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1、七年级全册英语语法课堂版课时一冠词和be 动词(一) 冠词冠词 :冠词是置于名词之前,对名词起限制作用的一种虚词。冠词可以说是名词的一种标志,它不能离开名词而独立存在。 冠词分为不定冠词a,an、定冠词the和零冠词三种。零冠词指的是不用冠词的情况。 不定冠词表示泛指,定冠词表示特指。 不定冠词的用法-1 不定冠词有a和an两种形式。a用在以辅音开头的词前,an用在以元音 开头的词前。判断一个词是以元音开头还是以辅音开头,是根据读音而不是根据字母。 1) 用于可数名词的单数形式前,表示一 There is a tiger in the zoo. 动物园里有一只老虎。 2) 表示一类人和东西 A

2、 tiger can be dangerous. 老虎可能有危害性。 3) 表示某一个的意思 A gentleman wants to see you. 有一位先生要见你。 4) 表示同一的意思 They are nearly of an age. 他们几乎同岁。 The two shirts are much of a size. 这两件衬衫大小差不多。 5) 表示每一的意思 We go swimming four times a week. 我们每周去游泳四次。 6) 用在作表语的单数可数名词前,表示身份、职业 My mother is a teacher. 我妈妈是教师。 7) 第一次提

3、到的人或事物,但不特别指明是哪一个 Long long ago there was an old king who had a very beautiful daughter. 很久很久以前,有一个年老的国王,他有一个非常美丽的女儿。 8) 在such a,quite a句式中 He is quite a good actor. 他是一个相当好的演员。 Dont be in such a hurry. 不要如此匆忙。 9) 在感叹句 what.的句式中 What a pretty girl she is! 她是一个多么漂亮的女孩呀! 不定冠词的用法-2 用在某些表示数量的词组中: a lot

4、of 许多 a couple of 一对 a great many 很多 a dozen 一打(但也可以用 one dozen) a great deal of 大量 定冠词的用法1) 用以特指某(些)人或某(些)事物 This is the house where Luxun once lived. 这是鲁迅曾经住过的房子。 2) 用于指谈话双方都明确所指的人或事物 Open the door, please. 请把门打开。 3) 用以复述上文提过的人或事物(第一次提到用“a或an”,以后再次提到用“the”) Once there lived a lion in the forest. E

5、very day the lion asked small animals to look for food for him. 从前森林里住着一只狮子。每天这只狮子要小动物们为他寻找食物。 4) 用在序数词和形容词最高级前 January is the first month of the year. 一月份是一年当中的第一个月。 Shanghai is the biggest city in China. 上海是中国最大的城市。 5) 表示世界上宇宙中独一无二的事物 the sun 太阳 the moon 月亮 the earth 地球 the sky 天空 the world 世界 6)

6、指由普通名词构成的专有名词 the West Lake 西湖 the Great Wall 长城 the United States 美国 the United Nations 联合国7) 表示方向、方位 in the east 在东方 in the west 在西方 in the front 在前面 at the back 在后面 in the bottom 在底部 at the top 在顶部 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边 8) 在海洋、江河、湖泊、山脉、海峡、海湾等地理名词前 the Pacific Ocean 太平洋 the Huanghe Rive

7、r 黄河 the Tainshan Mountains 天山山脉 the Taiwan Straits 台湾海峡 9) 在姓氏复数前,表示一家人 The Bakers came to see me yesterday. 贝克一家人昨天来看我。 10) 和某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化,代表一类人或物 the poor 穷人 the rich 富人 the sick 病人 the wounded 伤员 the good 好人 the beautiful 美丽的事物 11) 用在表示阶级、政党的名词前 the working class 工人阶级 the Chinese Communist Par

8、ty 中国共产党 12) 用在the very强调句中 This is the very book I want. 这就是我想要的那本书。 13) 在the more, the more比较级的句式中 The more you drink, the more you like it. 你越喝就越爱喝。 14) 表示演奏乐器时,乐器的前面要加the play the piano 弹钢琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 15) 某些固定的表达法 in the morning 在早上 in the afternoon 在下午 in the evening 在晚上 go to the cin

9、ema 去看电影 go to the theatre 去看戏 all the year round 一年到头 on the way to 前往.去的路上 16) the加单数可数名词可以表示一类人或事物 The horse is a useful animal. 马是一种有用的动物。 注意:像这类句子还有如下两种写法 A horse is a useful animal. Horses are useful animals. 零冠词的用法 1) 专有名词前一般不加冠词 China 中国 Europe 欧洲 Lei Feng 雷锋 William Shakespeare 威廉莎士比亚 2) 月份

10、、周日、节日前一般不加冠词 January 一月份 Sunday 星期日 Christmas Day 圣诞节 Thanksgiving 感恩节National Day 国庆节 May Day 劳动节 比较: .on a Sunday morning. 在一个星期天的早晨. (表示某一个。) 3)三餐、四季前一般不加冠词 I have lunch at school. 我在学校吃午餐。 Summer is the best season for swimming. 夏天是游泳的好季节。 比较: I had a big lunch yesterday. 昨天我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。(表示某一个) T

11、he dinner given by Mr Smith was very nice. 史密斯先生款待的晚宴真是美味。(表示特指) 比较: I will never forget the summer we spent in Hawaii. 我永远不会忘记我们一起在夏威夷度过的那个夏天。 (表示特指) 4)进行球类运动 play basketball 打篮球 play volleyball 打排球 play football 踢足球 5)没有特指的不可数抽象名词 Time is precious. 时间是宝贵的。 比较:The time of the play was 1990s. 这个剧本的时

12、代背景是二十世纪九十年代。(表示特指) 6)没有特指的可数名词复数形式后。 I like tomatoes. 我喜欢西红柿。 7)固定词组 go to school 去上学 go to bed 上床睡觉 go by train 乘火车去 go by boat 乘船去 at table 在用餐 in hospital 住院 at school 求学 in school 求学 at noon 在中午 at night 在晚上 at midnight 在半夜 in town 在城里 介词短语与冠词 at table 在进餐 at the table 在桌子旁边 at desk 在读书 at the

13、desk 在课桌旁 at school 在上学 at the school 在学校里 in class 在上课 in the class 在班级里面 in bed 卧床 in the bed 在床上 in prison 坐牢 in the prison (因事)在监狱 in hospital 住院 in the hospital (因事)在医院 go to school 去上学 go to the school (因事)去学校 go to bed 上床睡觉 go to the bed 在床上 go to hospital 去看病 go to the hospital 去医院动词be(am,is

14、,are)的用法:be动词包括“am”, “is”, “are”三种形式。第一人称单数(I)配合am来用。句型解析析:I am+第二人称(You)配合are使用。句型解析:You are+第三人称单数(He or She or It)配合is使用。句型解析:She(He, It) is +人称复数 (we /you/they)配合are使用。句型解析:We (You, They) are +例句 We are in Class 5,Grade 7.They are my friends.You are good students.用法口诀:我(I)用am, 你(you)用are,is跟着他(h

15、e),她(she),它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be后not加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。1.用括号中适当的词填空。1. I _(am, are, is) from Australia.2. She _ (am, are, is) a student.3. Jane and Tom _(am, is, are) my friends.4. My parents _ (am, is, are) very busy every day.5. _ (Are, Is, Do, Does) there a Chinese sc

16、hool in New York?6. _ (Be, Are, Were, Was) they excited when he heard the news?7. There _ (be) some glasses on it.8. If he _ (be) free tomorrow, he will go with us.2.用be 动词的适当形式填空1. I _ a boy. _ you a boy? No, I _ not. 2. The girl_ Jacks sister. 3. The dog _ tall and fat. 4. The man with big eyes _

17、a teacher. 5. _ your brother in the classroom? 6. Where _ your mother? She _ at home. 7. How _ your father? 8. Mike and Liu Tao _ at school. 9. Whose dress _ this? 10. Whose socks _ they? 11. That _ my red skirt. 12. Who _ I? 13.The jeans _ on the desk. 14.Here _ a scarf for you. 15. Here _ some swe

18、aters for you. 16. The black gloves _ for Su Yang. 17. This pair of gloves _ for Yang Ling. 18. The two cups of milk _ for me. 19. Some tea _ in the glass. 20. Gao shans shirt _ over there. 课时二(1)英语人称代词和物主代词一、人称代词表示“我”、“你”、“他”、“她”、“它”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词,叫做人称代词。人称代词有人称、数和格的变化,见下表:人称单数复数主格宾格主格宾格第一人称Imew

19、eus第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit人称代词主格:作主语,表示谁怎么样了、干什么了。I am a teacher. You are student. He is a student, too. We/You/They are students.人称代词宾格作宾语,表示动作行为的对象。Give it to me. Lets go (lets =let us)二、物主代词表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也可叫做代词所有格。物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词二种,其人称和数的变化见下表。数人称类别单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称第一人称

20、第二人称第三人称形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs汉语我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的形容词性物主代词(my/your/his/her/its/our/their)+名词而名词性物主代词则相当于形容词性物主代词+名词,故其后不必加名词。如:Is this your book? No,,it isnt, its hers(her book)This pen is mine.代词练习(一)一、选出括号中正确的词,在正确的词上打勾。1. This is(my / I)

21、mother. 2. Nice to meet (your / you).3. (He / His)name is Mark. 4. Whats(she / her)name?5. Excuse(me / my / I). 6. Are(your / you)Miss Li?7. (I/ My)am Ben. 8. (She / Her)is my sister.9. Fine , thank (your / you). 10. How old is (he / his)二、用所给代词的正确形式填空。1. These are _ ( he ) brothers.2. That is _( sh

22、e ) sister.3. Lily is _ ( Lucy ) sister.4. Tom, this is _ ( me ) cousin, Mary.5. Now _(her parent) are in America.6. Those _ ( child ) are _ ( I ) fathers students.7. Do you know _ ( it ) name?8. Mike and Tom _ ( be ) friends.9. Thanks for helping _( I ).10. _(Ann安)mother is _(we) teacher.三、单项选择。 (

23、)1. My family _ a big family. My family _all here.A. is, is B. are, are C. is, are D. are, is( )2. This is _. A. a picture of family B. a picture of my familyC. a familys picture D. a family of my picture( )3. Lets _ good friends.A. be B. are C. is D. am( )4. Is she your aunt? Yes, _.A. shes B. her

24、is C. she is D. he is( )5. Are _ coats yours? Yes, they are .A. they B. these C. this D. there( )6. Is that _ uncle? No, it isntA. he B. she C. her D. hers( )7. Mrs. Green is _ grandmother. A. Jim and Kate B. Jim and Kates C. Jims and Kates D. Jim and Kates( )8. Do you know the name _Mr. Greens son?

25、A. in B. of C. on D. or( )9. _ the great photo of your family. A. thank for B. Thanks for C. Thank for D. thanks for( )10. Are those your friends? _. A. Yes, theyre B. No, they are C. Yes, they are D. Yes, those are代词练习(二)一、用适当的代词填空1We like _ (he, his , him) very much.2Is this guitar _ (you, your, y

26、ours)?3_(She, Her, Hers) name is Li Li.4Father bought a desk for _ (I, my, me, mine).5_ (It, Its, Its) is very cold today.6Is this your book, Mike?Yes ,_(we, you, they )are.7Are you and Tom classmates?Yes, _(we, you ,they )are.8Each of the students _( have, has) a pen pal.9He has a dog. I want to ha

27、ve _(it, one ),too.10Her parents are _ (both, all ,either )teachers.11The text is easy for you .There are _( few, a few ,little, a little) new words in it .12I want _( some, any) bananas. Give me these big _(one, ones).二、选择正确的答案1Is this _ book?Ayou BI Cshe Dyour2Its a bird. _ name is Polly.AIts BIts

28、 CHis DIt3Whats that ?_ a jeep.AitsBIts CItsDits4Whats that in English? _.AIts eggBThats egg CIts a eggDIts an egg5Whose cat is this ? Is it yours? Is it a white _?Acats Bone ConesDcats6Please give the book to _.AI Bme Cmy Dmine7_skirt is yours?AWhose BWhere CHow DWhich8_ is this pen ? Its Wang Fangs.AWhos BWhose CWhere DWhich9Kate and Mike do _ homework in the evening.Aones Bhis Cher Dtheir10There isnt _ water in the bottle.Aany Bsome CnoDa 课时二(2)简单句一 陈述句 陈述句的否定结构:陈述句的否定式主要用两种结构来表达:(1)句子的谓语动词为be , have 或者谓语动词有助

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