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高三英语高效课堂资料Book7 检测题答案.docx

1、高三英语高效课堂资料Book7 检测题答案高三英语高效课堂资料BOOK7综合能力测试 答案 听力:1-5 CABAA 6-10 CACAB 11-15 CBCCB 16-20 ABACB阅读:2125BABAB 2630 CBACC 3135ACDBC 3640 FBAGE完型:4145BBCDB 4650DAACB 5155CBCDB 5660BDBAD语法填空:61it please 63. a 64. pushed 65. where 66. choice 67. on 68. him 69. excitedly 70. was informed短文改错:Lily is a

2、good friend of me. She is an exchange student from America, that has mine whobeen studying in China for one and a half month. In order to make full use of her months short stay here, Lily works hardly. Because she had not studied any Chinese before hard coming,so she has much trouble communicating w

3、ith the local people. She got up getsearly in the morning to study after class. She is so independent while live far from before livingher family and quite helpful to our Chinese. However busy she is, she would rather us take her time help us with our English. to 写作:Dear editor,Im writing to you abo

4、ut a common phenomenon to draw it to the public attention.As is often the case, when people are having meals, waiting for buses or even walking along streets, they are always addicted to their phones, heads hanging down, completely ignoring others.The reason for the increasing number of phubbings ev

5、erywhere is that smart phones nowadays can be used for people to do nearly everything, such as playing mobile games, shopping online and keeping in touch with friends through QQ. However, too much exposure to phones is harmful for their health and safety. Moreover, people engaged in phones fail to c

6、ommunicate well with those around them.Personally, people should wisely use their phones to help with their work and study. Meanwhile theyd better care more about their family and friends rather than phones.Best wishes to you!Yours truly,Li Hu录音原文:Text 1M: Have you seen my blue sport shirt?W: I thin

7、k its still in the washing machine. Youll probably have to keep wearing that green T-shirt until the wash is done. Sorry about that.Text 2M: Helen is writing a book about German and Danish literature.W: Wow! She knows Chinese and English. Is she also fluent in German and Danish?M: German, yes. But s

8、hes just starting to learn Danish for this project.Text 3W: Im afraid I spent so much last month that I wont be able to pay the rent on time.M: I warned you last month that you were spending too much again. You really should stay away from the mall.Text 4M: Hey, Josie. Whats up? Are you heading to M

9、ain Street, too?W: Yeah. Im trying to get there as fast as I can. I need to deposit some money and book a birthday cake. But first, Ive got to mail some letters.Text 5W: How do I look in this dress? I want to wear it to the school party tonight.M: It looks great. But I think youll be more attractive

10、 in that long black dress. Oh, someone is at the door. I think its the pizza we ordered.Text 6M: Im thinking of going to South Africa around New Years Day for two weeks. Its such a beautiful country, Jennifer.W: Have you been there before?M: No, but Ive seen some of Lauras pictures of her hometown,

11、and it really made me want to visit.W: Have you booked a flight?M: Not yet. Ill probably buy my tickets sometime next month.W: Wouldnt they be cheaper now? You can usually get better prices if you buy in advance.M: I know, but Lisa wants to go with me, and she still has to ask her boss for the time

12、off. I dont want to book my flight and then have to change it.W: No doubt!Text 7M: Welcome to New Day Fitness. May I see your membership card?W: Im not a member. I was just driving by, and I thought I would stop in and see what the place looks like. Can I have a look around?M: Absolutely. Do you bel

13、ong to a gym now?W: No, Im new in town. My workplace is not far from here, and Ive been thinking of joining one.M: Well, Johanna will show you around, but I will give you this brochure to take with you. You can sign up here today or online at this web address. If you sign up today, we can take your

14、picture for your card right here.W: Okay. Thanks.M: You are welcome. Madam, surely you deserve to treat yourself to the golden cardText 8M: How are your grades this semester, Ella? I dont want to put pressure on you, of course, but Id love a report.W: You mean Ms. Winkler didnt tell you?M: No, Im af

15、raid I havent heard from her in months. I was actually starting to get worried. You are passing, Im sure.W: Of course, Dad. And Ms. Winkler said that I only need to get a 90% on the final exam to be on the list of the top ten students in the whole school.M: Thats fantastic news! I guess Mom knows, b

16、ut why didnt she tell me? I would love to celebrate this with you.W: Not so fast. I still have to pass the final, you know. Even though I only need a 90%, I dont want to leave anything to chance. And I want to learn everything I can.M: Im so proud of you. But if youre too focused on your studies, yo

17、u might find it hard to make friends at college in a couple of years. Just take it easy once in a while.Text 9W: Derek, did you go to the basketball game last night? It was really exciting, and almost everyone was there. But I didnt see you.M: I was dying to, but I missed it. I was practicing for my

18、 violin concert and I lost track of time. I guess you went, Eva?W: I did, but I had to leave early. My mom asked me to get home before 9:00 so she could go to work. She didnt want to leave Rebecca home alone.M: Your mom is on night shifts again? Thats not easy.W: Not easy on my social life, but its

19、just for a month. And shes taking care of a bunch of sick kids, so I cant really complain.M: Youll miss the class Christmas play!W: Well, I missed the end of the basketball game, too. Right after I left, things really heated up. I heard we got most of our points in the last quarter.M: Well, at least

20、 your schoolwork wont suffer. If youre home every evening, you can study and go to bed. I will still have to balance studying and practicing.W: It will be worth it when you have a career you love, wont it?M: Yes. I have always dreamed of being a violinist in the city orchestra.Text 10Please be advis

21、ed that many streets in and around the Howard University campus will be closed on Saturday, Nov. 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. as part of the Williams Route 66 Marathon. The city of Smithville has advised us that we should expect traffic problems, especially when runners are likely to be passing o

22、ur school. Campus Security officers will be on hand to help direct traffic, but you should expect difficulty entering and exiting campus. The marathon begins downtown at 8:00 a.m. More than 11,000 people are expected to attend this event, and significant traffic jam is expected. Remember that visito

23、rs may also be lining the streets to cheer on the competitors, so its best to finish any shopping or banking before 9:00. We know that some of you will need to conduct business as usual. Students and employees who park in the apartment parking lots may be able to enter and exit through gates along t

24、he main streets that are normally closed during regular hours. Youd better get a map of the marathon course so that you can handle the traffic problems. You may also call their office at 918-555-1212. If you have concerns, please contact us at Campus Security by phone at 918-555-6361, or leave a com

25、ment on our website.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)A篇【解析】文章介绍几个展览的相关具体信息。21.数字计算题。题干:一对夫妻带着五岁的儿子看第二个和第三个展览的价格。根据价格介绍中的相关信息:第二个展览: Adults: $10.00 Children 5-13:$ 5.00;第三个展览: Adults: $ 15.00 ChildrenStudents 3-15 (with Student ID): $ 6.00。可知,总价格为10*2+5+15*2+6=61.故选B。22.细节理解题。根据最后一个展览的介绍Th

26、e exhibition explores the impact the cruel reality of war had on colonial sportsmen and their loved ones as they were transplanted from the rugby fields of home to fight. 这个展览探索战争的残酷事实对殖民地的运动员以及他们所爱的人的影响,因为他们被迫离开球场去打仗。故选A。23.写作目的题。通读全文可看出,文章介绍了四个展览的相关信息,目的很显然是为了吸引游客去参观。故选A。B.篇【解析】本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了极地探险家

27、 Ben Saunders。24.细节理解题。由第二段中的we didnt get there,so we had no media interest 可知,在 Ben Saunders 的第一次北极探险中,由于他们没有到达北极,所以没有引起媒体的关注。故选A。25. 推理判断题。由第三段中的If you never do anything thats uncomfortable or risky then your self-belief gets weaker 可知,Ben Saunders认为如果你从不做任何不舒服或有风险的事情,那么 你的自我信念就会变弱,因此,如果想增强自我信念,就需

28、要尝试一些有挑战的事情。故选B。26. 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的My Antarctic adventure is just practicable and thats what is exciting to me.可知,令Ben Saunders感到兴奋的是他的南极探险是可行的,可以实现的。故选C。27. 推理判断题。由最后一段的with enough training and enough determination, enough focus and preparation, how far can we go? And I dont think Ive found out yet可

29、知,我们可能永远不会知道我们的潜力和力量。故选B。C篇【解析】这是一篇议论文。文章了一个很奇怪的现象:尽管世界饥饿问题很严重,但是,死于过度肥胖的人比饿死的人还要多。好生活的危害似乎更大。很多人都知道肥胖的危害,都意识到应该减肥,但是,人们却不愿意真的采取措施去减肥,并且为自己的肥胖找了很多借口。28. 推理判断题。由第一段中的“While fighting world hunger continues to be the matter of vital importance more people now die from being overweight, or say, from bei

30、ng extremely fat, than from being underweight. Its the good life thats more likely to kill us these days”可知,尽管解决世界饥饿问题仍然非常重要,但是现如今,死于过度肥胖的人比饿死的人还要多。好生活似乎成了更大的杀手。这是一个非常奇怪的现象,结合选项可知,A选项切题。29.细节理解题。由第三段We really dont have many excuses for our weight problems. The dangers of the problem have been drille

31、d into us by publichealth campaigns since 2001 and the message is getting through-up to a point.可知,从2001年起,公共健康运动就一直在向人们宣传肥胖的危害。这个信息已经深入人心,人们对于肥胖的危害已经有了很清楚的认识。所以人们不能再为自己的肥胖找借口。故选C30.推理判断题。由第四段中的 In the 1970s, Finland, for example, had the highest rate of heart disease in the world and being overweig

32、ht was its main cause. Not any more. A publichealth campaign has greatly reduced the number of heart disease deaths by 80 percent over the past three decades.可知,该数据说明,20世纪70年代,芬兰的心脏病居全球第一,肥胖是主要原因。再过去的30年里,公共健康运动已将芬兰的心脏病死亡率降低了80%。这个例子充分表明了公共健康运动的作用。故选C31. 标题归纳题。现在,我们面对一个很奇怪的问题:尽管世界饥饿问题还很严重,但是,死于过度肥胖的人比饿死的人还要多。好生活似乎危害更大。很多人都知道肥胖的危害,都意识到应该减肥,但是,人们却不愿真正的采取措施去减肥,并且为自己的肥胖找了很多借口。那么,我们到底该继续为自己找借口还是行动起来,

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