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高中 英语Unit 6 Drama.docx

1、高中 英语Unit 6 Drama 高中 英语Unit 6 Drama(考试总分:100 分 考试时间: 120 分钟)一、 阅读理解 (本题共计 10 小题,每题 10 分,共计100分)1、2017 has seen great diversity in Chinese variety shows both on TV and on video sites. Here weve rounded up some of the most popular shows from 2017. Which entertained you most?Cultural TV programs make a

2、 comebackCultural TV programs have made a comeback this year. TV shows such as Readers and National Treasure rekindled peoples interest in traditional culture and enhanced their knowledge. China Central Television s Readers, for example, sparked fresh enthusiasm for Chinese literature. The weekly sh

3、ow, aired from February to May, invited people from all walks of lifemostly celebritiesto read aloud pieces of classical poems , essays and books they like or wrote. Voicerecording booths were also set up across the country for recording and broadcast use. The booths attracted throngs of ordinary pe

4、ople who hoped to make appearances on the countrys largest state TV network. Life slows downThis year also marked the success of programs that seek slower- paced lifestyles such as Back to Field, The Chinese Restaurant, and Dear, Inn. The Chinese Restaurant stars famous actresses, actors and a TV ho

5、stess. They run a Chinese restaurant on the Thai island of Koh Chang to bring Chinese delicacies to foreign people and to help Chinese travelers experience hometown tastes. The ultimate goal of the show is to help spread Chinas culture to people overseas. In addition to well-known Chinese dishes, th

6、e beautiful seashore , the sound of waves and lives on the island also brought refreshing experiences to audiences. Family bondWhere are we going, Dad? entered its fifth season in 2017, featuring celebrity dads on camping trips with their children. Four years after its first season was produced and

7、aired on Hunan Satellite TV, its popularity has stayed steady. In each season , fathers and children are taken to remote villages to experience rural lives. Through teamwork in the field, their family bonds, personalities and parenting styles are captured on camera. 37. From the passage we can know

8、_. A. People who like Readers are mainly adults. B. Only famous persons can read in Readers. C. More and more people are interested in shows about Chinese culture. D. Readers is broadcast all year round. 38. Apart from spreading Chinas culture, The Chinese Restaurant also attracts audience for its _

9、. A. Nice scenery B. Ancient buildingsC. Amazing stories D. Surprising gifts39. Which statement about Where are we going, Dad? is true?A. It started in 2012 in CCTV. B. It features celebrity dads on camping trips with their sons. C. It is about fathers and their children travelling in cities. D. It

10、is likely to be enjoyed by all family members. 2、We started in 1993 with a simple idea: that people could help each other by sharing stories about their lives. For years people had told our founders, motivational speakers Jack and Mark, inspiring stories about themselves. Jack and Mark included thes

11、e stories in their talks, and their audiences repeatedly asked if they had ever been published. ” That story about the boy and the puppyis that in a book anywhere?” a parent asked Jack. “That story about the boy with the amputated (截肢) leg who became a tennis star, I need to read that to my staff, ”

12、 a manager told him. Jack was asked repeatedly, “ Is that story in a book anywhere?”Eventually Jack and Mark decided their audiences must be on to something, so they collected the best 101 stories theyd been told in a book. They called it Chicken Soup for the Soul because they wanted it to provide c

13、omfort just like their grandmothers cooking. They took the book to New York, hoping to sell it to one of the big publishers but every single one turned them down. The project appeared to have stalled until they met Peter Vegso, the owner of a small health and wellness polisher in Florida named HCI.

14、Peter read some of the stories and loved them, so he decided to give the book a chance, becoming Chicken Soup for the Souls founding publisher. Never, in Jack and Marks wildest dreams had they imagined what the book would become. Chicken Soup for the Soul turned into one of the most popular and love

15、d books ever published, selling 11 million copies around the world. Readers asked for more stories so we published a “second helping” of Chicken Soup for the Soul and a third after that, Today, weve published more than 250 books, which have become the best-selling trade paperback book series of all

16、time. 9. What droved Jack and Mark to publish these inspiring stores?A. The rich source of good stories. B. The good chance to be famous. C. The benefits from the book. D. The demand of audience10. How did the title of the book come from?A. The taste of chicken. B. The way of cookingC. The purpose o

17、f the book. D. The experiences of children. 11. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “stalled” in Paragraph 3?A. Stopped. B. Failed. C. Succeeded. D. Progressed. 12. What do we know from the last paragraph?A. The wildest dreams of two people. B. An unexpected success of a bookC. An

18、 introduction to a series of books. D. Calling on people to buy a best seller. 3、For many, music is as important to the human experience as eating and breathing. We hear music everywhereat home, the gym, parties and stores. But what kind of music do we prefer to listen to, and when and why do our mu

19、sical preferences change?The relationship between the change of seasons and musical preferences was the focus of a study led by psychologist Terry Pettijohn. He and his team based their research on a previous study that examined the relationship between popular music preferences and the Environmenta

20、l Security Hypothesis (假设). The results showed that over time, when social and financial conditions were more risky, the songs of the year that were slower, longer, more comforting and serious were most popular. And during periods in which social and financial conditions were generally stable, the r

21、esult is opposite.Building on these findings, Pettijohn and his team wondered if the Hypothesis could also be applied to the change of seasons. For college students, the participants in this study autumn begins at the start of the academic school year. Gone are the carefree days of summer,when schoo

22、l is out. When summer comes clocks fall back, stealing an hour of daylight, which feel like losing precious time. Winter means colder temperatures, shorter days, and, in many places in the country, snow. Spring, however, is a different story. It represents a fresh starts and when clocks spring forwa

23、rd, we gain an extra hour of day light. As students walk into summer, theyre absorbed in the sunshine and social activityand enjoy a break from school.But do changing seasonal conditions influence musical preferences? To answer this question, the researchers designed two studies. What did they find?

24、 Both groups of college students favored more serious music during the seasons of fall and winter, and more active and energetic music during the spring and summer seasons. And these findings, Pettijohn argues, have practical significances.37. The purpose of the question raised in Paragraph 1 is to

25、_.A. present a different opinion on musicB. prove where to listen to music mattersC. introduce the topic on musical preferencesD. stress the importance of music to humans38. What influences a persons choice of music types according to the previous study?A. Whether one has enough free time.B. Whether

26、 one lives in a stable situation.C. Whether one is exposed to sunlight.D. Whether one chooses to change his life.39. What does Paragraph 3 imply?A. Spring has a special meaning to people.B. Students arent fond of school in any season.C. The Hypothesis disagrees with Pettijohns studies.D. The length

27、of summer time is longer than winter time.40. How does Pettijohn feel about the findings of his studies?A. Its unexpected. B. Its significant.C. Its humorous. D. Its discouraging.4、“A good book might clarify something you knew little about, transform your world view, or move you in ways you didnt th

28、ink possible. The Soul of an Octopus (章鱼) delivers on all three, ”the magazine New Scientist commented.After writing about birds, pigs and tigers, US naturalist Sy Montgomery decided to choose these many-footed animals as the subject of her latest book, The Soul of an Octopus: a surprising explorati

29、on into the wonder of consciousness.“Here is animal with poisonous liquid like a snake,a beak (喙) like a parrot,and ink like an old-fashioned pen. It can weigh as much as a man and extend as long as a car, yet it can pour its baggy; boneless body through an opening the size of all orange. It can cha

30、nge color and shape. It has a tongue covered with teeth. It can taste with its skin.” Montgomery explained to the National Geographic on why octopuses inspired her.What Montgomery is able to show in The Soul of an Octopus is that octopuses are creatures who exhibit personality, intelligence and emot

31、ion, despite having nervous systems completely different from our own. She uses different experiments to show that they possess consciousness as well as individual personalities. For example, based on her research, she finds out that Octavia, an octopus caught in the wild, is friendly and good at mu

32、lti-tasking. And Kali, another octopus,who has been living at the New England Aquarium, is playful and loves exploring.Montgomery is a good storyteller. Through her study of, and communication with, these extraordinary creatures she shares what she learns from both science and her experiences. Her skillful writing presents facts together with personal description, which makes the book very informative but easy to read.61. Why is The Soul of an Octopus thought highly of ?A. It is them

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