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广州版九年级上册英语Unit 5 Going to the theatre精讲精练.docx

1、广州版九年级上册英语Unit 5 Going to the theatre精讲精练Unit 5 Going to the theatre语法专项一、 It+be+形容词+that句型主语从句中常见的一种形式,即以引导词that引出的主语从句,常以形式主语it代替。主语从句的时态不受主句的时态影响和限制,根据句子意思用适当的时态。结构:It is+adj.+that从句。常用于这个句型的形容词有:necessary, important, clear, strange, true, good, wonderful, possible, unusual, certain, surprising;

2、interesting等。【教材典句】1. It is strange that the Phantom disappeared at the end.很奇怪最后幽灵消失了。2. Is it possible that the Phantom really existed?幽灵真的有可能存在吗?3. It is possible that Flora will go on a world tour next month.可能下个月弗洛拉要进行一次全球巡演。4. It is important that she continues singing.她继续演唱是很重要的。本单元我们来学习“It+b

3、e+形容词+that从句 ”这一经典句式,以上四句话都是这种句式。【语法全解】1、 在这一句式中,that引导的是一个主语从句,为了避免句子看起来“头重脚轻”,从而用it作形式主语,真正的主语从句放在后面,其中that可以省略。2、 能够用于这一句式常见的形容词有:interesting 有趣的, possible 可能的,strange 奇怪的,important 重要的,true 真实的,clear 清晰地,sad悲伤地,impossible 不可能的, surprising 令人吃惊的。3、 我们可以用这一句式表示对某件事的看法或寻求对某件事的评价。It is strange that

4、Tony doesnt watch TV tonight.今晚托尼没有看电视,真是奇怪。注意:it在句中作形式主语时,其真正的主语可以是动词不定式(itto do),也可以是动名词(it。doing)或that从句(it。that)。而that本身没有意义,可以省略。例如:It is certain that he will win the match. 毫无疑问他会赢得比赛。It is true that the police has caught the thief.是真的,警察已经抓住了那个小偷。It is strange that the door wasnt locked. 门没有锁

5、很奇怪。It is important that they know the truth. 他们知道真相很重要。专项训练一、根据汉语意思完成句子。1 他可能已经把一切都告诉她了。 _ is possible that he _ _ her everything.2 海怪突然出现了很奇怪。 It _ _ that sea monsters suddenly _.3 毫无疑问她将会在测验中做得很好。 It is certain _ she _ _ well in her exam. 二、 根据单词提示组合句子。1 Math lesson/ clear/ give us/ Mr Wang_2 We/

6、in listening/ important/ take notes_3 Phantom/ act out/ he/ interesting_4 Typhoon/ likely/ come_5 possible/ have test/ it/ tomorrow_6 she/ probable/ wallet/ steal _7 She not/ sad/ pass exam_8 Be late for/ morning/ school/ strange/Lily_三、 形容词+介词【教材典句】1. But she left very sorry for him.但是她为他感到难过。2. Sh

7、e interested in music.她对音乐感兴趣。3. He is bore with physics.他对物理感到厌烦。4. Fruit is good for you.水果对你有好处。5. 上面四个句子都含有“形容词+介词”这一结构。【语法全解】Part 1: 英语中,“形容词+介词”这一结构使用频率比较高,而且不同的形容词后接不同的介词,往往表示不同的含义,下面,我们把这一用法归纳如下:1、 be +形容词+ of结构be full of 装满 be kind of sb某人很善良be proud of 以为骄傲 be afraid of 害怕be careful of 注意,

8、留心2、 be +形容词+ with结构be popular with 受欢迎的 be angry with sb 生某人的气be busy with 忙于 be strict with 对要求严格be happy with 对感到满意3、 be +形容词+about 结构be sorry about为感到抱歉 be sure about 对有把握4、 be +形容词+ at结构be good at 擅长 be surprised at 对感到惊奇be amazed at 对感到惊讶 be angry at sth 对某事生气5、 be +形容词+for结构be late for 迟到 be

9、good for对有益be bad for对有害 be ready for 为准备好be famous for因为而著名6、 be+形容词+in结构be interested in 对感兴趣 be weak in 在方面弱7、 be+形容词+from结构be different from 与不同8、 be +形容词+to结构be friendly to 对友好 be kind to 对善良part 2:另外,在英语中,同一个形容词后接不同的介词,表达不同的含义,常用的有: at 对擅长 good for 对有益 with 与相处的好 with sb 生某人的气 angry at

10、 sth 为某事生气 strict with sb对某人要求严格 in sth 对某事要求严格 专项训练-用恰当的介词填空1. Dont be afraid _ singing in public2. He is good _ Maths.3. I am happy _ my life now.4. She was tired _ doing her homework5. The students are busy _ the exam.6. Mr John is proud _ his son.7. The teacher is strict _ his students.8. Sm

11、oking is bad _ your heath.9. China is famous _ the Great Wall.10. The boy is always late _ school.11. Boys and girls, please be ready _ the English class.12. Lucy is interested _ English.13. Mike is friendly _ me .14. The bottle is full _ water.15. I am sorry _ the sick boy.16. Doing exercise is goo

12、d _ your health.17. Kate is angry _ me.18. The weather in Beijing is different _ that in Guangdong.19. John is good _ swimming.20. Judy is very proud _ her English.【 Reading A 】Language points 1、 He was so ugly at birth that his own mother made him wear a mask. (P66) 他出生时如此丑陋,以致于他的亲生母亲让他带着面具。解析:at b

13、irth 意为“出生的时候”,相当于when sb was born例如:He cried loudly at birth. = He cried loudly when he was born.他出生时哭得很响亮。2、She forced him to leave home while he was still a child. (P66)当他还是小孩的时候,他妈妈就把他赶出家门了。解析:force sb to do sth意为“迫使某人做某事;强迫某人做某事”,相当于make sb do sth,但语气更强,含有强迫的意味。例如:Some bad men often try to forc

14、e the children to steal things. 有些坏人经常想方设法强迫小孩去偷东西Dont force me to do what I dont like, please. 请不要强迫我去做我不喜欢的事情3、He spent years wandering around until he built his home on the island.(P66) 在这个岛上建起他自己的家以前,他花了几年的时间到处游荡。解析:spend time/money (in) doing sth“花时间/金钱做某事”。例如:My mother had to spend three hours

15、 cleaning the house. 妈妈不得不花三个小时清扫房子。4、The Phantom fell in love with Christine, a beautiful young singer at the Opera. (P66) 幽灵爱上了克莉丝汀歌剧院一位年轻漂亮的歌手。解析:fall in love with意为“喜欢、爱上”,表示“爱上”的过程,而其同义短语be in love with则表示“爱着”的状态。请对比:He fell in love with a young girl when he worked in the factory.他在工厂工作时爱上了一位年轻

16、姑娘。They were in love with each other for a long time. 他们相爱很久了。5、When the Phantom learnt about this, it broke his heart. (P66) 当幽灵知道这个消息时,他的心都碎了。解析:(1) learn about意为“得知;获悉”,表示通过听到或看到而得知。相当于learn of,可以替换。例如:We learnt about / of the truth at last. 我们终于得知事情的真相。(2) break ones heart意为“使某人心碎”,其同义短语hurt one

17、s heart意为“使某人伤心,伤某人的心”。例如:Her sudden leaving broke his heart.她突然离去使他心碎了。Her sudden leaving hurt his heart.她突然离去使他很伤心。6、 He kidnapped her from the stage in front of the whole audience. (P66) 他在所有观众面前把她从舞台上绑架走了。解析:audience意为“观众、听众”,释义为“viewers、 listeners”。表示整体时,被视为单数表示个体时,被视为复数。例如: There was a large a

18、udience last night. 昨晚观众很多。 The audience were moved to tears by her story. 听众被她的故事感动得落泪。【跟踪训练】1. 上学期玛丽把太多的时间花在玩游戏上了。 Mary _ too much time _ computer games last term.2. 周末我花了一些钱修理电脑。 I _ some money _ my computer at the weekend. 3. 有些坏人经常想方设法强迫小孩去偷东西。 Some bad men often try to _ the children _ _. 4. 我

19、妹妹很年轻,还不能结婚。 My sister is _ _ _ she cant marry.5. 糟糕的天气迫使我们改变会议的地点。 The bad weather _ _ _ the place of the meeting.【课堂小结】1. at birth 出生时2. fall in love with sb 喜欢;爱上3. pull off 拉下;扯下4. feel sorry for sb 怜悯;同情5. wander around 游荡6. late at night 深夜7. break ones heart 使某人心碎8. be shocked at. 对感到震惊【强化训练】

20、1. 他的父母在地震中遇难了,我们很同情他,给他很多帮助。 His parents died in the earthquake. We _ _ _ him and helped him a lot. 2. 他爱上了玛丽,但玛丽不知道。 He _ _ _ _ Mary, but Mary didnt know about it. 3. 她出生时耳朵就有问题。 There was something wrong with her ears _ _ .4. 他们抢劫银行后,拉下了面具。 After they robbed the bank, they _ _ their masks. 5. 这个乞

21、丐经常在这个小区里游荡。 The beggar often _ _ this residential area. 6. 他常常深夜回家。 He often goes home _ _ _ . 7. 人们对这次爆炸感到很震惊。 People _ _ _ the explosion. 【 Reading B 】短语收藏夹1. in ones time 在年代;在时代2. around the world 全世界3. be different from 与不同;与有区别4. in todays world 在当今世界5. instead of 代替【跟踪训练】根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 在我父母的年

22、代,上大学不容易。_ _ _ _ , it was not easy to go to university. 2. 她不想与众不同。She didnt want to _ _ _ others. 3. 在当今世界,使用网络是很普遍的。_ _ _ , using the Internet is very common. 4. 你不能吃水果代替吃蔬菜。You cant eat fruit _ _ vegetables.Language points:1、beneath/ on/ in front of/ behind (详见幻灯片演示)2、Although Shakespeare created

23、 famousplays such as Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet ever 400 years ago, they are still loved today. (P68)尽管莎士比亚在400多年前创作了一些著名的戏剧,例如“哈姆雷特”和“罗密欧与朱丽叶”,但这些戏剧如今仍然受到喜爱。解析:(1)although“虽然、尽管但是”,与though同义,常可互换。although 较为正式,语气较强,常置于句首;而though用得更广泛,更通俗,可以放在句首、句中、句末。例如:Although / Though he is busy, he often helps

24、 others. 他虽然很忙,但常常帮助他人。注意:句中如果用了although 或though 就不能用but, and或or等连词,但可以用yet。如:Though he lives alone, he is happy.Though he lives alone, yet he is happy.He lives alone but he is happy.虽然他独居,但他很幸福。3、Some countries have far more ancient theatre traditions than Britain. For example, Chinese theatre is m

25、ore than 1,000 years old. (P68) 一些国家有比英国古老得多的剧院传统。例如,中国的剧院就超过一千年的历史。解析:such as “例如、诸如”(表示列举事物),后面跟单词或词组。注意:for example也有“例如”的意思(表示举例说明),它是插入语,常用逗号分开,后面常跟句子。例如:Mr Li knows some foreign languages, such as Japanese, English, French and German. 李先生懂几门外语,如日语、英语、法语和德语。A lot of cities in China have a long

26、history, for example, Guangzhou is more than 2,200 years old.中国的许多城市都有着悠久的历史,例如,广州的历史就超过了2200年。【跟踪训练】选择最佳答案填空。( )1. _ he is very young, _ he knows a lot. A. Although; but B. Though; so C. Although; / D. But; /( )2. I wouldnt like to go, _ he invited me. A. so B. and C. or D. though( )3. _ he was ill

27、, _ he went to his office. A. Though; yet B. Although; but C. /; so D. Because; so ( )4. He has many hobbies, _ fishing, collecting stamps and climbing. A. such as B. for example C. as D. such ( )5. A lot of cities in China have a long history, _, Guangzhou is more than 2,200 years old. A. such as B

28、. for example C. as D. like【 More practice 】短语收藏夹1. from the start of. 从的开始2. catch ones eyes 引起某人的注意;惹人注目 3. treat . as . 把看作 4. leave sth behind 忘记带;丢下 5. manage to do sth 设法做某事6. search everywhere for . 到处找【跟踪训练】1. 孩子们举起手为了引起老师的注意。 The students raised their hands in order to _ the teachers _.2. 你能想法给我们搞两

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