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1、江苏开放大学大学英语2答案江苏开放大学大学英语2答案江苏开放大学形成性考核作业学 号 姓 名 课程代码 110004课程名称 大学英语A(专)评阅教师 (教师填写) 得 分 (教师填写)第 2 次任务共 4 次任务江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专)_形 成 性 考 核 2答 题 纸. (每小题 3 分,共 60 分)1. a foolish idea2. very strange to you3. we didnt see anyone all day4. its really a good film5. all his free time6. any money on herself7. l

2、earned something from the experience8. deal with the problem9. you are ill10. the weather conditions11. is known for12. is best known for13. is different form British English14. are different from each other15. import for you to make a plan16. important for you to pass the exam17. will benefit form

3、free medical examination18. will provide cash benefit19. apply for a job20. apply to Harvard. (每小题 2 分,共 40 分)1-5. CABCA6-10. BACBC11-15. BABDC16-20. ABABC江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专)_形 成 性 考 核 2试 题. Complete the sentences with the words from the bracket, and you should put them in proper order.(每小题 3 分,共 60 分

4、)1. It seems _(一个愚蠢的想法)now.(idea, a, foolish)2. Doesnt that seem _(对你来说很奇怪).(to, strange, you, very)3. _(我们一整天没见到人), apart from a couple of kids in the street.(see, all, we, day, didnt, anyone)4. Apart from the ending,_(这是一部很好的电影).(good, its, really, film, a)5. Alan spends_(所有的空余时间)painting. (time,

5、all, free, his)6. Mum never spends_(钱在自己身上). (herself, any, on, money)7. Look on the bright sideat least you _(从这次经历中学到了一些东西).(something, learned, experience, the, from) 8. But, on the bright side, people are trying hard to_(解决这个问题).(problem, deal, the, with)9.Well take into consideration the fact t

6、hat _(你生病了).(are, you, ill)10. Well take _(天气情况)into consideration before we travel.(conditions, the, weather)11. Sichuan _(以著称)hot and spicy food. (known, for, is)12. Brazil(巴西)(以最为有名)_ football. (best, is, for, known)13. American English _(和英式英语不同). (British, is, from, different, English)14. Our s

7、ons _(彼此都不相同).(different, are, other, from, each)15. It is _(制订计划对你来说很重要).(important, a plan, for, to, you, make)16. It is _(通过这个考试对你来说很重要).( for, important, you, pass, to, the exam) 17. Thousands of citizens_(将受益于免费体检).(examinations, benefit, will, free, from, medical )18. The company. _(会提供现金补助) i

8、f you work in polluted areas.(benefit, provide, cash, will)19. He decides to _(申请工作)in that company.(a, job, for, apply)20. He decides to _(申请哈佛大学).(apply, Harvard, to). Reading Comprehension.(每小题 2 分,共 40 分)Passage 1 The school year has begun and its easy to be frightened by so much schoolwork. Alt

9、hough it may seem painful to sit down and make a study plan, it really can take away a lot of stress. Here are some tips on making a plan that you can follow: A timetable will help you see how you spend your time every day. For a one- week period, take notes of your daily activities. Record things l

10、ike when you are at work, school, or home with family. This way you can find days and times that can be devoted to studying. Set priorities. First find out areas in which youre strong and others in which you need more efforts. Then arrange your time accordingly. Find your goals for each learning per

11、iod, and develop a plan that can help you achieve those goals. Take into consideration tests, papers, and projects that will take more time than others. Be flexible. When exams are close, cut time on parties, cinemas, etc., so that you can pay more attention to study. If you can, find time for study

12、 by yourself and time for study with friends. Try to choose those who can spend time together with you and those who can help you with your weak subjects. One way to make you follow your plan is to find time for extracurricular activities, such as exercises, hobbies, and joining school clubs. When y

13、ou are studying, remember to take breaks so that you wont get bored. After some rest, you will get your mind more active for study. A good study plan can help you get a great start on the way to success. It can make you work better, and improve both your outlook and outcome at school.1. It is useful

14、 to make a study plan because _.A. it is not painful to make one B. it can bring fun to your study C. it can take away stress2. To make a timetable, you need to _.A. take notes of your daily activitiesB. see how you spend time every dayC. find time that can be devoted to study3. When following a stu

15、dy plan, you need to .A. pay more attention to studyB. be flexibleC. cut time on parties4. Try to study together with friends who _.A. are good at learningB. are interested in learningC. can help you with your weak subjects5. _ during study so that you wont get bored.A. Take breaksB. Follow your pla

16、nC. PlayPassage 2 If you are still a student, your financial picture is much different from someone in the workforce. You have not yet started making real money, and your focus is mainly on studies and having fun. However, it is important for you to manage money now because the mistakes you make in

17、college can follow you throughout the rest of your life. Here are three pieces of advice you may want to hear.1. Budgeting in CollegeYou should create a budget, now. That doesnt mean you shouldnt have fun at all, but plan it in your budget. You do not need to get the latest cell phones, computers an

18、d clothes to have a good time. These things can come after you have your first real job. Set limits on all of your spending categories and stick to them, then you will start out on a great path and form good spending habits.2. Credit CardsYou do not need a credit card to make it through college. Cre

19、dit card companies work hard to get college students to sign up. They want to create customer loyalty. It is also common for students to spend more than they can afford before they really understand all what a credit card means. You should be living on a budget and any money that you put on your cre

20、dit card should be taken from the budget. This will help you to pay off your card in full each month.3. Working in CollegeThere are many advantages to working while you are in college. Above all, finding a good college job will make it easier to manage your money. You may also benefit from the emplo

21、yee benefits offered by your company. Then, with a college job, you can gain work experience while at school. It will look great when you begin to apply for jobs. You can choose to only work during the summers so you can focus on studies during the schooldays. You may also take an internship. Your w

22、ork experience can help you to move from college to work.6. Why is it important for a student to manage money in college according to the author?A. Because it is a course.B. Because the mistakes you make will follow you throughout the rest of your life. C. Because students are poor.7. How can studen

23、ts create a budget?A. Set limits on all of your spending categories and stick to them. B. Dont have any fun.C. Always buy the latest cell phones and computers.8. Why do credit card companies try to get college students sign up?A. To help students buy what they want. B. To stimulate economy.C. To cre

24、ate customer loyalty.9. Whats the authors suggestion on credit cards?A. Never use it.B. Live on a budget.C. Dont pay off the card in full each month.10. Which of the following is NOT the benefit of a college job according to the author?A. Make it easier to manage money. B. Gain work experience.C. Me

25、et new people.Passage 3 Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, “Im going to fly to New York next week because Ive got some work there.” “Where are you going to stay there?” his wife asked. “I dont know yet.” Dick answered. “Please send me your address from there in a telegram

26、 ,” his wife said. “All right,” Dick answered. He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it. In the evening he didnt have any work, so he went to a cinem

27、a. He came out at nine oclock and said, “Now Im going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner.”He found a taxi and the driver said, “Where do you want to go?” But Dick didnt remember the name and address of his hotel. “Which hotel are my things in?” he said, “And what am I going to do tonight?” But

28、the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, “Please send me my address at this post office.”11. Dick flew to New York because _.A. he went there for a holidayB. he had work thereC. he went there for si

29、ghtseeingD. his home was there12. Why did his wife want a telegram from him?A. Because she didnt know his address yetB. Because she wanted to go to New York, tooC. Because she might send him another telegramD. Because she couldnt leave her husband by himself in New York13. Where did Dick stay in New

30、 York?A. In the center of the city.B. In a hotel.C. In a restaurant.D. At his friends house.14. Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?A. The manager of his hotel.B. The police office.C. The taxi driver.D. His wife.15. Which of the following is not true?A. Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city.B. Dick didnt work on the first night of his arrival.C. Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram.D. Dick wanted to go back to his

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