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1、广东广州中考专题英语中考复习新题型专练一2020广东广州中考专题英语中考复习新题型专练(一)(一)一、语法选择1、It was one of the hottest days of the dry season、 We had not seen rain(1)_ almost a month、 The crops were dying、 If we(2)_ see any rain soon, we would lose everything、I was making lunch in the kitchen when I saw my(3)_ son, Billy, walking towa

2、rds the woods、 He was walking with a great efforttrying to be as still as possible、 Minutes later, he was once again walking towards the woods、 I(4)_ stand it any longer、 I went out of the house and followed him、He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked, being very careful not to spill(

3、溢出)the water he carried、As I came closer, I saw(5)_ sight、 Several large deer stood in front of him、 Billy walked straight up to them、 I almost screamed for him to get away、 But the deer(6)_ hurt him nor even moved as Billy got down、 And then I saw a baby deer(7)_ on the ground, thirsty, lift its he

4、ad to lap up(舔)the water in my boys hands、 When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house、 I followed him back to a tap、 Billy opened it and let the drip slowly fill up his “cup”、(8)_ he stood up and began to turn back, I was there in front of him、 His little eyes were (9)_ with t

5、ears、 Very quickly, he explained(10)_ he was not wasting water、 The week before, he had made(11)_ same trouble with our horses,(12)_ caused him a lecture from his father about the importance of not wasting water、This time, I joined him, with a small pot of water from the kitchen、 I let him(13)_ the

6、baby deer alone, for it was(14)_ job、 As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground, they(15)_ by other dropsmore dropsand more、 I looked up at the sky、 All I can say is that the rain came that day saved our farm, just like the actions of one little boy who saved the little deer、 (1)

7、A、inB、atC、forD、since (2)A、didntB、doesntC、wasntD、isnt (3)A、six years oldB、six-year-oldC、six-years-oldD、six-year old (4)A、cantB、couldntC、mustntD、wouldnt (5)A、surprisingB、most surprisingC、the most surprisedD、the most surprising (6)A、eitherB、neitherC、bothD、none (7)A、layB、to lieC、lyingD、lies (8)A、WhenB、I

8、fC、ThoughD、Because (9)A、full withB、filled withC、filled ofD、fill with (10)A、whichB、whatC、whyD、that (11)A、aB、anC、theD、/ (12)A、whichB、whatC、whoD、whose (13)A、take care ofB、takes care ofC、taking care ofD、to take care of (14)A、himselfB、itselfC、hisD、him (15)A、joinB、were joiningC、joinedD、were joined二、阅读填空2、

9、 阅读短文及文后A-E选项,选出可以填入1-5各题空白处的最佳选项。What will the car be like in the future? Do we still have to learn to drive cars ourselves in the future? The answer is No、(1)_About40 years ago, scientists from the United States started to develop self-driving cars、(2)_ The most famous recent one was made by Googl

10、e in全文结束、 There are cameras and radars on the top of the car、 They allow the computer in the car to draw a3D map of the environment、(3)_ The car made a trip from Changsha to Wuhan、Is a self-driving car safe?(4)_ If only10% of the cars on the street are self-driving, they will save1,000 lives every y

11、ear、 If90% percent of vehicles are self-driving,21,700 lives will be saved a year、(5)_ So it is impossible to be very popular in the near future、A、 However, a self-driving car is expensive and each costs about100,000、B、 A recent study shows that robots make safer drivers than humans、C、 Chinese scien

12、tists have also successfully developed a self-driving car、D、 They have made great progress these years、E、 Maybe we can sit in a car that can drive itself、三、单词拼写3、 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺的单词。(每空限填一词)(1)I r_ a letter from my e-friend Jim last week、(2)I d_ with you、 I dont think that UFO really exists、(3)T

13、here are many u_ things that we want to explore、(4)The earthquake d_ the whole city in one night、(5)The police are searching the whole mountain for the m_ climbers、(6)Heavy traffic may c_ the air pollution、四、完成句子4、 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)(1)人们太残忍了,杀害那么多野生动物。It is _ _ people _ _ so many wild ani

14、mals、(2)昨晚我在给妈妈写信时,弟弟正在清洁房间。While I _ _ to my mother, my brother _ _ the room last night、(3)为了给妈妈买礼物,那个小男孩将每个硬币都存了起来。_ _ _ _ his mother a present, the little boy saved every coin、(4)你能告诉我世界上最高的山在哪里吗?Can you tell me _ _ _ _ in the world is?(5)工人们把这部机器分成了五部分。This machine _ _ into five parts by the wor

15、kers、(6)如果你想出去,请穿上大衣。_ _ _ _ go out, please put on your coat、(7)我过去常常七点钟出发去学校。I _ _ _ _ at7 to school、参考答案与试题解析xx-xx广东广州中考专题英语中考复习新题型专练(一)一、语法选择1、【答案】 CABBDBCABDCAACD【考点】九年级下记叙文完形各种时态的被动语态介词辨析形容词辨析定冠词人物故事类时态辨析形容词的比较级和最高级代词辨析固定搭配定语从句从属连词动词短语动名词情态动词【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】(1)C 考查介词辨析。本句用的是过去完成时,for后跟一段时间。句意:几乎有

16、一个月我们没见过雨了。(2)A 考查时态辨析。通篇讲的是过去发生的事,主句用过去将来时,if条件从句用一般过去时表“过去”的将来。(3)B 考查形容词辨析。这里是“数词+名词单数+形容词”构成复合形容词作定语的用法,中间用连字符。(4)B 考查情态动词。通篇讲的是过去的事,用过去时。couldnt表示“不能”wouldnt表示“不愿意”。根据句意,“我再也忍不住了”,选B。(5)D 考查形容词的最高级。“让人惊奇的”,用surprising,sight“看见的景象”,是可数名词,前面须有冠词,排除A和B。句意:我看到了最令人不可思议的一幕。(6)B 考查代词辨析。neithenor“既不也不”

17、。当比利蹲下时,那些鹿既不伤害他,甚至也不走动。(7)C 考查动名词。see sb、doing“看到某人正在做”。句意:那时,我看到一只干渴的小鹿躺在地上,抬起头来舔我儿子手里的水。(8)A 考查从属连词。这里是时间状语从句,用when引导,表示“当他起身”。(9)B 考查动词短语。固定短语be filled with=be full of,意为“充满”。(10)D 考查从属连词。这里是宾语从句,根据句意“他解释说他并没有浪费水”可知,这里用that引导说明解释的具体内容。(11)C 考查定冠词。the same“同样的”。(12)A 考查定语从句。这里引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面的内容。(

18、13)A 考查固定搭配。let sb、do sth、“让某人做某事”,句意:这一次,我让他独自照顾小鹿。(14)C 考查代词辨析。这里用形容词性物主代词作定语,修饰job。(15)D 考查一般过去时的被动语态。根据后面的by可知,这里用被动语态。全文都是过去时态,应用一般过去时的被动语态。二、阅读填空2、【答案】 E,D,C,B,A【考点】九年级下说明文阅读句子还原型(类七选五)科普知识类阅读【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】(1)E 根据前文句意为:未来的汽车会是什么样子?将来我们还得自己学开车吗?答案是否定的。推测可知下文会说未来的汽车。E项:也许我们可以坐在一辆自动驾驶的汽车里。符合语境。(2

19、)D 根据前文句意:大约40年前,美国科学家开始开发自动驾驶汽车。后文句意:最近最著名的一次是xx年由谷歌制作的。可知需要一个过渡句承上启下,D项:这些年来他们取得了很大的进步。符合语境。(3)C 根据后文句意:这辆汽车从长沙开往了武汉。可知,这辆车在中国。C项:中国科学家还成功研发了一款自动驾驶汽车。符合语境。(4)B 根据前文句意:自动驾驶汽车安全吗? 推测可知,后文应该与自动驾驶汽车的安全性有关系。B项:最近的一项研究表明,机器人比人类更安全。符合语境。(5)A 根据前文,是说自动驾驶汽车非常的安全,文章最后一句却说:所以在不久的将来不可能很受欢迎。推测可知,应涉及自动驾驶汽车的劣势,A

20、项:然而,一辆自动驾驶汽车非常昂贵,每辆大约10万美元。符合语境。三、单词拼写3、【答案】 (1)received,(2)disagree,(3)unknown,(4)destroyed/damaged,(5)missing,(6)cause【考点】九年级下补全句子【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】(1)received 句意为:我昨天收到了电子朋友Jim的一封信。注意last week,所以要用一般过去时。(2)disagree 根据后文句意:我不认为UFO真正出现过,故前面是不同意。(3)unknown 根据句意:我们想要去探索许多未知的事物。unknown“未知的”。(4)destroyed/

21、damaged 根据句意可知:地震在一夜之间就摧毁了整个城市。注意一下时态,应该用一般过去时。(5)missing 句意为:警察们正在全山寻找那个失踪的登山者。missing“失踪的,丢失的”。(6)cause 句意为:交通拥挤可能导致空气污染。c ause“导致”,情态动词后加动词原形。四、完成句子4、【答案】 (1)cruel of; to kill,(2)was writing; was cleaning,(3)In order to buy,(4)where the highest mountain,(5)was divided,(6)If you want to,(7)used to

22、 set out/off【考点】九年级上汉译英【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】(1)cruel of; to kill 此处考查固定句型。It isadj、of sb、 to do sth、意为“做事,某人真的是”根据汉语和英语意思对比,“残忍的”为cruel,补全这个句式,故填cruel of; to kill。(2)was writing; was cleaning 此处while引导从句,表示对比,这时要有同时发生的意思。此句表示同时发生,且动作正在延续,故应用过去进行时,主从句主语都是第三人称单数,故填was writing; was cleaning。(3)In order to buy

23、 根据汉语和英语翻译对比,此处缺少表达“为了给买”英语中固定搭配“为了”是in order to do。故填In order to buy。(4)where the highest mountain 分析句子和句意,此句是一个宾语从句,缺少从句部分的引导词和主语,宾语从句部分要用陈述语序,且问的是“最高的山在哪里”,故填where the highest mountain 。(5)was divided 根据句意,机器与分成几部分之间的关系是被动关系,应用被动语态,动作已完成,应用一般过去时。divideinto分成,故填was divided。(6)If you want to 根据句意分析,此处是一个If引导的条件状语从句,如果主句是祈使句或是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时代替将来时,故填If you want to。(7)used to set out/off 根据句意考查“过去常常”这个短语,为used to do,set out/off“出发”故填used to set out/off 。

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