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新标准一年级起点第六册全册Module 7教案.docx

1、新标准一年级起点第六册全册Module 7教案新标准一年级起点第六册全册Module 7教案 dule 7教材分析:英语(新标准)(一年级起始用)第六册第七模块共有二单元。第一单元,是本模块的新语言呈现。第二单元,复习巩固词汇和以复习的形式巩固所学内容。本模块是以是动词的过去式为主题,让学生运用过去是动词asere描述过去发生的事情,并能够在真实情境中运用所学句型进行对话,完成与他人进行交际的任务。Unit1 The ere ver ung一、教学目标与要求1、知识与能力目标使学生能熟练掌握生词asereerentasnt unggrandparents能熟练并能在真实情景中运用本的重点句型

2、The erent then The ere verasntthen as2、情感态度目标 同过对过去式的学习,提高学生听、说和交流能力、小组合作精神和学生的自学能力。让学生懂得孝敬父母,多与家人沟通的思想。 二、教学重点及难点 学生对过去是动词及其否定形式的掌握及如何运用重点句型描述过去发生的事情。三、前准备教具:单词卡片、照片、多媒体 学具: 学生自己小时候的照片四、教学过程 Step 1 ar up 1 Greeting: Sa hell t the students 2 L at the AI Read the adetives and sa the ppsite rds 复习学生已经

3、学过的形容词,为新做准备。Step 2 Presentatin and pratie 1 通过第一个环节中的最后一个词ld从而引出本的新词ungRead it ne b ne and d the atin2 电脑出示教师小时候的照片。T:L an u guessing h she is? Ss: She is iss ZangT: es I as ver ung then I as ears ld I as ver ver naught, right?T: Please l at hair, h abut hair n?Ss: Its ver lng 板书: hair is ver lng 教

4、师走到自己照片的旁边: H abut hair then? as it ver lng? N, it as ver shrt引出重点词as ,as 是is 的过去式,表示的是过去是 当你要描述过去发生的动作的时候,要把is 变成as板书It as ver shrt 并教读。3 T: hair as ver shrt as it lng? N S it asnt lng then asnt eans as nt 过去不是板书 hair asnt lng then并教读。4 出示Lingling小时候的照片:T:h is she? D u n? ath the vide 解决问题:h is tha

5、t girl? H ld as she? 6 hat ther phts d the tal abut? Her grandparents引出新词grandparents(grandpa, granda, grandparents边说边配动作)7 出示祖父母现在的照片,引导孩子说出:The are ver ld并板书。用同样的方式教授ere和erent。板书the erent ld then The ere ver ung8 A little hant ere, ere, the ere ver ung; erent, erent, the erent ld then as, as, it a

6、s ver shrt; asnt, asnt, it asnt lng then8 Listen, pint and repeat Step 3 nslidatin and extensin1 D the exerises 1 n ativit b P26 Then he the ansers2 Sh se pitures f the students; let thers desribe the using the sentenes the have learnt tda Then let the guess h the ere in the pitures?通过描述先运用本节所学的知识,然

7、后让学生根据特征猜一猜自己的同学,从而引起学生的兴趣。Step 4 Her1 Listen and repeat the test fr three ties2 p the rds and sentenes the learnt tda3 Desribe the ld pitures t ur parents and ur friends after shlStep Blabard design dule 7 Unit 1 The ere ver ung hair asnt lng then The erent ld thenIt as ver shrt The ere ver ungUnit

8、2 He as in Hng ng一、 教学目标与要求1、 知识与能力目标使学生能熟练掌握生词 flatesterda能熟练并能在真实情景中运用asasntereerent 描述过去发生的动作和事情。2、 情感态度目标 提高学生的小组合作精神和学生的自学能力。培养学生多与朋友沟通与交流的能力。二、 教学重点及难点 学生对过去是动词及其否定形式的掌握及如何运用重点句型描述过去发生的事情。三、 前准备教具:单词卡片、多媒体四、 教学过程 Step 1 ar up 1 En a beautiful sng n page 29 “I as fat” Sing it and d the atins2 S

9、h the pitures n page 27 part 3 Give the Ss se adetives, and let the desribe the pitures Pa attentin t the differenes beteen “then” and “n”复习上节的知识点已达到巩固的目的,为本打好基础。Step 2 Presentatin and pratie1 T: 教师出示几张假期出游的照片,向学生提问:here is it?In the hlida I as in Hainan D u n here Sa as in the hlida? He rte a lette

10、r t his friend Lu Lets tae a l at it Please ath the vide2 Q1: here as Sa in the hlida? S1: He as ith Daing at Daings flat esterda引出本节的新词flat和esterda教读这两个新词。3 H abut s Sart and A? ere the in Beiing t? N, the ere in Lndn 板书:The ere in Lndn4 H abut his father? He as in Hng ng板书。 as Dad in Lndn? N,He as

11、nt S he asnt in Lndn强调asnt 的用法并板书。6 Listen, pint and repeat the text Then let the Ss pratie their reading7 Find 2 Ss read the letter8 Tell sething abut the frat f the letters Let the n the differenes beteen hinese letters and estern lettersStep 3 nslidatin and extensin1 D the exerises 1 n Students b

12、 P28 part 2 First ath the peple and the pitures, and then let the Ss desribe the2 Gae: Finding differenes fr the t pitures n page 29 Have a petitin ang the 4 grups It an be the inner if this grup an find re differenes注意提醒学生then和n的不同用法。现在式和过去式的转换。3 Surve: 调查全班同学五一节期间去了那些地方,把调查结果展示出。Using the sentenes

13、 lie these: In the hlidas, ten students ere at he Five students ere in BeiingheBeiingShanghaiLndneLanlanLiliStep 4 Her1 Listen and repeat the letter fr three ties2 p the rds and sentenes the learnt tda3 Tr t rite a letter t ur friend and tell the here ur failies ere in the hlidaStep Blabard design dule 7 Unit 2 He as in Hng ng He as in Hng ng Dad asnt in Lndn The ere in Lndn

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