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1、初一英语阅读理解专题阅读理解专题阅读短文,回答问题AWhat sport do you like best?Daniel: I like basketball best. I often watch NBA. I play basketball every day. I am short, but I am strong. I am a good basketball player in our school. Lucy: Ping-ping is my favourite sport. I am a Chinese and Chinese ping-pong players are the

2、best in the world. I want to be a good ping-pong player too. I often play it every afternoon. Tom: I am tall and strong. I like football best. My father is a football player. I often watch my father play football. My father often teaches me to play football. I play with my father and others in the p

3、ark every day.( ) 1. What sport does Daniel like?A. Football B. Basketball C. Ping-pong D. Swimming( ) 2. Who likes football best?A. Daniel B. Tom C. Lucy D. Nobody( ) 3. What does Toms father do?A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A policeman. D. A football player.( ) 4. When does Lucy often play ping-po

4、ng?A. Every morning. B. Every afternoon. C. Every evening. D. At the weekend.( ) 5. Which of the following is RIGHT?A. Daniel is tall. B. Lucy wants to be a doctor. C. Tom is thin. D. The passage(文章) is about favourite sports.B Hi! My name is Millie. I am from England. I am twelve years old. I am sl

5、im and tall. I have long hair. I like music. I listen to music every evening. I like reading and I am in the Reading Club. But I dont like sports. Hello! I am Peter from America. But I live in Shanghai now. I am 13 years old. I wear glasses. I am tall and strong. My hair is very short. I like sports

6、 very much. Every afternoon, I play football on the playground at school. I am good at swimming too. This is Amy. I was born in Beijing and now I live in Nanjing. My father works in a hospital in Nanjing. So we come here. I am fourteen years old. I am short but strong. I like playing computer games.

7、 I am polite and helpful. I often help other students. ( ) 6. How old is Millie?A. Twelve B. Thirteen C. Fourteen D. Fifteen( ) 7. Where does Amy come from?A. England B. America C. Beijing D. Nanjing ( ) 8. Who wears a pair of glasses?A. Millie B. Peter C. Simon D. Amy( ) 9. What does Amys father do

8、?A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A policeman. D. A cook.( ) 10. What is Peter like?A. Slim and tall. B. Short and strong. C. Tall and strong. D. Thin and tall.阅读理解所选短文体裁多样,题材各异,文章涉及科学知识、社会文化、政治历史、人文环境和日常生活等方面, 常见题型有主旨题、细节题、推断题、猜测词义题和正误判断题。一、 阅读理解的应试策略提高英语阅读水平并非一朝一夕所能奏效的。要想具有较高的阅读水平,考生就必须具备扎实的语法知识,相当数量

9、的词汇,渊博的背景知识,过硬的专业知识以及较高的分析能力、认识能力和逻辑思维能力等。这就要求我们除了掌握好语言基础知识外,还必须经常大量阅读各种体裁、题材的英语读物,如英语辅导报、英语沙龙、英语学习等报刊上的文章。每天要根据自己的情况尽可能地多读几篇,这样长期坚持下去,词汇量会得到扩大,知识面能得到拓宽,阅读速度也会逐步加快,语言感受能力将会增强,因而阅读水平也会随之提高。二、 阅读理解的应试技巧应该指出的是,应付测试不是阅读理解的目的,只有通过长期的练习和积极思考才能真正提高阅读能力,但应试技巧可以 帮助考生增加自信心,并在一定程度上提高考试成绩。下面的临场应考技巧仅供参考。1、如果文长题少

10、,则以略读的方式先读一遍,而后带着问题去查阅,求得要找的答案。 2、如果文短题多,则应先仔细阅读该短文,再去做题。遇到某个题答不来时,可带着该问题去查阅有关细节。 3、如果问的是一段文章的中心思想,则应重点读段首句和段未句,看是否有主题句。有时主题句可能位于段中,也有的段落无明显的主题句,那就要自己分析、归纳中心思想。 4、如果问题要求解答案数字、人名、地名、时间等,则可直接用查阅的方法来寻求答案三、常见题型的剖析(一)主旨题主旨题主要考查学生对短文中心思想或作者意图的掌握。做此类题时,应通读全文,理解文章大意,充分理解主题句的意义。短文往往围绕主题句展开,主题句通常出现在短文第一句或最后一句


12、现的上下文中去寻找线索。通过阅读上下文,断定该词的真正含义,然后将这个释义代入文中,检查是否贴切,仔细比较直到得出该词的确切的含义。1.通过因果关系猜词通过因果关系猜词,首先是找出生词与上下文之间的逻辑关系,然后才能猜词。有时文章借助关联词(如because,as,since,for,so,thus,as a result,of course,therefore等等)表示前因后果。例如:You shouldnt have blamed him for that,for it wasnt his fault.通过for引出的句子所表示的原因(那不是他的错),可猜出blame的词义是责备。2.通过

13、同义词和反义词的关系猜词通过同义词猜词,一是要看由and或or连接的同义词词组,如happy and gay,即使我们不认识gay这个词,也可以知道它是愉快的意思;二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词,如Man has known something about the planets Venus,Mars,and Jupiter with the help of spaceships.此句中的Venus(金星)、Mars(火星)、Jupiter(木星)均为生词,但只要知道planets就可猜出这几个词都属于行星这一义域。通过反义词猜词,一是看表转折关系的连词或副词,如but,while,h

14、owever等;二是看与not搭配的或表示否定意义的词语,如:He is so homely,not at all as handsome as his brother.根据not at all.handsome我们不难推测出homely的意思,即不英俊、不漂亮的意思。3.通过构词法猜词在阅读文章时,我们总会遇上一些新词汇,有时很难根据上下文来推断其词意,而它们对文章的理解又有着举足轻重的作用,此时,如掌握了一些常用的词根、前缀、后缀等语法知识,这些问题便不难解决了。4.通过定义或释义关系来推测词义例如:But sometimes,no rain falls for a long,long t

15、ime. Then there is a dry period,or drought.从drought所在句子的上文我们得知很久不下雨,于是便有一段干旱的时期,即drought,由此可见drought意思为久旱,旱灾。而a dry period和drought是同义语。这种同义或释义关系常由is,or,that is,in other words,be called或破折号等来表示。5.通过句法功能来推测词义例如:Bananas,oranges,pineapples,coconuts and some other kind of fruit grow in warm areas.假如pinea

16、pples和coconuts是生词,我们可以从这两个词在句中所处的位置来判断它们大致的意思。从句中不难看出pineapples,coconuts和bananas,oranges是同类关系,同属fruit类,因此它们是两样水果,准确地说,是菠萝和椰子。6.通过描述猜词描述即作者为帮助读者更深更感性地了解某人或某物而对该人或该物作出的外在相貌或内在特征的描写。例如:The penguin is a kind of sea bird living in the South Pole. It is fat and walks in a funny way. Although it cannot fly

17、,it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish.从例句的描述中可以得知penguin是一种生活在南极的鸟类。后面更详尽地描述了该鸟类的生活习性。(五)正误判断题正误判断题主要考查学生对文章的具体事实、信息的理解能力。一般是根据文章的事实或细节,给出一个句子,判断其正误。这类题比较直接,难度相对较小。做此类题时,应先看题,后带着“问题”快速阅读短文,寻找所需要的信息。阅读短文,回答问题CMy name is Rachel. I am a student in Toronto, Canada. It is the second largest cou

18、ntry in size in the world.Every day my brother Andrew and I go to school at 9:00.I dislike getting up at 8:00 in the morning! When we finally get up, we need to eat breakfast quickly at home and walk to school.At school we learn English and French, because Canadian speak English and French. Of cours

19、e, we also learn history, art, science and math.My brothers favourite sport is football. But I cant play football at schoolthere is no grassy area on the playground. School ends at 3:30 Andrew and I walk back home. I have to do a lot of homework first. After dinner I can relax. My favorite hobby is

20、going for a boat-ride with dad. Sometimes I go to the park. I hope you can enjoy learning about my life.( )11 is the second largest in the world.A .Canadas size B. Canadas population C. the number of the students D. Canadas food( )12Rachel and his brother go to school .A in the school bus B in their

21、 fathers car C on foot D by bike( )13What language does Rachel learn at school.A English and science B English and French C French and reading D Chinese and English( )14Rachels brother likes best.A volleyball B football C baseball D badminton( )15Rachel has to first after school. A help his mother c

22、ook B do his homework C watch TV with his brother D have dinnerD Most children like watching TV. Its very interesting. By watching TV they can see and learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world. Of course, they can also learn on the radio. But they can learn better and more e

23、asily with TV. Why? Because they can hear and watch at the same time. But they cant see anything on the radio. TV helps to open childrens eyes. TV helps to open their minds (思维) ,too. They learn newer and better ways of doing things. They may find the world is now smaller than before. Many children

24、watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening. They are always busy with their lessons. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late. They cant have a good rest. How about you and your friends?( )16A few children go to bed late because they _.A. are busy with their lessons B. do t

25、heir homeworkC. watch TV D. listen to the radio( )17Children cant see anything _.A. in the radio B. on the radio C. on TV D. by watching TV( )18TV helps to open childrens _A. eyes and minds B. minds C. eyes or ears D. eyes( )19Many children watch TV only on _.A. Saturday or Sunday B. Saturday or Sun

26、day evening C. Saturday evening D. Sunday evening( )20Children can study better and more easily with TV because _A. they like to watch TV. B. they can hear at the same timeC. they can watch at the same time D.they can listen to and see something at the same timeEFish and chips, and Chinese take-away

27、 food(熟食) are very popular in England. But they are less popular in the USA. In the USA, they eat take-away food, too, like fried chicken. But the most popular kind of take-away food is hamburgers. It looks like bread with meat in it. Hamburgers are delicious. They are very popular in the world.Chin

28、ese food has different tastes and is usually very delicious. Its also very popular in the world.( )21Whats the favourite food in the USA? A. Hamburgers. B. Fish and chips. C. Fried chicken. D. Take-away food.( )22What does the hamburger look like? A. It looks like a mooncake. B. It looks like a saus

29、ages(香肠). C. It looks like bread with meat in it. D. It looks like a banana.( )23Which food has different tastes and is usually very delicious? A. English food. B. American food. C. Chinese food. D. French food.( )24Are fish and chips and Chinese take-away food very popular in the USA? A. Yes, they

30、are. B. No, they arent C. Yes, they were. D. No, they werent.( )25Who do you think likes hamburgers best? A. The old people. B. Children. C. Most of the people. D. Nobody课后练习阅读短文,回答问题ATom likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, sh

31、e says to herself, Good ! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much, too.So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, Oh, your cat eats it And she gives Tom some bread for his supper. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs the cat. Then he turns to his wife and says, My fish we

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