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1、全新版大学进阶英语第二册第一单元答案全新版大学进阶英语第二册第一单元答案Unit 1 Living GreenKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. There are a lot of simple things we can do to decrease energy consumption. Here are just a few examples:Use energy efficient light bulbs for our most-used lights.When we leave a room, turn

2、off the light.Turn off our computer/laptop when we are not using it.Save water. Take quicker showers. When brushing teeth we should not leave faucet running.Use reusable cloth shopping bags that are made from plant fibers.Whenever possible, walk, bike, carpool, or use public transportation.2. Old cl

3、othes and books: Other people can reuse our unwanted clothes and books if we donate them.Old clothes can also be made into other items such as cushion covers.Old electrical equipment: Donate old electrical equipment to schools or community centers so that others can reuse them.Rechargeable batteries

4、: Unlike regular batteries that create unnecessary waste, rechargeable batteries can be reused many times before they need to be thrown away.Jars and pots: By cleaning glass jars and small pots, we can use them as small containers to store odds and ends(零星物品).3. Living green means reducing ones carb

5、on footprint, or, more generally, making as small an impact on the natural environment as possible.Yes, I have thought about it. I can take some small steps to restrict energy consumption. For example, taking shorter, cooler showers. In that way I can save energy by minimizing hot water use.2. The p

6、roperty was off the grid. It was actually not connected to any utilities power, water or a sewer system.3. They generated electricity by wind and solar power, and stored it in 16 golf cart batteries. Water had to be hauled in from a nearby town and stored in two tanks located on the property.4. In h

7、er view, one of the greatest benefits was teaching her children the importance of conservation.5. Other changes included reducing the amount of trash by recycling and composting, growing their own organic vegetables and reusing things that they would normally toss away.2.3 Understanding difficult se

8、ntences 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. BII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.1 1. Jack has no interest whatsoever in pursuing an acting career. He loves writing and directing.2. The idea was to have users upload their medical records, so that they could be available at any time.3.

9、Traffic jams often build up when drivers slow down to see what happened in a crash.4. A native New Yorker, Ben is familiar with the city, its neighborhoods, and all he has connections with.5. You may have already seen your dream house. Before you put in an offer, you can do a few more things to ensu

10、re you purchase the right property for the right price.6. Buying organic fruit and vegetables costs more, and for many shoppers, the benefits hardly seem worth the extra expense.7. Self-sufficient living is the practice of providing for your own needs without outside aid or resources.8. In the inter

11、view, the writer was asked how he set about writing a novel based on a dream he once had.9. Are you thinking of becoming an insurance sales agent? Take this quiz to find out if this is the right career choice for you.10. The rent for the apartment is reasonable; besides, the utilities are included,

12、which means you dont have to pay anything for gas, electricity and water.11. A central heating and cooling system produces warm or cool air in one central area and distributes it throughout the building.12. We were deeply shocked and saddened when we learned of the sudden death of our newly retired

13、professor.13. If you know the ins and outs of something, you know all the details about it and understand how it works.14. Its long been proven that we can accomplish any project if we break it up into small pieces and do the project one piece at a time.1.2 1. consist of 2. tossed 3. overall 4. haul

14、ing 5. went out 6. in use1.31. If youre in business long enough, its inevitable you will meet with/face/encounter setbacks.2. Hydroelectric power plants generate electricity in a much cleaner way than coal-fired ones.3. Knowing the proper way to do laundry will help you avoid shrinking your sweaters

15、 and dyeing your white socks pink.4. We really appreciate the invitation to your party, but my elderly mother lives with us and we dont like to leave her alone in the evenings.5. The hotel is OK but could make some adjustments to live up to its 5-star rating.6. Most of us take electricity for grante

16、d. But do you know that about 1.5 billion people in this world have no access to electrical power?2. Usage 1. He spoke to her looking away, as though to avoid meeting her eyes.2. I hope to arrive in Hangzhou at 2:20 pm to catch the 3:10 train to Ningbo.3. Maria refused to attend a party to which Luc

17、ia was also invited.4. You may want to consider going on strike if you think you are paid unfair wages.5. I remember feeling really happy when I was told they had found a house that could meet our needs.6. If I fail to pass the exam on the first attempt, can I take the exam again?7. The hotel and it

18、s staff are great. We really enjoyed staying there during our trip to Nanjing.8. It is not only your health that will improve if you give up smoking, but also the health of your family.9. Few of my friends could resist playing this computer game.10. Please remember to pay back the money to Mary the

19、moment you receive your salary next month.3. Sentence Patterns3.1 1. It was the day before yesterday that they set out. / It was they that set out the day before yesterday.2. It was by the roadside that I found the lost wallet. / It was I that/who found the lost wallet by the roadside. /It was the l

20、ost wallet that I found by the roadside.3. It was not until he got everything ready for the experiment that Xiao Wang left the lab.3.2 1. It took my parents half an hour to finally find their way back to the hotel. / It took half an hour for my parents to finally find their way back to the hotel.2.

21、It took us almost two hours to work out this difficult math problem. / It took almost two hours for us to work out this difficult math problem.3. It will take us more than three months to accomplish this art project. / It will take more than three months for us to accomplish this art project.4. Comp

22、rehensive Practice4.1 Cloze If you want to know all the ins and outs of living green, then you should visit Backsbottom Farm. It is run by Rod and Jane, who have tried to be as self-sufficient as possible. They use a horse to haul the logs they cut from their woods. The fields are nourished by organ

23、ic waste from the horse and their other animals rather than chemicals. They rely on a windmill to generate their electricity and when the wind slows down the lights go out and they have to set about looking for the candles. Jane, who was brought up in a home where constant electric power was taken f

24、or granted, admits it was hard to make the adjustment when they first arrived at the farm, but adds that overall they really appreciate their new way of life.4.2 Translation1. Jack is so diligent a student that he never goes anywhere without a book.2. This is an outline of my paper; any of your sugg

25、estions will be truly appreciated.3. Whether youre buying or renting, youll need to be fully aware what kind of property best suits you and your lifestyle.4. It is dangerous to ride a bicycle on an icy road, so we have to use the brake to slow it down.5. If we put all our energy and effort into this

26、 project, we will definitely accomplish it in a few more months.6. I am thinking about moving to a three-bedroom house located near the town center. In addition, it is within walking distance to the train station.7. A lot of the things we take for granted as trash, such as newspapers, magazines, old

27、 computers and cellphones, can actually be recycled or reused in one way or another.8. What questions can I ask when inquiring about a job? You may ask if the position is still available and how long you have to wait before getting to know if you will be given an interview.Reading & ComprehendingRea

28、ding 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 1 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. T 8. T 9. T 10. F2. Translation1. 在一个国际大都市(澳大利亚的悉尼)的郊区,有五周时间尝试无车的生活方式,有机会践行我们有关可持续发展和健康的价值观,这令我们激动不已。2. 一路上,尽管多数地方都辟有自行车道,但是车道上常常满是垃圾和其他障碍物。3. 无车生活的好处包括没有车的维修保养、没有车险,也无需担心别人破窗盗窃、偷车或撞车。4. 我们打算延续全家的努力,过可持续的生活,同时倡导更多的支持性政策,例如增加

29、自行车道、步行道和更好的公交选择,从而减少对汽车的依赖。Reading 2Comprehension Check for Reading 21. Currently there are 27 million rooftop solar water heaters in China. Nearly 4,000 Chinese companies are manufacturing these devices.2. That is because such a device provides hot water without consuming any fuel, and the cost of

30、 installation is only a few hundred US dollars, which can be recouped by the average house in just a few years.3. First, such devices cost a lot more to install in America than in China. Secondly, people in America live in much larger homes as compared to those in China. Thirdly, people in the US ty

31、pically have water tanks in their basements or garages.4. Because they would help dramatically lower energy costs and at the same time cut carbon emissions.Integrated Skills PracticingI. Viewing & Listening1. Michael and Dianas innermost house is about 12 feet square. There is no electricity, no hot

32、 water, and yet they lead a life of luxury here.2. Diana says you enter timeless time here, and without the distractions of modern life, its easy to forget about everything but the moment.3. Fire is a necessity. It heats the home and bathing water. Its the couples only stove or oven.4. No refrigerator means no meat, no ice-cream, but vegetables taste like the sun and earth without a hint of cold storage.5. Diana said she was looking for emptiness when

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