust and respect.认同心理:强烈的认同需求与冲突避让情绪形影相随。管理人员扮演的角色,比起大众普通认同的管理机制,更像是接受和赞许的工具。如果你想要从员工处寻求肯定,即使是无意识的情况,你也可能是在

26、牺牲长期的发展和表现来换取短期的安慰和接受。同时,因为你无法做到将自己的需要置之不理,你就很难赢得下属的信任和尊重。-Mistrust: Your overall mistrust of people and their motives may make you think that employees dont want to hear corrective feedback, cant take it in and wont use it constructively. If you have a high level of mistrust, you may be convinced t

27、hat people in general are incapable of changing, are motivated by fear and learn only by being punished.不信任:你对别人和他们动机的完全不信任,会使得你认为员工不愿意听到改善性的意见反馈,会认为他们无法真正接受,也不会建设性地利用起来。如果你对别人有这么强烈的不信任,你可能会认为一般人都无法改变,只有恐惧才能成为动力,只有惩罚他们才能学会。 -Lack of self-awareness: An inability to acknowledge your own motives and go

28、als for the year-end review can mean mixed messages for your employees, sabotaging the process. For example, by denying your own negative feelings toward a subordinate, you may force the review into a developmental framework thats frustrating for both you and the employee, who really needs to be man

29、aged out of the organization. At the other extreme, you could be hijacked by your own feelings of disappointment or envy and end up attacking an employee.缺乏自我意识:无法承认你自己年终总结的动力和目的,也就意味着你的下属的总结中信息混杂,这样会妨碍整个总结的进程。比如说,你不承认内心对某位下属的负面情绪,可能会使总结变成发展框架,而这位下属真正需要的却是团队之外的个人管理,这样只会让下属和你自己都崩溃抓狂。另一种极端,是你被内心的失望或嫉妒

30、情绪操控,最后以攻击某位员工收场。Work on the following core psychological skills and you will increase the benefit you and your employees get from the reviews you must give this year: 在下面的这些核心心理能力上下点功夫,提高你和员工的年终总结效益:-Empathy: I take empathy to mean an accurate understanding of anothers emotional experience. Empathy

31、 toward your employees starts with your reviewing your own experiences receiving feedback. It always pays to be able to put yourself in the other persons shoes. Be guided by an understanding that people generally overestimate their own performance. We humans are hard-wired to maintain a positive sel

32、f-image, and we tend to reject painful criticism. Your empathy increases when you deliberately seek to grasp what motivates people, what career goals are most important to them, what kind of standards they set for themselves and how they react to not living up to those standards. Empathy will enable you to craft each review message in a way that motivates each person to grow.感同身受:感同身受,意味着准确理解别人的情感经历。要想实现与员工的感同身受,首先你要总结自己的经历并收到反馈。换位思考,替别人着想,这都是值得的。你的指导思想是人们通常会高估自己的表现。人类的一种本能是维持正面的个人形象,我们拒绝让人难受的批评。当你特意去找寻和理解,他们的动力,他们最重要的职业目标,他们为自

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