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1、河南省信阳市学年高一英语下学期阶段测试试题河南省信阳市2020-2021学年高一英语下学期3月阶段测试试题(考试时间:120分钟 试卷满分:150分)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。ALaguna Beach Festival of ArtsFestival St torePlenty of people attend Laguna Beach Festival of Arts just to admire the works of art. Howev

2、er, for serious art buyers, attending early in the season means a lot, since excellent pieces often sell early. Weekdays are less busy but there are fewer artists present. They often meet crowds in the evening that show up for the Pageant (盛会)of the Masters. Some artists may negotiate prices at the

3、end of the season. If you just want souvenirs of your visit, a variety of products are available in the Festival Store.Fun ActivitiesPart of the fun of the festival comes from the activities that go on during the event. Tours and art workshops are available every day. Weekends are full of live music

4、 and special events. To get best value for the money you spend during the week, Thursday is the day to go for art talks by participating artists and evening jazz.Food & DrinksFood and drinks are sold at the snack bar. Tivoli Terrace cafe and restaurants are on site for more formal dining. Picnics ar

5、e welcome during art talks or music shows, and there are tables set up in the courtyard for you to enjoy your homemade or take-away food. But alcohol is forbidden here. On Thursdays, central tables are reserved for ticket holders.Cost of the TicketsEntrance admission: $ 60 per person (the Pageant of

6、 the Masters and live music shows included)Joint pass: $ 120 per person (free of charge for all the performances)Notes: Since there are many visitors on the weekends, the ticket office may be crowded. For faster service, call toll-free number 24 hours a day.1. What should one intending to buy some g

7、ood pieces of art in the festival do?A. Go there on weekdays. B. Turn to artists for advice.C. Go there as soon as it starts. D. Show up for the Pageant of the Masters.2. What can all visitors do in the courtyard?A. Drink alcohol. B. Have a formal dinner.C. Appreciate music while eating. D. Eat at c

8、entral tables as they like.3. If a couple want to see live music shows, they should pay at leastA. $60 B. $120 C. $180 D. $240 B54-year-old Abdul has a special job. He has been working as a living statue for over three decades, standing perfectly still for six hours a day and resisting peoples attem

9、pts to make him move or smile, anything that proves he is a living person.Abdul, known as “Indias Statue Man,” has been performing his daily routine ever since 1985, soon after getting a job as a security guard. His boss had recently traveled to the UK, where he was so impressed by the statue-like m

10、embers of the Royal Guard outside Buckingham Palace that he wanted to do something similar back home. So he had his guards receive three months of training, where they would sit perfectly still for around four hours. They werent allowed to talk or smile, eat, drink, or even shoo away(驱赶)a fly if it

11、sat on their faces. In the end, Abdul proved the best of the group, so he got the strange job.Abdul isnt the only person in the world acting as a living statue, but what makes him special is the fact that he can do it for as long as six hours without even blinking his eyes. Once, a $ 155 prize was p

12、ut up for anyone who can make him move a muscle. But try as they might, no one has ever succeeded. Actually, Abdul tries to move about as much as he can in his spare time, and only eats healthy home-cooked food, to keep his body in shape. But he claims yoga has been the biggest help. In the 32 years

13、, Abdul has become a celebrity(名人) in India and other Asian countries. Many Bollywood celebrities have come to witness this living statue and try to finally make him move, but none have succeeded.Abdul earns about 10,000 rupees ($ 156) a month, which is enough to support his family, but definitely n

14、ot enough to encourage his children to follow in his footsteps. Its just too stressful and taxing on the body. Despite all the hardship and health problems, I love my job and I am thankful to people for the love and respect they have showered on me he says. When the time comes, I want to die playing

15、 a statue.4. What is Abduls daily routine?A. Performing as a living statue. B. Proving to be a living person.C. Smiling at his customers. D. Keeping his body in shape.5. Why could Abdul get the strange job given by his boss?A. He had his special ambition. B. He was most familiar with the job.C. He s

16、tood out among the group. D. He knew the boss more than others.6. What does Abdul do in his spare time?A. He eats a lot of snacks. B. He practices yoga for 12 hours a day.C. He cooks for his family. D. He always moves a lot.7. How does Abdul feel about his job according to the text?A. Its overpaid.

17、B. Its satisfying. C. Its boring. D. Its instructiveCGo ahead, I told Linda. Pick up the rock, and see whats under it.Her 4-year-old arms struggled with the rock buried in the stream bed. Her eyes got big as she examined the worms(蠕虫) after their nest was uncovered. She watched quietly, as they walk

18、ed past her foot. She gently put the rock back and said, Are there worms under all the rocks?This wasnt school-it was a nature-based summer camp in New Yorks Hudson Valley that I ran when I was 17. When I turned the kids over to their parents at the end of the day, they were tired, inspired by natur

19、e and knowledge.Finlands forest kindergartens use the natural world as a jumping off point for early academic instruction to make them enjoy learning. Finland is following in the footsteps of other European countries including Denmark, where outdoor education has been common for many years.In the Fi

20、nnish program, kids spend four days of a week, from 8:30a. m. to 6:30p.m., outside with a teacher. Built into the program is quite a bit of playtime. Kids get a lot of exercise and lesson plans are freely made so teachers can use whats at hand and in season in their lessons.While all this sounds les

21、s strict than a classroom-based kindergarten program, the results show that these types of programs have better results for overall physical health as well as academic performance and social development. But arent the kids who do this coming from wealthy, educated communities-so, of course they scor

22、e better on tests? In fact, the greatest gains from spending time outdoors can be found in kids who are coming from less advantageous background. At a school near Atlanta, where kids spend 30 percent of their day outside, students have improved scores more than students from any other school in thei

23、r area, and most of the kids there come from poor families.8. Why did the author ask Linda to turn over the rock?A. To help Linda be independent. B. To see if Linda had enough courage.C. To give Linda a chance to study nature. D. To teach Linda how to protect animals.9. Whats the purpose of Finlands

24、 forest kindergartens?A. To help kids learn about forests. B. To popularize outdoor education.C. To show the importance of play. D. To develop kids interest in study.10. Compared with classroom-based kindergartens, forest kindergartens .A. seem to be less tiring B. have no fixed lesson plansC. set m

25、any strict rules D. have no teachers around11. What is an advantage of outdoor programs according to the last paragraph?A. Kids joining them score higher on tests. B. They help change poor kids families.C. They do good to communities. D. Kids meet people who are different from them.DIn 2015, astrona

26、ut Scott Kelly made himself a guinea pig for NASAs twins study, designed to see what spaceflight does to the human body. It was for all the people who dream of human journeys to Mars(火星) and other destinations in space. Kelly rode a rocket into space and spent nearly a year on the International Spac

27、e Station in low Earth orbit(轨道), while his identical twin brother, Mark Kelly, served as the comparison subject and stayed on Earths surface.The full results, published Thursday in the journal Science, showed that Scott Kelly experienced numerous physiological and chromosomal (染色体的) changes during

28、his long stay in orbit, including changes in gene expression. His immune system(免疫系统) went on high alert(高度戒备) , both when he went to space and upon returning to Earth. His body acted as if it were under attack.One of the most dramatic findings concerned epigenetics(实验胚胎学)-how genes are turned on or

29、 off to produce proteins. Gene expression changed in both Kellys during the study but in significantly different ways. The study found that more than 90 percent of Scott Kellys gene expression changes returned to normal when he landed on the surface. His telomeres(染色体端粒) , structures which break ove

30、r time as part of the natural aging process, lengthened in space. But that didnt necessarily mean being younger, the study found, because most telomeres shortened dramatically when he returned to Earth.Months later, tests showed that slight changes in telomeres length still remained and left some in

31、fluence on Scott Kelly, which means he and his brother are no longer identical twins. He might be at some increased risk for cardiovascular(心血管的) disease or some types of cancer, said Susan Bailey, a biologist at Colorado State University who led one of the investigations in the study.However, the r

32、esearchers, echoing(重复) what NASA has suggested previously, said the twins study turned up no showstoppers-no shocking health consequences that would surely prevent a human mission to Mars or similar long-duration mission.12. What does the underlined expression a guinea pig in Paragraph 1 mean?A. a person who is strong enough to become an astronaut.B. a person who is a leader of space exploration.C. a person who is picked out for a scientific experiment.D. a person who is faced with the harsh effects of spac

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