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1、小学英语集训2志远家教英语语法学习时态句型第一章 一般现在时一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态,也可以表示永久不变的现象,常与表示现在的时间状语连用,如:often, usually, every day等。一、be动词的一般现在时动词be的意思是“是”、“成为”,在一般现在时中,一般不出现原型,而是经常使用它的变化形式:am, is, are.1. 主语是第一人称单数(即I)后面要用am,如:I am a worker.2. 主语是第二人称单数(即you)及各人称复数(we/you/they)后面用are. 如:You are a teacher. They are friendly

2、to me. We are students.3. 主语是第三人称单数(即he/she/it)后面要用is. 如:He is tall and thin. She is at home today. It is a cat.二、实义动词的一般现在时1.主语是第一、二人称及各人称复数时,后面的实义动词要用原型。 如:They usually watch TV in the evening.2.主语是第三人称单数时,后面的实义动词要用动词的第三人称单数形式。 如:She gets up at 6:00 in the morning.3.动词的第三人称单数形式变化规则: 一般情况下,直接在动词后面加

3、-s,如:read-reads swim-swims feel-feels以sh, ch, s, x, o结尾的动词,在动词后面加-es,如:watch-watches go-goes以辅音字母+y结尾的动词变y为i,再加-es,如:carry-carries fly-flies不规则的动词第三人称单数形式需要记住,如:have-has 三、 一般现在时态的否定句和一般疑问句 否定句:在一般现在时中,句子要变为否定句,如果有be动词,要在be动词后面加not,如果没有be动词,只需要在实义动词的前面加dont或doesnt,后面的动词要用原型。例:She is an English teach

4、er.-She is not an English teacher. They are reading in the library.- They are not reading in the library I play football on the playground.-I dont play football on the playground. She reads books on the weekend.-She doesnt read books on the weekend. 一般疑问句:在一般疑问句中,句子要变为一般疑问句,如果有be动词,只需要把be动词提到句子的最前面,

5、如果没有be动词,那么就在句首加Do或Does,后面的动词要用原型,句尾加上问号。(如果原句中有I, we, my, our等表示第一人称的单词时,在变为一般疑问句时要变成you, your等表示第二人称的单词。)例:I am a student.-Are you a student? 回答:Yes, I am./No, Im not. They are eating noodles.-Are they eating noodles? 回答:Yes, they are./No, they arent.I often climb mountains on the weekend.-Do you

6、often climb mountains on the weekend? 回答:Yes, I do./No, I dont. She goes to school at 7:20.-Does she go to school at 7:20? Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.一般现在时 专项练习一、写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式。 fly make swim write go watch get do carry play like say 二、选词填空。1. A rabbit (has, have) two long ears. 2. Mike and Tom

7、often (go, goes) to school at 7:00. 3. Amy always (watch, watches) TV on weekend. 4. We often (read, reads) books at school. 5. Mary (like, likes) English and math.三、单项选择。( ) 1. Does your uncle English in England? A. learns B. learn C. learnt D. learning( ) 2. Sam to school from Monday to Friday and

8、 he to school at weekends. A. go, dont go B. goes, dont go C. goes, doesnt go D. go, doesnt go( ) 3. Do you Chinese lesson every day? A. have B. to have C. has D. having( ) 4. Lisa eggs but she milk. A. like, like B. likes, likes C. likes, doesnt like D. likes, doesnt likes( ) 5. He often TV in the

9、evening. A. watchs B. watch C. watches D. watching四、根据括号里的汉语提示,写出正确的短语。1. I often at 10:00. (去睡觉)2. My father by car. (去上班)3. Sometimes I on the hills(山). (摘花)4. Kate often in winter. (滑雪)5. On Sundays, we often to the . (去动物园)五、按要求转换句型。1. She works in a company. (变为一般疑问句) she in a company?2. I am a

10、 teacher. (变为否定句) 3. They have the same hobby. (变为一般疑问句) 4. Do you like the flowers? (做否定回答) 5. Su Hai and Su Yang like playing computer games at home. (变为一般疑问句) 第二章 一般过去时一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,其结构为:主语+动词的过去式+其他成分,常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday, last year, last week, this morning等。一、be动词的一般过去时:bewas, w

11、ere1.第一人称单数(I)及第三人称单数(he/she/it及其他单个人或物的名称)+was.如:I was at school yesterday.昨天我上学了。 She was in Tianjin last year.去年她在天津。2.第二人称单数(you)和各人称复数(we/you/they及其他复数名词)+were如:They were born in Shanghai. 他们出生在上海。3.含be动词的一般过去时变一般疑问句时,将was/were提到句子前面,变否定句时在was/were后面加not. 如:He was a student last year. 去年他是学生。 W

12、as he a student last year? 去年他是学生吗? He was not a student last year. 去年他不是学生。二、实义动词的一般过去时1.构成:各人称单复数+动词的过去式 如:I visited my grandparents last weekend.2.含实义动词的一般过去时变一般疑问句时,在句首加Did,句中的动词由过去式变回原型,变否定句时,在实义动词前面加didnt,句中的动词由过去式变回原型。如:They visited our school yesterday. 他们昨天参观了我们的学校。Did they visit your schoo

13、l yesterday? 他们昨天参观你们学校了吗?They didnt visit our school yesterday. 他们昨天没有参观我们的学校。3.动词变过去式的变化规则如下:一般直接在动词词尾加ed,如:pick-picked, jump-jumped, play-played以字母e能结尾的动词直接加d,如:live-lived, hope-hoped以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,要把y换成i再加ed,如:carry-carried以一个元音加一个辅音结尾的动词,要双写最后一个字母,再加ed,如:stop-stopped不规则变化:动词过去式中不规则变化的单词比较多,需要认真记忆

14、,但它们也有一定的小规律: (1)ia 如:drink-drank, ring-rang, swim-swam, sing-sang, give-gave(2)oe 如:blow-blew, grow-grew, know-knew(3) io 如:drive-drove, write-wrote, rise-rose, ride-rode(4)原型,如:sit-sit, cut-cut, let-let, read-read(5)其他:do-did, go-went, hide-hid, is/am-was, are-were, have-had, take-took, lose-lost,

15、 eat-ate, speak-spoke, break-broke, wake-woke, fly-flewget-got, draw-drew, fall-fell, feel-felt, sleep-slept, see-saw, find-found, keep-kept, buy-bought, come-came, leave-left一般过去时专项练习一、写出下列动词的过去式。go come do write take eat carry buy study clean have sit 二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I (get) up at six thirty thi

16、s morning.2. There (be) not many people here before.3. She (want) to be a singer when she was young.4. Jelly (swim) at the pool last Sunday.5. Did you (clean) the room this morning?6. They (not do) their homework yesterday.三、单项选择( )1. Peter to a park by bike yesterday afternoon. A. went B. goes C. i

17、s going D. go( )2. Last year, Uncle Li Chinese. A. learns B. learn C. learned D. learning( )3. In 1999, I in Guangzhou. A. study B. am studying C. studied D. studyed( )4. It a sunny day yesterday. A. was B. is C. were D. has( )5. Did you a letter to me last month? A. write B. writes C. writing D. wr

18、ote四、按要求转换句型。1. He played the football game yesterday.(变否定句) He 2. I made many cakes for my friends this morning.(变一般疑问句) you 3. Did they clean the classroom last night? (作否定回答) No, 4. He bought some apples in the supermarket just now.(变一般疑问句) he 5. He does his homework every day. (用yesterday来替换 eve

19、ry day) He his homework 6. 昨天我们没去上学。(翻译句子) 第三章 一般将来时一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态,常与表示将来时间的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow, next year, the day after tomorrow 等。一、be going to结构表示将来的用法1. be going to结构表示将来的结构是be going to+动词原形如:I am going to visit my grandparents next weekend. He is going to clean his room this afternoon

20、.They are going to climb mountains this Sunday.2. 一般将来时变为否定句时,在动词be后面加not,其他成分不变。如:I am not going to visit my grandparents next weekend.He is not going to clean his room this afternoon.They are not going to climb mountains this Sunday.3. 一般将来时变为一般疑问句时,将动词be提到句首即可,句尾加问号。如:Are you going to visit my gr

21、andparents next weekend?Is he going to clean his room this afternoon?Are they going to climb mountains this Sunday?二、will/shall表示将来时的用法1. 第一人称(I/We)+shall+动词原形,如:We shall go to Beijing next week.2. 各人称单复数+will+动词原形。Will没有人称、数量和时态的变化。如:Tom will go to the park. I will go to the zoo. You will go to the

22、 park. They will go to the zoo.3. 含有will/shall的句式在变否定句时,在will/shall后面加not,变一般疑问句时,将will/shall提到句前,句尾加问号。如:They will go to Shanghai next week. They wont go to Shanghai next week. (will not一般缩写为wont)Will they go to Shanghai next week?一般将来时专项练习一、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. I (have) a dance lesson tonight.(今晚)2. Th

23、e boy (see) a film with the girl tomorrow.3. If it is fine tomorrow, we (go) fishing.4. What (happen) if I tell her the news?5. My brother (climb) the mountain next week.6. Mr. Brown (start) work at 7:00 next week.7. you (help) me to carry the heavy boxes tomorrow?8. There (be) a shopping mall in th

24、is area in 2 years.9. We (have) a sports meeting next month.10. You (write) a letter to your sister next month.二、选择填空。( )1. It rainy tomorrow. A. is going B. is going to be C. is going to is D. is going to( )2. He going to tell you about it. A. is B. am C. are D. be( )3. Its cold outside. we put on

25、the coat? A. Will B. Shall C. Are D. Is( )4. Your grandpa learn to drive. A. am going to B. are going to C. is going to D. going to( )5. Im going to the windows. A. cleans B. cleaning C. to clean D. clean( )6. Tom and Betty going to get married. A. is B. am C. be D. are( )7. There a typhoon next wee

26、k. A. is going to B. is going to be C. are going to D. are going to have( )8. Mother to Beijing the day after tomorrow. A. is going to fly B. am going to fly C. are going to fly D. is going to flies( )9. Tony is going to have a picnic . A. next week B. last Tuesday C. now D. a moment ago( )10. -Will

27、 you be a solider? -No, I . A. am not B. wont C. will D. will be三、按要求完成下列句子。1. I will go to the park with my friend next Sunday.(对画线部分提问) 2. Will you ask me to go with you? (作否定回答) 3. He is going to buy an English book tomorrow.(改为否定句) 4. go, you, to, film, tomorrow, will, see, the (连词成句) 5. 下周我们将举行

28、一次聚会。(翻译句子) 第四章 现在进行时现在进行时表示正在进行或发生的动作,其结构为be+动词-ing(现在分词)形式。一、现在进行时的用法1. 第一人称单数(I)+am+现在分词。如:I am listening to music.2. 第三人称单数(he/she/it)+is+现在分词。如:He is washing clothes.3. 第二人称(you)及各人称复数+are+现在分词。如:They are cleaning the room.4. 现在进行时常与now, at the moment(此时此刻), listen, look, 时间点等词连用。 如:Look, the b

29、oy is running after a cat. Listen, Mr. Li is talking to Tom. Its 7:00, Peter is eating breakfast. I am doing my homework now.be后面必须要跟动词的-ing形式。二、现在分词的变化规则动词的-ing形式叫做现在分词,它由动词变化而来,其变化规则如下:1 一般动词直接在动词末尾加-ing,如:work-working, cook-cooking2 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去e再加-ing,如:come-coming3 重读闭音节动词要双写最后一个字母再加-ing,如:r

30、un-running, swim-swimming, sit-sitting三、现在进行时的否定句和疑问句1. 现在进行时态的否定句只需在动词be后面加not即可。如:He is not doing his homework. He is not watching TV.2. 现在进行时态的一般疑问句把动词be放到句首,句尾加问号,其他不变。 如:Is your father cooking dinner? Are they cleaning the classroom?现在进行时专项练习一、写出下列动词的现在分词形式do run carry sing come talk put visit wash shop play listen 二、用动词的正确形式填空。1. - (be)Peter doing his homework now? -Yes, he .2. My mother (cook) dinner in the kitchen now.3. Listen, Mingming (sing) in

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