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1、ICC国际销售合同B合同仅用于旨在转售的制成品适用各方ICC国际销售合同B合同(仅用于旨在转售的制成品)适用各方第1条概述1.General11这些一般条款旨在与Icc国际货物销售同(仅用于旨在转售的制成品)的具体条款(A部分)结合使用。但亦可单独并入任何销售合同。在一般条款(B部分)独立于具体条款(A部分)而单独使用的情况下,B部分中任何对A部分之援引都将被解释为是对双方约定的任何相关的具体条款之援引。一旦一般条款与双方约定的具体条款相抵触,则以具体条款为准。1.1These General Conditions are intended to be applied together wit

2、h the Specific Conditions (Part A)of the ICC International Sale Contract (Manufactured Goods Intended for Resale),but they may also be incorporated on their own into any sale Contract. Where these General Conditions (Part B) are used independently of the said specific Conditions (Part A) ,any refere

3、nce in Part B to Part Awill be interpreted as a reference to any relevant specific cinditions agreed by the parties. In case of contradiction between these General Conditions and any specific conditions agreed upon between the parties,the specific conditions shall prevail.12本合同本身所包含的条款(即一般条款和双方约定的任何

4、具体条款)没有有明示或默示解决的任何与合同有关的问题,应由:1.2Any questions relating to this Contract which are not expressly or implicitly settled by the provisions contained in the Contract itself (i. e.these General Conditions and any specific conditions agreed upon by the parties)shall be governed:a)联合国国际货物销售合同公约(1980年维也纳公约

5、。以下称GIGS)管辖;(a)by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention of 1980, hereafter referred to as CISG), andb)在cISG对这些问题未作规定的情况下,则参照卖方营业地所在国的法律来处理。(b)to the extent that such questions are not covered by CISG,by reference to the law of the country w

6、here the Seller has his place of business.13任问对贸易术语(如EXW、FcA等)之援引都视为是对国际商会出版的INcOTERMS的相关术语之援引。1.3Any reference made to trade terms (such as EXW, FCA,etc. )is deemed to be made to the relevant term of INCOTERMS published by the International Chamber of Commerce.14任何对国际商会出版物之援引都视为是对合同成立时的现行版本之援引。1.4A

7、ny reference made to a publication of the International Chamber of Commerce is deemed to be made to.the version current at the date of conclusion of the Contract.15除非书面约定或证明,任何对合同的修改都是无效的。但,若一方当人的行为已为另一万当事人信赖,那么,就此而言,该方当事人就不得主张此项规定。1.5No modification of the Contract is valid unless agreed or evidenc

8、ed in writing. However, a party may be precluded by his conduct from asserting this provision to the extent that the other party has relied on that conduct.第2条货物特征2.Characteristics of the goods21双方约定,除非合同明确提及,卖方所提供的商品目录、说明书、传单、广告、图示、价目表中包含的任何有关货物及其用途的信息,如重量、大小、容量、价格、颜色以及其他数据,都不得作为合同条款而生效。2.1It is ag

9、reed that any information relating to the goods and their use,such as weights,dimensions, capacities,prices, colours and other data contained in catalogues, prospectuses, circulars, advertise ments,illustrations,price - lists of the Seller,shall not take effect as terms of the Contract unless expres

10、sly referred to in the Contract.22除非另有约定,尽管买方有可能得到软件、图纸等、但他并未因此而获得它们的产权。卖方仍是与货物有关的知识产权或工业产权的唯一所有者。2.2Unless otherwise agreed,the Buyer does not acquire any property rights in software,drawings etc. which may have been made available to him.Ths Seller also remains the exclusive owner of any intellect

11、ual or industrial property rights relating to the goods.第3条货物在装运前的检验3.Inspection of the goods before shipment若双方已约定买方有权在装运前检验货物,则卖方必须在装运前一个合理时间内通知买方货物已在约定地点备妥待验。If the parties have agreed that the Buyer is entitled to inspect the goods before shipment, the Seller must notify the Buyer within a reaso

12、nable time before the shipment that the goods are ready for inspection at the agreed place.第4条价格4.price41如果没有约定价格,则应采用合同成立时卖方现行价目表上所列价格。若无此价格,则应采用合同成立时此类货物的一般定价。4.1If no price has been agreed,the Sellers current list price at the time of the conclusion of the Contract shall apply. In the absence of

13、such a current vist price,the price generally charged for such goods at the time of the conclusion of the Contract shall apply.42除非另有书面约定,此价格不包括增值税,并且不能进行价格调整。4.2Unless otherwise agreed in writing,the price does not include VAT,and is not subject to price adjustment.43A-2表格所示价格(合同价格),包括卖方根据合同所负的任何费用

14、。但,如果卖方负担了按合同规定应由买方承担的任何费用(例则EXW和FcA术语下的运费或保险费),那么,此数额不应认为已包括在A2表格所示的价格中,而应由买方偿还卖方。4.3The price indicated under A - 2(Contract price)includes any costs which are at the Seller s charge according to this Contract. However,should the Seller bear any costs which, according to this Contract,are for Buye

15、r s account (e. g. for transportation or insurance under EXW or FCA), such sums shall not be considered as having been included in the price under A - 2 and shall be reimbursed by the Buyer.第5条支付条件5.Payment conditions51除非另有书面的,或可从双方间先前交易做法推知的其他约定价款和任何其他买方欠卖方的金额,应以赊帐方式支付,并且支付时间为自发票日起30天。到期金额,除非另有约定,应

16、以电传方式划拨至卖方所在国的卖方银行。记入卖方帐户;并且当各别拥金额以即可动用之资金形式由卖方银行收讫时,就认为买方已履行了其付款义务。5.1Unless otherwise agreed in writing,or implied from a prior course of dealing between the parties,payment of the price and of any other sums due by the Buyer to the seler shall be on open account and time of payment shall be 30, d

17、ays from the date of invoice. The amounts due shall be trans ferred.unless otherwise agreed, by teletransmission to the Sellers band in the sellers country for the account of the Seller and the Buyer shall be deemed to have performed his payment obligations when the respective sums due have been rec

18、eived by the Sellers band in immediately availablefunds.52若双方约定贷款预付且再无其他表示,则除非另有约定,应认为该预付款是对全部价款的预付,已必须在约定的交货日期必约定交货期间的第一天前至少30天,以即可动用的资金形式由卖方银行收讫。如果双方约定仅预付一部分合同价款,则余额的付款条件按本条所述规则办理。5.2If the parties have agreed on payment in advance,without further indication,it well be assumed that such advance pa

19、yment,unless otherwise agreed,refers to the full price, and that the advancd payment must be reveived by the Sellers band in immediately available funds at least 30 days before the agreed date of delivery or the earliest date within the agreed delivery period. If advance payment has been agreed only

20、 for a part of the Contract price,the payment conditions of the remaining amount will be determined according to the rules set forth in this article.53如果双方约定以跟单信用证方式付款,那么,除非另有约定,根据国际商会出版的跟单信用证统一惯例,买方必须安排一家信誉良好的银行开出以卖方为受益人的跟单信用证,并且必须在约定的交货日期或约定的交货期的第一天前至少30天通知卖方。除非另有约定,跟单信用证的兑现方式应为即期付款,并允许分批装运和转运。5.3

21、If the parties have agreed on payment by documentarycredit, then, unless otherwise agreed,the Buyer must arrange for a documentary credit in favour of the Seller to be issued by a reputable band ,subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary credits published by the International Chamb

22、er of Commerce, and to be notified at least 30 days before the agreed date of delivery or at least 30 days before the earliest date within the agreed delivery period. Unless otherwise agreed ,the documentary credit shall be payable at sight and allow partial shipments and transhipments.54若双方约定以限单托收方

23、式付款,则除非另有约定,应为付款交单(DP)。在任何情况下,交单都应按国际商会出版的托收统一规则办理。5.4If the parties have agreed on payment by documentary collection, then unless otherwise agreed,documents will be tenderde against payment(D/P)and the tender will in any ease be subject to the Uniform Rules for Collections published by the Internat

24、ional Chamber of Commerce.55在双方已约定货款支付由银行保函作担保的措况下,买方应在约定的交货日期前至少30天或在约定的交货期间第一天前至少30天,通过一家信誉良好的银行,根据国际商会出版的见索即付保函统一规则,提供见索即付的银行保函,或,根据此规则或国际商会出版的跟单信用证统一惯例,开立备用信用证。5.5To the extent that the parties have agreed that payment is to be backed by a band guaran tee, the Buyer is to provide, at least 30 da

25、ys before the agreed date of delivery or at least 30 days before the earliest date within the agreed delivery period,a first demand bank guarantee subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees published by the International Chamber of Commerce, or a standby letter of creit subject eithr to such

26、 Rules or to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits published by the International Chamber of Commerce,in either case is sued by a reputable bank.第6条延迟付款的利息6.Interest in cast of delayed pay merit61如果一方有一定金额的款项到期未付,则另一方有权取得该款项自到期日至付款日的利息。6.1If a paryt does not pay a sum of money whe

27、n it falls due the other party is entitled to interest upon that sum from the time when payment is due to the time of payment.62除非另有约定,利率应比付款地支付货币现行的对信誉良好借款者计收的银行平均短期贷款利率高%。若在该地没有这样一个利率,则以付款货币国的同一利率为准。如果两地都没有这样的利率,则应以付款货币国法律所确定的适当利率为准。6.2Unless otherwise agreed,the rate of interest shall be 2% above

28、 the average bank shortterm lending rate to prime borrowers prevailing for the currency of payment at the place of payment, or where no such rate exists at that place, then the same rate in the State of the currency of payment.In the absece of such a rate at either place the rate of interest shall b

29、e the appropriate rate fixed by the law of the State of the currency of payment.第7条所有权的估留7.Retention of title若双方已经有效地同意保留所有权,则在付款完毕前,货物所有权仍属卖方。或按其他约定。If the parties have validly agreed on retention of title, the goods shall remain the property of the Seller until the complete payment of the price, o

30、r as otherwise agreed.第8条合同交货术语8.Contratual term of delivery除非另有约定,应以工厂交货(EXW)为交货术语。Unless otherwise agreed,delivery shall be Ex Works(EXW).第9条单据9.Documents除非另有约定,卖方应提供适用的国际商会贸易术语所指明的单据(如果有的话);若无国际商会贸易术语可适用,刚按先前交易做法办理。Unless otherwise agreed ,the Seller must provide the documents (if any)indicated i

31、n the applicable Incoterm or,if on Incoterm is applicable,according to any previous couse of dealing.第10条迟延交货、不交货及其相应的救济措施10.Late - delivery, non - delivery and remedies therefor101如果发生任何货物的迟延交付,则买方有权要求预定损害赔偿。每迟延一整周,其金额为该些货物价款的%,或约定其他比率,但以买方通知卖方交货迟延为前提。买方在约定的交货日期后15天内照此通知卖方,则损害赔偿金应从约定的交货日或约定的交货期间的最后

32、一天起草,如果买方在约定的交货日期后超过15天才通知卖方,刚损害赔偿金应从通知日起算。延迟交货的预定损害赔偿金不应超过迟交货物价款的%,或其他可能约定的最高数额。10.1When there is delay in delivery of any goods,the Buyer is entitled to claim liquidated damages equal to 0.5% or such other percentage as may be agreed of the price of those goods for each complete week of delay,provided the Buyer notifies the Seller of the delay. Where the Buyer so notifies the Seller within 15 days from the agreed date of delivery, damages will run from the agreed date of d

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