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1、春七年级报纸电子版牛津深圳版第04期(2014春)初一牛津报纸电子版(第04期)Unit2词语笔记词语点将台 Word powerpossible【展示】1. It is possible to finish the work by the end of the week. 这周末完成这项工作是可能的。2. Would it be possible for me to leave a message for her? 我可以给她留个话吗?3. We spend every possible moment on the beach. 我们一有时间就去海滩。4. He will possibly

2、come here next month. 他可能下个月会来这儿。【总结】possible是形容词,意为“可能的”,可放be动词之后,如例1和例2:也可放名词前,如_;其副词形式为_,如例4。Keys:例3; possibly【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。1. 你能说出这个问题可能的答案吗? Can you tell the _ answers to the question?2她昨天可能去公园了。She _ went to the park yesterday.excellent【展示】1. This is really an excellent meal. 这真是一顿美味佳肴。2. T

3、he hotel has excellent service. 这旅馆有优质的服务。【总结】excellent作形容词讲有“优秀的”的意思,可用来修饰名词。若前面加不定冠词,要用_,如例1。Keys: an【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。3她会讲非常棒的中文。 She can speak _ Chinese.4我认为这个小男孩很优秀。 I think the little boy is very _.lie【展示】1. The city lies in the center of this country. 这个城市位于这个国家的中部。2. These machines lay there

4、two months ago. 两个月前,这些机器就在那儿。3. She had a good rest by lying there. 她躺在那里好好休息了一下。【总结】lie作动词讲有“位于,坐落在”的意思,如例1;过去式为 _,如例2;lie也有“躺”的意思,如例3,lie现在分词为lying。Keys: lay【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。5这条河位于这座城市的西部。 The river _ in the west of the city.6她躺在床上睡着了。She _ on the bed and fell asleep.prefer【展示】1. I prefer tea to

5、coffee. 比起咖啡,我更喜欢茶。2. He prefers running to swimming. 比起游泳,他更喜欢跑步。3. I prefer to watch movies at home. 我更喜欢在家看电影。【总结】 prefer作动词讲有“更喜欢”的意思,后面可以跟名词或动名词,即preferto/prefer doingto doing,如例1和 _;也可跟_,如例3。Keys: 例2;to do 【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。7比起苹果,我更喜欢葡萄。I _ grapes _ apples.8比起跳舞,他更喜欢唱歌。 He_ singing _dancing.9她更

6、喜欢跟同学去游泳。 She _ _ go swimming with her classmates.finish【展示】1. We finished the work yesterday. 我们昨天完成了这项工作。2. He finishes eating breakfast at 8:30 every day. 他每天八点半吃完早餐。【总结】finish作动词讲有“完成”的意思,“完成干某事”为_,如例2。Keys: finish doing sth 【运用】 根据汉语意思,完成句子。10. 她昨晚完成了家庭作业。 She _ her homework last night.11. 这个小女

7、孩完成了画这幅画。 The little girl _ _ the picture.句型导航 Sentence guideStructure analysis 长难句解析1. There are many vineyards in the centre of France and farmers grow grapes to make excellent French wine. 在法国中部有很多葡萄园,农民们种植葡萄来酿造极其美味的法国葡萄酒。【解析】此句中,and连接前后两个并列分句。to make excellent French wine作growgrapes的目的状语。例如:1. H

8、e is tall and he is kind. 他很高,而且他很善良。 2. She sells apples to make money. 她卖苹果赚钱。2. if you prefer to visit France in winter, you can try skiing on the mountains in the French Alps. 如果你更喜欢在冬天游览法国,你可以在法国阿尔卑斯山上试着滑雪。【解析】此句是有if引导的条件状语从句。try doing sth意思是“尝试做某事”。例如:1. If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at h

9、ome. 如果明天下雨,我们将待在家里。 2. You can try painting if you like. 如果你喜欢,你可以尝试画画。Structure imitation 句式仿写1. France is very famous for its wine. 法国因它的葡萄酒而非常著名。【解析】be famous for意思是“因而著名”。例如:Xian is famous for its history. 西安因它的历史而著名。2. France has something for everyone, so why not visit France this year? 法国适合每

10、一个人,所以为什么不今年游览法国呢?【解析】why not.意思是“为什么不”,后接动词原形。例如:Why not go shopping with me? 为什么不和我去购物呢?【跟踪练习】 根据汉语提示,补全句子。每空一词。1深圳因美丽的沙滩而著名。 Shenzhen _ _ _ its beautiful beaches.2为什么不打篮球呢? _ _ _ basketball?短语收藏夹 Phrase collectionUnit 2 短语聚会1. (be) famous for 因而著名2. Western Europe 西欧3. the capital of. 的首都4. depar

11、tment store 百货商店5. on the coast 在海滨6. prefer to 更喜欢7. (be) different from 与不同8. go shopping 去购物9. take the lift 乘电梯10. go down the stairs 走下楼梯操练场 根据句意从左面选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,补全句子。1. There are many _on the street. People like buying things in them.2. The boy_ visit Beijing during the summer holidays.3. I

12、 think Chinese food _ that in other countries.4. Many girls like _ and buying beautiful clothes.5. Everyone knows the man. He _his books.6. The twins live on the second floor. Every day they _ and watch TV on the first floor.7. You can get to the top of the building by _.8. France is a beautiful cou

13、ntry in _.9. Many people like playing _.10. Beijing is _ China. For Unit 2Section A (For Reading)I根据句意及图片提示写单词或短语,补全句子。1. Paris is a beautiful and romantic city in _.2. This is the _ of the PRC, our great country.3. Uncle Wang likes to drink some _ every day.4. Many people like playing on the _ in s

14、ummer.5. If you go to Switzerland(瑞士) in winter, you may _ there.II根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母补全所缺单词。6. Mom, if it is p_ , Id like to go to the beach with you.7. Many countries in E_ like Italy and Britain are small but rich.8. All our teachers are e_ and they always teach us well,9. These rivers l_ in the vall

15、eys and they are all beautiful.10. Its not easy to be a p_ person, but you can become a friendly one.III按要求写出相应的单词。11. France(形容词)_12. north(反义词)_13. tick(第三人称单数形式)_14. store(复数)_15. prefer(过去式)_IV从方框中选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空,补全句子。such as, Western Europe, on the coast, go shopping, the perfect place, on the

16、 mountains,in the center of, many beautiful places16. Many people like to live _, because they like the sea.17. If you like collecting rocks, you can go to the mountains. There are many rocks _.18. _our playground, there is a big tree.19. Girls like _ on line.20. China has lots of nice places _the G

17、reat Wall and the West Lake.21. Greece is an old country with _.22. What do you think is _ for us to travel?23. There are many countries in _. They are all beautiful.V根据汉语提示补全句子,每空一词。24. 香港有许多著名的百货商店。 There are many great _ _in Hong Kong.25. 深圳是一个值得去游览的好地方,它因世界之窗而著名。 Shenzhen is a great place to vis

18、it and it _ _ _ the Window of the World.26. 在星期天,我不想待在家里。我更喜欢和朋友们出去。 On Sundays, I dont want to stay at home. I _ _ go out with my friends.27她说她穿这件衣服只是因为她想与别人有所不同。She said she wore the clothes just because she wanted to _ _ _ others.28. 澳大利亚的首都是哪里呢? Where is _ _ _ Australia?29如果你冬天到哈尔滨,你可以在那里尝试滑雪。 I

19、f you go to Harbin in winter, you can _ _ there.30. 为什么今年夏天不去西藏游玩呢? _ _ _ to visit Tibet in this summer?Section B (For Listening)I翻译下列短语。1埃菲尔铁塔 _2多于_3第一层楼_4走下楼梯_5在2014年_II从选项中选出符合单词读音的音标。( ) 6. tower A. /tu(r)/ B. /tu(r)/ C. /tau(r)/( ) 7. finish A. /fnI B/fInI/ C. /fn:/( ) 8. stepA. /step/ B/stip/

20、C. /sep/( ) 9. stairs A. /stiz/ B. /stez/ C. /stez/( ) 10. lift A. /lIft/ B. /leift/ C. /left/III. 根据汉语提示补全句子,每空一词。11. 你能告诉我些关于天安门广场的事实吗? Could you tell me _ _ _ Tiananmen Square?12. 上海的东方明珠塔大约468米高。 The Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai is about _ _ _13游客可以乘电梯去这座大厦的60层。 Visitors can _ _ _ to the six

21、tieth floor of the building.14. 我和父母每三年去欧洲参观一次。 My parents and I go to visit Europe _ _ _.15. 我们花费了两个小时才到达这个小屋。 It took us two hours to _ _the small house.16. 在这座山顶上,我们看到了一座小屋。 On _ _ _ the mountain, we saw a small house.17. 你必须向上走300个台阶,然后才能看到整个城市。 You have to_ _ 300 steps, and then you can see the whole city.

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