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人教新版英语三下 全册教案2.docx

1、人教新版英语三下 全册教案2Teaching planGrade three by: ShujinshuiRevisionI. Teaching aim: Consolidate the dialogues and vocabularies in Unit1,2,3. Can apply comprehensively the knowledge they learnt.II. Teaching emphasis: Consolidate the dialogues and vocabularies in Unit1,2,3.III. Teaching difficulty: Can appl

2、y comprehensively the knowledge they learnt.IV. Teaching time:three periodsThe 1 periodTeaching aim: Revise the contents in Unit 1.Teaching materials: letter cards, person tires, tape, picture.Teaching process:I. Lets sing and dance.“Boy and Girl”II. T make the dialogue with some students.T: Good mo

3、rning!S: Good morning!T: I am Miss xu. I am from China. Where are you from?S: I am I am from III. Lets practices in groups.S1:Hello!This is my friendS2: Hello! Nice to meet you!S3: Nice to meet you! Where are you from?S2: I am fromS1: Good bye.S3: Good bye!IV. Revise the letters and words.1.T show t

4、he letter card one by one ,students read it out quickly.2.T lead students to find out the words which the beginning letter is abcde. 3.Lets chant together,ABCV. Lets do following the tape. Do it together or in pairs. VI. Guessing Game: Ask a student come to the front, then cover his eyes. Other stud

5、ents make some voices. He guess that is boy or girls voice. 反思:经过假期的休息,学生对上期的知识有一点生疏.虽然游戏、活动的兴趣依然高涨,但课堂有点松散,近几节课需要花点时间营造活而不乱的课堂氛围。The 2 periodTeaching aim: Revise the contents in Unit 2.Teaching materials: letter cards, person tires, tape, picture,CAITeaching process:I. Lets sing and dance.“Father a

6、nd Mother”II. Ask some student come to the front and act the dialogue.S1: Whos that woman?S2: She is my mother.S3: Whos this boy?S2: He is my brother.III. Lets practice the dialogue in pairs.S1:Look!This is my family.S2: Oh!Whos this man?S1: Hes my grandfather.S2:Whos that woman?S1: Thats my mother.

7、S2: Whos that girl?S1: Shes my sister.IV. Revise the letters and words.1.T show the letter card one by one ,students read it out quickly.2.T lead students to find out the words which the beginning letter is fghij. 3.Lets chant together and clap the hands. 4.Lets do following the tape. 5. Lets play m

8、y familier.Ask a student say a word, others play the role by action.T play the familier, students say the words quickly.6.Guessing Game. (CAI) 反思:CAI辅助的“猜一猜”游戏,效果很好。人物快速的随机变化,强烈吸引了学生的目光,活动的参与率达到了95%以上。The 3 periodTeaching aim: Revise the contents in Unit 3.Teaching materials: letter cards, number ca

9、rds, tape, picture, ballTeaching process:I. Lets sing and dance.“One Two Three Four Five”II. Students count from 1 to 20.T say the word, and students do it out.III. Students play the dialogue one by one.(S1 take out the crayons)S1: Hi! Look at my new crayons!S2: Oh! How nice! How many crayons do you

10、 have?S3: 1 2 3S2: You have crayons!.IV. Ask two students come to the front and act the dialogue.V. Revise the letters and words.1.T show the letter card one by one ,students read it out quickly.2.T lead students to find out the words which the beginning letter is jklmm. 3.Lets play. Ask a student b

11、ound the ball, others count together.4.Lets do following the tape. VI. Guessing Game. Ask some students hide behind the teaching table acting cat, A student ask:How many cats can you see? Others guess:I can see Recycle 1I. Teaching aim: Revise the dialogues in Unit1,2,3and apply comprehensively the

12、dialogue in circumstances.Revise the vocabulary about familier, number Can apply comprehensively the knowledge they learnt.II. Teaching emphasis: Consolidate the dialogues and vocabularies in Unit1,2,3.II. Teaching difficulty: Can apply comprehensively the knowledge they learnt.The 1 periodTeaching

13、aim: Revise the dialogues in Unit 1,2,3. Do some practice to improve the students integrating skills.Teaching materials: letter cards, number cards, tape, picture,Teaching process:I. Warm up1. T make the daily dialogue with some students.T:Hello.Im Whats your name?S1: Im T: Nice to meet you.S1: Nice

14、 to meet you,too.T: Im from Where are from?S1: Im from.T(to class):This is our new friendC: Welcome!2. Students practice the dialogue in groups.3. Everyone sing this song,Hello, claping their hands.4. Revise numbers.T ask with gesture: Whats 3/6/4/7/8 and 5/8/7/9/4?.Students answer quickly.5. T draw

15、 some lines on the blackboard,and ask: Whats on the blackboard? How many can you see?Students guess and answer: I can seeII.Presentation1. T take out a box,and say: Look! I have Guess! What is in the box?Students guess in English. T say :Lets open it and see. Then take out the things one by one.At l

16、ast, teach to read: chocolates and cookies!2. T pass the box to a student and say :Open it and see, How many chocolates? Lets count!Others count following this student.3. Students listen to the tape and answer questions. Whos that boy? Whos that girl? Whats in the box? How many chocolates?反思:夏天,我们注意



19、:我们是保健小能手1、在自然界有蜻蜓、青蛙等益虫帮助我们消灭蚊蝇,那么在生活中我们怎样对待这些蚊子呢?请同学们先看几个动画片,再来回答老师的问题好吗?播放十万个为什么?动画:()为什么蚊子在黑暗处也知道有人?()为什么夏天蚊子多,冬天看不见蚊子?()夏天的傍晚为什么蚊子爱(绿色圃中小学教育网 http:/WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址()为什么被蚊子叮后涂点肥皂水就不痒了?2、出示课件:“夏天活动时,我们应该注意什么?”学生边看课件图片边回答。3、开展“我是小医师”活动。创设情景,让学生利用手里的药品现场解决蚊虫叮咬的情况,并介绍这些药品的作用及使用方法。4、夏天为什么有时会有头晕、恶心



22、学会照顾家人。 The 2 periodTeaching aim:Revise the letters.Do some practice to improve the students integrating skills.Teaching materials: letter cards, number cards, tape, person tiresTeaching process:I. Warm up1.Play this song, Father and Mother. Students sing and dance.2. Ask some students act the dialo

23、gue in Lets act” with tires.3. Students play the Guessing Game in pairs.S1: Hello!Whats in your pencil-box?S2: Guess!S1: Pencils!S2: How many pencils?S1: Lets count!4. T show a family photo, introduce the familiars.Students introduce their familiars one by one. II.Presentation1. Ask three students c

24、ome to the front and make a family with T.T say: Im mother.Who plays father? Then actors introduce himself one by one. 2. Play the recorder. Students chant following the tape.T emphasize some sentences in the chant.III. Practice1. Students act the chant together.2. T show the letter cards, student r

25、ead it out quickly.3. Show the picture, Listen, jump and read. T demonstrate to play the game with a student.Students play the game in pairs.The 3 periodTeaching aim:Revise the family words and letters . Can sing this song,The More We Get TogetherTeaching materials: letter cards, number cards, tapeT

26、eaching process:I. Warm up1. Students sing this song,Boy and Girl, claping their hands.2. Students practice the daily dialogue.S1: Hello!How many pencils in your pencil-box?S2: Lets count!Oh!S1:I have new crayons!S2: Oh! How many crayons do you have?(count together)II. Practice1. Ask four students c

27、ome to the front and make a family.Others chant and clap following the tape.2. Play the recorder, students hum the song, The More We Get Together.T teach to sing.Students sing the song together, and act the song in groups.III. Assessment Students dictation the letters.Unit 4 Do you like pears?Teachi

28、ng aim: 1.Can understand and say:Do you like? Yes,I like/No,I dont like What about ? Yes, please. I like very much. Lets have some Certainly. Can apply the dialogue in circumstance. 2.Can understand and speak some fruit vocabulary and some words which the beginning letter is opqrst. 3. Can know,spea

29、k,read and write the letters, O,P,Q,R,S,T.V. Teaching emphasis: Grasp the dialogues and vocabularies in Unit4.VI. Teaching difficulty: Can apply comprehensively the knowledge they learnt.VII. Teaching time: 12 periodsThe 1 periodTeaching aim: Can understand ,know and speak the fruit wordspeach,orang

30、e,pear,watermelon.Teaching materials: tape, fresh fruit, word cards.Teaching process:I. Warm up1. Play the recorder, students chant and dance, I Can See A Rainbow.2. Practice the daily dialogue.Good morning! Good morning!How old are you?I am Whos that boy?Hes 3. Review the color words.II. Presentation1. T take out a pear and say, Look! I have a pear. Its yellow. Teach to read.Students read the word one by one.2. T say: This fruit is orange, please guess whats it ? Students gue

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