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1、杭州四中教育集团高三年级杭州四中教育集团高三年级2006学年第一次月考英语试题卷2006.9考生须知:1 本试卷分试题卷和答题卷,满分100分,考试时间为90分钟。2 答题前,在答题卷密封区内填写班级、姓名、试场号、座位号和学号。 3 所有答案必须写在答题卷上,写在试题卷上无效。4 考题结束,只上交答题卷。注:机读卡请正确填涂:卡号为:5个0 + 试场号 + 座位号,共9位。如:3试场21号,其卡号为000000321.请分别用钢笔或圆珠笔填写好: 姓名 卡号用2B铅笔涂好:试卷类型-红色卡涂A型(蓝色卡涂B型)卡号 考试科目-英语 一.单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)1.Som

2、ething _ wrong with the car, and it _ not start.A. being; could B. going; should C. was; might D.went; would2._ the plan has been made, lets get down to _ it out.A. Now that; carry B. Because; carry C. Since; carrying D.Now; putting3. -How can you borrow my computer without asking? -Oh, I _ to tell

3、you. I hope you dont mind.A. forget B. forgot C. have forgotten forgetting4.Dad is used to smoking and drinking. Theres no chance _ Im able to talk him into _.A. whether; giving it up B. of whether; giving them up C. that; getting rid of them D. which; stopping it5._ a mobile phone can you ring

4、 _ you want to talk with anywhere.A. Using; whoever B. Only on; whomever C. By; whatever D. With; anyone6. -What do you think of French? -In my opinion, French is _ EnglishA. a subject so difficult as B. as difficult a subject as C. as a subject difficult as D. difficult as subject as7. On the way _

5、 a book, he found some of his classmates _ in the street.A. to buy ; knocking down B. to buy; knocking about C. to buying ; knocking about D. to buying; knocking into8. The most of his time he _ was what he spared from his playing time.A. made to learning B. took to learn C. took to learning D. made

6、 to learn9. -Is there any possibility of the film _ in Paris International Festival? -Not in the least because audience generally think little of it.A. trying out B. tried out C. to try out D. being tried out10. Im not sure what will happen during the trip. _, I will try every possible means to get

7、there.A. Even though B. If so C. Anyhow D. Instead11. Having been attacked by foreign terrorists, _.A. the police came as soon as possible B. warnings were given to the publicC. the doctors came to rescue the injuries D. the tallest building collapsed12. -Which of the two traveling plans would you l

8、ike, sir? -Oh, _ . I dont care.A. none B. neither C. both D. either13. The police arrest the criminal _ the name of the law.A. in B. under C. with D. by14. Who is _ the fire?A. to blame for starting B. to blame to start C. to be blamed for starting be blamed to start15. -Do you mind if I open t

9、he window? -_. I feel a bit cold.A. Id rather you dont B. Id rather you didnt C. Go ahead D. Why not.16. A decision was _ that those who once _ to the company in order to get a job would not be let _.A. made, lied, to stay B. given, lay, stay C. done, lying, staying D. designed, laid, stayed17.-Fine

10、d $20! You know you _ 100KM an hour, dont you? -No, officer. I cant have been. This car doesnt do 80.A. are driving B. have driven C. had driven D. were driving18. In the 2004 Shanghai Industrial Fair, _ electronic equipment, good in both quality and style, will be shown.A. a large number of B. a go

11、od many C. masses of D. supplies of19. Ted couldnt remember the exact date of the hurricane, but he knew it was _Saturday because everybody was at _ church.A. /; the B. a; / C. /; a D. the; /20. - We didnt find Smith attending the lecture. - No one_ him about _ a lecture the following day.A. told; t

12、here to be B. had told, there to be C. told; there was D. had told, there being二完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)My First Job I was six when I joined my father and two elder brothers at sunrise in the fields of Eufaula Okla. 21 the time I was eight I was helping Dad fix up old furniture. He gave me a cent fo

13、r every nail I 22 out of old boards. I got my first 23 job, at JMs Restaurant in town, when I was 12. My main responsibilities were 24 tables and washing dishes, 25 sometimes I helped cook. Every day after school I would 26 to JMs and work until ten. Even on Saturdays I 27 from two until eleven. At

14、that age it was difficult going to work and 28 my friends run off to swim or play. I didnt necessarily like work, but I loved what working 29 me to have. Because of my 30 I was always the one buying when my friends and I went to the local Tastee Freez. This made me 31 . Word that I was trustworthy a

15、nd hard-working 32 around town. A local clothing store offered me credit(赊账) 33 I was only in seventh grade. I immediately 34 a $68 sports coat and a $22 pair of shoes. I was 35 only 65 cents an hour, and I already owed the storekeeper $90! So I learned 36 the danger of easy credit. I paid it 37 as

16、soon as I could. My first job taught me self-control, responsibility and brought me a 38 of personal satisfaction few of my friends had experienced. As my father, 39 worked three jobs, once told me, “If you 40 sacrifice and responsibility, there are not many things in life you cant have.” How right

17、he was. 21. A. Before B. Within C. From D. By 22. A. pulled B. put C. picked D. pressed 23. A. usual B. real C. main D. particular 24. A. sweeping B. packing C. clearing D. emptying 25. A. or B. so C. but D. even 26. A. head B. turn C. change D. move 27. A. studied B. worked C. played D. slept 28. A

18、. helping B. having C. watching D. letting 29. A. asked B. told C. promised D. allowed 30. A. study B. power C. age D. job 31. A. proud B. friendly C. lucky D. hopeful 32. A. ran B. got C. flew D. carried 33. A. although B. while C. if D. since 34. A. sold B. borrowed C. charged D. wore 35. A. keepi

19、ng B. making C. paying D. taking 36. A. gradually B. greatly C. hardly D. early 37. A. out B. over C. away D. off 38. A. point B. level C. part D. sign 39. A. he B. that C. who D. whoever 40. A. understand B. demand C. offer D. fear三阅读理解 (第一节10小题, 第二节5小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并

20、在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 ASusan Williams went to a boarding school. Here is one of the letters she wrote to her parents from the school.Dear Mom and Dad, Im afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school principal is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must

21、 come and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school any longer.The trouble started last night when I was smoking a cigarette in bed. This is against the rules, of course. We are not supposed to smoke at all. As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I did not want

22、 a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away. Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket, which caught fire. There was a curtain near the waste-paper basket which caught fire, too. Soon the whole room was burning. The principal phoned for the fire department. The

23、school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived, the whole school was in flames. Many of the girls are in the hospital. The principal says that the fire was all my fault and you must pay for the damage. She will send you a bill for about a million dollars. I am very so

24、rry about this. Much love, Susan. P.S. None of the above is true, but I have failed my exams. I just want you to know how bad things could have been!41. Susan wrote home _. A. to tell her parents about the fire B. to ask for a million dollars C. to tell her parents she had failed her exams D. to tel

25、l her parents she had to leave school42. The principal was angry with Susan for the reason that _. A. she had failed her exams. B. she had been caught smoking in bed. C. it was her fault that the school had caught fire. D. she had not phoned for the fire department in time.43. Susan told her parents

26、 about the fire _. A. to warn them about what the principal would do B. to make them feel worried C. to make them less angry at her real news D. to make them laugh44. How true was the letter before the P.S.? A. Partly true. B. All true. C. Completely untrue D. The story doesnt really tell us. B Orig

27、inally from tropical South America, the red fire ant gained entry to the United States through the port of Mobile, Alabama in the late 1930s on cargo ships, but the first colony of the red ants was not found until 1942 by a 13-year-old boy in his backyard. It immediately began to thrive in the new l

28、and and colonies spread quickly throughout the southeastern states. By 1975 the red imported fire ant had colonized over 52 million hectares of the United States. Now, it has infested more than 275 million hectares in the country. Red imported fire ants build mounds in any type of soil. They also ma

29、ke mounds indoors. Each nest used to have but one queen, but now many mounds are often found with multiple queens. With multiple queens at work, its population increases rapidly. Its common to find a nest with over 25,000 workers. Red imported fire ants can cause a number of problems. They construct

30、 their colonies on precious farmland, invading crops while searching for insects underground. They also like to make their mounds in sunny areas, heavily infesting lawns and pastures. They can quickly strip fruit trees of their fruit. Small birds such as baby quails are fair game to the expanding co

31、lony. They appear to be attracted to electromagnetic fields and attack electrical insulation or wire connections. They can cause electrical shorts, fires, and other damage to electrical equipment. Worst of all, their stings can be fatal to livestock and humans. 45. When was the first nest of the red ant found in the United States? A. In 1930s.

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