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1、非谓语动词1绝密启用前2013-2014学年度?学校2月月考卷试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、单项选择(题型注释)1_ by the latest electronic toys, the little boy stood in front of the windows, without moving.A.To be arrested B.Arrested C.Having arrested D.A

2、rresting2 I cant have him _ fun of others.A. make B. making C. made D. to make3 Mrs. White showed her students some old maps from the libraryA. to borrow B. borrowed C. to be borrowed D. borrowing4 The harder we study, the more questions we think of .A. asked B. asking C. to ask D. ask 5The witnesse

3、s_ by the police just now described the fight quite differently.A. questioned B. being questioned C. to be questioned D. questioning6A student at a Nevada middle school opened fire on campus, wounding two l2-year-old boys and_ a math teacher.A. kill B. killing C. killed D. to kill7 During the examin

4、ation we are required to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work, _ to anyone.A. instead of speaking B.rather than speak C. and not to speak D. but would not speak8Miss Sullivan clarified the science Project in Simple but vivid language so as to make it easier for teenagers _.A. understanding B

5、. to understand C. understood D. to be understood 9Its dangerous if you have the fire _ all night long.A. to burn B. burn C. burned D. burning 10Principal White has been working in the school for about 20 years, _all his energy to teaching and researching as well as the running of a healthy school.

6、Adevoted Bdevoting Cto devote Ddevote11-What do you think of his talk on Information Technology? -Oh, excellent. Its worth _Alistening to Bbeing listened to Clistening of Dto be listened to12 Have you watched Gravity, _ the best film in 2013?Yes. It is a survival story _ in space. A. considered; set

7、ting B. considered; set C. considering; set D. considering; setting13Nankai University,_ in 1919, has a history of more than 94 years. ( )A. found B. foundingC. founded D. to be founded14Alice kept quiet about the incident _lose her job. ( )A. so not as to B. so as not toC. so as to not D. not so as

8、 to15As we all know, diligence is the path _to happiness. ( )A. led B. leadsC. leading D. having led16Once you want to do something, you must get down _it well. ( ) BdoingCto do D to doing17Liu Yang became the first woman astronaut in China _into space. ( )Aravel travel D. being t

9、ravelled18 -The film deserves _ a second time. -Sorry, I cant follow you clearly. -I said that the film is worth_ again.A. seeing, seeing B. seeing, of being seen C. to be seen, being seen D. to be seen, to be seen19 If the bike is broken again, youll have to pay to _ .A. get it repaired B. have it

10、repair C. have repaired it. D. get it repair20 After the teacher called him into the office, the boy admitted _ in the test.A. to cheat B. cheated C. cheat D. cheating 21 The best man carefully goes with the couple to the church, _.A. marry B. to be married C. married D. being married22 It was a sun

11、ny afternoon and so I suggested _ to the beach .A. going B. to go C. go D.having gone 23 The sports meeting of our school all of us had looked forward to _ in _ fine weather, which was beyond our expectation.A. falling; so B. fell; such C. falling; such D. fell; so24 _ himself with confidence, the y

12、oung man went to the managers office bravely.A. Having equipped B. Being equipped C. To equip D. Equipped25 The officer gave orders that anyone_ a gun should be reported to the police station.A. seen taking B. see taken C. seeing take D. sees take 27The No1 underground,hopefully_ in the near future,

13、will greatly improve the traffic conditions in FuzhouAopens Bto be opened Copen Dwill be opened28_ his position as mayor to give jobs to his friends,Williams is now under investigationAAbused BTo abuse CHaving abused DTo have abused29 The trend of Phubbing group (低头族) getting increasingly large is s

14、preading worldwide, _ many problems such as traffic accidents and cold interpersonal relationship.A. and cause B. only to cause C. caused D. causing30 Can the project be finished as planned? Sure. it completed in time, well work two more hours a day. A. Get B. To get C. Getting D. Got31 Visitors to

15、the hills are greeted by signs them to look out.A. warn B. to warn C. warning D. warned32_ on May Day, the Shanghai Expo has attracted tens of thousands of visitors around the world every dayAHaving opened BOpened COpening DTo open33_ the TV, Tom began to read newspaper.A. Turned off B.Turn off C. T

16、o turn off D. Having turned off34-Why did Jack leave in a hurry just now? - his parents from his hometown at the stationA. Meeting B. To meet C. Met D.Meet35On 5 December 2013,China Central Bankprohibited financial institutions from handling Bitcoin transactions, _ to regulate the virtual currency.A

17、. moved B. to move C. having moved D. moving36A case of suspected food poisoning in New York has led to 6 high school students to hospital.A. being sent B. sent C. sending D. to be sent37On 5 December 2013,China Central Bankprohibited financial institutions from handling Bitcoin transactions, _ to r

18、egulate the virtual currency.A. moved B. to move C. having moved D. moving38A case of suspected food poisoning in New York has led to 6 high school students to hospital.A. being sent B. sent C. sending D. to be sent39 - Why do you look so upset? - There are so many troublesome problems _.A. remainin

19、g to settle B. remained settledC. remaining to be settled D. remained to be settled40_ with what he said, what he did was more valuable.A. Comparing B. Compare C. To compare D. Compared41Diaoyu Islands are made up of a group of islands, _ China since ancient times.A. belongs to B. belonged to C. are

20、 belonged to D. belonging to42 - I think what he has done for the company deserves_ at the meeting. - I cant agree more.A. being praised B. praised C. to praise D. praising 43_ more customers, many companies prefer to spend a lot of money in advertising. A. Attract B. Attracting C. Attracted D. To a

21、ttract44Everyone is looking forward to seeing the plan _ in the near future. A. carrying out B. carry out C. carried out D. having carried out45_ in the traffic jam, she failed to catch the train, which mader her upset. A. Catching B. Having caught C. To catch D. Caught46 in her most beautiful skirt

22、, the girl tried to make herself at the party. A. Dressed; noticing B. dressing; noticed C. dressed; noticed D. Dressing; being noticed 47_ to as much English as possible is a good way to learn English well.A. Exposed B. Being exposed C. Having exposed D. To expose50 I have learned a lot about Asian

23、 customs, _ in the small village for three years in the early 1990s.A. lived B. to live C. having lived D. to have lived 51_to the sun for too long, I think, can hurt your skin.A. Being exposed B. To expose C. Exposing D. Exposed52_ at my classmates face, I read the same excitement in their eyes.A.

24、Looked B. Look C. To look D. Looking 53 , he dialed 999. A. Seen the house on fire B. To see the house on fireC. Being seen the house on fire D. Seeing the house on fire54. Can you tell me the way you think of_ the problem?Ato work out Bworking out C. work out Dto work55 I cant stand _ with Jane in

25、the same office. She just refuses _ talking while she works.A. working; stopping B. to work; stopping C. working; to stop D. to work; to stop56Most computer users think it necessary for their software _ regularlyAto up date Bto be updated Cto have been up dated Dto have updated57How to keep the home

26、less _ with food and clothing is still under discussionAsupplying BsuppliedCbeing supplied Dto be supplied58“Where Are We Going? Dad” is a Chinese reality TV show broadcast on Hunan Television, _ 75 million viewers every week.A. attract B. attracted C. to attract D. attracting 59 _at the restaurant

27、with a wide variety of dishes served before, Bob didnt want to eat there again. A. Having eaten B. To eat C. Eat D. Eating60 When we saw the road _ with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. A. cover B. to cover C. covering D. covered61 The foreign friends you referred to _ looking forward

28、to _ around our school.A. are; being shown B. being;being shown C. being; showing D. are; be shown62 Did you get your pay? Yes, I remember _. But I forget the exact amount.A. paying B. to be paid C. having paid D. being paid 63 With the final examination _, we are busy going over what weve learnt th

29、is term.A. is approaching B. has approached C. approached D. approaching64 The poor little boy _ by his heartless parents was seen begging in the street.A. abandoning B. to be abandoned C. having abandoned D. abandoned65Have you ever dreamed of _ such a good chance for further education abroad?A. there is B. there to be C. there will be D. there being66 _ to train his daughter in English, he put an advertisement like this in the paper, _an English teacher for a ten-year- old girl.A. Determined, wanting B. Determ

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